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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why the Solar Revolution is Real

    Ivanpah Solar Thermal Electrical Power Facility (Wikipedia)

I know that, just looking at the title of this argument, some people are already gathering up all their arguments why I'm wrong, foolish, and just don't get why solar can't work.  Others of you might cheer, but not understand why I use the word "Revolution."  I can tell you that it's a perfectly apt word, and there's no foolishness about it.

A caveat, however.  People collectively known loosely as "Greens" have been touting solar power for decades, based the obvious fact that the sun's energy is free and, as long as you don't expose your skin too it for to long (the UV part of its spectrum is causing skin cancer rates to skyrocket), about as clean as you can get.  You might even say,  "It's natural,"  although that doesn't automatically make anything good.

My caveat for all who think that way is that, quite simply, you've been deluding yourselves.  Free and essentially clean it may be, the sun's rays nevertheless have two staring-you-in-the-face disadvantages:  first, it's quite dilute, providing only a maximum of about one kilowatt per square meter even when directly overhead (which it almost never is, so the average intensity is only about 200-300 watts of power per square meter, depending on latitude and climate); second, as everyone knows whether they think about it or not, you only get the energy during daytime, and even then it's often partly obscured by clouds and other atmospheric barriers.  Oh, and there's a third:  your electric washing machine will not work no matter how much sunshine you inundate it with.

No, it hasn't been a lack of political will, or the big, bad oil companies, or short-sighted politicians elected by ignorant voters, that kept solar out of the power mix for so long.  Keep beating one side of your head until those delusions drain out of your ear like tepid bath water.

The real problem, until now, has simply been the lack of scientific and technical know-how to take our star's energy, concentrate it, and convert into electricity.  But here is where we've been fortunate:  the computer revolution over the last 30-40 years has pointed the way to effective solar to electricity conversion.

Before I elaborate on this, I have to point out that there are two different ways of harnessing the sun's energy to make electricity.  One is shown in the picture above.  The Ivanpah Solar Thermal (ST) plant provides, on average, about enough juice to service a quarter of a million homes or so.  It does so when the sun is up by using vast arrays of mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto a molten salt container, which gets hot enough to generate the steam needed to turn the turbines and create the wonder of electric power.  Now, since molten salt is a pretty good retainer of heat (even better materials are being developed), you can even get pretty good output from the plant at night and in inclement weather, to the extent this exists in the desert.

Solar Thermal, while workable under special conditions, has its drawbacks however.  The Ivanpah plant cover about five square miles of desert, and that five square miles was no easy acquisition because a lot of study of the local ecologies of the region had to be made before it could be, barely, approved.  Further, that quarter million households might sound impressive, but it's only a fair sized town.  Imagine powering Los Angeles, or any major city, in this manner:  you'd need ten to fifty times the area, and good luck getting that OK'ed after environmental studies are done.  Then lets talk about an entire state, or part of a state, with several decent sized cities.

ST plants have these limitations, but again the big price is in construction, and Ivanpah needed 2.2 billion dollars to construct (with 1.6 billion being a government loan).  Once in action though, that free solar energy means that, charging only 0.10$ per kilowatt-hour to those households, it should be pay off in (0.10 dollars X 24 hours/day X 365 days/year X 250,000 households = $220 million dollars a year => 10 years to pay off the costs.  If the plant has a lifetime of 30-40 year, it could gross up to six or so billion, minus, of course, operation, maintenance, and repair costs (which, for five square miles, will amount to some serious change).  So it really could work, if those costs are minimized.  And if you could scale the whole operation up, say twenty times (a hundred square miles), Los Angeles might now have to rely on the Hoover Dam any more.  At this point, it's still all a tad iffy, but plants like this, both smaller and larger, are being constructed all around the world.  Improvements to Ivanpah include better heat storing substances than molten salt, and the ability to generate "super critical" steam which increases heat to electricity efficiency significantly.  So it looks as though it is going to play a significant, albeit limited, role in solar's future.

Photovoltiacs -- the Real, Big-Time Player in Solar Power

I mentioned the computer revolution, but little of that has to do with ST.  I'll move on now to photovoltaics, which involves the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity.  I can't tout it without explaining it some, and the explanation involves some science you may not be familiar with, so I'll try to keep it simple without dumbing it down.  Some materials, metals are the most obvious but not the only example, conduct electricity wonderfully.  Why is this?  As Wikipedia has a good article on this, I'll present part of it here for you.  It has to do with conduction bands in the material:

(Wiki) The conduction band quantifies the range of energy required to free an electron from its bond to an atom. Once freed from this bond, the electron becomes a 'delocalized electron', moving freely within the atomic lattice of the material to which the atom belongs. Various materials may be classified by their band gap: this is defined as the difference between the valence and conduction bands.
  • In non-conductors, commonly known as insulators, the conduction band is higher than that of the valence band, so it takes infeasibly high energies to delocalize their valence electrons. They are said to have a non-zero band gap.
  • In semiconductors, the band gap is small. This explains why it takes a little energy (in the form of heat or light) to make semiconductors' electrons delocalize and conduct electricity, hence the name, semiconductor.
  • In metals, the Fermi level is inside at least one band. These Fermi-level-crossing bands may be called conduction band, valence band, or something else depending on circumstance.

