Current observations suggest that the expansion of the universe
will continue forever. The prevailing theory is that the universe will
cool as it expands, eventually becoming too cold to sustain life. For
this reason, this future scenario once popularly called "Heat Death" is now known as the "Big Chill" or "Big Freeze".
If dark energy—represented by the cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space homogeneously, or scalar fields, such as quintessence or moduli, dynamic
quantities whose energy density can vary in time and space—accelerates
the expansion of the universe, then the space between clusters of galaxies will grow at an increasing rate. Redshift will stretch ancient ambient photons (including gamma rays) to undetectably long wavelengths and low energies. Stars are expected to form normally for 1012 to 1014 (1–100 trillion) years, but eventually the supply of gas needed for star formation will be exhausted. As existing stars run out of fuel and cease to shine, the universe will slowly and inexorably grow darker. According to theories that predict proton decay, the stellar remnants left behind will disappear, leaving behind only black holes, which themselves eventually disappear as they emit Hawking radiation. Ultimately, if the universe reaches thermodynamic equilibrium, a state in which the temperature approaches a uniform value, no further work will be possible, resulting in a final heat death of the universe.
Infinite expansion does not constrain the overall spatial curvature of the universe.
It can be open (with negative spatial curvature), flat, or closed
(positive spatial curvature), although if it is closed, sufficient dark energy must be present to counteract the gravitational forces or else the universe will end in a Big Crunch.
Observations of the Cosmic microwave background by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and the Planck mission suggest that the universe is spatially flat and has a significant amount of dark energy.
In this case, the universe might continue to expand at an accelerating
rate. The acceleration of the universe's expansion has also been
confirmed by observations of distant supernovae. If, as in the concordance model of physical cosmology (Lambda-cold dark matter or ΛCDM), dark energy is in the form of a cosmological constant, the expansion will eventually become exponential, with the size of the universe doubling at a constant rate.
If the theory of inflation
is correct, the universe went through an episode dominated by a
different form of dark energy in the first moments of the Big Bang; but
inflation ended, indicating an equation of state much more complicated
than those assumed so far for present-day dark energy. It is possible
that the dark energy equation of state could change again resulting in
an event that would have consequences which are extremely difficult to
parametrize or predict.
Future history
In the 1970s, the future of an expanding universe was studied by the astrophysicist Jamal Islam and the physicist Freeman Dyson. Then, in their 1999 book The Five Ages of the Universe, the astrophysicists Fred Adams and Gregory Laughlin divided the past and future history of an expanding universe into five eras. The first, the Primordial Era, is the time in the past just after the Big Bang when stars had not yet formed. The second, the Stelliferous Era, includes the present day and all of the stars and galaxies now seen. It is the time during which stars form from collapsing clouds of gas. In the subsequent Degenerate Era, the stars will have burnt out, leaving all stellar-mass objects as stellar remnants—white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. In the Black Hole Era, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and other smaller astronomical objects have been destroyed by proton decay, leaving only black holes. Finally, in the Dark Era, even black holes have disappeared, leaving only a dilute gas of photons and leptons.
This future history and the timeline below assume the continued
expansion of the universe. If space in the universe begins to contract,
subsequent events in the timeline may not occur because the Big Crunch, the collapse of the universe into a hot, dense state similar to that after the Big Bang, will prevail.
From the present to about 1014 (100 trillion) years after the Big Bang
An image of many stars.
LH 95 star forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The image was
taken using the Hubble Space Telescope. Source: European Space Agency
The observable universe is currently 1.38×1010 (13.8 billion) years old. This time lies within the Stelliferous Era. About 155 million years after the Big Bang, the first star formed. Since then, stars have formed by the collapse of small, dense core regions in large, cold molecular clouds of hydrogen gas. At first, this produces a protostar, which is hot and bright because of energy generated by gravitational contraction. After the protostar contracts for a while, its core could become hot enough to fuse
hydrogen, if it exceeds critical mass, a process called 'stellar
ignition' occurs, and its lifetime as a star will properly begin.
The Andromeda Galaxy is approximately 2.5 million light years away from our galaxy, the Milky Way
galaxy, and they are moving towards each other at approximately 300
kilometers (186 miles) per second. Approximately five billion years from
now, or 19 billion years after the Big Bang, the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy will collide with one another
and merge into one large galaxy based on current evidence. Up until
2012, there was no way to confirm whether the possible collision was
going to happen or not. In 2012, researchers came to the conclusion that the collision is definite after using the Hubble Space Telescope between 2002 and 2010 to track the motion of Andromeda. This results in the formation of Milkdromeda (also known as Milkomeda).
22 billion years in the future is the earliest possible end of the Universe in the Big Rip scenario, assuming a model of dark energy with w = −1.5.
Coalescence of Local Group and galaxies outside the Local Supercluster are no longer accessible
1011 (100 billion) to 1012 (1 trillion) years
The galaxies in the Local Group,
the cluster of galaxies which includes the Milky Way and the Andromeda
Galaxy, are gravitationally bound to each other. It is expected that
between 1011 (100 billion) and 1012 (1 trillion) years from now, their orbits will decay and the entire Local Group will merge into one large galaxy.
Assuming that dark energy continues to make the universe expand at an accelerating rate, in about 150 billion years all galaxies outside the Local Supercluster will pass behind the cosmological horizon.
It will then be impossible for events in the Local Supercluster to
affect other galaxies. Similarly, it will be impossible for events after
150 billion years, as seen by observers in distant galaxies, to affect
events in the Local Supercluster.
However, an observer in the Local Supercluster will continue to see
distant galaxies, but events they observe will become exponentially more
as the galaxy approaches the horizon until time in the distant galaxy
seems to stop. The observer in the Local Supercluster never observes
events after 150 billion years in their local time, and eventually all
light and background radiation
lying outside the Local Supercluster will appear to blink out as light
becomes so redshifted that its wavelength has become longer than the
physical diameter of the horizon.
Technically, it will take an infinitely long time for all causal
interaction between the Local Supercluster and this light to cease.
However, due to the redshifting explained above, the light will not
necessarily be observed for an infinite amount of time, and after
150 billion years, no new causal interaction will be observed.
Therefore, after 150 billion years, intergalactic transportation
and communication beyond the Local Supercluster becomes causally
Luminosities of galaxies begin to diminish
8×1011 (800 billion) years
(800 billion) years from now, the luminosities of the different
galaxies, approximately similar until then to the current ones thanks to
the increasing luminosity of the remaining stars as they age, will
start to decrease, as the less massive red dwarf stars begin to die as white dwarfs.
Galaxies outside the Local Supercluster are no longer detectable
2×1012 (2 trillion) years
2×1012 (2 trillion) years from now, all galaxies outside the Local Supercluster will be redshifted to such an extent that even gamma rays they emit will have wavelengths longer than the size of the observable universe of the time. Therefore, these galaxies will no longer be detectable in any way.
