The fluctuation theorem (FT), which originated from statistical mechanics, deals with the relative probability that the entropy of a system which is currently away from thermodynamic equilibrium (i.e., maximum entropy) will increase or decrease over a given amount of time. While the second law of thermodynamics predicts that the entropy of an isolated system
should tend to increase until it reaches equilibrium, it became
apparent after the discovery of statistical mechanics that the second
law is only a statistical one, suggesting that there should always be
some nonzero probability that the entropy of an isolated system might
spontaneously decrease; the fluctuation theorem precisely quantifies this probability.
Roughly, the fluctuation theorem relates to the probability distribution of the time-averaged irreversible entropy production, denoted . The theorem states that, in systems away from equilibrium over a finite time t, the ratio between the probability that takes on a value A and the probability that it takes the opposite value, −A, will be exponential in At.
In other words, for a finite non-equilibrium system in a finite time,
the FT gives a precise mathematical expression for the probability that
entropy will flow in a direction opposite to that dictated by the second law of thermodynamics.
Mathematically, the FT is expressed as:
This means that as the time or system size increases (since is extensive),
the probability of observing an entropy production opposite to that
dictated by the second law of thermodynamics decreases exponentially.
The FT is one of the few expressions in non-equilibrium statistical
mechanics that is valid far from equilibrium.
Note that the FT does not state that the second law of
thermodynamics is wrong or invalid. The second law of thermodynamics is a
statement about macroscopic systems. The FT is more general. It can be
applied to both microscopic and macroscopic systems. When applied to
macroscopic systems, the FT is equivalent to the Second Law of
The FT was first proposed and tested using computer simulations, by Denis Evans, E.G.D. Cohen and Gary Morriss in 1993. The first derivation was given by Evans and Debra Searles in 1994. Since then, much mathematical and computational work has been done to show that the FT applies to a variety of statistical ensembles.
The first laboratory experiment that verified the validity of the FT
was carried out in 2002. In this experiment, a plastic bead was pulled
through a solution by a laser. Fluctuations in the velocity were
recorded that were opposite to what the second law of thermodynamics
would dictate for macroscopic systems.
In 2020, observations at high spatial and spectral resolution of the
solar photosphere have shown that solar turbulent convection satisfies
the symmetries predicted by the fluctuation relation at a local level.
Second law inequality
simple consequence of the fluctuation theorem given above is that if we
carry out an arbitrarily large ensemble of experiments from some
initial time t=0, and perform an ensemble average of time averages of
the entropy production, then an exact consequence of the FT is that the
ensemble average cannot be negative for any value of the averaging time
This inequality is called the second law inequality. This inequality can be proved for systems with time dependent fields of arbitrary magnitude and arbitrary time dependence.
It is important to understand what the second law inequality does
not imply. It does not imply that the ensemble averaged entropy
production is non-negative at all times. This is untrue, as
consideration of the entropy production in a viscoelastic fluid subject
to a sinusoidal time dependent shear rate shows (e.g., water waves).
In this example the ensemble average of the time integral of the
entropy production over one cycle is however nonnegative - as expected
from the second law inequality.
Nonequilibrium partition identity
Another remarkably simple and elegant consequence of the fluctuation theorem is the so-called "nonequilibrium partition identity" (NPI):
Thus in spite of the Second Law Inequality which might lead you to
expect that the average would decay exponentially with time, the
exponential probability ratio given by the FT exactly cancels the negative exponential in the average above leading to an average which is unity for all time.
There are many important implications from the fluctuation theorem. One is that small machines (such as nanomachines or even mitochondria
in a cell) will spend part of their time actually running in "reverse".
What we mean by "reverse" is that it is possible to observe that these
small molecular machines
are able to generate work by taking heat from the environment. This is
possible because there exists a symmetry relation in the work
fluctuations associated with the forward and reverse changes a system
undergoes as it is driven away from thermal equilibrium by the action of
an external perturbation, which is a result predicted by the Crooks fluctuation theorem.
The environment itself continuously drives these molecular machines
away from equilibrium and the fluctuations it generates over the system
are very relevant because the probability of observing an apparent
violation of the second law of thermodynamics becomes significant at
this scale.
This is counterintuitive because, from a macroscopic point of
view, it would describe complex processes running in reverse. For
example, a jet engine running in reverse, taking in ambient heat and
exhaust fumes to generate kerosene
and oxygen. Nevertheless the size of such a system makes this
observation almost impossible to occur. Such a process is possible to be
observed microscopically because, as it has been stated above, the
probability of observing a "reverse" trajectory depends on system size
and is significant for molecular machines if an appropriate measurement
instrument is available. This is the case with the development of new
biophysical instruments such as the optical tweezers or the atomic force microscope. Crooks fluctuation theorem has been verified through RNA folding experiments.
Dissipation function
speaking the fluctuation theorem refers to a quantity known as the
dissipation function. In thermostatted nonequilibrium states
that are close to equilibrium, the long time average of the dissipation
function is equal to the average entropy production. However the FT
refers to fluctuations rather than averages. The dissipation function
is defined as,
where k is Boltzmann's constant, is the initial (t = 0) distribution of molecular states , and is the molecular state arrived at after time t, under the exact time reversible equations of motion. is the INITIAL distribution of those time evolved states.
Note: in order for the FT to be valid we require that . This condition is known as the condition of ergodic consistency. It is widely satisfied in common statistical ensembles - e.g. the canonical ensemble.
The system may be in contact with a large heat reservoir in order to thermostat the system of interest. If this is the case
is the heat lost to the reservoir over the time (0,t) and T is the
absolute equilibrium temperature of the reservoir - see Williams et al.,
Phys Rev E70, 066113(2004). With this definition of the dissipation
function the precise statement of the FT simply replaces entropy
production with the dissipation function in each of the FT equations
Example: If one considers electrical conduction across an
electrical resistor in contact with a large heat reservoir at
temperature T, then the dissipation function is
the total electric current density J multiplied by the voltage drop across the circuit, ,
and the system volume V, divided by the absolute temperature T, of the
heat reservoir times Boltzmann's constant. Thus the dissipation
function is easily recognised as the Ohmic work done on the system
divided by the temperature of the reservoir. Close to equilibrium the
long time average of this quantity is (to leading order in the voltage drop), equal to the average spontaneous entropy production per unit time.
However, the fluctuation theorem applies to systems arbitrarily far
from equilibrium where the definition of the spontaneous entropy
production is problematic.