Electrons within the conduction band are mobile charge carriers in solids, responsible for conduction of electric currents in metals and other good electrical conductors.

The concept has wide applications in the solid-state physics field of semiconductors and insulators.
Semiconductor band structure (lots of bands).png
Semiconductor band structure
See electrical conduction and semiconductor for a more detailed description of band structure.

In summary, in metals and other excellent conductors, the electrons are in bands about the atoms in their crystal arrangement.  Most of the electrons are in filled, so-called valence bands, and being filled, cannot move under an electromotive force (like a turbine or a battery).  But there is a low energy "conducting band" just above the highest valence band, so electrons can easily move into it, thus yielding a partially filled band where a force can make them move, in an electric current.

In an insulating material, either there is no atomic structure giving rise to these bands, or the conducting band is so high above the highest valence band that very few electrons even acquire the energy needed to reach them.  There is a third category, however:  semi-conducting materials.  I suspect you've heard this word, particularly in the context of computers.  Now you get the explanation of them:  unlike conductors, where the conducting band is close enough to the valence band that electrons can easily partially fill it, and insulators, where the band gap is so great that essentially no electrons can make the leap, in semi-conductors the gap is just high enough for a decent energy jolt for electrons to make the crossing.  In computers, semi-conductors lie at the heart of transistors, the basic gizmos (in the very old days, we used expensive things called vacuum tubes which had to be routinely changed at considerably nuisance) that give the computer its speed and capacity, if you can keep making them smaller and smaller, thus closer and closer, on an integrated circuit to communicate extremely rapidly.  What has made the computer revolution possible is the exponential improvements in fabricating smaller and smaller transistors, with better and better semi-conductors, until -- well, until we now have computers that will comfortably sit on your lap which possess far more power and speed than their room-sized ancestors of only a couple of generations ago.

This exponential growth has been fueled by ever newer and newer improvements in materials science, and the chemistry and physics which underlay it.  The advancement has been so profound, so rapid (it has been following Moore's Law, which keeps correctly predicting a doubling in computer speed and power every eighteen months or so) that there appears to be something of a positive feedback loop in progress here, in which each improvement lays the foundation for yet more of the same, all with no clear end in sight -- the precise definition of exponential growth, of which Moore's Law is one example in real life.  The result is that way find ourselves in a position that even a generation ago would have been almost impossible to foresee.  And it, more than anything else, has laid the groundwork for the solar energy revolution we are just beginning to enter.

In what way?  Because the band gap in a semiconductor can now be tuned very precisely to match a specific wavelength of light, or even a significant part of the light spectrum.  This means that solar energy shining on this semiconducting material can directly generate a current of electricity, with a certain voltage.  Again, it wasn't as if the potential wasn't always there, it just needed sufficient STEM to become a practical reality -- and that probably wouldn't have happened without the computer revolution preceding it.

Now the idea of using semiconductors this way isn't new.  But the scientific advances that are making it increasing practical and even compelling aren't stopping, or even slowing down.  Starting with just 2-3% efficiency only some twenty years ago, solar PV efficiencies are now up to 15-20%, and climbing every year, while at the same time costs are plummeting.  At this rate it won't be long before they reach the "theoretical" maximum of around 30%, and then some wise guy will figure out a way to overcome that too.  But even at that thirty percent, it's well within the range of "ordinary" electricity producing plants (30-40%), and since solar cells and panels can be placed almost anywhere, the lack of long distance travel through transmission lines (which use high-voltage / relatively low-current AC to keep losses to a minimum) means even higher practical efficiencies -- if you decentralize the system, which I think is the best, even main, goal.

At this point, you should be about to say,  "Wait a minute.  Again, what about the storage problem you have, because the sun isn't always out and shining.  I understand the solution for solar thermal, but if you want decentralized power, that's probably not going to work for local solar generators.  You're going to need some kind of super battery.  And just how many of these batteries do you think it will take to power NYC or Las Vegas at night? Well?"

Yes, yes, you're right.  A different kind of storage capacity, chemical or otherwise, is probably needed for solar PVs.  But be careful of a certain fallacy I have been encountering over and over again while perusing posts and blogs and comments.  I call it the  "The computer revolution never happened because its too expensive and too damn hard to keep replacing all those vacuum tubes constantly"  fallacy.

I'll again use others' work to demonstrate what's actually happening in the real world:

New Battery Material Could Help Wind and Solar Power Go Big

Utilities would love to be able to store the power that wind farms generate at night—when no one wants it—and use it when demand is high during the day. But conventional battery technology is so expensive that it only makes economic sense to store a few minutes of electricity, enough to smooth out a few fluctuations from gusts of wind.

Harvard University researchers say they’ve developed a new type of battery that could make it economical to store a couple of days of electricity from wind farms and other sources of power. The new battery, which is described in the journal Nature, is based on an organic molecule—called a quinone—that’s found in plants such as rhubarb and can be cheaply synthesized from crude oil. The molecules could reduce, by two-thirds, the cost of energy storage materials in a type of battery called a flow battery, which is particularly well suited to storing large amounts of energy.

