A double exponential function (red curve) compared to a single exponential function (blue curve).
A double exponential function is a constant raised to the power of an exponential function. The general formula is (where a>1 and b>1), which grows much more quickly than an exponential function. For example, if a = b = 10:
Factorials grow more quickly than exponential functions, but much more slowly than doubly exponential functions. However, tetration and the Ackermann function grow faster. See Big O notation for a comparison of the rate of growth of various functions.
The inverse of the double exponential function is the double logarithm ln(ln(x)).
Doubly exponential sequences
Aho and Sloane observed that in several important integer sequences,
each term is a constant plus the square of the previous term. They show
that such sequences can be formed by rounding to the nearest integer
the values of a doubly exponential function in which the middle exponent
is two. Integer sequences with this squaring behavior include
More generally, if the nth value of an integer sequence is proportional to a double exponential function of n,
Ionaşcu and Stănică call the sequence "almost doubly-exponential" and
describe conditions under which it can be defined as the floor of a
doubly exponential sequence plus a constant. Additional sequences of this type include
The prime numbers 2, 11, 1361, ... (sequence A051254 in the OEIS)
Each decision procedure for Presburger arithmetic provably requires at least doubly exponential time
Computing a Gröbner basis
over a field. In the worst case, a Gröbner basis may have a number of
elements which is doubly exponential in the number of variables. On the
other hand, the worst-case complexity of Gröbner basis algorithms is doubly exponential in the number of variables as well as in the entry size.
Finding a complete set of associative-commutative unifiers
Satisfying CTL+ (which is, in fact, 2-EXPTIME-complete)
In some other problems in the design and analysis of algorithms,
doubly exponential sequences are used within the design of an algorithm
rather than in its analysis. An example is Chan's algorithm for computing convex hulls, which performs a sequence of computations using test values hi = 22i (estimates for the eventual output size), taking time O(n log hi)
for each test value in the sequence. Because of the double exponential
growth of these test values, the time for each computation in the
sequence grows singly exponentially as a function of i, and the total time is dominated by the time for the final step of the sequence. Thus, the overall time for the algorithm is O(n log h) where h is the actual output size.
The largest known prime number in the electronic era has grown roughly as a double exponential function of the year since Miller and Wheeler found a 79-digit prime on EDSAC1 in 1951.
Theoretical biology
In population dynamics the growth of human population is sometimes supposed to be double exponential. Varfolomeyev and Gurevich experimentally fit
where N(y) is the population in year y in millions.
In the Toda oscillator model of self-pulsation,
the logarithm of amplitude varies exponentially with time (for large
amplitudes), thus the amplitude varies as doubly exponential function of
Dendritic macromolecules have been observed to grow in a doubly-exponential fashion.
Geophysical survey is the systematic collection of geophysical
data for spatial studies. Detection and analysis of the geophysical
signals forms the core of Geophysical signal processing. The magnetic
and gravitational fields emanating from the Earth's interior hold
essential information concerning seismic activities and the internal
structure. Hence, detection and analysis of the electric and Magnetic
fields is very crucial. As the Electromagnetic and gravitational waves
are multi-dimensional signals, all the 1-D transformation techniques can
be extended for the analysis of these signals as well. Hence this
article also discusses multi-dimensional signal processing techniques.
Geophysical surveys may use a great variety of sensing
instruments, and data may be collected from above or below the Earth's
surface or from aerial, orbital, or marine platforms. Geophysical
surveys have many applications in geology, archaeology, mineral and energy exploration, oceanography, and engineering. Geophysical surveys are used in industry as well as for academic research.
The sensing instruments such as gravimeter, gravitational wave sensor and magnetometers
detect fluctuations in the gravitational and magnetic field. The data
collected from a geophysical survey is analysed to draw meaningful
conclusions out of that. Analysing the spectral density and the
time-frequency localisation of any signal is important in applications
such as oil exploration and seismography.
Types of geophysical survey
There are many methods and types of instruments used in geophysical surveys. Technologies used for geophysical surveys include:
section deals with the principles behind measurement of geophysical
waves. The magnetic and gravitational fields are important components of
geophysical signals.
The instrument used to measure the change in gravitational field is the gravimeter.
This meter measures the variation in the gravity due to the subsurface
formations and deposits. To measure the changes in magnetic field the magnetometer
is used. There are two types of magnetometers, one that measures only
vertical component of the magnetic field and the other measures total
magnetic field.
Measurement of Earth’s magnetic fields
are used to measure the magnetic fields, magnetic anomalies in the
earth. The sensitivity of magnetometers depends upon the requirement.
For example, the variations in the geomagnetic fields can be to the
order of several aT where 1aT = 10−18T . In such cases, specialized magnetometers such as the superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) are used.
