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Rotational–vibrational spectroscopy is a branch of molecular
spectroscopy concerned with
infrared and
Raman spectra of
molecules in the
gas phase. Transitions involving changes in both
vibrational and
rotational states can be abbreviated as
rovibrational (or
ro-vibrational) transitions. When such transitions emit or absorb
photons (
electromagnetic radiation), the
frequency is proportional to the difference in energy levels and can be detected by certain kinds of
spectroscopy. Since changes in rotational
energy levels
are typically much smaller than changes in vibrational energy levels,
changes in rotational state are said to give fine structure to the
vibrational spectrum. For a given vibrational transition, the same
theoretical treatment as for pure
rotational spectroscopy gives the rotational
quantum numbers, energy levels, and
selection rules.
In linear and spherical top molecules, rotational lines are found as
simple progressions at both higher and lower frequencies relative to the
pure vibration frequency. In symmetric top molecules the transitions
are classified as parallel when the
dipole moment
change is parallel to the principal axis of rotation, and perpendicular
when the change is perpendicular to that axis. The ro-vibrational
spectrum of the asymmetric rotor
water is important because of the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere.
Ro-vibrational spectroscopy concerns molecules in the
gas phase.
There are sequences of quantized rotational levels associated with both
the ground and excited vibrational states. The spectra are often
resolved into
lines due to transitions from one rotational level
in the ground vibrational state to one rotational level in the
vibrationally excited state. The lines corresponding to a given
vibrational transition form a
In the simplest cases the part of the infrared spectrum involving
vibrational transitions with the same rotational quantum number (ΔJ = 0)
in ground and excited states is called the Q-branch. On the high
frequency side of the Q-branch the energy of rotational transitions is
added to the energy of the vibrational transition. This is known as the
R-branch of the spectrum for ΔJ = +1. The P-branch for ΔJ = −1 lies on
the low wavenumber side of the Q branch. The appearance of the R-branch
is very similar to the appearance of the pure rotation spectrum, and the
P-branch appears as a nearly mirror image of the R-branch.
[note 1]
The appearance of rotational fine structure is determined by the
symmetry of the molecular rotors
which are classified, in the same way as for pure rotational
spectroscopy, into linear molecules, spherical-, symmetric- and
asymmetric- rotor classes. The quantum mechanical treatment of
rotational fine structure is the same as for
pure rotation.
A general convention is to label quantities that refer to the
vibrational ground and excited states of a transition with double prime
and single prime, respectively. For example, the
rotational constant for the ground state is written as

and that of the excited state as

Also, these constants are expressed in the molecular spectroscopist's units of cm
−1. so that

in this article corresponds to

in the definition of rotational constant at
Rigid rotor.
Method of combination differences
analysis of ro-vibrational spectral data would appear to be complicated
by the fact that the wavenumber for each transition depends on two
rotational constants,


However combinations which depend on only one rotational constant are
found by subtracting wavenumbers of pairs of lines (one in the P-branch
and one in the R-branch) which have either the same lower level or the
same upper level.
[2][3] For example, in a diatomic molecule the line denoted
J + 1) is due to the transition (
v = 0,
J + 1) → (
v = 1,
J), and the line
J − 1) is due to the transition (
v = 0,
J − 1) → (
v = 1,
J). The difference between the two wavenumbers corresponds to the energy difference between the (
J + 1) and (
J − 1) levels of the lower vibrational state and denoted by