If it solves the problem of the intermittency of power sources like wind and solar, the technology will make it possible to rely far more heavily on renewable energy. Such batteries could also reduce the number of power plants needed on the grid by allowing them to operate more efficiently, much the way a battery in a hybrid vehicle improves fuel economy.

In a flow battery, energy is stored in liquid form in large tanks. Such batteries have been around for decades, and are used in places like Japan to help manage the power grid, but they’re expensive—about $700 per kilowatt-hour of storage capacity, according to one estimate. To make storing hours of energy from wind farms economical, batteries need to cost just $100 per kilowatt-hour, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

The energy storage materials account for only a fraction of a flow battery’s total cost. Vanadium, the material typically used now, costs about $80 per kilowatt-hour. But that’s high enough to make hitting the $100 target for the whole system impossible. Michael Aziz, a professor of materials and energy technologies at Harvard University who led the work, says the quinones will cut the energy storage material costs down to just $27 per kilowatt-hour. Together with other recent advances in bringing down the cost of the rest of the system, he says, this could put the DOE target in reach.

The Harvard work is the first time that researchers have demonstrated high-performance flow batteries that use organic molecules instead of the metal ions usually used. The quinones can be easily modified, which might make it possible to improve their performance and reduce costs more. “The options for metal ions were pretty well worked through,” Aziz says. “We’ve now introduced a vast new set of materials.”

After identifying quinones as potential energy storage molecules, the Harvard researchers used high-throughput screening techniques to sort through 10,000 variants, searching for ones that had all the right properties for a battery, such as the right voltage levels, the ability to withstand charging and discharging, and the ability to be dissolved in water so they could be stored in liquid tanks.
So far the researchers are using quinones only for the negative side of the battery. The positive side uses bromine, a corrosive and toxic material. The researchers are developing new versions of the quinones that could replace the bromine.

The Harvard researchers are working with the startup Sustainable Innovations to develop a horse-trailer sized battery that can be used to store power from solar panels on commercial buildings.
The Harvard researchers still need to demonstrate that the new materials are durable enough to last the 10 to 20 years that electric utilities would like batteries to last, says Robert Savinell, a professor of engineering and chemical engineering at Case Western Reserve University. Savinell wasn’t involved with the Harvard work. He says initial durability results for the quinones are promising, and says the new materials “without a doubt” can be cheap enough for batteries that store days of electricity from wind farms. And he says the materials “can probably be commercialized in a relatively short time”—within a few years.

 See what I mean?  I could go gallivanting about the Web, gathering more data for the solution of solar PV energy storage, but this one example should suffice.  We've are making great progress, have been making great progress, and will continue to make great progress.  By great, I mean computer revolution great, for it is all still founded on materials sciences, and an enormous body of knowledge is already available thanks to computers.

The computer revolution, to date at least, has taken some two generations to reach where it is today.  I see no reason, either in principle or in practice, why the solar energy revolution can't race along the same curve.

Urine may make Mars travel possible --

Urine may make Mars travel possible

A new recycling system turns pee into drinking water and energy

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station toast people back home with water recycled from their urine. A new system not only would turn pee into drinking water but also produce energy.

Every day, you flush a liter or two of urine down the toilet. But if humans are going to get to Mars, they won’t be able to afford throwing out this yellow water. Indeed, they are going to have to drink water from their own pee. Scientists have now built a recycling system that can turn astronauts’ urine into both clean drinking water and energy.

That two-step process could be important in making long-distance space travel possible, report chemist Eduardo Nicolau of the University of Puerto Rico, in San Juan, and his colleagues. They described their new pee-recycler in the April 7 issue of Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
The International Space Station would be a likely first place to try out such a system. It already recycles pee using a complex process to filter out the water and purify it. “It makes yesterday’s coffee into today’s coffee,” astronaut Don Pettit said when it was installed.

Before the space station, astronauts didn’t harvest pee. The Russian Mir craft had a recycling system that accepted urine. It was known for breaking down, however. In the end, it didn’t produce much drinkable water. NASA’s space shuttles jettisoned urine into space. This created lovely “shooting stars” of pee that were visible from Earth. (Fortunately, the shuttles brought home the solid wastes, which otherwise could have made for a really disgusting type of space junk).

Astronauts report that the water made from recycled urine on the space station tastes great. But the system, installed in 2008, keeps breaking down. It also takes a lot of power to run. What’s more, the system uses some filters and other materials that can’t be recycled. These will add to a spacecraft’s trash, notes Nicolau.

The system his team has come up with not only would remove water from pee, but also its urea. A nitrogen-rich chemical, urea is used as a fertilizer and as a raw ingredient in some fuel systems. Harvesting it from urine might reduce some of the weight and space that must be allotted for a spacecraft’s fuel, Nicolau says. Indeed, some chemicals recycled from pee can be used to generate electricity, according to his team (which includes NASA scientists).

The new recycling system relies on chemistry to pull pure water out of urine. Through a process called forward osmosis, it uses a concentrated salt or sugar solution. This draws the water from the urine and across a membrane barrier. A tank, called a bioreactor, uses enzymes to convert the leftover urea into ammonia. That ammonia is used to drive a fuel cell, which uses chemicals to produce electricity.