Jim Zimmerman co-developed the rf superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) during his tenure at Ford research lab. However, events leading to the invention of the SQUID were in fact, serendipitous. John Lambe, during his experiments on nuclear magnetic resonance noticed that the electrical properties of indium varied due to a change in the magnetic field of the order of few nT. However, Lambe was not able to fully recognize the utility of SQUID.
SQUIDs have the capability to detect magnetic fields of extremely low magnitude. This is due to the virtue of the Josephson junction.
Jim Zimmerman pioneered the development of SQUID by proposing a new
approach to making the Josephson junctions. He made use of niobium
wires and niobium ribbons to form two Josephson junctions connected in
parallel. The ribbons act as the interruptions to the superconducting
current flowing through the wires. The junctions are very sensitive to
the magnetic fields and hence are very useful in measuring fields of the
order of 10^-18T.
Seismic wave measurement using gravitational wave sensor
wave sensors can detect even a minute change in the gravitational
fields due to the influence of heavier bodies. Large seismic waves can
interfere with the gravitational waves and may cause shifts in the
atoms. Hence, the magnitude of seismic waves can be detected by a
relative shift in the gravitational waves.
Measurement of seismic waves using atom interferometer
The motion of any mass is affected by the gravitational field.
The motion of planets is affected by the Sun's enormous gravitational
field. Likewise, a heavier object will influence the motion of other
objects of smaller mass in its vicinity. However, this change in the
motion is very small compared to the motion of heavenly bodies. Hence,
special instruments are required to measure such a minute change.
Describes the atom interferometer principle
Atom interferometers work on the principle of diffraction. The diffraction gratings
are nano fabricated materials with a separation of a quarter wavelength
of light. When a beam of atoms pass through a diffraction grating, due
the inherent wave nature of atoms, they split and form interference
fringes on the screen. An atom interferometer is very sensitive to the
changes in the positions of atoms. As heavier objects shifts the
position of the atoms nearby, displacement of the atoms can be measured
by detecting a shift in the interference fringes.
Existing approaches in geophysical signal recognition
section addresses the methods and mathematical techniques behind signal
recognition and signal analysis. It considers the time domain and
frequency domain analysis of signals. This section also discusses
various transforms and their usefulness in the analysis of
multi-dimensional waves.
3D sampling
first step in any signal processing approach is analog to digital
conversion. The geophysical signals in the analog domain has to be
converted to digital domain for further processing. Most of the filters
are available in 1D as well as 2D.
Analog to digital conversion
the name suggests, the gravitational and electromagnetic waves in the
analog domain are detected, sampled and stored for further analysis. The
signals can be sampled in both time and frequency domains. The signal
component is measured at both intervals of time and space. Ex,
time-domain sampling refers to measuring a signal component at several
instances of time. Similarly, spatial-sampling refers to measuring the
signal at different locations in space.
Traditional sampling of 1D time varying signals is performed by
measuring the amplitude of the signal under consideration in discrete
intervals of time. Similarly sampling of space-time signals (signals
which are functions of 4 variables – 3D space and time), is performed by
measuring the amplitude of the signals at different time instances and
different locations in the space. For example, the earth's gravitational
data is measured with the help of gravitational wave sensor or gradiometer by placing it in different locations at different instances of time.
Spectrum analysis
Multi-dimensional Fourier transform
Fourier expansion of a time domain signal is the representation of the
signal as a sum of its frequency components, specifically sum of sines
and cosines. Joseph Fourier
came up with the Fourier representation to estimate the heat
distribution of a body. The same approach can be followed to analyse the
multi-dimensional signals such as gravitational waves and
electromagnetic waves.
The 4D Fourier representation of such signals is given by
ω represents temporal frequency and k represents spatial frequency.
s(x,t) is a 4-dimensional space-time signal
which can be imagined as travelling plane waves. For such plane waves,
the plane of propagation is perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of the considered wave.
Wavelet transform
The motivation for development of the Wavelet transform was the Short-time Fourier transform. The signal to be analysed, say f(t) is multiplied with a window function w(t)
at a particular time instant. Analysing the Fourier coefficients of
this signal gives us information about the frequency components of the
signal at a particular time instant.
The STFT is mathematically written as:
The Wavelet transform is defined as
A variety of window functions can be used for analysis. Wavelet
functions are used for both time and frequency localisation. For
example,one of the windows used in calculating the Fourier coefficients
is the Gaussian window which is optimally concentrated in time and
frequency. This optimal nature can be explained by considering the time
scaling and time shifting parameters a and b respectively. By choosing the appropriate values of a and b,
we can determine the frequencies and the time associated with that
signal. By representing any signal as the linear combination of the
wavelet functions, we can localize the signals in both time and
frequency domain. Hence wavelet transforms are important in geophysical
applications where spatial and temporal frequency localisation is
Time frequency localisation using wavelets
Geophysical signals are continuously varying functions of space
and time. The wavelet transform techniques offer a way to decompose the
signals as a linear combination of shifted and scaled version of basis
functions. The amount of "shift" and "scale" can be modified to localize
the signal in time and frequency.