Relation to Loschmidt's paradox
The second law of thermodynamics,
which predicts that the entropy of an isolated system out of
equilibrium should tend to increase rather than decrease or stay
constant, stands in apparent contradiction with the time-reversible
equations of motion for classical and quantum systems. The time
reversal symmetry of the equations of motion show that if one films a
given time dependent physical process, then playing the movie of that
process backwards does not violate the laws of mechanics. It is often
argued that for every forward trajectory in which entropy increases,
there exists a time reversed anti trajectory where entropy decreases,
thus if one picks an initial state randomly from the system's phase space
and evolves it forward according to the laws governing the system,
decreasing entropy should be just as likely as increasing entropy. It
might seem that this is incompatible with the second law of thermodynamics
which predicts that entropy tends to increase. The problem of deriving
irreversible thermodynamics from time-symmetric fundamental laws is
referred to as Loschmidt's paradox.
The mathematical derivation of the fluctuation theorem and in
particular the second law inequality shows that, for a nonequilibrium
process, the ensemble averaged value for the dissipation function will
be greater than zero.
This result requires causality, i.e. that cause (the initial
conditions) precede effect (the value taken on by the dissipation
function). This is clearly demonstrated in section 6 of that paper,
where it is shown how one could use the same laws of mechanics to
extrapolate backwards from a later state to an earlier state, and
in this case the fluctuation theorem would lead us to predict the
ensemble average dissipation function to be negative, an anti-second
law. This second prediction, which is inconsistent with the real world,
is obtained using an anti-causal assumption. That is to say that effect
(the value taken on by the dissipation function) precedes the cause
(here the later state has been incorrectly used for the initial
conditions). The fluctuation theorem shows how the second law is a
consequence of the assumption of causality. When we solve a problem we
set the initial conditions and then let the laws of mechanics evolve the
system forward in time, we don't solve problems by setting the final
conditions and letting the laws of mechanics run backwards in time.
The fluctuation theorem is of fundamental importance to non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.
The FT (together with the universal causation proposition) gives a generalisation of the second law of thermodynamics
which includes as a special case, the conventional second law. It is
then easy to prove the Second Law Inequality and the NonEquilibrium
Partition Identity. When combined with the central limit theorem, the FT also implies the Green-Kubo relations
for linear transport coefficients, close to equilibrium. The FT is
however, more general than the Green-Kubo Relations because unlike them,
the FT applies to fluctuations far from equilibrium. In spite of this
fact, scientists have not yet been able to derive the equations for
nonlinear response theory from the FT.
The FT does not imply or require that the distribution of
time averaged dissipation be Gaussian. There are many examples known
where the distribution of time averaged dissipation is non-Gaussian and
yet the FT (of course) still correctly describes the probability ratios.
Lastly the theoretical constructs used to prove the FT can be applied to nonequilibrium transitions between two different equilibrium states. When this is done the so-called Jarzynski equality
or nonequilibrium work relation, can be derived. This equality shows
how equilibrium free energy differences can be computed or measured (in
the laboratory), from nonequilibrium path integrals. Previously quasi-static (equilibrium) paths were required.
The reason why the fluctuation theorem is so fundamental is that its proof requires so little. It requires:
knowledge of the mathematical form of the initial distribution of molecular states,
that all time evolved final states at time t, must be present with nonzero probability in the distribution of initial states (t = 0) - the so-called condition of ergodic consistency and,
an assumption of time reversal symmetry.
In regard to the latter "assumption", while the equations of motion
of quantum dynamics may be time-reversible, quantum processes are
nondeterministic by nature. What state a wave function collapses into
cannot be predicted mathematically, and further the unpredictability of a
quantum system comes not from the myopia of an observer’s perception,
but on the intrinsically nondeterministic nature of the system itself.
In quantum mechanical systems, however, the weak nuclear force
is not invariant under T-symmetry alone; if weak interactions are
present reversible dynamics are still possible, but only if the operator
π also reverses the signs of all the charges and the parity of the spatial co-ordinates (C-symmetry and P-symmetry). This reversibility of several linked properties is known as CPT symmetry.
Elderly care emphasizes the social and personal requirements of
senior citizens who wish to age with dignity while needing assistance
with daily activities and with healthcare. Much elderly care is unpaid.
Elderly care includes a broad range of practices and
institutions, as there is a wide variety of elderly care needs and
cultural perspectives on the elderly throughout the world.
The form of care provided for older adults varies greatly by country and even region, and is changing rapidly. Older people worldwide consume the most health spending of any age group.
There is also an increasingly large proportion of older people
worldwide, especially in developing nations with continued pressure to
limit fertility and shrink families.
Traditionally, care for older adults has been the responsibility of family members and was provided within the extended family home. Increasingly in modern societies, care is now provided by state or charitable institutions. The reasons for this change include shrinking families, longer life expectancy and geographical dispersion of families.
Although these changes have affected European and North American
countries first, they are now increasingly affecting Asian countries.
In most western countries, care facilities for older adults are residential family care homes, freestanding assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs).
A family care home is a residential home with support and supervisory
personnel by an agency, organization, or individual that provides room
and board, personal care and habilitation services in a family
environment for at least two and no more than six persons.
Due to the wide variety of elderly care needs and cultural
perspectives on the elderly, there is a broad range of practices and
institutions across different parts of the world. For example, in many Asian
countries whereby younger generations often care for the elderly due to
societal norms, government-run elderly care is seldom used in developing countries throughout Asia due to a lack of sufficient taxation
necessary to provide an adequate standard of care, whilst privately-run
elderly care in developing countries throughout Asia is relatively
uncommon due to the stigma of exhibiting insufficient filial piety, having a relatively relaxed work–life interface and insufficient funding
from family to pay for privately-run elderly care. However,
institutional elderly care is increasingly adopted across various Asian
societies, as the work–life interface becomes more constrained and people with increasing incomes being able to afford the cost of elderly care.
"Many studies have looked at the role of women as family
caregivers. Although not all have addressed gender issues and caregiving
specifically, the results are still generalizable [sic] to
Estimates of the age of family or informal caregivers who are women range from 59% to 75%.
The average caregiver is age 46, female, married and worked outside the home earning an annual income of $35,000.
Although men also provide assistance, female caregivers may spend as much as 50% more time providing care than male caregivers."
In developed nations
Total employment in residential care services in Australia (thousands of people) since 1984
Aged care in Australia
is designed to make sure that every Australian can contribute as much
as possible towards their cost of care, depending on their individual
income and assets.
That means that residents pay only what they can afford, and the
Commonwealth government pays what the residents cannot pay. An
Australian statutory authority, the Productivity Commission,
conducted a review of aged care commencing in 2010 and reporting in
2011. The review concluded that approximately 80% of care for older
Australians is informal care provided by family, friends and neighbours.
Around a million people received government-subsidised aged care
services, most of these received low-level community care support, with
160,000 people in permanent residential care. Expenditure on aged care
by all governments in 2009-10 was approximately $11 billion.