No shortage of raw materials

People urinate about 50 percent more each day than they drink, notes Sherwin Gormly. That’s crazy, you’re thinking: How could you pee out more than you take in? Well, for one thing, your body turns some of your food into water. (When you burn carbohydrates, your body makes energy with a side order of carbon dioxide and water.)

Gormly knows about such issues. As an engineer at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif., he helped design the system to recycle urine on the International Space Station. He now works for Desert Toad Water Technology Research in Carson City, Nev.

Surendra Pradhan of Finland’s University of Kuopio shows off cabbages whose growth was boosted by fertilizing them with human urine.
J. Holopainen/Univ. of Kuopio

Managing water — including pee — ends up being one of the biggest obstacles to supporting people on a trip to Mars or any other distant space destination. Without urine recycling, water for a trip to Mars could take up 80 to 90 percent of the mass on a spaceship, Gormly says. Launching something into space can cost up to $10,000 per pound. So shooting mega-tons of water into space quickly becomes crazy expensive.

Any recycling system that people will rely on for months or years has to be extremely efficient. The space station’s system can reclaim 93 percent of the water on board. The new system that Nicolau’s team has developed still needs tweaking. But even in its early stages, it too recovers more than 90 percent of the water going into it.

It’s only generating a tiny trickle of electricity right now. In the lab, filtering one liter (or quart) of urine in eight hours produced about as much electricity as the static charge produced by rubbing a balloon on your hair. “Still,” says Nicolau, “our system is a proof of concept.” Now it’s up to engineers to make it work even better. Eventually, he says, it might produce enough power to run itself.

Another limitation: The system requires small amounts of oxygen to make that electricity. And oxygen, of course, is something else you’re going to need to travel in space. “We are using some breathable oxygen from the cabin,” Nicolau says. So the system would require another process to make up that lost oxygen. This might require breaking down water (via electrolysis) to recover some of its oxygen, or using other chemical processes.

The new recycling process does produce drinkable water. At least in theory it does. Nicolau admits that his team has not yet sampled any. The reason: It has not yet been tested for bacteria and other germs. He promises a photo, though, once he and his team are able to gather around the bioreactor and toast each other with glasses of a beverage made from recycled urine.

Closer to home

We could even get energy-producing urine recyclers here on Earth. “You could deploy this in developing countries where water is scarce,” Nicolau says. It also might appeal to military troops sent to remote desert sites.

If a future in which you drink water made from urine doesn’t sound attractive, think of it this way: Your drinking water already comes partly from the entire planet’s pee; it’s just been recycled a lot more slowly.

Yet one more use for urine at home and in space: growing food. Several years, ago, Finnish scientists reported fertilizing veggies with human pee. Their cabbages grew bigger — and had fewer germs — than those treated with regular fertilizer.

Power Words

ammonia  A colorless gas with a nasty smell. Ammonia is a compound made from the elements nitrogen and hydrogen. It is used to make food and applied to farm fields as a fertilizer. Secreted by the kidneys, ammonia gives urine its characteristic odor. The chemical also occurs in the atmosphere and throughout the universe.

astronaut  People trained to travel into space for research and exploration.

carbohydrates  Any of a large group of compounds occurring in foods and living tissues, including sugars, starch and cellulose. They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water (2:1) and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body.

carbon dioxide  A gas produced by all animals when the oxygen they inhale reacts with the carbon-rich foods that they’ve eaten. This colorless, odorless gas also is released when organic matter (including fossil fuels like oil or gas) is burned. Carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere. Plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen during photosynthesis, the process they use to make their own food.

chemistry   The field of science that deals with the composition, structure and properties of substances and how they interact with one another. Chemists use this knowledge to study unfamiliar substances, to reproduce large quantities of useful substances or to design and create new and useful substances.

engineer  A person who uses science to solve problems. As a verb, to engineer means to design a device, material or process that will solve some problem or unmet need.

fertilizer     Nitrogen and other plant nutrients added to soil, water or foliage to boost crop growth or to replenish nutrients that removed earlier by plant roots or leaves.

fuel cell  A device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. The most common fuel is hydrogen, which emits only water vapor as a byproduct.

International Space Station  An artificial satellite that orbits Earth. Run by the United States and Russia, this station provides a research laboratory from which scientists can conduct experiments in biology, physics and astronomy — and make observations of Earth.

mass  A number that shows how much an object resists speeding up and slowing down — basically a measure of how much matter that object is made from.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration   Created in 1958, this U.S. agency has become a leader in space research and in stimulating public interest in space exploration. It was through NASA that the United States sent people into orbit and ultimately to the moon. It has also sent research craft to study planets and other celestial objects in our solar system.

recycle     To find new uses for something — or parts of something — that might otherwise by discarded, or treated as waste.

space shuttles    The world’s first reusable vehicles, NASA’s five space shuttles (Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Endeavor and Atlantic) ferried astronauts and cargo into orbit, including to service satellites (like the Hubble Space Telescope) and the International Space Station. The first shuttle launched on April 12, 1981. On July 21, 2011, a shuttle returned home for the last time. After that trip, the program was retired. In all NASA’s shuttles tackled 135 missions.

urea  A nitrogen-rich chemical that the bodies of many animals produce after breaks down proteins, amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) or ammonia. People excrete excess nitrogen from the body — as urea — in urine. But many other mammals, amphibians and fish make urea as well. Synthetic urea is often a nitrogen source of plant fertilizers. In 1828, German chemist Friedrich Wöhler for the first time created urea in the laboratory. This discovery would lead to the widespread use of synthetic fertilizers in farming.