Degenerate Era
From 1014 (100 trillion) to 1040 (10 duodecillion) years
By 1014 (100 trillion) years from now, star formation will end. This period, known as the "Degenerate Era", will last until the degenerate remnants finally decay. The least-massive stars take the longest to exhaust their hydrogen fuel (see stellar evolution). Thus, the longest living stars in the universe are low-mass red dwarfs, with a mass of about 0.08 solar masses (M☉), which have a lifetime of over 1013 (10 trillion) years. Coincidentally, this is comparable to the length of time over which star formation takes place. Once star formation ends and the least-massive red dwarfs exhaust their fuel, nuclear fusion will cease. The low-mass red dwarfs will cool and become black dwarfs. The only objects remaining with more than planetary mass will be brown dwarfs, with mass less than 0.08 M☉, and degenerate remnants; white dwarfs, produced by stars with initial masses between about 0.08 and 8 solar masses; and neutron stars and black holes, produced by stars with initial masses over 8 M☉. Most of the mass of this collection, approximately 90%, will be in the form of white dwarfs. In the absence of any energy source, all of these formerly luminous bodies will cool and become faint.
The universe will become extremely dark after the last stars burn
out. Even so, there can still be occasional light in the universe. One
of the ways the universe can be illuminated is if two carbon–oxygen white dwarfs with a combined mass of more than the Chandrasekhar limit of about 1.4 solar masses happen to merge. The resulting object will then undergo runaway thermonuclear fusion, producing a Type Ia supernova and dispelling the darkness of the Degenerate Era for a few weeks. Neutron stars could also collide,
forming even brighter supernovae and dispelling up to 6 solar masses of
degenerate gas into the interstellar medium. The resulting matter from
these supernovae could potentially create new stars. If the combined mass is not above the Chandrasekhar limit but is larger than the minimum mass to fuse carbon (about 0.9 M☉), a carbon star could be produced, with a lifetime of around 106 (1 million) years. Also, if two helium white dwarfs with a combined mass of at least 0.3 M☉ collide, a helium star may be produced, with a lifetime of a few hundred million years. Finally, brown dwarfs could form new stars by colliding with each other to form red dwarf stars, which can survive for 1013 (10 trillion) years, or by accreting gas at very slow rates from the remaining interstellar medium until they have enough mass to start hydrogen burning as red dwarfs. This process, at least on white dwarfs, could induce Type Ia supernovae.
Planets fall or are flung from orbits by a close encounter with another star
Stellar remnants escape galaxies or fall into black holes
1019 to 1020 (10 to 100 quintillion) years
Over time, objects in a galaxy exchange kinetic energy in a process called dynamical relaxation, making their velocity distribution approach the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution.
Dynamical relaxation can proceed either by close encounters of two
stars or by less violent but more frequent distant encounters. In the case of a close encounter, two brown dwarfs or stellar remnants
will pass close to each other. When this happens, the trajectories of
the objects involved in the close encounter change slightly, in such a
way that their kinetic energies
are more nearly equal than before. After a large number of encounters,
then, lighter objects tend to gain speed while the heavier objects lose
Because of dynamical relaxation, some objects will gain just enough energy to reach galactic escape velocity
and depart the galaxy, leaving behind a smaller, denser galaxy. Since
encounters are more frequent in this denser galaxy, the process then
accelerates. The result is that most objects (90% to 99%) are ejected
from the galaxy, leaving a small fraction (maybe 1% to 10%) which fall
into the central supermassive black hole. It has been suggested that the matter of the fallen remnants will form an accretion disk around it that will create a quasar, as long as enough matter is present there.
The following timeline assumes that protons do decay.
Chance: 1032 (100 nonillion) – 1042 years (1 tredecillion)
The subsequent evolution of the universe depends on the possibility and rate of proton decay. Experimental evidence shows that if the proton is unstable, it has a half-life of at least 1035 years. Some of the Grand Unified theories (GUTs) predict long-term proton instability between 1032 and 1038 years, with the upper bound on standard (non-supersymmetry) proton decay at 1.4×1036 years and an overall upper limit maximum for any proton decay (including supersymmetry models) at 6×1042 years. Recent research showing proton lifetime (if unstable) at or exceeding 1036–1037 year range rules out simpler GUTs and most non-supersymmetry models.
Neutrons bound into nuclei
are also suspected to decay with a half-life comparable to that of
protons. Planets (substellar objects) would decay in a simple cascade
process from heavier elements to hydrogen and finally to photons and
leptons while radiating energy.
If the proton does not decay at all, then stellar objects would still disappear, but more slowly.
Shorter or longer proton half-lives will accelerate or decelerate the process. This means that after 1040
years (the maximum proton half-life used by Adams & Laughlin
(1997)), one-half of all baryonic matter will have been converted into gamma rayphotons and leptons through proton decay.
All nucleons decay
1043 (10 tredecillion) years
Given our assumed half-life of the proton, nucleons (protons and bound neutrons) will have undergone roughly 1,000 half-lives by the time the universe is 1043 years old. This means that there will be roughly 0.51,000 (approximately 10−301) as many nucleons; as there are an estimated 1080 protons currently in the universe, none will remain at the end of the Degenerate Age. Effectively, all baryonic matter will have been changed into photons and leptons. Some models predict the formation of stable positronium atoms with diameters greater than the observable universe's current diameter (roughly 6 ×1034 metres) in 1098 years, and that these will in turn decay to gamma radiation in 10176 years.
Supermassive black holes are expected to outlast proton decay, but will eventually evaporate completely.
If protons decay on higher-order nuclear processes
Chance: 1076 to 10220 years
If the proton does not decay according to the theories described
above, then the Degenerate Era will last longer, and will overlap or
surpass the Black Hole Era. On a time scale of 1065 years solid matter is theorized to potentially rearrange its atoms and molecules via quantum tunneling, and may behave as liquid and become smooth spheres due to diffusion and gravity. Degenerate stellar objects can potentially still experience proton decay, for example via processes involving the Adler–Bell–Jackiw anomaly, virtual black holes, or higher-dimension supersymmetry possibly with a half-life of under 10220 years.
Although protons are stable in standard model physics, a quantum anomaly may exist on the electroweak level, which can cause groups of baryons (protons and neutrons) to annihilate into antileptons via the sphaleron transition. Such baryon/lepton violations
have a number of 3 and can only occur in multiples or groups of three
baryons, which can restrict or prohibit such events. No experimental
evidence of sphalerons has yet been observed at low energy levels,
though they are believed to occur regularly at high energies and
1043 (10 tredecillion) years to approximately 10100 (1 googol) years, up to 10110 years for the largest supermassive black holes
After 1043 years, black holes will dominate the universe. They will slowly evaporate via Hawking radiation.A black hole with a mass of around 1 M☉ will vanish in around 2×1064
years. As the lifetime of a black hole is proportional to the cube of
its mass, more massive black holes take longer to decay. A supermassive
black hole with a mass of 1011 (100 billion) M☉ will evaporate in around 2×1093 years.
The largest black holes in the universe are predicted to continue to grow. Larger black holes of up to 1014 (100 trillion) M☉ may form during the collapse of superclusters of galaxies. Even these would evaporate over a timescale of 10109 to 10110 years.
Hawking radiation has a thermal spectrum.
During most of a black hole's lifetime, the radiation has a low
temperature and is mainly in the form of massless particles such as photons and hypothetical gravitons. As the black hole's mass decreases, its temperature increases, becoming comparable to the Sun's by the time the black hole mass has decreased to 1019
kilograms. The hole then provides a temporary source of light during
the general darkness of the Black Hole Era. During the last stages of
its evaporation, a black hole will emit not only massless particles, but
also heavier particles, such as electrons, positrons, protons, and antiprotons.