The need to increase the level of care, and known weaknesses in
the care system (such as skilled workforce shortages and rationing of
available care places), led several reviews in the 2000s to conclude
that Australia's aged care system needs reform. This culminated in the
2011 Productivity Commission report and subsequent reform proposals.
In accordance with the Living Longer, Living Better amendments of 2013,
assistance is provided in accordance with assessed care needs, with
additional supplements available for people experiencing homelessness,
dementia and veterans.
Australian Aged Care is often considered complicated due to
various state and federal funding. Furthermore, there are many acronyms
that customers need to be aware of, including ACAT, ACAR, NRCP, HACC,
CACP, EACH, EACH-D and CDC (Consumer Directed Care) to name a few.
for-profit and not-for-profit facilities exist in Canada, but due to
cost factors, some provinces operate or subsidize public facilities run
by the provincial Ministry of Health. In public care homes, elderly
Canadians may pay for their care on a sliding scale, based on annual
income. The scale that they are charged on depends on whether they are
considered for "Long Term Care" or "Assisted Living." For example, in
January 2010, seniors living in British Columbia's government-subsidized
"Long Term Care" (also called "Residential Care") started paying 80% of
their after-tax income unless their after-tax income is less than
$16,500. The "Assisted Living" tariff is calculated more simply as 70%
of the after-tax income.
As seen in Ontario, there are waiting lists for many long-term care
homes, so families may need to resort to hiring home healthcare or
paying to stay in a private retirement home.
United Kingdom
for the elderly in the UK has traditionally been funded by the state,
but it is increasingly rationed, according to a joint report by the King's Fund and Nuffield Trust, as the cost of care to the nation rises.
People who have minimal savings or other assets are provided with care
either in their own home (from visiting carers) or by moving to a
residential care home or nursing home.
Larger numbers of old people need help because of an aging population
and medical advances increasing life expectancy, but less is being paid
out by the government to help them. A million people who need care get
neither formal nor informal help.
A growing number of retirement communities,
retirement villages or sheltered housing in the UK also offer an
alternative to care homes but only for those with simple care needs.
Extra Care housing provision can be suitable for older people with more
complex needs. These models allow older people to live independently in a
residential community or housing complex with other older people,
helping to combat problems common amongst older people such as
isolation. In these communities, residents may access shared services, amenities, and access care services if required.
In general, retirement communities are privately owned and
operated, representing a shift from a ‘care as service’ to ‘care as
business’ model. Some commercially operated villages have come under
scrutiny for a lack of transparency over exit fees or ‘event fees’.
It has been noted, however, that paying less now and more later may
suit ‘an equity-rich, yet cash-poor, generation of British pensioners.’
Although most retirement village operators are run for profit,
there are some charitable organisations in the space: for example, the
ExtraCare Charitable Trust, which operates 14 retirement villages mostly
in the Midlands, is a registered charity.
Charities may derive additional funding from sources such as statutory
agencies, charity appeals, legacies, and income from charity shops.
Surplus funds are used to support residents' housing, health and
well-being programmes, and for the development of new villages to meet
growing national demand.
Extra Care housing usually involves provision of:
Purpose-built, accessible housing design
Safety and security e.g. controlled entry to the building
Fully self-contained properties, where occupants have their own front doors, and legal status as tenants with security of tenure
Tenants have the right to control who enters their home
Office space for use by staff serving the scheme (and sometimes the wider community)
Some communal spaces and facilities
Access to care and support services 24 hours per day
According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the older population—persons 65 years or older—numbered 39.6 million in 2009. They represented 12.9% of the U.S. population, about one in every eight Americans. By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2000.
People aged over 65 years represented 12.4% of the population in the
year 2000, but that is expected to grow to be 19% of the population by
2030. This means there will be more demand for elderly care facilities in the coming years. There were more than 36,000 assisted
living facilities in the United States in 2009, according to the
Assisted Living Federation of America. More than 1 million senior citizens are served by these assisted living facilities.
Last-year-of-life expenses represent 22% of all medical spending in the United States, 26% of all Medicare spending, 18% of all non-Medicare spending, and 25% of all Medicaid spending for the poor. A November 2020 study by the West Health Policy Center stated that more than 1.1 million senior citizens in the U.S. Medicare
program are expected to die prematurely over the next decade because
they will be unable to afford their prescription medications, requiring
an additional $17.7 billion to be spent annually on avoidable medical
costs due to health complications.
In the United States, most of the large multi-facility providers are publicly owned and managed as for-profit businesses.
However, there are exceptions; the largest operator in the US is the
Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, a not-for-profit
organization that manages 6,531 beds in 22 states, according to a study
by the American Health Care Association in 1995.
Given the choice, most older adults would prefer to continue to live in their homes (aging in place).
Many elderly people gradually lose functioning ability and require
either additional assistance in the home or a move to an eldercare
facility. Their adult children often find it challenging to help their elderly parents make the right choices. Assisted living
is one option for the elderly who need assistance with everyday tasks.
It costs less than nursing home care but is still considered expensive
for most people. Home care services may allow seniors to live in their own home for a longer period of time.
One relatively new service in the United States that can help keep older people in their homes longer is respite care.
This type of care allows caregivers the opportunity to go on a vacation
or a business trip and to know that their family member has good
quality temporary care. Also, without this help the elder might have to
move permanently to an outside facility. Another unique type of care
cropping in U.S. hospitals is called acute care of elder units, or ACE
units, which provide "a homelike setting" within a medical center
specifically for older adults.
at On Lok Senior Health Services interact with participants in their
senior day care program in San Francisco's Chinatown, mid 1970s.Senior
at San Francisco's On Lok Senior Health Services at the Powell Street
location takes a rest after social activities, mid 1970s.
Information about long-term care options in the United States can be found by contacting the local Area Agency on Aging, searching through ZIP code, or elder referral agencies such as Silver Living or A Place for Mom.
Furthermore, the U.S. government recommends evaluation of health care
facilities through websites using data collected from sources such as Medicare records.
In developing nations
Population ageing is a challenge across the world, and China is no exception. Due to the one-child policy,
rural/urban migration and other social changes, the traditional
long-term care (LTC) for the elderly which was through direct family
care in the past will no longer suffice. Barely existent now, both
institutional and community-based services are expanding to meet the
growing need. China is still at an earlier stage in economic development
and will be challenged to build these services and train staff.
cultural view of elderly care is similar to that of Nepal. Parents are
typically cared for by their children into old age, most commonly by
their sons.
In these countries, elderly citizens, especially men, are viewed in
very high regard. Traditional values demand honor and respect for older,
wiser people.
Using data on health and living conditions from India's 60th National
Sample Survey, a study found that almost a fourth of the elderly
reported poor health. Reports of poor health were clustered among the
poor, single, lower-educated, and economically inactive groups.
Under its eleventh Five-Year plan, the Indian government has made many strides similar to that of Nepal. Article 41 of the Indian Constitution
states that elderly citizens will be guaranteed Social Security support
for health care and welfare. A section of the 1973 Criminal Procedure
Code, alluding to its traditional background, mandates that children
support their parents if they no longer can themselves.