since it is the difference between levels differing by two units of J. If centrifugal distortion is included, it is given by
![\Delta _{2}^{{\prime \prime }}F(J)={\bar \nu }[R(J-1)]-{\bar \nu }[P(J+1)]=(2B^{{\prime \prime }}-3D^{{\prime \prime }})\left(2J+1\right)-D^{{\prime \prime }}\left(2J+1\right)^{3}](
The rotational constant of the ground vibrational state
B′′ and centrifugal distortion constant,
D′′ can be found by
least-squares fitting this difference as a function of
J. The constant
B′′ is used to determine the internuclear distance in the ground state as in
pure rotational spectroscopy.
Similarly the difference
J) −
J) depends only on the constants
B′ and
D′ for the excited vibrational state (
v = 1), and
B′ can be used to determine the internuclear distance in that state (which is inaccessible to pure rotational spectroscopy).
![\Delta _{2}^{{\prime }}F(J)={\bar \nu }[R(J)]-{\bar \nu }[P(J)]=(2B^{{\prime }}-3D^{{\prime }})\left(2J+1\right)-D^{{\prime }}\left(2J+1\right)^{3}](
Linear molecules
Heteronuclear diatomic molecules
Simulated vibration-rotation line spectrum of
carbon monoxide,
16O. The P-branch is to the left of the gap near 2140 cm
−1, the R-branch on the right.
[note 2]
Schematic ro-vibrational energy level diagram for a linear molecule
Diatomic molecules with the general formula AB have one normal mode
of vibration involving stretching of the A-B bond. The vibrational term

[note 3] for an
anharmonic oscillator are given, to a first approximation, by

v is a
vibrational quantum number, ω
e is the harmonic wavenumber and χ
e is an anharmonicity constant.
When the molecule is in the gas phase, it can rotate about an axis, perpendicular to the molecular axis, passing through the
centre of mass of the molecule. The rotational energy is also quantized, with term values to a first approximation given by

J is a rotational quantum number and
D is a
centrifugal distortion constant. The rotational constant,
Bv depends on the moment of inertia of the molecule,
Iv, which varies with the vibrational quantum number,

mA and
mB are the masses of the atoms A and B, and
d represents the distance between the atoms. The term values of the ro-vibrational states are found (in the
Born–Oppenheimer approximation) by combining the expressions for vibration and rotation.
![{\displaystyle G(v)+F_{v}(J)=\left[\omega _{e}\left(v+{1 \over 2}\right)+B_{v}J(J+1)\right]-\left[\omega _{e}\chi _{e}\left(v+{1 \over 2}\right)^{2}+DJ^{2}(J+1)^{2}\right]}](
The first two terms in this expression correspond to a harmonic
oscillator and a rigid rotor, the second pair of terms make a correction
for anharmonicity and centrifugal distortion. A more general expression
was given by
selection rule for electric dipole allowed ro-vibrational transitions, in the case of a diamagnetic diatomic molecule is
[note 4]
The transition with Δv=±1 is known as the fundamental transition. The selection rule has two consequences.
- Both the vibrational and rotational quantum numbers must change. The transition :
(Q-branch) is forbidden
- The energy change of rotation can be either subtracted from or added
to the energy change of vibration, giving the P- and R- branches of the
spectrum, respectively.
The calculation of the transition wavenumbers is more complicated than for pure rotation because the rotational constant
is different in the ground and excited vibrational states. A simplified
expression for the wavenumbers is obtained when the centrifugal
distortion constants


are approximately equal to each other.

Spectrum of R-branch of
nitric oxide, NO, simulated with Spectralcalc,
[6] showing λ-doubling caused by the presence of an unpaired electron in the molecule
where positive
m values refer to the R-branch and negative values refer to the P-branch. The term ω
0 gives the position of the (missing) Q-branch, the term

implies an progression of equally spaced lines in the P- and R- branches, but the third term,

shows that the separation between adjacent lines changes with changing rotational quantum number. When

is greater than

, as is usually the case, as
increases the separation between lines decreases in the R-branch and
increases in the P-branch. Analysis of data from the infrared spectrum
carbon monoxide, gives value of

of 1.915 cm
−1 and

of 1.898 cm
−1. The bond lengths are easily obtained from these constants as
r0 = 113.3 pm,
r1 = 113.6 pm.
[7] These bond lengths are slightly different from the equilibrium bond length. This is because there is
zero-point energy
in the vibrational ground state, whereas the equilibrium bond length is
at the minimum in the potential energy curve. The relation between the
rotational constants is given by

