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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Hale Telescope

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Hale Telescope
P200 Dome Open.jpg
Named afterGeorge Ellery Hale 
Part ofPalomar Observatory 
Location(s)Palomar Mountain, California, US
Coordinates33°21′23″N 116°51′54″WCoordinates: 33°21′23″N 116°51′54″W
Altitude1,713 m (5,620 ft)
Built1936 –1948 
First lightJanuary 26, 1949, 10:06 pm PST
DiscoveredCaliban, Sycorax, Jupiter LI
Telescope styleoptical telescope
reflecting telescope 
Diameter200 in (5.1 m)
Collecting area31,000 sq in (20 m2)
Focal length16.76 m (55 ft 0 in)
MountingEquatorial mount
Hale Telescope is located in the United States
Hale Telescope
Location of Hale Telescope

The Hale Telescope is a 200-inch (5.1 m), f/3.3 reflecting telescope at the Palomar Observatory in California, US, named after astronomer George Ellery Hale. With funding from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1928, he orchestrated the planning, design, and construction of the observatory, but with the project ending up taking 20 years he did not live to see its commissioning. The Hale was groundbreaking for its time, with double the diameter of the second-largest telescope, and pioneered many new technologies in telescope mount design and in the design and fabrication of its large aluminum coated "honeycomb" low thermal expansion Pyrex mirror. It was completed in 1949 and is still in active use.

The Hale Telescope represented the technological limit in building large optical telescopes for over 30 years. It was the largest telescope in the world from its construction in 1949 until the Russian BTA-6 was built in 1976, and the second largest until the construction of the Keck Observatory Keck 1 in 1993.


Base of the tube
Crab Nebula, 1959
Hale supervised the building of the telescopes at the Mount Wilson Observatory with grants from the Carnegie Institution of Washington: the 60-inch (1.5 m) telescope in 1908 and the 100-inch (2.5 m) telescope in 1917. These telescopes were very successful, leading to the rapid advance in understanding of the scale of the Universe through the 1920s, and demonstrating to visionaries like Hale the need for even larger collectors.

The chief optical designer for Hale's previous 100-inch telescope was George Willis Ritchey, who intended the new telescope to be of Ritchey–Chrétien design. Compared to the usual parabolic primary, this design would have provided sharper images over a larger usable field of view. However, Ritchey and Hale had a falling-out. With the project already late and over budget, Hale refused to adopt the new design, with its complex curvatures, and Ritchey left the project. The Mount Palomar Hale Telescope turned out to be the last world-leading telescope to have a parabolic primary mirror.

In 1928 Hale secured a grant of $6 million from the Rockefeller Foundation for "the construction of an observatory, including a 200-inch reflecting telescope" to be administered by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), of which Hale was a founding member. In the early 1930s, Hale selected a site at 1,700 m (5,600 ft) on Palomar Mountain in San Diego County, California, US, as the best site, and less likely to be affected by the growing light pollution problem in urban centers like Los Angeles. The Corning Glass Works was assigned the task of making a 200-inch (5.1 m) primary mirror. Construction of the observatory facilities and dome started in 1936, but because of interruptions caused by World War II, the telescope was not completed until 1948 when it was dedicated. Due to slight distortions of images, corrections were made to the telescope throughout 1949. It became available for research in 1950.

The 200-inch (510 cm) telescope saw first light on January 26, 1949, at 10:06 pm PST under the direction of American astronomer Edwin Powell Hubble, targeting NGC 2261, an object also known as Hubble's Variable Nebula. The photographs made then were published in the astronomical literature and in the May 7, 1949 issue of Collier's Magazine

The telescope continues to be used every clear night for scientific research by astronomers from Caltech and their operating partners, Cornell University, the University of California, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It is equipped with modern optical and infrared array imagers, spectrographs, and an adaptive optics system. It has also used lucky cam imaging, which in combination with adaptive optics pushed the mirror close to its theoretical resolution for certain types of viewing.

One of the Corning Labs' glass test blanks for the Hale was used for the C. Donald Shane telescope's 120-inch (300 cm) primary mirror.

The collecting area of the mirror is about 31,000 square inches (20 square meters).


The Hale was not just big, it was better, and not just but better but combined breakthrough technologies including a new lower expansion glass from Corning, a newly invented Serruier truss, and vapor deposited aluminum.