Due to health and economic benefits, the life expectancy in Nepal jumped from 27 years in 1951 to 65 in 2008. Most elderly Nepali citizens, roughly 85%, live in rural areas.
Because of this, there is a significant lack of government sponsored
programs or homes for the elderly. Traditionally, parents live with
their children, and today, it is estimated that 90% of the elderly live
in the homes of their families.
This number is changing as more children leave home for work or school,
leading to loneliness and mental problems in Nepali elderly.
The Ninth Five-Year Plan included policies in an attempt to care for the elderly left without children as caretakers. A Senior Health Facilities Fund has been established in each district.
The Senior Citizens Health Facilities Program Implementation Guideline,
2061BS provides medical facilities to the elderly, free medicines as
well as health care to people who are poverty stricken in all districts. In its yearly budget, the government has planned to fund free health care for all heart and kidney patients older than 75. Unfortunately, many of these plans are overly ambitious, which has been recognized by the Nepali government.
Nepal is a developing nation and may not be able to fund all of these
programs after the development of an Old Age Allowance (OAA). OAA
provides a monthly stipend to all citizens over 70 years old and widows
over 60 years old.
There are a handful of private daycare facilities for the
elderly, but they are limited to the capital city. These day care
services are very expensive and beyond the reach of the general public.
has observed global patterns of an enlarging elderly class: as
fertility control is encouraged and medical advances are being made, the
birth rate has diminished and people live longer.
The Thai government is noticing and concerned about this trend but
tends to let families care for their elderly members rather than create
extraneous policies for them. As of 2011, there are only 25 state-sponsored homes for the elderly, with no more than a few thousand members in each home.
Such programs are largely run by volunteers and the services tend to be
limited, considering there is not always a guarantee that care will be
available. Private care is tough to follow, often based on assumptions.
Because children are less likely to care for their parents, private
caretakers are in demand. Volunteer NGOs are available but in very limited quantities.
While there are certainly programs available for use by the
elderly in Thailand, questions of equity have risen since their
The rich elderly in Thailand are much more likely to have access to
care resources, while the poor elderly are more likely to use their
acquired health care, as observed in a study by Bhumisuk Khananurak. However, over 96% of the nation has health insurance with varying degrees of care available.
Medical (skilled care) versus non-medical (social care)
A distinction is generally made between medical
and non-medical care, the latter not being provided by medical
professionals and much less likely to be covered by insurance or public
funds. In the US, 67% of the one million or so residents in assisted
living facilities pay for care out of their own funds. The rest get help from family and friends and from state agencies. Medicare
does not pay unless skilled-nursing care is needed and given in
certified skilled nursing facilities or by a skilled nursing agency in
the home. Assisted living facilities usually do not meet Medicare's
requirements. However, Medicare pays for some skilled care if the
elderly person meets the requirements for the Medicare home health benefit.
Thirty-two U.S. states pay for care in assisted living facilities through their Medicaid waiver programs. Similarly, in the United Kingdom the National Health Service
provides medical care for the elderly, as for all, free at the point of
use, but social care is paid for by the state only in Scotland.
England, Wales and Northern Ireland have failed to introduce any
legislation on the matter and so social care is not funded by public
authorities unless a person has exhausted their private resources, such
as by selling the home. Money provided for supporting elderly people in
the UK has fallen by 20% per person during the ten years from 2005 to
2015 and in real terms, the fall is even greater. L Experts claim that
vulnerable UK people do not get what they need.
However, elderly care is focused on satisfying the expectations
of two tiers of customers: the resident customer and the purchasing
customer, who are often not identical, since relatives or public
authorities, rather than the resident, may be providing the cost of
care. If residents are confused or have communication difficulties, it
may be very difficult for relatives or other concerned parties to be
sure of the standard of care being given, and the possibility of elder abuse
is a continuing source of concern. The Adult Protective Services
Agency, a component of the human service agency in most states, is
typically responsible for investigating reports of domestic elder abuse
and providing families with help and guidance. Other professionals who
may be able to help include doctors or nurses, police officers, lawyers,
and social workers.
Shared-decision making
During primary care
is currently limited evidence to form a robust conclusion that
involving older patients with multiple health conditions in
decision-making during primary care consultations has benefits.
Examples of patient involvement in decision-making about their health
care include patient workshops and coaching, individual patient
coaching. Further research in this developing area is needed.
Older adults are scared of losing their independence more than they fear death.
Promoting independence in self-care can provide older adults with the
capability to maintain independence longer and can leave them with a
sense of achievement when they complete a task unaided. Older adults
that require assistance with activities of daily living are at a greater
risk of losing their independence with self-care tasks as dependent
personal behaviours are often met with reinforcement from caregivers.
It is important for caregivers to ensure that measures are put into
place to preserve and promote function rather than contribute to a
decline in status of an older adult that has physical limitations.
Caregivers need to be conscious of actions and behaviors that cause
older adults to become dependent on them and need to allow older
patients to maintain as much independence as possible. Providing
information to the older patient on why it is important to perform
self-care may allow them to see the benefit in performing self-care
independently. If the older adult is able to complete self-care
activities on their own, or even if they need supervision, encourage
them in their efforts as maintaining independence can provide them with a
sense of accomplishment and the ability to maintain independence
A study done by Langer and Rodin in 1976, investigated what the
impacts could be if nursing home residents are given more responsibility
in different daily activities, and more choices, compared if those
responsibilities given to the nursing home staff. Residents in the
nursing home were split into two different groups. One group of elderly
residents was given more responsibility in their choices, and their
day-to-day activities than the other group. This involved differences
such as having the hospital administrator talked separately to the two
groups. The group that was more responsibility induced was given a talk
emphasizing their responsibility for themselves, while the talk given to
the second group emphasized the responsibility of the nursing staff in
taking care of the elderly residents. Another difference between the two
groups is that both groups were given a plant. The group that was more
responsibility induced was told they there were responsible for watering
the plant each day while, the second group was told that the nursing
staff was responsible for watering the plant. Results from this study
indicated that the group that was more responsibility induced became
more active, reported being happier, and increased alertness and they
showed increased behavioral involvement in activities such as
socializing, participation, and attendance in the nursing home
activities such the nursing home's movie nights. They also showed higher
health and mood which also declined more slowly than the previous group
over time. It is also noted that these long-term benefits were most
likely obtained because the treatment was not directed toward one single
behavior or stimulus condition.
Elderly-friendly interior design plays a vital role in promoting independence among the elderly. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) in smart homes provides a remote monitoring system to keep track of the daily activities of the elderly.
Thus adults can live on their own confidently knowing that a feedback
alarm will be sent to their caregivers immediately in case of an
emergency. This not only allows the aging population to maintain their
independence and confidenc, but also brings peace of mind to their
friends and family.