Dark Era and Photon Age
From 10100 years (10 duotrigintillion years or 1 googol years) and beyond
By this era, with only very diffuse matter remaining, activity in
the universe will eventually tail off dramatically (compared with
previous eras), with very low energy levels and very large time scales,
with events taking a very long time to happen if they ever happen at
all. Electrons and positrons drifting through space will encounter one
another and occasionally form positronium
atoms. These structures are unstable, however, and their constituent
particles must eventually annihilate. However, most electrons and
positrons will remain unbound.
Other low-level annihilation events will also take place, albeit
extremely slowly. The universe now reaches an extremely low-energy
Future without proton decay
If protons do not decay, stellar-mass objects will still become black holes, although even more slowly. The following timeline that assumes proton decay does not take place.
All matter will slowly decay into iron which will take from 101100 to 1032000 years.
In 101500 years, cold fusion occurring via quantum tunneling should make the light nuclei in stellar-mass objects fuse into iron-56 nuclei (see isotopes of iron). Fission and alpha particle emission should make heavy nuclei also decay to iron, leaving stellar-mass objects as cold spheres of iron, called iron stars. Before this happens, however, in some black dwarfs the process is expected to lower their Chandrasekhar limit resulting in a supernova in 101100 years. Non-degenerate silicon has been calculated to tunnel to iron in approximately 1032000 years.
Black Hole Era
Collapse of iron stars to black holes
101030 to 1010105 years from now
Quantum tunneling should also turn large objects into black holes,
which (on these timescales) will instantaneously evaporate into
subatomic particles. Depending on the assumptions made, the time this
takes to happen can be calculated as from 101026 years to 101076 years. Quantum tunneling may also make iron stars collapse into neutron stars in around 101076 years.
Dark Era (without proton decay)
1010105 to 1010120 years from now
With black holes having evaporated, nearly all baryonic matter will
have now decayed into subatomic particles (electrons, neutrons, protons,
and quarks). The universe is now an almost pure vacuum (possibly
accompanied with the presence of a false vacuum). The expansion of the universe slowly causes itself to cool down to absolute zero. The universe now reaches an even lower energy state than the earlier one mentioned.
Beyond 102500 years if proton decay occurs, or 101076 years without proton decay
Whatever event happens beyond this era is highly speculative. It is possible that a Big Rip event may occur far off into the future. This singularity would take place at a finite scale factor.
If the current vacuum state is a false vacuum, the vacuum may decay into an even lower-energy state.
Presumably, extreme low-energy states
imply that localized quantum events become major macroscopic phenomena
rather than negligible microscopic events because even the smallest
perturbations make the biggest difference in this era, so there is no
telling what will or might happen to space or time. It is perceived that
the laws of "macro-physics" will break down, and the laws of quantum
physics will prevail.
The universe could possibly avoid eternal heat death through random quantum tunneling and quantum fluctuations, given the non-zero probability of producing a new Big Bang creating a new universe in roughly 10101056 years.
Massive black dwarfs could also potentially explode into supernovae after up to 1032000 years, assuming protons do not decay.
The possibilities above are based on a simple form of dark energy.
However, the physics of dark energy are still a very speculative area
of research, and the actual form of dark energy could be much more
Earth has a dynamic atmosphere, which sustains Earth's surface conditions and protects it from most meteoroids and UV-light at entry. It has a composition of primarily nitrogen and oxygen. Water vapor is widely present in the atmosphere, forming clouds that cover most of the planet. The water vapor acts as a greenhouse gas and, together with other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), creates the conditions for both liquid surface water and water vapor to persist via the capturing of energy from the Sun's light.
This process maintains the current average surface temperature of
14.76 °C (58.57 °F), at which water is liquid under normal atmospheric
pressure. Differences in the amount of captured energy between
geographic regions (as with the equatorial region receiving more sunlight than the polar regions) drive atmospheric and ocean currents, producing a global climate system with different climate regions, and a range of weather phenomena such as precipitation, allowing components such as nitrogen to cycle.
Historically, "Earth" has been written in lowercase. Beginning with the use of Early Middle English, its definite sense as "the globe" was expressed as "the earth". By the era of Early Modern English, capitalization of nouns began to prevail, and the earth was also written the Earth, particularly when referenced along with other heavenly bodies. More recently, the name is sometimes simply given as Earth, by analogy with the names of the other planets, though "earth" and forms with "the earth" remain common. House styles now vary: Oxford spelling
recognizes the lowercase form as the more common, with the capitalized
form an acceptable variant. Another convention capitalizes "Earth" when
appearing as a name, such as a description of the "Earth's atmosphere",
but employs the lowercase when it is preceded by "the", such as "the
atmosphere of the earth". It almost always appears in lowercase in
colloquial expressions such as "what on earth are you doing?"
The name Terra/ˈtɛrə/
occasionally is used in scientific writing and especially in science
fiction to distinguish humanity's inhabited planet from others, while in poetry Tellus/ˈtɛləs/ has been used to denote personification of the Earth. Terra is also the name of the planet in some Romance languages, languages that evolved from Latin, like Italian and Portuguese, while in other Romance languages the word gave rise to names with slightly altered spellings, like the SpanishTierra and the FrenchTerre. The Latinate form Gæa or Gaea (English: /ˈdʒiː.ə/) of the Greek poetic name Gaia (Γαῖα; Ancient Greek:[ɡâi̯.a] or [ɡâj.ja]) is rare, though the alternative spelling Gaia has become common due to the Gaia hypothesis, in which case its pronunciation is /ˈɡaɪ.ə/ rather than the more classical English /ˈɡeɪ.ə/.
There are a number of adjectives for the planet Earth. The word "earthly" is derived from "Earth". From the LatinTerra comes terran/ˈtɛrən/, terrestrial/təˈrɛstriəl/, and (via French) terrene/təˈriːn/, and from the Latin Tellus comes tellurian/tɛˈlʊəriən/ and telluric.
A 2012 artistic impression of the early Solar System's protoplanetary disk from which Earth and other Solar System bodies were formed
The oldest material found in the Solar System is dated to 4.5682+0.0002 −0.0004Ga (billion years) ago. By 4.54±0.04 Ga the primordial Earth had formed. The bodies in the Solar System formed and evolved with the Sun. In theory, a solar nebula partitions a volume out of a molecular cloud by gravitational collapse, which begins to spin and flatten into a circumstellar disk, and then the planets grow out of that disk with the Sun. A nebula contains gas, ice grains, and dust (including primordial nuclides). According to nebular theory, planetesimals formed by accretion, with the primordial Earth being estimated as likely taking anywhere from 70 to 100 million years to form.
Estimates of the age of the Moon range from 4.5 Ga to significantly younger. A leading hypothesis is that it was formed by accretion from material loosed from Earth after a Mars-sized object with about 10% of Earth's mass, named Theia, collided with Earth. It hit Earth with a glancing blow and some of its mass merged with Earth. Between approximately 4.1 and 3.8 Ga, numerous asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment caused significant changes to the greater surface environment of the Moon and, by inference, to that of Earth.