Oklahoma Moms Stage Mass Breastfeeding In Public Park -- ThinkProgress

Oklahoma Moms Stage Mass Breastfeeding In Public Park

Posted on
"Oklahoma Moms Stage Mass Breastfeeding In Public Park"
Breastfeeding Photo
CREDIT: Atlanta Journal-Constitution

More than 30 mothers challenged societal norms last weekend at an Oklahoma park when they synchronically pulled out one of their breasts and publicly fed their infants for one minute. The event counted among several gatherings taking place around the world as a part of “The Big Latch On,” an annual effort to promote public breastfeeding.

The Big Latch On launched in 2005 in New Zealand in observance of World Breastfeeding Week, which falls on the first week of August. It has since grown in worldwide popularity, reaching the
United States in 2011 when members of La Leche League of U.S. helped organize mass latch ons in several American cities and towns.

“Get with it. Let’s realize that this is going to be normal,” Carrie Fulgencio, head organizer of Monday’s event, said in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “I should not have to take my baby into [a restroom or any other] unsanitary place to feed them, and neither should any other mom. You don’t go eat your lunch there, so why should I take my child?”

Experts say breast milk serves as a unique source of nutrients that infants need to grow and strengthen their immune system. Children that breastfeed in their early years often stave off a host of ailments – including juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer – before the age of 15. Breastfeeding also lowers mothers’ risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer and assists in the loss of weight gained during pregnancy. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that breastfeeding an infant within its first year of life ensures fewer doctors’ visits and lower healthcare costs throughout the youngster’s life. Mothers have increasingly become aware of breastfeeding’s health benefits. Data compiled by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention shows that breastfeeding among new mothers has increased by more than 60 percent within a 10-year span.

While there’s little question about breastfeeding’s benefits, debates about the manner in which mothers conduct the natural bonding activity have taken place in state legislatures, public gathering places, and online forums for years. In 2003, Jacqueline Mercado and her husband lost custody of their two young children after a clerk at the local Eckerd reported the mother to Child Protective Services in Richardson, Texas upon his discovery of photos that showed Mercado breastfeeding her then one-year-old son. The local district attorney charged the couple with “sexual performance of a child” before dropping charges six months later.

In 2006, Vermont mother Emily Gilette filed a complaint against Freedom Airlines and Delta Air Lines after she said airline officials removed her from a Freedom Airlines flight for not covering herself while breastfeeding her child. In 2010, Jessica Swimeley rallied the support of breastfeeding advocates after she said that administrators at the Ronald McDonald House, a center for sick children based in Houston, threatened to remove her from the premises for breastfeeding her 17-month-old son, then recovering from brain surgery, during an elevator ride.

In June, a Hawaii homeless shelter allegedly threatened to remove a woman from the premises after she refused to cover up while breastfeeding. Earlier this month, a Utah middle school came under fire after its principal wrote a letter to breastfeeding mother Andrea Scannell asking her to “discretely feed the baby, whether with a small blanket or in a more private area while the lunch program is taking place,” citing complaints from parents and other patrons. The incident prompted Scannell to post the letter on social media and stage a nurse-in at the school with the help of Breastfeeding Mama Talk, a breast feeding advocacy organization.

“This kind of shaming, this kind of bullying, it prevents other breastfeeding women from going out in public, from feeding their baby,” said Scannell, according to the Huffington Post. “Not to mention that women can legally breastfeed in public in all 50 states, Utah included.”

Scannell’s right. Today, laws protecting public breastfeeding exist in every state. According to the National Council for State Legislatures, 46 states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands have laws that allow women to breastfeed publicly. Twenty-nine states – including Arizona, Florida, and Utah – exempt breastfeeding from public indecency laws. The Affordable Care Act also includes provisions that require employers to allow a reasonable break time for an employee to nurse her child for up to one year after its birth.

Dinosaurs doing well before asteroid impact (

Dinosaurs doing well before asteroid impact

21 hours ago by Hayley Dunning in 

Dinosaurs doing well before asteroid impact
Artist's impression of the impact. Credit: John Sibbick.
A new analysis of fossils from the last years of the dinosaurs concludes that extra-terrestrial impact was likely the sole cause of extinction in most cases.
Although some groups of were declining in certain populations, dinosaurs in general were doing well before the impact of a 10km-wide asteroid or comet.

The impact caused huge tsunamis, earthquakes and wildfires. Everything over 25kg went extinct, paving the way for small birds and mammals to flourish in the aftermath.

Other pressures

The impact is well-established as the final cause of the demise of the dinosaurs. However, several other major changes were occurring on Earth at the time, leading to the suggestion that dinosaurs were already declining, and that the impact was the final straw.

Dinosaurs went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period, 66 million years ago. Over the last few million years of the Cretaceous, environmental changes included huge temperature variations, sea-level swings and massive outpourings of volcanism in India.