Mounting structures

The Hale Telescope uses a special type of equatorial mount called a "horseshoe mount", a modified yoke mount that replaces the polar bearing with an open "horseshoe" structure that gives the telescope full access to the entire sky, including Polaris and stars near it. The optical tube assembly (OTA) uses a Serrurier truss, then newly invented by Mark U. Serrurier of Caltech in Pasadena in 1935, designed to flex in such a way as to keep all of the optics in alignment. Theodore von Karman designed the lubrication system to avoid potential issues with turbulence during tracking.
Left: The 200-inch (508 cm) Hale Telescope inside on its equatorial mount.
Right: Principle of operation of a Serrurier truss similar to that of the Hale Telescope compared to a simple truss. For clarity, only the top and bottom structural elements are shown. Red and green lines denote elements under tension and compression, respectively.

200-inch mirror

The 5 meter (16 ft. 8 in.) mirror in December 1945 at the Caltech Optical Shop when grinding resumed following World War 2. The honeycomb support structure on the back of the mirror is visible through the surface.
Originally, the Hale Telescope was going to use a primary mirror of fused quartz manufactured by General Electric, but instead the primary mirror was cast in 1934 at Corning Glass Works in New York State using Corning's then new material called Pyrex (borosilicate glass). Pyrex was chosen for its low expansion qualities so the large mirror would not distort the images produced when it changed shape due to temperature variations (a problem that plagued earlier large telescopes).
Entrance door to 200 inch Hale telescope dome
The mirror was cast in a mold with 36 raised mold blocks (similar in shape to a waffle iron). This created a honeycomb mirror that cut the amount of Pyrex needed down from over 40 short tons (36 t) to just 20 short tons (18 t), making a mirror that would cool faster in use and have multiple "mounting points" on the back to evenly distribute its weight (note – see external links 1934 article for drawings). The shape of a central hole was also part of the mold so light could pass through the finished mirror when it was used in a Cassegrain configuration (a Pyrex plug for this hole was also made to be used during the grinding and polishing process). While the glass was being poured into the mold during the first attempt to cast the 200-inch mirror, the intense heat caused several of the molding blocks to break loose and float to the top, ruining the mirror. The defective mirror was used to test the annealing process. After the mold was re-engineered, a second mirror was successfully cast.
After cooling several months, the finished mirror blank was transported by rail to Pasadena, California. Once in Pasadena the mirror was transferred from the rail flat car to a specially designed semi-trailer for road transport to where it would be polished. In the optical shop in Pasadena (now the Synchrotron building at Caltech) standard telescope mirror making techniques were used to turn the flat blank into a precise concave parabolic shape, although they had to be executed on a grand scale. A special 240 in (6.1 m) 25,000 lb (11 t) mirror cell jig was constructed which could employ five different motions when the mirror was ground and polished. Over 13 years almost 10,000 lb (4.5 t) of glass was ground and polished away reducing the weight of the mirror to 14.5 short tons (13.2 t). The mirror was coated (and still is re-coated every 18–24 months) with a reflective aluminum surface using the same aluminum vacuum-deposition process invented in 1930 by Caltech physicist and astronomer John Strong.
The Hale's 200 in (510 cm) mirror was near the technological limit of a primary mirror made of a single rigid piece of glass. Using a monolithic mirror much larger than the 5-meter Hale or 6-meter BTA-6 is prohibitively expensive due to the cost of both the mirror, and the massive structure needed to support it. A mirror beyond that size would also sag slightly under its own weight as the telescope is rotated to different positions, changing the precision shape of the surface, which must be accurate to within 2 millionths of an inch (50 nm). Modern telescopes over 9 meters use a different mirror design to solve this problem, with either a single thin flexible mirror or a cluster of smaller segmented mirrors, whose shape is continuously adjusted by a computer-controlled active optics system using actuators built into the mirror support cell.


The moving weight of the upper dome is about 1000 US tons, and can rotate on wheels. The dome doors weigh 125 tons each.
The dome is made of welded steel plates about 10 mm thick.