As the molten outer layer of Earth cooled it formed the first solid crust, which is thought to have been mafic in composition. The first continental crust, which was more felsic in composition, formed by the partial melting of this mafic crust. The presence of grains of the mineral zircon of Hadean age in Eoarcheansedimentary rocks suggests that at least some felsic crust existed as early as 4.4 Ga, only 140 Ma after Earth's formation. There are two main models of how this initial small volume of continental crust evolved to reach its current abundance: (1) a relatively steady growth up to the present day,
which is supported by the radiometric dating of continental crust
globally and (2) an initial rapid growth in the volume of continental
crust during the Archean, forming the bulk of the continental crust that now exists, which is supported by isotopic evidence from hafnium in zircons and neodymium in sedimentary rocks. The two models and the data that support them can be reconciled by large-scale recycling of the continental crust, particularly during the early stages of Earth's history.
New continental crust forms as a result of plate tectonics, a process ultimately driven by the continuous loss of heat from Earth's interior. Over the period of hundreds of millions of years, tectonic forces have caused areas of continental crust to group together to form supercontinents that have subsequently broken apart. At approximately 750 Ma, one of the earliest known supercontinents, Rodinia, began to break apart. The continents later recombined to form Pannotia at 600–540 Ma, then finally Pangaea, which also began to break apart at 180 Ma.
The most recent pattern of ice ages began about 40 Ma, and then intensified during the Pleistocene about 3 Ma. High- and middle-latitude regions have since undergone repeated cycles of glaciation and thaw, repeating about every 21,000, 41,000 and 100,000 years. The Last Glacial Period,
colloquially called the "last ice age", covered large parts of the
continents, to the middle latitudes, in ice and ended about 11,700 years
An artist's impression of the Archean, the eon after Earth's formation, featuring round stromatolites, which are early oxygen-producing forms of life from billions of years ago. After the Late Heavy Bombardment, Earth's crust had cooled, its water-rich barren surface is marked by continents and volcanoes, with the Moon still orbiting Earth half as far as it is today, appearing 2.8 times larger and producing strong tides.
During the Neoproterozoic, 1000 to 539 Ma, much of Earth might have been covered in ice. This hypothesis has been termed "Snowball Earth", and it is of particular interest because it preceded the Cambrian explosion, when multicellular life forms significantly increased in complexity.Following the Cambrian explosion, 535 Ma, there have been at least five major mass extinctions and many minor ones. Apart from the proposed current Holocene extinction event, the most recent was 66 Ma, when an asteroid impact triggered the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs and other large reptiles, but largely spared small animals such as insects, mammals, lizards and birds. Mammalian life has diversified over the past 66 Mys, and several million years ago, an African ape species gained the ability to stand upright.
This facilitated tool use and encouraged communication that provided
the nutrition and stimulation needed for a larger brain, which led to
the evolution of humans. The development of agriculture, and then civilization, led to humans having an influence on Earth and the nature and quantity of other life forms that continues to this day.
Conjectured illustration of the scorched Earth after the Sun has entered the red giant phase, about 5–7 billion years in the future
Earth's expected long-term future is tied to that of the Sun. Over the next 1.1 billion years, solar luminosity will increase by 10%, and over the next 3.5 billion years by 40%. Earth's increasing surface temperature will accelerate the inorganic carbon cycle, possibly reducing CO2 concentration to levels lethally low for current plants (10 ppm for C4 photosynthesis) in approximately 100–900 million years. A lack of vegetation would result in the loss of oxygen in the atmosphere, making current animal life impossible.
Due to the increased luminosity, Earth's mean temperature may reach
100 °C (212 °F) in 1.5 billion years, and all ocean water will evaporate
and be lost to space, which may trigger a runaway greenhouse effect, within an estimated 1.6 to 3 billion years. Even if the Sun were stable, a fraction of the water in the modern oceans will descend to the mantle, due to reduced steam venting from mid-ocean ridges.
The Sun will evolve to become a red giant in about 5 billion years. Models predict that the Sun will expand to roughly 1 AU (150 million km; 93 million mi), about 250 times its present radius.Earth's fate is less clear. As a red giant, the Sun will lose roughly
30% of its mass, so, without tidal effects, Earth will move to an orbit
1.7 AU (250 million km; 160 million mi) from the Sun when the star
reaches its maximum radius, otherwise, with tidal effects, it may enter
the Sun's atmosphere and be vaporized.
Due to Earth's rotation it has the shape of an ellipsoid, bulging at its Equator; its diameter is 43 kilometres (27 mi) longer there than at its poles. Earth's shape also has local topographic variations; the largest local variations, like the Mariana Trench (10,925 metres or 35,843 feet below local sea level), shortens Earth's average radius by 0.17% and Mount Everest (8,848 metres or 29,029 feet above local sea level) lengthens it by 0.14%. Since Earth's surface is farthest out from its center of mass at its equatorial bulge, the summit of the volcano Chimborazo in Ecuador (6,384.4 km or 3,967.1 mi) is its farthest point out. Parallel to the rigid land topography the ocean exhibits a more dynamic topography.
To measure the local variation of Earth's topography, geodesy employs an idealized Earth producing a geoid
shape. Such a shape is gained if the ocean is idealized, covering Earth
completely and without any perturbations such as tides and winds. The
result is a smooth but irregular geoid surface, providing a mean sea
level (MSL) as a reference level for topographic measurements.
Earth's surface is the boundary between the atmosphere, and the solid
Earth and oceans. Defined in this way, it has an area of about
510 million km2 (197 million sq mi). Earth can be divided into two hemispheres: by latitude into the polar Northern and Southern hemispheres; or by longitude into the continental Eastern and Western hemispheres.
Earth's land covers 29.2%, or 149 million km2
(58 million sq mi) of Earth's surface. The land surface includes many
islands around the globe, but most of the land surface is taken by the
four continental landmasses, which are (in descending order): Africa-Eurasia, America (landmass), Antarctica, and Australia (landmass).These landmasses are further broken down and grouped into the continents. The terrain of the land surface varies greatly and consists of mountains, deserts, plains, plateaus, and other landforms. The elevation of the land surface varies from a low point of −418 m (−1,371 ft) at the Dead Sea, to a maximum altitude of 8,848 m (29,029 ft) at the top of Mount Everest. The mean height of land above sea level is about 797 m (2,615 ft).
Land can be covered by surface water, snow, ice, artificial structures or vegetation. Most of Earth's land hosts vegetation, but considerable amounts of land are ice sheets (10%, not including the equally large area of land under permafrost) or deserts (33%).
The pedosphere is the outermost layer of Earth's land surface and is composed of soil and subject to soil formation processes. Soil is crucial for land to be arable. Earth's total arable land is 10.7% of the land surface, with 1.3% being permanent cropland. Earth has an estimated 16.7 million km2 (6.4 million sq mi) of cropland and 33.5 million km2 (12.9 million sq mi) of pastureland.
The land surface and the ocean floor form the top of Earth's crust, which together with parts of the upper mantle form Earth's lithosphere. Earth's crust may be divided into oceanic and continental crust. Beneath the ocean-floor sediments, the oceanic crust is predominantly basaltic, while the continental crust may include lower density materials such as granite, sediments and metamorphic rocks. Nearly 75% of the continental surfaces are covered by sedimentary rocks, although they form about 5% of the mass of the crust.