where ν is a vibrational quantum number and α is a vibration-rotation
interaction constant which can be calculated when the B values for two
different vibrational states can be found. For carbon monoxide
req = 113.0 pm.[8]
Nitric oxide, NO, is a special case as the molecule is
paramagnetic, with one unpaired electron. Coupling of the electron spin angular momentum with the molecular vibration causes
lambda-doubling[note 5] with calculated harmonic frequencies of 1904.03 and 1903.68 cm
−1. Rotational levels are also split.
Homonuclear diatomic molecules
The quantum mechanics for diatomic molecules such as
dinitrogen, N
2, and
fluorine, F
is qualitatively the same as for heteronuclear diatomic molecules, but
the selection rules governing transitions are different. Since the
electric dipole moment of these molecules is zero, the fundamental
vibrational transition is electric-dipole-forbidden. However, a weak
quadrupole-allowed spectrum of N
2 can be observed when using long path-lengths both in the laboratory and in the atmosphere.
[10] The spectra of these molecules can be observed by Raman spectroscopy because the molecular vibration is Raman-allowed.
Dioxygen is a special case as the molecule is
paramagnetic so
magnetic-dipole-allowed transitions can be observed in the infrared.
[10] The unit electron spin has three spatial orientations with respect to the molecular rotational angular momentum vector, N,
[note 6] so that each rotational level is split into three states with total angular momentum (molecular rotation plus electron spin)

J = N + 1, N, and N - 1, each J state of this so-called p-type triplet
arising from a different orientation of the spin with respect to the
rotational motion of the molecule.
Selection rules for magnetic dipole transitions allow transitions
between successive members of the triplet (ΔJ = ±1) so that for each
value of the rotational angular momentum quantum number N there are two
allowed transitions. The
16O nucleus has zero nuclear spin angular momentum, so that symmetry considerations demand that N may only have odd values.
Raman spectra of diatomic molecules
The selection rule is

so that the spectrum has an O-branch (∆
J = −2), a Q-branch (∆
J = 0) and an S-branch (∆
J=+2). In the approximation that
B′′ =
B′ =
B the wavenumbers are given by

since the S-branch starts at J=0 and the O-branch at J=2. So, to a first approximation, the separation between
S(0) and
O(2) is 12
B and the separation between adjacent lines in both O- and S- branches is 4
B. The most obvious effect of the fact that
B′′ ≠
B′ is that the Q-branch has a series of closely spaced side lines on the low-frequency side due to transitions in which Δ
J=0 for
J=1,2 etc.
[14] Useful difference formulae, neglecting centrifugal distortion are as follows.
![\Delta _{4}^{{\prime \prime }}F(J)={\bar \nu }[S(J-2)]-{\bar \nu }[O(J+2)]=4B^{{\prime \prime }}(2J+1)](
![\Delta _{4}^{{\prime }}F(J)={\bar \nu }[S(J)]-{\bar \nu }[O(J)]=4B^{{\prime }}(2J+1)](
Molecular oxygen is a special case as the molecule is paramagnetic, with two unpaired electrons.
For homonuclear diatomics, nuclear spin statistical weights lead to alternating line intensities between even-

and odd-

levels. For nuclear spin
I = 1/2 as in
2 and
2 the intensity alternation is 1:3. For
2 and
I=1 and the statistical weights are 6 and 3 so that the even-