Simply put, space-time signal filtering problem can be thought as localizing the speed and direction of a particular signal.
The design of filters for space-time signals follows a similar approach
as that of 1D signals. The filters for 1-D signals are designed in such
a way that if the requirement of the filter is to extract frequency
components in a particular non-zero range of frequencies, a bandpass filter
with appropriate passband and stop band frequencies in determined.
Similarly, in the case of multi-dimensional systems, the
wavenumber-frequency response of filters is designed in such a way that
it is unity in the designed region of (k, ω) a.k.a. wavenumber – frequency and zero elsewhere.
Spatial distribution of phased arrays to filter geophysical signals
This approach is applied for filtering space-time signals.
It is designed to isolate signals travelling in a particular direction.
One of the simplest filters is weighted delay and sum beamformer. The
output is the average of the linear combination of delayed signals. In
other words, the beamformer output is formed by averaging weighted and
delayed versions of receiver signals. The delay is chosen such that the
passband of beamformer is directed to a specific direction in the space.
Classical estimation theory
section deals with the estimation of the power spectral density of the
multi-dimensional signals.The spectral density function can be defined
as a multidimensional Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function
of the random signal.
The spectral estimates can be obtained by finding the square of the
magnitude of the Fourier transform also called as Periodogram. The
spectral estimates obtained from the periodogram have a large variance
in amplitude for consecutive periodogram samples or in wavenumber. This
problem is resolved using techniques that constitute the classical
estimation theory. They are as follows:
1.Bartlett suggested a method that averages the spectral
estimates to calculate the power spectrum. Average of spectral estimates
over a time interval gives a better estimate.
Bartlett's case
2.Welch's method suggested to divide the measurements using data
window functions, calculate a periodogram, average them to get a
spectral estimate and calculate the power spectrum using Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT).This increased the computational speed.
Welch's case
4.The periodogram under consideration can be modified by multiplying
it with a window function. Smoothing window will help us smoothen the
estimate. Wider the main lobe of the smoothing spectrum, smoother it
becomes at the cost of frequency resolution.
Modified periodogram
Estimating positions of underground objects
method being discussed here assumes that the mass distribution of the
underground objects of interest is already known and hence the problem
of estimating their location boils down to parametric localisation.Say
underground objects with center of masses (CM1, CM2...CMn) are located under the surface and at positions p1, p2...pn.
The gravity gradient(components of the gravity field) is measured using
a spinning wheel with accelerometers also called as the gravity
The instrument is positioned in different orientations to measure the
respective component of the gravitational field. The values of
gravitational gradient tensors are calculated and analyzed. The analysis
includes observing the contribution of each object under consideration.
A maximum likelihood procedure is followed and Cramér–Rao bound (CRB) is computed to assess the quality of location estimate.
Array processing for seismographic applications
sensors located on the surface of earth spaced equidistantly receive
the seismic waves. The seismic waves travel through the various layers
of earth and undergo changes in their properties - amplitude change,
time of arrival, phase shift. By analyzing these properties of the
signals, we can model the activities inside the earth.
Visualization of 3D data
method of volume rendering is an important tool to analyse the scalar
fields. Volume rendering simplifies representation of 3D space. Every
point in a 3D space is called a voxel.
Data inside the 3-d dataset is projected to the 2-d space(display
screen) using various techniques. Different data encoding schemes exist
for various applications such as MRI, Seismic applications.
Gravity gradiometry is the study and measurement of variations in the acceleration due to gravity. The gravity gradient is the spatial rate of change of gravitational acceleration.
Gravity gradiometry is used by oil and mineral prospectors to
measure the density of the subsurface, effectively by measuring the rate
of change of gravitational acceleration (or jerk)
due to underlying rock properties. From this information it is possible
to build a picture of subsurface anomalies which can then be used to
more accurately target oil, gas and mineral deposits. It is also used to
image water column density, when locating submerged objects, or determining water depth (bathymetry).
Physical scientists use gravimeters to determine the exact size and
shape of the earth and they contribute to the gravity compensations
applied to inertial navigation systems.
Measuring the gravity gradient
Gravity measurements are a reflection of the earth’s gravitational attraction, its centripetal force, tidal accelerations
due to the sun, moon, and planets, and other applied forces. Gravity
gradiometers measure the spatial derivatives of the gravity vector. The
most frequently used and intuitive component is the vertical gravity
gradient, Gzz, which represents the rate of change of vertical gravity (gz) with height (z).