Impaired mobility is a major health concern for older adults,
affecting 50% of people over 85 and at least a fourth of those over 75
years old. As adults lose the ability to walk, climb stairs, or rise
from a chair, they become completely disabled. The problem cannot be
ignored because people over 65 years old constitute the fastest growing
segment of the population.
Therapy designed to improve mobility in elderly patients is
usually built around diagnosing and treating specific impairments, such
as reduced strength or poor balance. It is appropriate to compare older
adults seeking to improve their mobility because athletes seeking to
improve their split times. People in both groups perform best when they
measure their progress and work toward specific goals related to
strength, aerobic capacity,
and other physical qualities. Someone attempting to improve an older
adult's mobility must decide what impairments to focus on, and in many
cases, there is little scientific evidence to justify any of the
options. Today, many caregivers choose to focus on leg strength and
balance. New research suggests that limb velocity and core strength may also be important factors in mobility.
Assistive technology and advancements in the health care field are
further giving elders greater freedom and mobility. Several platforms
now use artificial intelligence to suggest assistive devices to the
elder for a better match. Well planned exercise programs can reduce the
rate of falls in older people if they involve multiple categories such
as balance, functional and resistance exercise.
Family members are one of the most important caregivers to the
elderly, often comprising the majority and most commonly being a
daughter or a granddaughter. Family and friends can provide a home (i.e.
host elderly relatives), help with money and meet social needs by
visiting, taking them out on trips, etc.
One of the major causes of elderly falls is hyponatremia,
an electrolyte disturbance in which the level of sodium in a person's
serum drops below 135 mEq/L. Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte
disorder encountered in the elderly patient population. Studies have
shown that older patients are more prone to hyponatremia as a result of
multiple factors including physiologic changes associated with aging
such as decreases in glomerular filtration rate, a tendency for
defective sodium conservation, and increased vasopressin activity. Mild
hyponatremia ups the risk of fracture in elderly patients because
hyponatremia has been shown to cause subtle neurologic impairment that
affects gait and attention, similar to that of moderate alcohol intake.
Improving personal mobility
There are relatively few studies focusing on interventions to improve personal mobility of older adults living at home.
An elderly-friendly interior space can reduce mobility issues as
well as other old-age issues. Staircase, lights, flooring etc can help
elders combat mobility issues. Interior design can positively influence
the physical and psychological wellness of the elderly, and if each area
in house is designed for accommodation, it can let older adults live
safely, comfortably and happily.
While navigating floors, climbing stairs is one of the greatest
challenges due to high risk of collapsing. A poorly designed staircase
can negatively impact elders' psychology as they develop loss of
confidence and fear of accidents. However, a staircase designed with the
ergonomics and usage patterns of the elderly in mind, can make it
easier for everyone. A stairlift can be a huge step to combat mobility issues.
Appropriate lighting in the interior space makes it easier for
elders to move around in the house. An average 60-year-old person
requires three times more illuminance than an average 20-year-old boy.
Windows, skylight and door openings can incorporate daylight into
interior spaces. However, unplanned opening designs can lead to glare
and increase the risk of falls and hinder their ability to perform daily
tasks as the elderly are more sensitive to glare than young adults.
Dual-layer curtains, drapes, window blinds, light shelves, low visual
transmittance glazing or other shading systems can reduce glare.
Illuminance can be increased by combining natural light with various
kinds of artificial lights.
When a person slips due to mobility issues, the flooring material
plays a major role in the level of impact the person experiences after
falling. Choosing the right flooring material in homes depending on
whether an individual uses a walker, a wheelchair, or a cane, can also
resolve many of the mobility issues faced by adults due to decline in
physical strength, loss of balance. For elders, tile flooring is the
least preferred option. Carpet, cork, sheet vinyl flooring are some of
the flooring options which can be used for bedrooms, kitchen and
bathrooms used by elders. Tiles can be extremely slippery when they are
wet which increases the risk of accidents. Also, they are very hard and
cold on feet which makes it difficult to walk barefoot during winters.
Legal issues about incapacity
incapacity is an invasive and sometimes, difficult legal procedure. It
requires that a person file a petition with the local courts, stating
that the elderly person lacks the capacity
to carry out activities that include making medical decisions, voting,
making gifts, seeking public benefits, marrying, managing property and
financial affairs, choosing where to live and who they socialize with.
Most states' laws require two doctors or other health professionals to
provide reports as evidence of such incompetence and the person to be
represented by an attorney. Only then can the individual's legal rights
be removed, and legal supervision by a guardian or conservator be
initiated. The legal guardian
or conservator is the person to whom the court delegates the
responsibility of acting on the incapacitated person's behalf and must
report regularly his or her activities to the court.
A less restrictive alternative to legal incapacity is the use of "advance directives,"
powers of attorney, trusts, living wills
and healthcare directives. The person who has such documents in place
should have prepared them with their attorney when that person had
capacity. Then, if the time comes that the person lacks capacity to
carry out the tasks laid out in the documents, the person they named
(their agent) can step in to make decisions on their behalf. The agent
has a duty to act as that person would have done so and to act in their
best interest.
An artificial heart is a device that replaces the heart. Artificial hearts are typically used to bridge the time to heart transplantation,
or to permanently replace the heart in the case that a heart transplant
(from a deceased human or, experimentally, from a deceased genetically
engineered pig) is impossible. Although other similar inventions
preceded it from the late 1940s, the first artificial heart to be
successfully implanted in a human was the Jarvik-7 in 1982, designed by a
team including Willem Johan Kolff, William DeVries and Robert Jarvik.
An artificial heart is distinct from a ventricular assist device (VAD; for either one or both of the ventricles, the heart's lower chambers), which can be a permanent solution also, or the intra-aortic balloon pump – both devices are designed to support a failing heart. It is also distinct from a cardiopulmonary bypass machine, which is an external device used to provide the functions of both the heart and lungs, used only for a few hours at a time, most commonly during cardiac surgery. It is also distinct from a ventilator, used to support failing lungs, or the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
(ECMO), which is used to support those with both inadequate heart and
lung function for up to days or weeks, unlike the bypass machine.
synthetic replacement for a heart remains a long-sought "holy grail" of
modern medicine. The obvious benefit of a functional artificial heart
would be to lower the need for heart transplants because the demand for organs always greatly exceeds supply.
Although the heart is conceptually a pump, it embodies subtleties
that defy straightforward emulation with synthetic materials and power
supplies. Consequences of these issues include severe foreign-body rejection
and external batteries that limit mobility. These complications limited
the lifespan of early human recipients from hours to days.
Early development
The first artificial heart was made by the Soviet scientist Vladimir Demikhov in 1938. It was implanted in a dog.