levels are twice as intense. For
2 (
I=0) all transitions with even values of

are forbidden.
Polyatomic linear molecules
Spectrum of bending mode in 14N 14N 16O simulated with Spectralcalc. [6] The weak superimposed spectrum is due to species containing 15N at natural abundance of 0.3%
Spectrum of a perpendicular band from acetylene, C 2H 2, simulated with Spectralcalc [6] showing 1,3 intensity alternation in both P- and R- branches. See also Hollas p157
Spectrum of the asymmetric stretching (parallel) band of carbon dioxide, 12C 16O 2 simulated with Spectralcalc. [6] The weak superimposed spectrum is due to absorption of the first vibrationally excited level (0 1 1 0), which due to its low energy is populated at room temperature
These molecules fall into two classes, according to
symmetry: centrosymmetric molecules with
point group D
∞h, such as
carbon dioxide, CO
2, and
ethyne or acetylene, HCCH; and non-centrosymmetric molecules with point group C
∞v such as
hydrogen cyanide, HCN, and
nitrous oxide, NNO. Centrosymmetric linear molecules have a
dipole moment
of zero, so do not show a pure rotation spectrum in the infrared or
microwave regions. On the other hand, in certain vibrational excited
states the molecules do have a dipole moment so that a ro-vibrational
spectrum can be observed in the infrared.
The spectra of these molecules are classified according to the
direction of the dipole moment change vector. When the vibration induces
a dipole moment change pointing along the molecular axis the term
parallel is applied, with the symbol

. When the vibration induces a dipole moment pointing perpendicular to the molecular axis the term
perpendicular is applied, with the symbol

In both cases the P- and R- branch wavenumbers follow the same trend as
in diatomic molecules. The two classes differ in the selection rules
that apply to ro-vibrational transitions.
For parallel transitions the selection rule is the same as for diatomic
molecules, namely, the transition corresponding to the Q-branch is
forbidden. An example is the C-H stretching mode of hydrogen cyanide.
For a perpendicular vibration the transition Δ
J=0 is allowed.
This means that the transition is allowed for the molecule with the same
rotational quantum number in the ground and excited vibrational state,
for all the populated rotational states. This makes for an intense,
relatively broad, Q-branch consisting of overlapping lines due to each
rotational state. The N-N-O bending mode of
nitrous oxide, at ca. 590 cm
−1 is an example.
The spectra of centrosymmetric molecules exhibit alternating line
intensities due to quantum state symmetry effects, since rotation of the
molecule by 180° about a 2-fold rotation axis is equivalent to
exchanging identical nuclei. In carbon dioxide, the oxygen atoms of the
predominant isotopic species
2 have spin zero and are
bosons, so that the total wavefunction must be symmetric when the two
nuclei are exchanged. The nuclear spin factor is always symmetric for
two spin-zero nuclei, so that the rotational factor must also be
symmetric which is true only for even-J levels. The odd-J rotational
levels cannot exist and the allowed vibrational bands consist of only
absorption lines from even-J initial levels. The separation between
adjacent lines in the P- and R- branches is close to 4B rather than 2B
as alternate lines are missing.
[19] For acetylene the hydrogens of
1H have spin ½ and are
fermions, so the total wavefunction is antisymmetric when two
1H nuclei are exchanged. As is true for
ortho and para hydrogen
the nuclear spin function of the two hydrogens has three symmetric
ortho states and one antisymmetric para states. For the three ortho
states, the rotational wave function must be antisymmetric corresponding
to odd J, and for the one para state it is symmetric corresponding to
even J. The population of the odd J levels are therefore three times
higher than the even J levels, and alternate line intensities are in the
ratio 3:1.
Spherical top molecules
Upper: low-resolution infrared spectrum of asymmetric stretching band of methane (CH
4); lower: PGOPHER
[22] simulated line spectrum, ignoring Coriolis coupling
These molecules have equal moments of inertia about any axis, and belong to the point groups T
d (tetrahedral AX
4) and O
h (octahedral AX
Molecules with these symmetries have a dipole moment of zero, so do not
have a pure rotation spectrum in the infrared or microwave regions.
Tetrahedral molecules such as
methane, CH
4, have infrared-active stretching and bending vibrations, belonging to the T
2 (sometimes written as F
2) representation.
[note 7] These vibrations are triply degenerate and the rotational energy levels have three components separated by the
Coriolis interaction.
[24] The rotational term values are given, to a first order approximation, by


is a constant for Coriolis coupling. The selection rule for a fundamental vibration is

Thus, the spectrum is very much like the spectrum from a
perpendicular vibration of a linear molecule, with a strong Q-branch
composed of many transitions in which the rotational quantum number is
the same in the vibrational ground and excited states,