Using the most up-to-date records of assemblages occurring in the last 18 million years of the Cretaceous, a team of researchers from some of the top institutions and dinosaur museums around the world, including Dr Paul Barrett from the Natural History Museum, conclude that in most cases the impact was the 'smoking gun for the cause of the extinction.'

Dinosaurs doing well before asteroid impact
Some large herbivores, such as triceratops, may have been declining in certain areas.
 Little decline

In some regions, there was evidence of certain groups of large herbivores declining in species diversity, which could make the communities that depend on them for food more vulnerable to extinction from external pressures such as an impact.

Overall, though, dinosaur species diversity appeared to be relatively stable despite the large-scale changes occurring over the last few million years.

New fields of study

However, the work is based largely on sites in North America, where the most complete and continuous dinosaur fossil records from the end of the Cretaceous have been described.

'It is unusual for so many experts from a consortium of world-leading intuitions to reach consensus over a big question like this,' said Dr Barrett.
'Having this agreed view helps to set an agenda to guide palaeontologists interested in finding more evidence regarding the speed and structure of the extinction.' This agenda includes looking at regions with the potential for the same detailed records as in North America, including sites in Spain and China.

Zooming in on the cause

The timing of the impact also coincides with a pulse in volcanic activity from India. The dinosaur fossil record is not yet complete enough to say what effect the increase in dust, sulphur and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from the volcanism would have had on dinosaur communities immediately prior to the impact.

With focused research on this time period across the globe, Dr Barrett is hopeful we can gain an even clearer understanding of the timing and tempo of the .

'This will give us a much clearer picture of our past and perhaps even an understanding of the environmental and ecological factors that could cause or accelerate extinctions in the future.'
Explore further: Dinosaurs fell victim to perfect storm of events, study shows

New molecule puts scientists a step closer to understanding hydrogen storage

New molecule puts scientists a step closer to understanding hydrogen storage

Jul 25, 2014 by

The Chinese Puzzle Molecule -a twenty eight copper fifteen hydride core wrapped in dithiocarbamate
Australian and Taiwanese scientists have discovered a new molecule which puts the science community one step closer to solving one of the barriers to development of cleaner, greener hydrogen fuel-cells as a viable power source for cars.

Scientists say that the newly-discovered "28copper15hydride" puts us on a path to better understanding hydrogen, and potentially even how to get it in and out of a fuel system, and is stored in a manner which is stable and safe – overcoming Hindenburg-type risks.
"28copper15hydride" is certainly not a name that would be developed by a marketing guru, but while it would send many running for an encyclopaedia (or let's face it, Wikipedia), it has some of the world's most accomplished chemists intrigued.

Its discovery was recently featured on the cover of one of the world's most prestigious chemistry journals, and details are being presented today by Australia's Dr Alison Edwards at the 41st International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Singapore where 1100 chemists have gathered..
The molecule was synthesised by a team led by Prof Chenwei Liu from the National Dong Hwa University in Taiwan, who developed a partial structure model.
The chemical structure determination was completed by the team at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) using KOALA, one of the world's leading crystallography tools.

Most solid material is made of crystalline structures. The crystals are made up of regular arrangements of atoms stacked up like boxes in a tightly packed warehouse. The science of finding this arrangement, and structure of matter at the atomic level, is crystallography. ANSTO is Australia's home of this science.

ANSTO's Dr Alison Edwards is a Chemical Crystallographer at the Bragg Institute (named after William Bragg and his Australian-born son Lawrence, who were pioneers in this field). She explains the very basic (elementary, if you will!) principles behind the discovery, and the discovery itself:

"Anyone with a textbook understanding of chemistry knows the term 'hydride' describes a compound which results when a hydrogen atom with a negative charge is combined with another element in the periodic table," said Dr Edwards.

"This study revealed that mixing certain copper (Cu) compounds with a hydride of boron (borohydride or (BH4)) - created our newly discovered "Chinese Puzzle molecule" with a new structure that has alternating layers of hydride and copper wrapped in an outer shell of protecting molecules.

"Using our leading KOALA instrument – we identified that this molecule actually contained no less than 15 hydrides in the core - which is almost double the eight we were expecting.

"This new molecule has an unprecedented metal hydride core – it is definitely different and much more stable than many previous hydride compounds, in fact it is stable in air, which many others are not. So, we see there is probably much more yet to learn about the properties, and potential of hydride."

The discovery puts us one step further along a path to developing distribution infrastructure - one of four obstacles to hydrogen fuel-cell technology as a viable power source for low-carbon motor vehicles, as cited by Professor Steven Chu, Nobel Laureate and former Secretary of Energy in the United States.
 The four problems in using hydrogen as fuel can be broadly understood as:
  • Efficiency, because the process of obtaining hydrogen - H2 - costs some of the actual energy content already stored in the source of the hydrogen;
  • Transportation and a lack of adequate mechanism to store large volumes at high density;
  • The fuel cell technology is not yet advanced enough; and
  • The distribution infrastructure has not been established.
ANSTO's KOALA has been uniquely placed in developing a scientific understanding of hydrogen and the potential of hydrides, because the neutron source allows us to see the precise location of hydrogen in structures which is effectively invisible with X-rays.
"This improved understanding of one aspect of the nature of hydride provides an improved fundamental understanding of an aspect of hydrogen which underpins potential technological developments – you cannot have a well-founded "hydrogen economy" unless you understand hydrogen!," said Dr Edwards.