As the tectonic plates migrate, oceanic crust is subducted
under the leading edges of the plates at convergent boundaries. At the
same time, the upwelling of mantle material at divergent boundaries
creates mid-ocean ridges. The combination of these processes recycles
the oceanic crust back into the mantle. Due to this recycling, most of
the ocean floor is less than 100 Ma old. The oldest oceanic crust is located in the Western Pacific and is estimated to be 200 Ma old. By comparison, the oldest dated continental crust is 4,030 Ma, although zircons have been found preserved as clasts within Eoarchean sedimentary rocks that give ages up to 4,400 Ma, indicating that at least some continental crust existed at that time.
The seven major plates are the Pacific, North American, Eurasian, African, Antarctic, Indo-Australian, and South American. Other notable plates include the Arabian Plate, the Caribbean Plate, the Nazca Plate off the west coast of South America and the Scotia Plate in the southern Atlantic Ocean. The Australian Plate fused with the Indian Plate between 50 and 55 Ma. The fastest-moving plates are the oceanic plates, with the Cocos Plate advancing at a rate of 75 mm/a (3.0 in/year)
and the Pacific Plate moving 52–69 mm/a (2.0–2.7 in/year). At the other
extreme, the slowest-moving plate is the South American Plate,
progressing at a typical rate of 10.6 mm/a (0.42 in/year).
Earth's interior, like that of the other terrestrial planets, is divided into layers by their chemical or physical (rheological) properties. The outer layer is a chemically distinct silicate solid crust, which is underlain by a highly viscous solid mantle. The crust is separated from the mantle by the Mohorovičić discontinuity.
The thickness of the crust varies from about 6 kilometres (3.7 mi)
under the oceans to 30–50 km (19–31 mi) for the continents. The crust
and the cold, rigid, top of the upper mantle are collectively known as the lithosphere, which is divided into independently moving tectonic plates.
Beneath the lithosphere is the asthenosphere,
a relatively low-viscosity layer on which the lithosphere rides.
Important changes in crystal structure within the mantle occur at 410
and 660 km (250 and 410 mi) below the surface, spanning a transition zone that separates the upper and lower mantle. Beneath the mantle, an extremely low viscosity liquid outer core lies above a solid inner core. Earth's inner core may be rotating at a slightly higher angular velocity
than the remainder of the planet, advancing by 0.1–0.5° per year,
although both somewhat higher and much lower rates have also been
proposed. The radius of the inner core is about one-fifth of that of Earth. The density increases with depth. Among the Solar System's planetary-sized objects, Earth is the object with the highest density.
Earth's mass is approximately 5.97×1024kg (5.970 Yg). It is composed mostly of iron (32.1% by mass), oxygen (30.1%), silicon (15.1%), magnesium (13.9%), sulfur (2.9%), nickel (1.8%), calcium (1.5%), and aluminium (1.4%), with the remaining 1.2% consisting of trace amounts of other elements. Due to gravitational separation,
the core is primarily composed of the denser elements: iron (88.8%),
with smaller amounts of nickel (5.8%), sulfur (4.5%), and less than 1%
trace elements. The most common rock constituents of the crust are oxides. Over 99% of the crust is composed of various oxides of eleven elements, principally oxides containing silicon (the silicate minerals), aluminium, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, or sodium.
A map of heat flow from Earth's interior to the surface of Earth's crust, mostly along the oceanic ridges
The major heat-producing isotopes within Earth are potassium-40, uranium-238, and thorium-232. At the center, the temperature may be up to 6,000 °C (10,830 °F), and the pressure could reach 360 GPa (52 million psi).
Because much of the heat is provided by radioactive decay, scientists
postulate that early in Earth's history, before isotopes with short
half-lives were depleted, Earth's heat production was much higher. At
approximately 3 Gyr, twice the present-day heat would have been produced, increasing the rates of mantle convection and plate tectonics, and allowing the production of uncommon igneous rocks such as komatiites that are rarely formed today.
The mean heat loss from Earth is 87 mW m−2, for a global heat loss of 4.42×1013 W. A portion of the core's thermal energy is transported toward the crust by mantle plumes, a form of convection consisting of upwellings of higher-temperature rock. These plumes can produce hotspots and flood basalts. More of the heat in Earth is lost through plate tectonics, by mantle upwelling associated with mid-ocean ridges.
The final major mode of heat loss is through conduction through the
lithosphere, the majority of which occurs under the oceans.
The gravity of Earth is the acceleration that is imparted to objects due to the distribution of mass within Earth. Near Earth's surface, gravitational acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s2 (32 ft/s2).
Local differences in topography, geology, and deeper tectonic structure
cause local and broad regional differences in Earth's gravitational
field, known as gravity anomalies.
A schematic view of Earth's magnetosphere with solar wind flowing from left to right
The main part of Earth's magnetic field is generated in the core, the site of a dynamo
process that converts the kinetic energy of thermally and
compositionally driven convection into electrical and magnetic field
energy. The field extends outwards from the core, through the mantle,
and up to Earth's surface, where it is, approximately, a dipole.
The poles of the dipole are located close to Earth's geographic poles.
At the equator of the magnetic field, the magnetic-field strength at the
surface is 3.05×10−5T, with a magnetic dipole moment of 7.79×1022 Am2 at epoch 2000, decreasing nearly 6% per century (although it still remains stronger than its long time average). The convection movements in the core are chaotic; the magnetic poles drift and periodically change alignment. This causes secular variation of the main field and field reversals
at irregular intervals averaging a few times every million years. The
most recent reversal occurred approximately 700,000 years ago.
The extent of Earth's magnetic field in space defines the magnetosphere.
Ions and electrons of the solar wind are deflected by the
magnetosphere; solar wind pressure compresses the day-side of the
magnetosphere, to about 10 Earth radii, and extends the night-side
magnetosphere into a long tail. Because the velocity of the solar wind is greater than the speed at which waves propagate through the solar wind, a supersonic bow shock precedes the day-side magnetosphere within the solar wind. Charged particles
are contained within the magnetosphere; the plasmasphere is defined by
low-energy particles that essentially follow magnetic field lines as
Earth rotates. The ring current is defined by medium-energy particles that drift relative to the geomagnetic field, but with paths that are still dominated by the magnetic field, and the Van Allen radiation belts are formed by high-energy particles whose motion is essentially random, but contained in the magnetosphere. During magnetic storms and substorms,
charged particles can be deflected from the outer magnetosphere and
especially the magnetotail, directed along field lines into Earth's ionosphere, where atmospheric atoms can be excited and ionized, causing an aurora.
Earth's rotation period relative to the Sun—its mean solar day—is 86,400 seconds of mean solar time (86,400.0025 SI seconds). Because Earth's solar day is now slightly longer than it was during the 19th century due to tidal deceleration, each day varies between 0 and 2 ms longer than the mean solar day.
Earth's rotation period relative to the fixed stars, called its stellar day by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), is 86,164.0989 seconds of mean solar time (UT1), or 23h 56m 4.0989s. Earth's rotation period relative to the precessing or moving mean March equinox (when the Sun is at 90° on the equator), is 86,164.0905 seconds of mean solar time (UT1) (23h 56m 4.0905s). Thus the sidereal day is shorter than the stellar day by about 8.4 ms.
Apart from meteors within the atmosphere and low-orbiting
satellites, the main apparent motion of celestial bodies in Earth's sky
is to the west at a rate of 15°/h = 15'/min. For bodies near the celestial equator,
this is equivalent to an apparent diameter of the Sun or the Moon every
two minutes; from Earth's surface, the apparent sizes of the Sun and
the Moon are approximately the same.