The effect of Coriolis coupling is clearly visible in the C-H
stretching vibration of methane, though detailed study has shown that
the first-order formula for Coriolis coupling, given above, is not
adequate for methane.
Symmetric top molecules
These molecules have a unique
principal rotation axis
of order 3 or higher. There are two distinct moments of inertia and
therefore two rotational constants. For rotation about any axis
perpendicular to the unique axis, the moment of inertia is

and the rotational constant is

, as for linear molecules. For rotation about the unique axis, however, the moment of inertia is

and the rotational constant is

. Examples include
ammonia, NH
3 and
methyl chloride, CH
3Cl (both of
molecular symmetry described by point group C
boron trifluoride, BF
3 and
phosphorus pentachloride, PCl
5 (both of point group D
3h), and
benzene, C
6 (point group D
For symmetric rotors a quantum number
J is associated with the total angular momentum of the molecule. For a given value of J, there is a 2
J+1- fold
degeneracy with the quantum number,
M taking the values +
J ...0 ... -
J. The third quantum number,
is associated with rotation about the principal rotation axis of the
molecule. As with linear molecules, transitions are classified as


in this case according to the direction of the dipole moment change
with respect to the principal rotation axis. A third category involves
overtones and combination bands which share the properties of both parallel and perpendicular transitions. The selection rules are
If K ≠ 0, then ΔJ = 0, ±1 and ΔK = 0
- If K = 0, then ΔJ = ±1 and ΔK = 0
ΔJ = 0, ±1 and ΔK = ±1
The fact that the selection rules are different is the justification
for the classification and it means that the spectra have a different
appearance which can often be immediately recognized. An expression for
the calculated wavenumbers of the P- and R- branches may be given as

![+\left\{\left[(A^{\prime }-B^{\prime })-(A^{{\prime \prime }}-B^{{\prime \prime }})\right]-\left[D_{{JK}}^{\prime }+D_{{JK}}^{{\prime \prime }}\right]m-\left[D_{{JK}}^{\prime }-D_{{JK}}^{{\prime \prime }}\right]m^{2}\right\}K^{2}-(D_{K}^{\prime }-D_{K}^{{\prime \prime }})K^{4}](
in which
m =
J+1 for the R-branch and -
J for the P-branch. The three centrifugal distortion constants

, and

are needed to fit the term values of each level.
[1] The wavenumbers of the sub-structure corresponding to each band are given by