On 2 July 1952, 41-year-old Henry Opitek, suffering from shortness of breath, made medical history at Harper University Hospital at Wayne State University in Michigan. The Dodrill-GMR heart machine, considered to be the first operational mechanical heart, was successfully used while performing heart surgery.
Ongoing research was done on calves at Hershey Medical Center, Animal Research Facility, in Hershey, Pennsylvania, during the 1970s.
Forest Dewey Dodrill,
working closely with Matthew Dudley, used the machine in 1952 to bypass
Henry Opitek's left ventricle for 50 minutes while he opened the
patient's left atrium and worked to repair the mitral valve. In
Dodrill's post-operative report, he notes, "To our knowledge, this is
the first instance of survival of a patient when a mechanical heart
mechanism was used to take over the complete body function of
maintaining the blood supply of the body while the heart was open and
operated on."
A heart–lung machine was first used in 1953 during a successful open heart surgery. John Heysham Gibbon, the inventor of the machine, performed the operation and developed the heart–lung substitute himself.
Following these advances, scientific interest for the development
of a solution for heart disease developed in numerous research groups
Early designs of total artificial hearts
In 1949, a precursor to the modern artificial heart pump was built by doctors William Sewell and William Glenn of the Yale School of Medicine using an Erector Set, assorted odds and ends, and dime-store toys. The external pump successfully bypassed the heart of a dog for more than an hour.
Paul Winchell invented an artificial heart with the assistance of Henry Heimlich (the inventor of the Heimlich maneuver)
and held the first patent for such a device. The University of Utah
developed a similar apparatus around the same time, but when they tried
to patent it, Winchell's heart was cited as prior art. The university
requested that Winchell donate the heart to the University of Utah,
which he did.
There is some debate as to how much of Winchell's design Robert Jarvik
used in creating Jarvik's artificial heart. Heimlich states, "I saw the
heart, I saw the patent and I saw the letters. The basic principle used
in Winchell's heart and Jarvik's heart is exactly the same.
" Jarvik denies that any of Winchell's design elements were
incorporated into the device he fabricated for humans which was
successfully implanted into Barney Clark in 1982.
On 12 December 1957, Willem Johan Kolff,
the world's most prolific inventor of artificial organs, implanted an
artificial heart into a dog at Cleveland Clinic. The dog lived for 90
In 1958, Domingo Liotta initiated the studies of TAH (Total Artificial Heart) replacement at Lyon, France, and in 1959–60 at the National University of Córdoba,
Argentina. He presented his work at the meeting of the American Society
for Artificial Internal Organs held in Atlantic City in March 1961. At
that meeting, Liotta described the implantation of three types of
orthotopic (inside the pericardial sac) TAHs in dogs, each of which used
a different source of external energy: an implantable electric motor,
an implantable rotating pump with an external electric motor, and a
pneumatic pump.
In 1964, the National Institutes of Health started the Artificial Heart Program, with the goal of putting an artificial heart into a human by the end of the decade.
The purpose of the program was to develop an implantable artificial
heart, including the power source, to replace a failing heart.
In February 1966, Adrian Kantrowitz
rose to international prominence when he performed the world's first
permanent implantation of a partial mechanical heart (left ventricular
assist device) at Maimonides Medical Center.
In 1967, Kolff left Cleveland Clinic to start the Division of Artificial Organs at the University of Utah and pursue his work on the artificial heart.
In 1973, a calf named Tony survived for 30 days on an early Kolff heart.
In 1975, a bull named Burk survived 90 days on the artificial heart.
In 1976, a calf named Abebe lived for 184 days on the Jarvik 5 artificial heart.
In 1981, a calf named Alfred Lord Tennyson lived for 268 days on the Jarvik 5.
Over the years, more than 200 physicians, engineers, students and
faculty developed, tested and improved Kolff's artificial heart. To help
manage his many endeavors, Kolff assigned project managers. Each
project was named after its manager. Graduate student Robert Jarvik was
the project manager for the artificial heart, which was subsequently
renamed the Jarvik 7.
In 1981, William DeVries
submitted a request to the FDA for permission to implant the Jarvik 7
into a human being. On 1 December 1982, William DeVries implanted the
Jarvik 7 artificial heart into Barney Clark, a dentist from Seattle who
had severe congestive heart failure.
Clark lived for 112 days tethered to an external pneumatic compressor, a
device weighing some 400 pounds (180 kg), but during that time he
experienced prolonged periods of confusion and a number of instances of
bleeding, and asked several times to be allowed to die.
First clinical implantation of a total artificial heart
On 4 April 1969, Domingo Liotta and Denton A. Cooley replaced a dying man's heart with a mechanical heart inside the chest at The Texas Heart Institute in Houston
as a bridge for a transplant. The man woke up and began to recover.
After 64 hours, the pneumatic-powered artificial heart was removed and
replaced by a donor heart. However thirty-two hours after
transplantation, the man died of what was later proved to be an acute
pulmonary infection, extended to both lungs, caused by fungi, most
likely caused by an immunosuppressive drug complication.
The original prototype of Liotta-Cooley artificial heart used in this historic operation is prominently displayed in the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History "Treasures of American History" exhibit in Washington, D.C.
First clinical applications of a permanent pneumatic total artificial heart
first clinical use of an artificial heart designed for permanent
implantation rather than a bridge to transplant occurred in 1982 at the University of Utah. Artificial kidney pioneer Willem Johan Kolff started the Utah artificial organs program in 1967. There, physician-engineer Clifford Kwan-Gett
invented two components of an integrated pneumatic artificial heart
system: a ventricle with hemispherical diaphragms that did not crush red
blood cells (a problem with previous artificial hearts) and an external
heart driver that inherently regulated blood flow without needing
complex control systems. Independently, Paul Winchell designed and patented a similarly shaped ventricle and donated the patent to the Utah program.
Throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, veterinarian Donald Olsen led a
series of calf experiments that refined the artificial heart and its
surgical care. During that time, as a student at the University of Utah,
Robert Jarvik
combined several modifications: an ovoid shape to fit inside the human
chest, a more blood-compatible polyurethane developed by biomedical
engineer Donald Lyman, and a fabrication method by Kwan-Gett that made
the inside of the ventricles smooth and seamless to reduce dangerous
stroke-causing blood clots. On 1 December 1982, William DeVries implanted the artificial heart into retired dentist Barney Bailey Clark (born 21 January 1921), who survived 112 days with the device, dying on 23 March 1983. Bill Schroeder became the second recipient and lived for a record 620 days.
Contrary to popular belief and erroneous articles in several
periodicals, the Jarvik heart was not banned for permanent use. Today,
the modern version of the Jarvik 7 is known as the SynCardia temporary Total Artificial Heart. It has been implanted in more than 1,350 people as a bridge to transplantation.