"No one is claiming hydrogen-powered cars are imminent. Perhaps this puts us a step further down the road, but we don't know how long the road is. What this research shows is hydrides may yet help us get in and out of a fuel system, stored in a manner which is stable and safe – overcoming the Hindenburg-type risks.

"As I said before, the implications from the research are actually broader and have impacts beyond car power sources.

"The same synthetic chemistry is being applied in the areas of gold and silver nanoparticle formation, which are currently believed to have wide-ranging potential applications in fields such as catalysis, medical diagnostics and therapeutics."

"Our result suggests there could be much more going on in gold and silver nanoclusters than is currently understood – or at the very least, there is more to be understood about the processes of nanoparticle formation. Through understanding the process, we have the prospect of controlling and even directing it."
Explore further: A new solution for storing hydrogen fuel for alternative energy

Mysterious molecules in space

Mysterious molecules in space

12 hours ago by 

Mysterious molecules in space       
This graph shows absorption wavelength as a function of the number of carbon atoms in the silicon-terminated carbon chains SiC_(2n+1)H, for the extremely strong pi-pi electronic transitions.
Over the vast, empty reaches of interstellar space, countless small molecules tumble quietly though the cold vacuum. Forged in the fusion furnaces of ancient stars and ejected into space when those stars exploded, these lonely molecules account for a significant amount of all the carbon, hydrogen, silicon and other atoms in the universe. In fact, some 20 percent of all the carbon in the universe is thought to exist as some form of interstellar molecule.

Many astronomers hypothesize that these are also responsible for an observed phenomenon on Earth known as the "diffuse interstellar bands," spectrographic proof that something out there in the universe is absorbing certain distinct colors of light from stars before it reaches the Earth. But since we don't know the exact chemical composition and atomic arrangements of these mysterious , it remains unproven whether they are, in fact, responsible for the diffuse interstellar bands.

Now in a paper appearing this week in The Journal of Chemical Physics, from AIP Publishing, a group of scientists led by researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. has offered a tantalizing new possibility: these mysterious molecules may be silicon-capped hydrocarbons like SiC3H, SiC4H and SiC5H, and they present data and theoretical arguments to back that hypothesis.

At the same time, the group cautions that history has shown that while many possibilities have been proposed as the source of diffuse interstellar bands, none has been proven definitively.
"There have been a number of explanations over the years, and they cover the gamut," said Michael
McCarthy a senior physicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who led the study.

Molecules in Space and How We Know They're There

Astronomers have long known that interstellar molecules containing carbon atoms exist and that by their nature they will absorb light shining on them from stars and other luminous bodies. Because of this, a number of scientists have previously proposed that some type of interstellar molecules are the source of diffuse interstellar bands—the hundreds of dark absorption lines seen in color spectrograms taken from Earth.

In showing nothing, these dark bands reveal everything. The missing colors correspond to photons of given wavelengths that were absorbed as they travelled through the vast reaches of space before reaching us. More than that, if these photons were filtered by falling on space-based molecules, the wavelengths reveal the exact energies it took to excite the electronic structures of those absorbing molecules in a defined way.

Armed with that information, scientists here on Earth should be able to use spectroscopy to identify those interstellar molecules—by demonstrating which molecules in the laboratory have the same absorptive "fingerprints." But despite decades of effort, the identity of the molecules that account for the diffuse interstellar bands remains a mystery. Nobody has been able to reproduce the exact same absorption spectra in laboratories here on Earth.

"Not a single one has been definitively assigned to a specific molecule," said Neil Reilly, a former postdoctoral fellow at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and a co-author of the new paper.

Now Reilly, McCarthy and their colleagues are pointing to an unusual set of molecules—silicon-terminated carbon chain radicals—as a possible source of these mysterious bands.

As they report in their new paper, the team first created silicon-containing carbon chains SiC3H, SiC4H and SiC5H in the laboratory using a jet-cooled silane-acetylene discharge. They then analyzed their spectra and carried out theoretical calculations to predict that longer chains in this family might account for some portion of the diffuse interstellar bands.

However, McCarthy cautioned that the work has not yet revealed the smoking gun source of the diffuse interstellar bands. In order to prove that these larger silicon capped are such a source, more work needs to be done in the laboratory to define the exact types of transitions these molecules undergo, and these would have to be directly related to astronomical observations. But the study provides a tantalizing possibility for finding the elusive source of some of the mystery absorption bands—and it reveals more of the rich molecular diversity of space.

"The is a fascinating environment," McCarthy said. "Many of the things that are quite abundant there are really unknown on Earth."

Explore further: Organic conundrum in Large Magellanic Cloud      

More information: The Journal of Chemical Physics, July 29, 2014. DOI: 10.1063/1.4883521

Journal reference: Journal of Chemical Physics

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Hymenoptera -- That Most Amazing Order of Insects


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Temporal range: Triassic – Recent 251–0Ma
Orange Caterpillar Parasite Wasp.jpg
female Netelia producta
Scientific classification e
Linnaeus, 1758

The Hymenoptera are one of the largest orders of insects, comprising the sawflies, wasps, bees and ants. Over 150,000 species are recognized, with many more remaining to be described. The name refers to the wings of the insects, and is derived from the Ancient Greek ὑμήν (hymen): membrane and πτερόν (pteron): wing. The hind wings are connected to the fore wings by a series of hooks called hamuli.