represents the Q-branch of the sub-structure, whose position is given by
Spectrum of the C-Cl stretching band in CH 3Cl (parallel band) simulated with Spectralcalc. [6]
Part of the spectrum of the asymmetric H-C-H bending vibration in CH 3Cl (perpendicular band), simulated with Spectralcalc [6]
Parallel bands
The C-Cl stretching vibration of
methyl chloride, CH
gives a parallel band since the dipole moment change is aligned with
the 3-fold rotation axis. The line spectrum shows the sub-structure of
this band rather clearly;
in reality, very high resolution spectroscopy would be needed to
resolve the fine structure fully. Allen and Cross show parts of the
spectrum of CH
3D and give a detailed description of the numerical analysis of the experimental data.
Perpendicular bands
selection rule for perpendicular bands give rise to more transitions
than with parallel bands. A band can be viewed as a series of
sub-structures, each with P, Q and R branches. The Q-branches are
separated by approximately 2(
B′). The asymmetric HCH
bending vibration of methyl chloride is typical. It shows a series of
intense Q-branches with weak rotational fine structure.
Analysis of the spectra is made more complicated by the fact that the
ground-state vibration is bound, by symmetry, to be a degenerate
vibration, which means that Coriolis coupling also affects the spectrum.
Hybrid bands
of a degenerate fundamental vibration have components of more than one
symmetry type. For example, the first overtone of a vibration belonging
to the E representation in a molecule like ammonia, NH
3, will have components belonging to
A1 and
E representations. A transition to the
A1 component will give a parallel band and a transition to the
E component will give perpendicular bands; the result is a hybrid band.
Inversion in ammonia
Spectrum of central region of the symmetric bending vibration in ammonia simulated with Spectralcalc, [6] illustrating inversion doubling.
Nitrogen inversion in ammonia
For ammonia, NH
3, the symmetric bending vibration is observed as two branches near 930 cm
−1 and 965 cm
This so-called inversion doubling arises because the symmetric bending
vibration is actually a large-amplitude motion known as
in which the nitrogen atom passes through the plane of the three
hydrogen atoms, similar to the inversion of an umbrella. The potential
energy curve for such a vibration has a double minimum for the two
pyramidal geometries, so that the vibrational energy levels occur in
pairs which correspond to combinations of the vibrational states in the
two potential minima. The two v = 1 states combine to form a symmetric
state (1
+) at 932.5 cm
−1 above the ground (0
+) state and an antisymmetric state (1
−) at 968.3 cm
The vibrational ground state (v = 0) is also doubled although the
energy difference is much smaller, and the transition between the two
levels can be measured directly in the microwave region, at ca. 24 Ghz
(0.8 cm
[34][35] This transition is historically significant and was used in the ammonia
MASER, the fore-runner of the
Asymmetric top molecules
Absorption spectrum (
attenuation coefficient vs. wavelength) of liquid water (red)
[37] atmospheric
water vapor (green)
[38][39] and ice (blue line)
[40][41] between 667 nm and 200 μm.
[42] The plot for vapor is a transformation of data
Synthetic spectrum for gas mixture "Pure H2O" (296K, 1 atm) retrieved from
Hitran on the Web Information System.
Asymmetric top molecules have at most one or more 2-fold rotation
axes. There are three unequal moments of inertia about three mutually
principal axes.
The spectra are very complex. The transition wavenumbers cannot be
expressed in terms of an analytical formula but can be calculated using
numerical methods.
The water molecule is an important example of this class of molecule,
particularly because of the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere.
The low-resolution spectrum shown in green illustrates the complexity of
the spectrum. At wavelengths greater than 10 μm (or wavenumbers less
than 1000 cm
−1) the absorption is due to pure rotation. The band around 6.3 μm (1590 cm
is due to the HOH bending vibration; the considerable breadth of this
band is due to the presence of extensive rotational fine structure.
High-resolution spectra of this band are shown in Allen and Cross, p
The symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations are close to each
other, so the rotational fine structures of these bands overlap. The
bands at shorter wavelength are overtones and combination bands, all of
which show rotational fine structure. Medium resolution spectra of the
bands around 1600 cm
−1 and 3700 cm
−1 are shown in Banwell and McCash, p91.
Ro-vibrational bands of asymmetric top molecules are classed as A-,
B- or C- type for transitions in which the dipole moment change is along
the axis of smallest moment of inertia to the highest.
Experimental methods
Ro-vibrational spectra are usually measured at high
spectral resolution. In the past, this was achieved by using an
echelle grating as the
spectral dispersion element in a grating
[9] This is a type of
diffraction grating optimized to use higher diffraction orders.
[46] The resolving power of an
FTIR spectrometer depends on the maximum retardation of the moving mirror. For example, to achieve a resolution of 0.1 cm
the moving mirror must have a maximum displacement of 10 cm from its
position at zero path difference. Connes measured the vibration-rotation
spectrum of Venusian CO
2 at this resolution.
[47] A spectrometer with 0.001 cm
resolution is now available commercially. The throughput advantage of
FTIR is important for high-resolution spectroscopy as the monochromator
in a dispersive instrument with the same resolution would have very
entrance and exit slits.
When measuring the spectra of gases it is relatively easy to obtain very long path-lengths by using a multiple reflection cell.
[48] This is important because it allows the pressure to be reduced so as to minimize
pressure broadening of the spectral lines, which may degrade resolution. Path lengths up to 20m are commercially available.