In the mid-1980s, artificial hearts were powered by dishwasher-sized pneumatic power sources whose lineage went back to Alfa Lavalmilking machines.
Moreover, two sizable catheters had to cross the body wall to carry the
pneumatic pulses to the implanted heart, greatly increasing the risk of
infection. To speed development of a new generation of technologies,
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute opened a competition for implantable electrically powered artificial hearts. Three groups received funding: Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio; the College of Medicine of Pennsylvania State University (Penn State Hershey Medical Center)
in Hershey, Pennsylvania; and AbioMed, Inc. of Danvers, Massachusetts.
Despite considerable progress, the Cleveland program was discontinued
after the first five years.
First clinical application of an intrathoracic pump
On 19 July 1963, E. Stanley Crawford and Domingo Liotta implanted the first clinical Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) at The Methodist Hospital
in Houston, Texas, in a patient who had a cardiac arrest after surgery.
The patient survived for four days under mechanical support but did not
recover from the complications of the cardiac arrest; finally, the pump
was discontinued, and the patient died.
First clinical application of a paracorporeal pump
On 21 April 1966, Michael DeBakey
and Liotta implanted the first clinical LVAD in a paracorporeal
position (where the external pump rests at the side of the patient) at
The Methodist Hospital in Houston, in a patient experiencing cardiogenic
shock after heart surgery. The patient developed neurological and
pulmonary complications and died after few days of LVAD mechanical
support. In October 1966, DeBakey and Liotta implanted the paracorporeal
Liotta-DeBakey LVAD in a new patient who recovered well and was
discharged from the hospital after 10 days of mechanical support, thus
constituting the first successful use of an LVAD for postcardiotomy
First VAD patient with FDA approved hospital discharge
In 1990 Brian Williams was discharged from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), becoming the first VAD patient to be discharged with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. The patient was supported in part by bioengineers from the University of Pittsburgh's McGowan Institute.
Total artificial hearts
Approved medical devices
is a company based in Tucson, Arizona, which currently has two separate
models available. It is available in a 70cc and 50cc size. The 70cc
model is used for biventricular heart failure in adult men, while the
50cc is for children and women. As good results with the TAH as a bridge to heart transplant
accumulated, a trial of the CardioWest TAH (developed from the Jarvik 7
and now marketed as the Syncardia TAH) was initiated in 1993 and
completed in 2002. The SynCardia was first approved for use in 2004 by the US Food and Drug Administration.
As of 2014, more than 1,250 patients have received SynCardia artificial hearts.
The device requires the use of the Companion 2 in-hospital driver,
approved by the FDA in 2012, or the Freedom Driver System, approved in
2014, which allows some patients to return home. These drivers are
large, heavy, but portable devices that generate air pulses to power the
heart. The drivers also monitor blood flow for each ventricle.
In 2016, Syncardia filed for bankruptcy protection and was later acquired by the private equity firm Versa Capital Management.
Carmat bioprosthetic heart
Carmat's artificial heart.
On 27 October 2008, French professor and leading heart transplant specialist Alain F. Carpentier
announced that a fully implantable artificial heart would be ready for
clinical trial by 2011 and for alternative transplant in 2013. It was
developed and would be manufactured by him, biomedical firm CARMAT SA,
and venture capital firm Truffle Capital. The prototype used embedded
electronic sensors and was made from chemically treated animal tissues,
called "biomaterials", or a "pseudo-skin" of biosynthetic, microporous materials.
According to a press-release by Carmat dated 20 December 2013,
the first implantation of its artificial heart in a 75-year-old patient
was performed on 18 December 2013 by the Georges Pompidou European
Hospital team in Paris (France). The patient died 75 days after the operation.
In Carmat's design, two chambers are each divided by a membrane
that holds hydraulic fluid on one side. A motorized pump moves hydraulic
fluid in and out of the chambers, and that fluid causes the membrane to
move; blood flows through the other side of each membrane. The
blood-facing side of the membrane is made of tissue obtained from a sac
that surrounds a cow's heart, to make the device more biocompatible. The
Carmat device also uses valves made from cow heart tissue and has
sensors to detect increased pressure within the device. That information
is sent to an internal control system that can adjust the flow rate in
response to increased demand, such as when a patient is exercising. This distinguishes it from previous designs that maintain a constant flow rate.
The Carmat device, unlike previous designs, is meant to be used
in cases of terminal heart failure, instead of being used as a bridge
device while the patient awaits a transplant.
At 900 grams it weighs nearly three times the typical heart and is
targeted primarily towards obese men. It also requires the patient to
carry around an additional Li-Ion battery. The projected lifetime of the artificial heart is around 5 years (230 million beats).
In 2016, trials for the Carmat "fully artificial heart" were
banned by the National Agency for Security and Medicine in Europe after
short survival rates were confirmed. The ban was lifted in May 2017. At
that time, a European report stated that Celyad's C-Cure cell therapy
for ischemic heart failure
"could only help a subpopulation of Phase III study participants, and
Carmat will hope that its artificial heart will be able to treat a
higher proportion of heart failure patients".
The Carmat artificial heart was approved for sale in the European Union, receiving a CE marking on December 22, 2020.
Historical prototypes
Total artificial heart pump
The U.S. Army artificial heart pump was a compact, air-powered unit developed by Kenneth Woodward at Harry Diamond Laboratories in the early to mid-1960s. The Army's heart pump was partially made of plexiglass, and consisted of two valves, a chamber, and a suction flapper.
The pump operated without any moving parts under the principle of fluid
amplification – providing a pulsating air pressure source resembling a
Since 1991, the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development (FRK) in Zabrze, Poland, has been working on developing an artificial heart. Nowadays,
the Polish system for heart support POLCAS consists of the artificial
ventricle POLVAD-MEV and the three controllers POLPDU-401, POLPDU-402
and POLPDU-501. Presented devices are designed to handle only one
patient. The control units of the 401 and 402 series may be used only in
hospital due to its big size, method of control and type of power
supply. The control
unit of 501 series is the latest product of FRK. Due to its much
smaller size and weight, it is significantly more mobile solution. For
this reason, it can be also used during supervised treatment conducted
outside the hospital.
In June 1996, a 46-year-old man received a total artificial heart implantation done by Jeng Wei at Cheng-Hsin General Hospital in Taiwan. This technologically advanced pneumatic Phoenix-7 Total Artificial Heart was manufactured by Taiwanese dentist Kelvin K. Cheng, Chinese physician T. M. Kao, and colleagues at the Taiwan TAH Research Center in Tainan, Taiwan.
With this experimental artificial heart, the patient's BP was
maintained at 90–100/40–55 mmHg and cardiac output at 4.2–5.8 L/min.
The patient then received the world's first successful combined heart
and kidney transplantation after bridging with a total artificial heart.
Abiomed hearts
The first AbioCor to be surgically implanted in a patient was on 3 July 2001.