Exaggerated illustration of Earth's elliptical orbit around the Sun, marking that the orbital extreme points (apoapsis and periapsis) are not the same as the four seasonal extreme points, the equinox and solstice
Earth orbits the Sun, making Earth the third-closest planet to the Sun and part of the inner Solar System. Earth's average orbital distance is about 150 million km (93 million mi), which is the basis for the astronomical unit (AU) and is equal to roughly 8.3 light minutes or 380 times Earth's distance to the Moon. Earth orbits the Sun every 365.2564 mean solar days, or one sidereal year.
With an apparent movement of the Sun in Earth's sky at a rate of about
1°/day eastward, which is one apparent Sun or Moon diameter every
12 hours. Due to this motion, on average it takes 24 hours—a solar
day—for Earth to complete a full rotation about its axis so that the Sun
returns to the meridian.
The orbital speed of Earth averages about 29.78 km/s
(107,200 km/h; 66,600 mph), which is fast enough to travel a distance
equal to Earth's diameter, about 12,742 km (7,918 mi), in seven minutes,
and the distance from Earth to the Moon, 384,400 km (238,900 mi), in
about 3.5 hours.
The Moon and Earth orbit a common barycenter
every 27.32 days relative to the background stars. When combined with
the Earth–Moon system's common orbit around the Sun, the period of the synodic month, from new moon to new moon, is 29.53 days. Viewed from the celestial north pole, the motion of Earth, the Moon, and their axial rotations are all counterclockwise.
Viewed from a vantage point above the Sun and Earth's north poles,
Earth orbits in a counterclockwise direction about the Sun. The orbital
and axial planes are not precisely aligned: Earth's axis is tilted some 23.44 degrees from the perpendicular to the Earth–Sun plane (the ecliptic),
and the Earth-Moon plane is tilted up to ±5.1 degrees against the
Earth–Sun plane. Without this tilt, there would be an eclipse every two
weeks, alternating between lunar eclipses and solar eclipses.
The Hill sphere, or the sphere of gravitational influence, of Earth is about 1.5 million km (930,000 mi) in radius.
This is the maximum distance at which Earth's gravitational influence
is stronger than that of the more distant Sun and planets. Objects must
orbit Earth within this radius, or they can become unbound by the
gravitational perturbation of the Sun. Earth, along with the Solar System, is situated in the Milky Way and orbits about 28,000 light-years from its center. It is about 20 light-years above the galactic plane in the Orion Arm.
Earth's axial tilt causing different angles of seasonal illumination at different orbital positions around the Sun
The axial tilt of Earth is approximately 23.439281° with the axis of its orbit plane, always pointing towards the Celestial Poles.
Due to Earth's axial tilt, the amount of sunlight reaching any given
point on the surface varies over the course of the year. This causes the
seasonal change in climate, with summer in the Northern Hemisphere occurring when the Tropic of Cancer is facing the Sun, and in the Southern Hemisphere when the Tropic of Capricorn faces the Sun. In each instance, winter occurs simultaneously in the opposite hemisphere.
During the summer, the day lasts longer, and the Sun climbs
higher in the sky. In winter, the climate becomes cooler and the days
shorter. Above the Arctic Circle and below the Antarctic Circle there is no daylight at all for part of the year, causing a polar night, and this night extends for several months at the poles themselves. These same latitudes also experience a midnight sun, where the sun remains visible all day.
By astronomical convention, the four seasons can be determined by
the solstices—the points in the orbit of maximum axial tilt toward or
away from the Sun—and the equinoxes, when Earth's rotational axis is aligned with its orbital axis. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter solstice currently occurs around 21 December; summer solstice is near 21 June, spring equinox is around 20 March and autumnal equinox
is about 22 or 23 September. In the Southern Hemisphere, the situation
is reversed, with the summer and winter solstices exchanged and the
spring and autumnal equinox dates swapped.
The angle of Earth's axial tilt is relatively stable over long periods of time. Its axial tilt does undergo nutation; a slight, irregular motion with a main period of 18.6 years. The orientation (rather than the angle) of Earth's axis also changes over time, precessing
around in a complete circle over each 25,800-year cycle; this
precession is the reason for the difference between a sidereal year and a
tropical year.
Both of these motions are caused by the varying attraction of the Sun
and the Moon on Earth's equatorial bulge. The poles also migrate a few
meters across Earth's surface. This polar motion has multiple, cyclical components, which collectively are termed quasiperiodic motion. In addition to an annual component to this motion, there is a 14-month cycle called the Chandler wobble. Earth's rotational velocity also varies in a phenomenon known as length-of-day variation.
Earth's annual orbit is elliptical rather than circular, and its closest approach to the Sun is called perihelion. In modern times, Earth's perihelion occurs around 3 January, and its aphelion
around 4 July. These dates shift over time due to precession and
changes to the orbit, the latter of which follows cyclical patterns
known as Milankovitch cycles.
The annual change in the Earth–Sun distance causes an increase of about
6.8% in solar energy reaching Earth at perihelion relative to aphelion. Because the Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun at about the
same time that Earth reaches the closest approach to the Sun, the
Southern Hemisphere receives slightly more energy from the Sun than does
the northern over the course of a year. This effect is much less
significant than the total energy change due to the axial tilt, and most
of the excess energy is absorbed by the higher proportion of water in
the Southern Hemisphere.
The Moon is a relatively large, terrestrial, planet-like natural satellite,
with a diameter about one-quarter of Earth's. It is the largest moon in
the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, although Charon is larger relative to the dwarf planetPluto. The natural satellites of other planets are also referred to as "moons", after Earth's. The most widely accepted theory of the Moon's origin, the giant-impact hypothesis,
states that it formed from the collision of a Mars-size protoplanet
called Theia with the early Earth. This hypothesis explains the Moon's
relative lack of iron and volatile elements and the fact that its
composition is nearly identical to that of Earth's crust. Computer simulations suggest that two blob-like remnants of this protoplanet could be inside the Earth.
The gravitational attraction between Earth and the Moon causes lunar tides on Earth. The same effect on the Moon has led to its tidal locking:
its rotation period is the same as the time it takes to orbit Earth. As
a result, it always presents the same face to the planet. As the Moon orbits Earth, different parts of its face are illuminated by the Sun, leading to the lunar phases. Due to their tidal interaction,
the Moon recedes from Earth at the rate of approximately 38 mm/a
(1.5 in/year). Over millions of years, these tiny modifications—and the
lengthening of Earth's day by about 23 μs/yr—add up to significant changes. During the Ediacaran period, for example, (approximately 620 Ma) there were 400±7 days in a year, with each day lasting 21.9±0.4 hours.
The Moon may have dramatically affected the development of life by moderating the planet's climate. Paleontological evidence and computer simulations show that Earth's axial tilt is stabilized by tidal interactions with the Moon. Some theorists think that without this stabilization against the torques
applied by the Sun and planets to Earth's equatorial bulge, the
rotational axis might be chaotically unstable, exhibiting large changes
over millions of years, as is the case for Mars, though this is
Viewed from Earth, the Moon is just far enough away to have almost the same apparent-sized disk as the Sun. The angular size (or solid angle)
of these two bodies match because, although the Sun's diameter is about
400 times as large as the Moon's, it is also 400 times more distant. This allows total and annular solar eclipses to occur on Earth.