Observations and research

Dome of the 200-inch aperture Hale telescope
The first observation of the Hale telescope was of NGC 2261 on January 26, 1949.
Halley's Comet (1P) upcoming 1986 approach to the Sun was first detected by astronomers David C. Jewitt and G. Edward Danielson on 16 October 1982 using the 200-inch Hale telescope equipped with a CCD camera.
Two moons of the planet Uranus were discovered in September 1997, in addition to the planet's 15 other known moons at that time. One was Caliban (S/1997 U 1), which was discovered on 6 September 1997 by Brett J. Gladman, Philip D. Nicholson, Joseph A. Burns, and John J. Kavelaars using the 200-inch Hale telescope. The other Uranian moon discovered then is Sycorax (initial designation S/1997 U 2) and was also discovered using the 200 inch Hale telescope.
In 1999, astronomers used a near-infrared camera and adaptive optics to take some of the best Earth-surface based images of planet Neptune up to that time. The images were sharp enough to identify clouds in the ice giant's atmosphere.
The Cornell Mid-Infrared Asteroid Spectroscopy (MIDAS) survey used the Hale Telescope with a spectrograph to study spectra from 29 asteroids. An example of a result from that study, is that the asteroid 3 Juno was determined to have average radius of 135.7±11 km using the infrared data.
In 2009, using a coronograph, the Hale telescope was used to discover the star Alcor B, which is a companion to Alcor in the famous Big Dipper constellation.
In 2010, a new satellite of planet Jupiter was discovered with the 200-inch Hale, called S/2010 J 1 and later named Jupiter LI.
In October 2017 the Hale telescope was able to record the spectrum of the first recognized interstellar object, 1I/2017 U1 ("ʻOumuamua"); while not specific mineral was identified it showed the visitor had a reddish surface color.

Direct imaging of exoplanets

Up until the year 2010, telescopes could only directly image exoplanets under exceptional circumstances. Specifically, it is easier to obtain images when the planet is especially large (considerably larger than Jupiter), widely separated from its parent star, and hot so that it emits intense infrared radiation. However, in 2010 a team from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory demonstrated that a vortex coronagraph could enable small scopes to directly image planets. They did this by imaging the previously imaged HR 8799 planets using just a 1.5 m portion of the Hale Telescope.
Direct image of exoplanets around the star HR8799 using a vortex coronagraph on a 1.5m portion of the Hale Telescope


Size comparison of the Hale Telescope (upper left, blue) to some modern and upcoming extremely large telescopes
The Hale had four times the light-collecting area of the second-largest scope when it was commissioned in 1949. Other contemporary telescopes were the Hooker Telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory and the Otto Struve Telescope at the McDonald Observatory.
The three largest telescopes in 1949
# Name /
Image Aperture Altitude First
Special advocate(s)
1 Hale Telescope
Palomar Obs.
P200 Dome Open.jpg 200-inch
508 cm
1713 m
(5620 ft)
1949 George Ellery Hale
John D. Rockefeller
Edwin Hubble
2 Hooker Telescope
Mount Wilson Obs.
100inchHooker.jpg 100-inch
254 cm
1742 m
(5715 ft)
1917 George Ellery Hale
Andrew Carnegie
3 Otto Struve Telescope
McDonald Obs.
Otto Struve Telescope.jpg 82-inch
210 cm
2070 m
(6791 ft)
1939 Otto Struve

Linkage disequilibrium

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In population genetics, linkage disequilibrium is the non-random association of alleles at different loci in a given population. Loci are said to be in linkage disequilibrium when the frequency of association of their different alleles is higher or lower than what would be expected if the loci were independent and associated randomly.

Linkage disequilibrium is influenced by many factors, including selection, the rate of genetic recombination, mutation rate, genetic drift, the system of mating, population structure, and genetic linkage. As a result, the pattern of linkage disequilibrium in a genome is a powerful signal of the population genetic processes that are structuring it.

In spite of its name, linkage disequilibrium may exist between alleles at different loci without any genetic linkage between them and independently of whether or not allele frequencies are in equilibrium (not changing with time). Furthermore, linkage disequilibrium is sometimes referred to as gametic phase disequilibrium; however, the concept also applies to asexual organisms and therefore does not depend on the presence of gametes.

Formal definition

Suppose that among the gametes that are formed in a sexually reproducing population, allele A occurs with frequency at one locus (i.e. is the proportion of gametes with A at that locus), while at a different locus allele B occurs with frequency . Similarly, let be the frequency with which both A and B occur together in the same gamete (i.e. is the frequency of the AB haplotype). 

The association between the alleles A and B can be regarded as completely random—which is known in statistics as independence—when the occurrence of one does not affect the occurrence of the other, in which case the probability that both A and B occur together is given by the product of the probabilities. There is said to be a linkage disequilibrium between the two alleles whenever differs from for any reason. 