The AbioCor is made of titanium and plastic with a weight of 0.9 kg
(two pounds), and its internal battery can be recharged with a
transduction device that sends power through the skin. The internal battery lasts for half an hour, and a wearable external battery pack lasts for four hours.
The FDA announced on 5 September 2006, that the AbioCor could be
implanted for humanitarian uses after the device had been tested on 15
patients. It is intended for critically ill patients who cannot receive a heart transplant.
Some limitations of the current AbioCor are that its size makes it
suitable for less than 50% of the female population and only about 50%
of the male population, and its useful life is only 1–2 years.
By combining its valved ventricles with the control technology
and roller screw developed at Penn State, AbioMed designed a smaller,
more stable heart, the AbioCor II. This pump, which should be
implantable in most men and 50% of women with a life span of up to five
years, had animal trials in 2005, and the company hoped to get FDA approval for human use in 2008. After a great deal of experimentation, Abiomed has abandoned development of total official hearts as of 2015. Abiomed as of 2019 only markets heart pumps, "intended to help pump blood in patients who need short-term support (up to 6 days)", which are not total artificial hearts.
12 March 2011, an experimental artificial heart was implanted in
55-year-old Craig Lewis at The Texas Heart Institute in Houston by O. H. Frazier and William Cohn. The device is a combination of two modified HeartMate II pumps that is currently undergoing bovine trials.
Frazier and Cohn are on the board of the BiVACOR company that develops an artificial heart. BiVACOR has been tested as a replacement for a heart in a sheep.
So far, only one person has benefited from Frazier and Cohn's artificial heart. Craig Lewis had amyloidosis
in 2011 and sought treatment. After obtaining permission from his
family, Frazier and Cohn replaced his heart with their device. Lewis
survived for another 5 weeks after the operation; he eventually died
from liver and kidney failure due to his amyloidosis, after which his
family asked that his artificial heart be unplugged.
Soft Total Artificial Heart, developed in the functional material laboratory at ETH Zürich
Current prototypes
Soft artificial heart
10 July 2017, Nicholas Cohrs and colleagues presented a new concept of a
soft total artificial heart in the Journal of Artificial Organs. The heart was developed in the Functionals Materials Laboratory at ETH Zurich. (Cohrs was listed as a doctoral student in a group led by Professor Wendelin Stark at ETH Zurich.)
The soft artificial heart (SAH) is a silicone monoblock fabricated with the help of 3D bioprinting technology. It weighs 390g, has a volume of 679 cm3,
and is operated through pressurized air. "Our goal is to develop an
artificial heart that is roughly the same size as the patient's own one
and which imitates the human heart as closely as possible in form and
function", Cohrs said in an interview.
The SAH fundamentally moves and works like a natural heart, but the
prototype only performed for 3000 beats (about 30 to 50 minutes at an
average heart rate) in a hybrid mock circulation machine before the silicone membrane (2.3 mm thick) between the Left Ventricle and the Air Expansion Chamber ruptured.
The working life of a more recent Cohrs prototype (using various polymers instead of silicone)
was still limited, according to reports in early 2018, with that model
providing a useful life of 1 million heartbeats, roughly ten days in a
human body.
At the time, Cohrs and his team were experimenting with CAD software
and 3D printing, striving to develop a model that would last up to 15
years. "We cannot really predict when we could have a final working
heart which fulfills all requirements and is ready for implantation.
This usually takes years", said Cohrs.
A centrifugal pump or an axial-flow pump can be used as an artificial heart, resulting in the patient being alive without a pulse. Other pulse-less artificial heart designs include the HeartMate II from Thoratec, which uses an Archimedes screw; and an experimental artificial heart designed by Bud Frazier and Billy Cohn, using turbines spinning at 8,000 to 12,000 RPM.
Researchers have constructed a heart out of foam. The heart is
made out of flexible silicone and works with an external pump to push
air and fluids through the heart. It currently cannot be implanted into
humans, but it is a promising start for artificial hearts.
Patients who have some remaining heart function but who can no longer
live normally may be candidates for ventricular assist devices (VAD),
which do not replace the human heart but complement it by taking up much
of the function.
Another VAD, the Kantrowitz CardioVad, designed by Adrian Kantrowitz, boosts the native heart by taking up over 50% of its function.
Additionally, the VAD can help patients on the wait list for a heart
transplant. In a young person, this device could delay the need for a
transplant by 10–15 years, or even allow the heart to recover, in which
case the VAD can be removed.
The artificial heart is powered by a battery that needs to be changed several times while still working.
The first heart assist device was approved by the FDA in 1994, and two more received approval in 1998.
While the original assist devices emulated the pulsating heart, newer versions, such as the Heartmate II, developed by The Texas Heart Institute of Houston, provide continuous flow. These pumps (which may be centrifugal or axial flow)
are smaller and potentially more durable and last longer than the
current generation of total heart replacement pumps. Another major
advantage of a VAD is that the patient keeps the natural heart, which
may still function for temporary back-up support if the mechanical pump
were to stop. This may provide enough support to keep the patient alive
until a solution to the problem is implemented.
In August 2006, an artificial heart was implanted into a 15-year-old girl at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. It was intended to act as a temporary fixture until a donor heart could be found. Instead, the artificial heart (called a Berlin Heart)
allowed for natural processes to occur and her heart healed on its own.
After 146 days, the Berlin Heart was removed, and the girl's heart
functioned properly on its own. On 16 December 2011 the Berlin Heart gained U.S. FDA approval. The device has since been successfully implanted in several children including a 4-year-old Honduran girl at Children's Hospital Boston.
Several continuous-flow ventricular assist devices have been
approved for use in the European Union, and, as of August 2007, were
undergoing clinical trials for FDA approval.
In 2012, Craig Lewis, a 55-year-old Texan, presented at the Texas Heart Institute with a severe case of cardiac amyloidosis.
He was given an experimental continuous-flow artificial heart
transplant which saved his life. Lewis died 5 weeks later of liver
failure after slipping into a coma due to the amyloidosis.
In 2012, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine
compared the Berlin Heart to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
and concluded that "a ventricular assist device available in several
sizes for use in children as a bridge to heart transplantation [such as
the Berlin Heart] was associated with a significantly higher rate of
survival as compared with ECMO."
The study's primary author, Charles D. Fraser Jr., surgeon in chief at
Texas Children's Hospital, explained: "With the Berlin Heart, we have a
more effective therapy to offer patients earlier in the management of
their heart failure. When we sit with parents, we have real data to
offer so they can make an informed decision. This is a giant step
Suffering from end-stage heart failure, former Vice President Dick Cheney underwent a procedure at INOVA Fairfax Hospital, in Fairfax Virginia in July 2010, to have a Heartmate II VAD implanted. In 2012, he received a heart transplant at age 71 after 20 months on a waiting list.