As of September 2021, there are 4,550 operational, human-made satellites orbiting Earth. There are also inoperative satellites, including Vanguard 1, the oldest satellite currently in orbit, and over 16,000 pieces of tracked space debris.[n 13] Earth's largest artificial satellite is the International Space Station (ISS).
A view of Earth with its global ocean and cloud cover, which dominate Earth's surface and hydrosphere; at Earth's polar regions, its hydrosphere forms larger areas of ice cover.
Earth's hydrosphere is the sum of Earth's water and its distribution.
Most of Earth's hydrosphere consists of Earth's global ocean. Earth's
hydrosphere also consists of water in the atmosphere and on land,
including clouds, inland seas, lakes, rivers, and underground waters.
The mass of the oceans is approximately 1.35×1018metric tons or about 1/4400 of Earth's total mass. The oceans cover an area of 361.8 million km2 (139.7 million sq mi) with a mean depth of 3,682 m (12,080 ft), resulting in an estimated volume of 1.332 billion km3 (320 million cu mi).
If all of Earth's crustal surface were at the same elevation as a
smooth sphere, the depth of the resulting world ocean would be 2.7 to
2.8 km (1.68 to 1.74 mi). About 97.5% of the water is saline; the remaining 2.5% is fresh water. Most fresh water, about 68.7%, is present as ice in ice caps and glaciers. The remaining 30% is ground water, 1% surface water (covering only 2.8% of Earth's land) and other small forms of fresh water deposits such as permafrost, water vapor in the atmosphere, biological binding, etc.
In Earth's coldest regions, snow survives over the summer and changes into ice. This accumulated snow and ice eventually forms into glaciers, bodies of ice that flow under the influence of their own gravity. Alpine glaciers form in mountainous areas, whereas vast ice sheets form over land in polar regions. The flow of glaciers erodes the surface, changing it dramatically, with the formation of U-shaped valleys and other landforms. Sea ice
in the Arctic covers an area about as big as the United States,
although it is quickly retreating as a consequence of climate change.
The average salinity of Earth's oceans is about 35 grams of salt per kilogram of seawater (3.5% salt). Most of this salt was released from volcanic activity or extracted from cool igneous rocks.
The oceans are also a reservoir of dissolved atmospheric gases, which
are essential for the survival of many aquatic life forms. Sea water has an important influence on the world's climate, with the oceans acting as a large heat reservoir. Shifts in the oceanic temperature distribution can cause significant weather shifts, such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation.
The abundance of water, particularly liquid water, on Earth's
surface is a unique feature that distinguishes it from other planets in
the Solar System.
Solar System planets with considerable atmospheres do partly host
atmospheric water vapor, but they lack surface conditions for stable
surface water. Despite some moons showing signs of large reservoirs of extraterrestrial liquid water, with possibly even more volume than Earth's ocean, all of them are large bodies of water under a kilometers thick frozen surface layer.
The atmospheric pressure at Earth's sea level averages 101.325 kPa (14.696 psi), with a scale height of about 8.5 km (5.3 mi). A dry atmosphere is composed of 78.084% nitrogen, 20.946% oxygen, 0.934% argon, and trace amounts of carbon dioxide and other gaseous molecules. Water vapor content varies between 0.01% and 4% but averages about 1%. Clouds cover around two-thirds of Earth's surface, more so over oceans than land. The height of the troposphere
varies with latitude, ranging between 8 km (5 mi) at the poles to 17 km
(11 mi) at the equator, with some variation resulting from weather and
seasonal factors.
Earth's biosphere has significantly altered its atmosphere. Oxygenic photosynthesis evolved 2.7 Gya, forming the primarily nitrogen–oxygen atmosphere of today. This change enabled the proliferation of aerobic organisms and, indirectly, the formation of the ozone layer due to the subsequent conversion of atmospheric O2 into O3. The ozone layer blocks ultravioletsolar radiation, permitting life on land.
Other atmospheric functions important to life include transporting
water vapor, providing useful gases, causing small meteors to burn up
before they strike the surface, and moderating temperature. This last phenomenon is the greenhouse effect: trace molecules within the atmosphere serve to capture thermal energy emitted from the surface, thereby raising the average temperature. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone
are the primary greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Without this
heat-retention effect, the average surface temperature would be −18 °C
(0 °F), in contrast to the current +15 °C (59 °F), and life on Earth probably would not exist in its current form.
Earth's atmosphere has no definite boundary, gradually becoming thinner and fading into outer space.
Three-quarters of the atmosphere's mass is contained within the first
11 km (6.8 mi) of the surface; this lowest layer is called the
Energy from the Sun heats this layer, and the surface below, causing
expansion of the air. This lower-density air then rises and is replaced
by cooler, higher-density air. The result is atmospheric circulation that drives the weather and climate through redistribution of thermal energy.
The primary atmospheric circulation bands consist of the trade winds in the equatorial region below 30° latitude and the westerlies in the mid-latitudes between 30° and 60°. Ocean heat content and currents are also important factors in determining climate, particularly the thermohaline circulation that distributes thermal energy from the equatorial oceans to the polar regions.
Earth receives 1361 W/m2 of solar irradiance.
The amount of solar energy that reaches Earth's surface decreases with
increasing latitude. At higher latitudes, the sunlight reaches the
surface at lower angles, and it must pass through thicker columns of the
atmosphere. As a result, the mean annual air temperature at sea level
decreases by about 0.4 °C (0.7 °F) per degree of latitude from the
Earth's surface can be subdivided into specific latitudinal belts of
approximately homogeneous climate. Ranging from the equator to the polar
regions, these are the tropical (or equatorial), subtropical, temperate and polar climates.
Further factors that affect a location's climates are its proximity to oceans, the oceanic and atmospheric circulation, and topology.
Places close to oceans typically have colder summers and warmer
winters, due to the fact that oceans can store large amounts of heat.
The wind transports the cold or the heat of the ocean to the land.
Atmospheric circulation also plays an important role: San Francisco and
Washington DC are both coastal cities at about the same latitude. San
Francisco's climate is significantly more moderate as the prevailing
wind direction is from sea to land. Finally, temperatures decrease with height causing mountainous areas to be colder than low-lying areas.
Water vapor generated through surface evaporation is transported
by circulatory patterns in the atmosphere. When atmospheric conditions
permit an uplift of warm, humid air, this water condenses and falls to
the surface as precipitation.
Most of the water is then transported to lower elevations by river
systems and usually returned to the oceans or deposited into lakes. This
water cycle
is a vital mechanism for supporting life on land and is a primary
factor in the erosion of surface features over geological periods.
Precipitation patterns vary widely, ranging from several meters of water
per year to less than a millimeter. Atmospheric circulation,
topographic features, and temperature differences determine the average
precipitation that falls in each region.
Earth's night-side upper atmosphere appearing from the bottom as bands of afterglow illuminating the troposphere in orange with silhouettes of clouds, and the stratosphere in white and blue. Next the mesosphere (pink area) extends to the orange and faintly green line of the lowest airglow, at about one hundred kilometers at the edge of space and the lower edge of the thermosphere (invisible). Continuing with green and red bands of aurorae stretching over several hundred kilometers.