It can be deduced by differencing the value of gravity at two points
separated by a small vertical distance, l, and dividing by this
The two gravity measurements are provided by accelerometers which are matched and aligned to a high level of accuracy.
The unit of gravity gradient is the eotvos (abbreviated as E), which is equivalent to 10−9 s−2 (or 10−4 mGal/m).
A person walking past at a distance of 2 metres would provide a gravity
gradient signal approximately one E. Mountains can give signals of
several hundred Eotvos.
Gravity gradient tensor
tensor gradiometers measure the rate of change of the gravity vector in
all three perpendicular directions giving rise to a gravity gradient
tensor (Fig 1).
1. Conventional gravity measures ONE component of the gravity field in
the vertical direction Gz (LHS), Full tensor gravity gradiometry
measures ALL components of the gravity field (RHS)
Comparison to gravity
the derivatives of gravity, the spectral power of gravity gradient
signals is pushed to higher frequencies. This generally makes the
gravity gradient anomaly more localised to the source than the gravity
anomaly. The table (below) and graph (Fig 2) compare the gz and Gzz responses from a point source.
Gravity (gz)
Gravity gradient (Gzz)
Peak signal (r = 0)
Full width at half maximum
Wavelength (λ)
Fig 2. Vertical gravity and gravity gradient signals from a point source buried at 1 km depth
Conversely, gravity measurements have more signal power at low
frequency therefore making them more sensitive to regional signals and
deeper sources.
Dynamic survey environments (airborne and marine)
derivative measurement sacrifices the overall energy in the signal, but
significantly reduces the noise due to motional disturbance. On a
moving platform, the acceleration disturbance measured by the two
accelerometers is the same so that when forming the difference, it
cancels in the gravity gradient measurement. This is the principal
reason for deploying gradiometers in airborne and marine surveys where
the acceleration levels are orders of magnitude greater than the signals
of interest. The signal to noise ratio benefits most at high frequency
(above 0.01 Hz), where the airborne acceleration noise is largest.
gradiometry has predominately been used to image subsurface geology to
aid hydrocarbon and mineral exploration. Over 2.5 million line km has
now been surveyed using the technique. The surveys highlight gravity anomalies that can be related to geological features such as Salt diapirs, Fault systems, Reef structures, Kimberlite pipes, etc. Other applications include tunnel and bunker detection
and the recent GOCE mission that aims to improve the knowledge of ocean circulation.
Gravity gradiometers
Lockheed Martin gravity gradiometers
the 1970s, as an executive in the US Dept. of Defense, John Brett
initiated the development of the gravity gradiometer to support the
Trident 2 system. A committee was commissioned to seek commercial
applications for the Full Tensor Gradient (FTG) system that was
developed by Bell Aerospace (later acquired by Lockheed Martin) and was being deployed on US Navy Ohio-class
Trident submarines designed to aid covert navigation. As the Cold War
came to a close, the US Navy released the classified technology and
opened the door for full commercialization of the technology. The
existence of the gravity gradiometer was famously exposed in the film The Hunt for Red October released in 1990.
There are two types of Lockheed Martin gravity gradiometers
currently in operation: the 3D Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometer (FTG;
deployed in either a fixed wing aircraft or a ship) and the FALCON
gradiometer (a partial tensor system with 8 accelerometers and deployed
in a fixed wing aircraft or a helicopter). The 3D FTG system contains
three gravity gradiometry instruments (GGIs), each consisting of two
opposing pairs of accelerometers arranged on a spinning disc with
measurement direction in the spin direction.
Other gravity gradiometers
Electrostatic gravity gradiometer
This is the gravity gradiometer deployed on the European Space Agency's GOCE mission. It is a three-axis diagonal gradiometer based on three pairs of electrostatic servo-controlled accelerometers.
ARKeX Exploration gravity gradiometer
An evolution of technology originally developed for European Space
Agency, the Exploration Gravity Gradiometer (EGG), developed by ARKeX (a
corporation that is now defunct), uses two key principles of superconductivity to deliver its performance: the Meissner effect, which provides levitation of the EGG proof masses and flux quantization, which gives the EGG its inherent stability. The EGG has been specifically designed for high dynamic survey environments.
Ribbon sensor gradiometer
The Gravitec gravity gradiometer sensor consists of a single sensing
element (a ribbon) that responds to gravity gradient forces. It is
designed for borehole applications.
UWA gravity gradiometer
The University of Western Australia (aka VK-1) Gravity Gradiometer
is a superconducting instrument which uses an orthogonal quadrupole
responder (OQR) design based on pairs of micro-flexure supported balance
Gedex gravity gradiometer
The Gedex gravity gradiometer (AKA High-Definition Airborne Gravity
Gradiometer, HD-AGG) is also a superconducting OQR-type gravity
gradiometer, based on technology developed at the University of