The level of linkage disequilibrium between A and B can be quantified by the coefficient of linkage disequilibrium , which is defined as 


provided that both and are greater than zero. Linkage disequilibrium corresponds to . In the case we have and the alleles A and B are said to be in linkage equilibrium. The subscript "AB" on emphasizes that linkage disequilibrium is a property of the pair {A, B} of alleles and not of their respective loci. Other pairs of alleles at those same two loci may have different coefficients of linkage disequilibrium. 

Linkage disequilibrium in asexual populations can be defined in a similar way in terms of population allele frequencies. Furthermore, it is also possible to define linkage disequilibrium among three or more alleles, however these higher-order associations are not commonly used in practice.

Measures derived from

The coefficient of linkage disequilibrium is not always a convenient measure of linkage disequilibrium because its range of possible values depends on the frequencies of the alleles it refers to. This makes it difficult to compare the level of linkage disequilibrium between different pairs of alleles.

Lewontin suggested normalising D by dividing it by the theoretical maximum difference between the observed and expected haplotype frequencies as follows: 


An alternative to is the correlation coefficient between pairs of loci, expressed as 


Example: Two-loci and two-alleles

Consider the haplotypes for two loci A and B with two alleles each—a two-locus, two-allele model. Then the following table defines the frequencies of each combination:

Haplotype Frequency

Note that these are relative frequencies. One can use the above frequencies to determine the frequency of each of the alleles: 

Allele Frequency

If the two loci and the alleles are independent from each other, then one can express the observation as " is found and is found". The table above lists the frequencies for , , and for, , hence the frequency of is , and according to the rules of elementary statistics .

The deviation of the observed frequency of a haplotype from the expected is a quantity called the linkage disequilibrium and is commonly denoted by a capital D: 

The following table illustrates the relationship between the haplotype frequencies and allele frequencies and D. 


Role of recombination

In the absence of evolutionary forces other than random mating, Mendelian segregation, random chromosomal assortment, and chromosomal crossover (i.e. in the absence of natural selection, inbreeding, and genetic drift), the linkage disequilibrium measure converges to zero along the time axis at a rate depending on the magnitude of the recombination rate between the two loci.

Using the notation above, , we can demonstrate this convergence to zero as follows. In the next generation, , the frequency of the haplotype , becomes

This follows because a fraction of the haplotypes in the offspring have not recombined, and are thus copies of a random haplotype in their parents. A fraction of those are . A fraction have recombined these two loci. If the parents result from random mating, the probability of the copy at locus having allele is and the probability of the copy at locus having allele is , and as these copies are initially in the two different gametes that formed the diploid genotype, these are independent events so that the probabilities can be multiplied. 

This formula can be rewritten as 

so that 

where at the -th generation is designated as . Thus we have 


If , then so that converges to zero.

If at some time we observe linkage disequilibrium, it will disappear in the future due to recombination. However, the smaller the distance between the two loci, the smaller will be the rate of convergence of to zero.

Example: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles

HLA constitutes a group of cell surface antigens also known as the MHC of humans. Because HLA genes are located at adjacent loci on the particular region of a chromosome and presumed to exhibit epistasis with each other or with other genes, a sizable fraction of alleles are in linkage disequilibrium. 

An example of such linkage disequilibrium is between HLA-A1 and B8 alleles in unrelated Danes referred to by Vogel and Motulsky (1997).

Table 1. Association of HLA-A1 and B8 in unrelated Danes

Antigen j Total
Antigen i

No. of individuals

Because HLA is codominant and HLA expression is only tested locus by locus in surveys, LD measure is to be estimated from such a 2x2 table to the right.

expression () frequency of antigen  :
expression () frequency of antigen  :
frequency of gene , given that individuals with '+/-', '+/+', and '-/+' genotypes are all positive for antigen :
Denoting the '―' alleles at antigen i to be 'x,' and at antigen j to be 'y,' the observed frequency of haplotype xy is
and the estimated frequency of haplotype xy is
Then LD measure is expressed as
Standard errors are obtained as follows:
Then, if
exceeds 2 in its absolute value, the magnitude of is statistically significantly large. For data in Table 1 it is 20.9, thus existence of statistically significant LD between A1 and B8 in the population is admitted. 

Table 2. Linkage disequilibrium among HLA alleles in Pan-europeans
HLA-A alleles i HLA-B alleles j
A1 B8 0.065 16.0
A3 B7 0.039 10.3
A2 Bw40 0.013 4.4
A2 Bw15 0.01 3.4
A1 Bw17 0.014 5.4
A2 B18 0.006 2.2
A2 Bw35 -0.009 -2.3
A29 B12 0.013 6.0
A10 Bw16 0.013 5.9
Table 2 shows some of the combinations of HLA-A and B alleles where significant LD was observed among pan-europeans.