Females typically have a special ovipositor for inserting eggs into hosts or otherwise inaccessible places. The ovipositor is often modified into a stinger. The young develop through holometabolism, (complete metamorphosis) — that is, they have a worm-like larval stage and an inactive pupal stage before they mature.


Hymenoptera originated in the Triassic, the oldest fossils belonging to the family Xyelidae. Social hymenopterans appeared during the Cretaceous.[1] The evolution of this group has been intensively studied by A. Rasnitsyn, M. S. Engel, G. Dlussky, and others.


Hymenopterans range in size from very small to large insects, and usually have two pairs of wings. Their mouthparts are adapted for chewing, with well-developed mandibles (ectognathous mouthparts). Many species have further developed the mouthparts into a lengthy proboscis, with which they can drink liquids, such as nectar. They have large compound eyes, and typically three simple eyes, (ocelli).

The forward margin of the hind wing bears a number of hooked bristles, or "hamuli", which lock onto the fore wing, keeping them held together. The smaller species may have only two or three hamuli on each side, but the largest wasps may have a considerable number, keeping the wings gripped together especially tightly. Hymenopteran wings have relatively few veins compared with many other insects, especially in the smaller species.

In the more ancestral hymenopterans, the ovipositor is blade-like, and has evolved for slicing plant tissues. In the majority, however, it is modified for piercing, and, in some cases, is several times the length of the body. In some species, the ovipositor has become modified as a stinger, and the eggs are laid from the base of the structure, rather than from the tip, which is used only to inject venom. The sting is typically used to immobilise prey, but in some wasps and bees may be used in defense.[2]

The larvae of the more ancestral hymenopterans resemble caterpillars in appearance, and like them, typically feed on leaves. They have large chewing mandibles, three thoracic limbs, and, in most cases, a number of abdominal prolegs. Unlike caterpillars, however, the prolegs have no grasping spines, and the antennae are reduced to mere stubs.

The larvae of other hymenopterans, however, more closely resemble maggots, and are adapted to life in a protected environment. This may be the body of a host organism, or a cell in a nest, where the adults will care for the larva. Such larvae have soft bodies with no limbs. They are also unable to defecate until they reach adulthood due to having an incomplete digestive tract, presumably to avoid contaminating their environment.[2]

Sex determination

Among most or all hymenopterans, sex is determined by the number of chromosomes an individual possesses.[3] Fertilized eggs get two sets of chromosomes (one from each parent's respective gametes), and so develop into diploid females, while unfertilized eggs only contain one set (from the mother), and so develop into haploid males; the act of fertilization is under the voluntary control of the egg-laying female.[2] This phenomenon is called haplodiploidy.

However, the actual genetic mechanisms of haplodiploid sex determination may be more complex than simple chromosome number. In many Hymenoptera, sex is actually determined by a single gene locus with many alleles.[3] In these species, haploids are male and diploids heterozygous at the sex locus are female, but occasionally a diploid will be homozygous at the sex locus and develop as a male instead. This is especially likely to occur in an individual whose parents were siblings or other close relatives. Diploid males are known to be produced by inbreeding in many ant, bee and wasp species. Diploid biparental males are usually sterile but a few species that have fertile diploid males are known.[4]

One consequence of haplodiploidy is that females on average actually have more genes in common with their sisters than they do with their own daughters. Because of this, cooperation among kindred females may be unusually advantageous, and has been hypothesized to contribute to the multiple origins of eusociality within this order.[2] In many colonies of bees, ants, and wasps, worker females will remove eggs laid by other workers due to increased relatedness to direct siblings, a phenomenon known as worker policing.[5]


Different species of Hymenoptera show a wide range of feeding habits. The most primitive forms are typically herbivorous, feeding on leaves or pine needles. Stinging wasps are predators, and will provision their larvae with immobilised prey, while bees feed on nectar and pollen.

A number of species are parasitoid as larvae. The adults inject the eggs into a paralysed host, which they begin to consume after hatching. Some species are even hyperparasitoid, with the host itself being another parasitoid insect. Habits intermediate between those of the herbivorous and parasitoid forms are shown in some hymenopterans, which inhabit the galls or nests of other insects, stealing their food, and eventually killing and eating the occupant.[2]



The suborder Symphyta includes the sawflies, horntails, and parasitic wood wasps. The group may be paraphyletic, as it has been suggested that the family Orussidae may be the group from which the Apocrita arose. They have an unconstricted junction between the thorax and abdomen. The larvae are herbivorous free-living eruciforms, with three pairs of true legs, prolegs (on every segment, unlike Lepidoptera) and ocelli. The prolegs do not have crochet hooks at the ends unlike the larvae of the Lepidoptera.


The wasps, bees, and ants together make up the suborder Apocrita, characterized by a constriction between the first and second abdominal segments called a wasp-waist (petiole), also involving the fusion of the first abdominal segment to the thorax. Also, the larvae of all Apocrita do not have legs, prolegs, or ocelli.

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