The upper atmosphere, the atmosphere above the troposphere, is usually divided into the stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. Each layer has a different lapse rate, defining the rate of change in temperature with height. Beyond these, the exosphere thins out into the magnetosphere, where the geomagnetic fields interact with the solar wind.
Within the stratosphere is the ozone layer, a component that partially
shields the surface from ultraviolet light and thus is important for
life on Earth. The Kármán line, defined as 100 km (62 mi) above Earth's surface, is a working definition for the boundary between the atmosphere and outer space.
Thermal energy causes some of the molecules at the outer edge of
the atmosphere to increase their velocity to the point where they can
escape from Earth's gravity. This causes a slow but steady loss of the atmosphere into space. Because unfixed hydrogen has a low molecular mass, it can achieve escape velocity more readily, and it leaks into outer space at a greater rate than other gases. The leakage of hydrogen into space contributes to the shifting of Earth's atmosphere and surface from an initially reducing
state to its current oxidizing one. Photosynthesis provided a source of
free oxygen, but the loss of reducing agents such as hydrogen is
thought to have been a necessary precondition for the widespread
accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere. Hence the ability of hydrogen to escape from the atmosphere may have influenced the nature of life that developed on Earth.
In the current, oxygen-rich atmosphere most hydrogen is converted into
water before it has an opportunity to escape. Instead, most of the
hydrogen loss comes from the destruction of methane in the upper
An animation of the changing density of productive vegetation on land (low in brown; heavy in dark green) and phytoplankton at the ocean surface (low in purple; high in yellow)
Earth is the only known place that has ever been habitable
for life. Earth's life developed in Earth's early bodies of water some
hundred million years after Earth formed. Earth's life has been shaping
and inhabiting many particular ecosystems on Earth and has eventually expanded globally forming an overarching biosphere.
Earth provides liquid water—an environment where complex organic molecules can assemble and interact, and sufficient energy to sustain a metabolism. Plants and other organisms take up nutrients from water, soils and the atmosphere. These nutrients are constantly recycled between different species.
Originating from earlier primates in Eastern Africa 300,000years ago humans have since been migrating and with the advent of agriculture in the 10th millennium BC increasingly settling Earth's land. In the 20th century Antarctica had been the last continent to see a first and until today limited human presence.
Human population has since the 19th century grown exponentially to seven billion in the early 2010s, and is projected to peak at around ten billion in the second half of the 21st century. Most of the growth is expected to take place in sub-Saharan Africa.
Distribution and density of human population varies greatly around the world with the majority living in south to eastern Asia and 90% inhabiting only the Northern Hemisphere of Earth, partly due to the hemispherical predominance of the world's land mass, with 68% of the world's land mass being in the Northern Hemisphere.
Furthermore, since the 19th century humans have increasingly converged
into urban areas with the majority living in urban areas by the 21st
Beyond Earth's surface humans have lived on a temporary basis, with only a few special-purpose deep underground and underwater presences and a few space stations.
The human population virtually completely remains on Earth's surface,
fully depending on Earth and the environment it sustains. Since the
second half of the 20th century, some hundreds of humans have
temporarily stayed beyond Earth, a tiny fraction of whom have reached another celestial body, the Moon.
Earth has been subject to extensive human settlement, and humans
have developed diverse societies and cultures. Most of Earth's land has
been territorially claimed since the 19th century by sovereign states (countries) separated by political borders, and 205 such states exist today, with only parts of Antarctica and a few small regions remaining unclaimed. Most of these states together form the United Nations, the leading worldwide intergovernmental organization, which extends human governance over the ocean and Antarctica, and therefore all of Earth.
Earth has resources that have been exploited by humans. Those termed non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels, are only replenished over geological timescales. Large deposits of fossil fuels are obtained from Earth's crust, consisting of coal, petroleum, and natural gas. These deposits are used by humans both for energy production and as feedstock for chemical production. Mineral ore bodies have also been formed within the crust through a process of ore genesis, resulting from actions of magmatism, erosion, and plate tectonics. These metals and other elements are extracted by mining, a process which often brings environmental and health damage.
Earth's biosphere produces many useful biological products for humans, including food, wood, pharmaceuticals, oxygen, and the recycling of organic waste. The land-based ecosystem depends upon topsoil and fresh water, and the oceanic ecosystem depends on dissolved nutrients washed down from the land. In 2019, 39 million km2 (15 million sq mi) of Earth's land surface consisted of forest and woodlands, 12 million km2 (4.6 million sq mi) was shrub and grassland, 40 million km2 (15 million sq mi) were used for animal feed production and grazing, and 11 million km2 (4.2 million sq mi) were cultivated as croplands. Of the 12–14% of ice-free land that is used for croplands, 2 percentage points were irrigated in 2015. Humans use building materials to construct shelters.
in average surface air temperature and drivers for that change. Human
activity has caused increased temperatures, with natural forces adding
some variability.
Human activities have impacted Earth's environments. Through
activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, humans have been
increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, altering Earth's energy budget and climate. It is estimated that global temperatures in the year 2020 were 1.2 °C (2.2 °F) warmer than the preindustrial baseline. This increase in temperature, known as global warming, has contributed to the melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, increased risk of drought and wildfires, and migration of species to colder areas.
The concept of planetary boundaries was introduced to quantify humanity's impact on Earth. Of the nine identified boundaries, five have been crossed: Biosphere integrity, climate change, chemical pollution, destruction of wild habitats and the nitrogen cycle are thought to have passed the safe threshold.
As of 2018, no country meets the basic needs of its population without
transgressing planetary boundaries. It is thought possible to provide
all basic physical needs globally within sustainable levels of resource
Human cultures have developed many views of the planet. The standard astronomical symbols of Earth are a quartered circle, , representing the four corners of the world, and a globus cruciger, . Earth is sometimes personified as a deity. In many cultures it is a mother goddess that is also the primary fertility deity. Creation myths in many religions involve the creation of Earth by a supernatural deity or deities. The Gaia hypothesis,
developed in the mid-20th century, compared Earth's environments and
life as a single self-regulating organism leading to broad stabilization
of the conditions of habitability.
Images of Earth taken from space,
particularly during the Apollo program, have been credited with
altering the way that people viewed the planet that they lived on,
called the overview effect, emphasizing its beauty, uniqueness and apparent fragility.
In particular, this caused a realization of the scope of effects from
human activity on Earth's environment. Enabled by science, particularly Earth observation, humans have started to take action on environmental issues globally, acknowledging the impact of humans and the interconnectedness of Earth's environments.
Scientific investigation has resulted in several culturally
transformative shifts in people's view of the planet. Initial belief in a
flat Earth was gradually displaced in Ancient Greece by the idea of a spherical Earth, which was attributed to both the philosophers Pythagoras and Parmenides. Earth was generally believed to be the center of the universe until the 16th century, when scientists first concluded that it was a moving object, one of the planets of the Solar System.
It was only during the 19th century that geologists realized Earth's age was at least many millions of years. Lord Kelvin used thermodynamics
to estimate the age of Earth to be between 20 million and 400 million
years in 1864, sparking a vigorous debate on the subject; it was only
when radioactivity and radioactive dating
were discovered in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that a
reliable mechanism for determining Earth's age was established, proving
the planet to be billions of years old.