Vogel and Motulsky (1997) argued how long would it take that linkage disequilibrium between loci of HLA-A and B disappeared. Recombination between loci of HLA-A and B was considered to be of the order of magnitude 0.008. We will argue similarly to Vogel and Motulsky below. In case LD measure was observed to be 0.003 in Pan-europeans in the list of Mittal it is mostly non-significant. If had reduced from 0.07 to 0.003 under recombination effect as shown by , then . Suppose a generation took 25 years, this means 10,000 years. The time span seems rather short in the history of humans. Thus observed linkage disequilibrium between HLA-A and B loci might indicate some sort of interactive selection.

The presence of linkage disequilibrium between an HLA locus and a presumed major gene of disease susceptibility corresponds to any of the following phenomena:
  • Relative risk for the person having a specific HLA allele to become suffered from a particular disease is greater than 1.
  • The HLA antigen frequency among patients exceeds more than that among a healthy population. This is evaluated by value to exceed 0.
Table 3. Association of ankylosing spondylitis with HLA-B27 allele

Ankylosing spondylitis Total
Patients Healthy controls
HLA alleles
  • 2x2 association table of patients and healthy controls with HLA alleles shows a significant deviation from the equilibrium state deduced from the marginal frequencies.
(1) Relative risk

Relative risk of an HLA allele for a disease is approximated by the odds ratio in the 2x2 association table of the allele with the disease. Table 3 shows association of HLA-B27 with ankylosing spondylitis among a Dutch population. Relative risk of this allele is approximated by
Woolf's method is applied to see if there is statistical significance. Let
follows the chi-square distribution with . In the data of Table 3, the significant association exists at the 0.1% level. Haldane's modification applies to the case when either of is zero, where replace and with

Table 4. Association of HLA alleles with rheumatic and autoimmune diseases among white populations
Disease HLA allele Relative risk (%) FAD (%) FAP (%)
Ankylosing spondylitis B27 90 90 8 0.89
Reactive arthritis B27 40 70 8 0.67
Spondylitis in inflammatory bowel disease B27 10 50 8 0.46
Rheumatoid arthritis DR4 6 70 30 0.57
Systemic lupus erythematosus DR3 3 45 20 0.31
Multiple sclerosis DR2 4 60 20 0.5
Diabetes mellitus type 1 DR4 6 75 30 0.64
In Table 4, some examples of association between HLA alleles and diseases are presented.

(1a) Allele frequency excess among patients over controls

Even high relative risks between HLA alleles and the diseases were observed, only the magnitude of relative risk would not be able to determine the strength of association. value is expressed by
where and are HLA allele frequencies among patients and healthy populations, respectively. In Table 4, column was added in this quotation. Putting aside 2 diseases with high relative risks both of which are also with high values, among other diseases, juvenile diabetes mellitus (type 1) has a strong association with DR4 even with a low relative risk.

(2) Discrepancies from expected values from marginal frequencies in 2x2 association table of HLA alleles and disease
This can be confirmed by test calculating
where . For data with small sample size, such as no marginal total is greater than 15 (and consequently ), one should utilize Yates's correction for continuity or Fisher's exact test.


A comparison of different measures of LD is provided by Devlin & Risch.

The International HapMap Project enables the study of LD in human populations online. The Ensembl project integrates HapMap data with other genetic information from dbSNP.

Analysis software

  • PLINK - whole genome association analysis toolset, which can calculate LD among other things
  • LDHat
  • Haploview
  • LdCompare[18]— open-source software for calculating LD.
  • SNP and Variation Suite- commercial software with interactive LD plot.
  • GOLD - Graphical Overview of Linkage Disequilibrium
  • TASSEL -software to evaluate linkage disequilibrium, traits associations, and evolutionary patterns
  • rAggr - finds proxy markers (SNPs and indels) that are in linkage disequilibrium with a set of queried markers, using the 1000 Genomes Project and HapMap genotype databases.
  • SNeP - Fast computation of LD and Ne for large genotype datasets in PLINK format.
  • LDlink - A suite of web-based applications to easily and efficiently explore linkage disequilibrium in population subgroups. All population genotype data originates from Phase 3 of the 1000 Genomes Project and variant RS numbers are indexed based on dbSNP build 151.

Simulation software

  • Haploid — a C library for population genetic simulation (GPL)


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