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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Infrared Nanospectroscopy (AFM-IR)

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An atomic-force microscope with its controlling computer

AFM-IR (atomic force microscope-infrared spectroscopy) or infrared nanospectroscopy is one of a family of techniques that are derived from a combination of two parent instrumental techniques. AFM-IR combines the chemical analysis power of infrared spectroscopy and the high-spatial resolution of scanning probe microscopy (SPM). The term was first used to denote a method that combined a tuneable free electron laser with an atomic force microscope (AFM, a type of SPM) equipped with a sharp probe that measured the local absorption of infrared light by a sample with nanoscale spatial resolution.

Originally the technique required the sample to be deposited on an infrared-transparent prism and be less than 1μm thick. This early setup improved the spatial resolution and sensitivity of photothermal AFM-based techniques from microns to circa 100 nm. Then, the use of modern pulsed optical parametric oscillators and quantum cascade lasers, in combination with top-illumination, have enabled to investigate samples on any substrate and with increase sensitivity and spatial resolution. As most recent advances, AFM-IR has been proved capable to acquire chemical maps and nanoscale resolved spectra at the single-molecule scale from macromolecular self-assemblies and biomolecules with circa 10 nm diameter, as well as to overcome limitations of IR spectroscopy and measure in aqueous liquid environments.

Recording the amount of infrared absorption as a function of wavelength or wavenumber, AFM-IR creates an infrared absorption spectra that can be used to chemically characterize and even identify unknown samples. Recording the infrared absorption as a function of position can be used to create chemical composition maps that show the spatial distribution of different chemical components. Novel extensions of the original AFM-IR technique and earlier techniques have enabled the development of bench-top devices capable of nanometer spatial resolution, that do not require a prism and can work with thicker samples, and thereby greatly improving ease of use and expanding the range of samples that can be analysed. AFM-IR has achieved lateral spatial resolutions of ca. 10 nm, with a sensitivity down to the scale of molecular monolayer and single protein molecules with molecular weight down to 400-600 kDa.

AFM-IR is related to techniques such as tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM), nano-FTIR and other methods of vibrational analysis with scanning probe microscopy.


Early history

Atomic force microscope inside a FTIR spectrometer with the optical interface
Left: The original AFM-IR configuration with bottom side illumination and the sample mounted on an infrared-transparent prism. Right: Topside illumination, enabling sample measurements on arbitrary substrates

The earliest measurements combining AFM with infrared spectroscopy were performed in 1999 by Hammiche et al. at the University of Lancaster in the United Kingdom, in an EPSRC-funded project led by M Reading and H M Pollock. Separately, Anderson at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the United States made a related measurement in 2000. Both groups used a conventional Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) equipped with a broadband thermal source, the radiation was focused near the tip of a probe that was in contact with a sample. The Lancaster group obtained spectra by detecting the absorption of infrared radiation using a temperature sensitive thermal probe. Anderson took the different approach of using a conventional AFM probe to detect the thermal expansion. He reported an interferogram but not a spectrum; the first infrared spectrum obtained in this way was reported by Hammiche et al. in 2004: this represented the first proof that spectral information about a sample could be obtained using this approach.

Both of these early experiments used a broadband source in conjunction with an interferometer; these techniques could, therefore, be referred to as AFM-FTIR although Hammiche et al. coined the more general term photothermal microspectroscopy or PTMS in their first paper. PTMS has various subgroups; including techniques that measure temperature measure thermal expansion use broadband sources. use lasers excite the sample using evanescent waves, illuminate the sample directly from above etc. and different combinations of these. Fundamentally, they all exploit the photothermal effect. Different combinations of sources, methods, methods of detection and methods of illumination have benefits for different applications. Care should be taken to ensure that it is clear which form of PTMS is being used in each case. Currently there is no universally accepted nomenclature. The original technique dubbed AFM-IR that induced resonant motion in the probe using a Free Electron Laser has developed by exploiting the foregoing permutations so that it has evolved into various forms.

The pioneering experiments of Hammiche et al and Anderson had limited spatial resolution due to thermal diffusion - the spreading of heat away from the region where the infrared light was absorbed. The thermal diffusion length (the distance the heat spreads) is inversely proportional to the root of the modulation frequency. Consequently, the spatial resolution achieved by the early AFM-IR approaches was around one micron or more, due to the low modulation frequencies of the incident radiation created by the movement of the mirror in the interferometer. Also, the first thermal probes were Wollaston wire devices that were developed originally for Microthermal analysis (in fact PTMS was originally considered to be one of a family of microthermal techniques). The comparatively large size of these probes also limited spatial resolution. Bozec et al. and Reading et al. used thermal probes with nanoscale dimensions and demonstrated higher spatial resolution. Ye et al described a MEM-type thermal probe giving sub-100 nm spatial resolution, which they used for nanothermal analysis. The process of exploring laser sources began in 2001 by Hammiche et al when they acquired the first spectrum using a tuneable laser (see Resolution improvement with pulsed laser source).

A significant development was the creation by Reading et al. in 2001 of a custom interface that allowed measurements to be made while illuminating the sample from above; this interface focused the infrared beam to a spot of circa 500μm diameter, close to the theoretical maximum. The use of top-down or top-side illumination has the important benefit that samples of arbitrary thickness can be studied on arbitrary substrates. In many cases this can be done without any sample preparation. All subsequent experiments by Hammiche, Pollock, Reading and their co-workers were made using this type of interface including the instrument constructed by Hill et al. for nanoscale imaging using a pulsed laser. The work of the University of Lancaster group in collaboration with workers from the University of East Anglia led to the formation of a company, Anasys Instruments, to exploit this and related technologies (see Commercialization).

Spatial resolution improvement with pulsed laser sources

An infrared optical parametric oscillator (OPO), 1997
Schematic of the AFM-IR instrument using an OPO light source constructed at the University of East Anglia by Hill et al in 2007

In the first paper on AFM-based infrared by Hammiche et al., the relevant well-established theoretical considerations were outlined that predict that high spatial resolution can be achieved using rapid modulation frequencies because of the consequent reduction in the thermal diffusion length. They estimated that spatial resolutions in the range of 20 nm-30 nm should be achievable. The most readily available sources that can achieve high modulation frequencies are pulsed lasers: even when the rapidity of the pulses is not high, the square wave form of a pulse contains very high modulation frequencies in Fourier space. In 2001, Hammiche et al. used a type of bench-top tuneable, pulsed infrared laser known as an optical parametric oscillator or OPO and obtained the first probe-based infrared spectrum with a pulsed laser, however, they did not report any images.

Nanoscale spatial resolution AFM-IR imaging using a pulsed laser was first demonstrated by Dazzi et al at the University of Paris-Sud, France. Dazzi and his colleagues used a wavelength-tuneable, free electron laser at the CLIO facility in Orsay, France to provide an infrared source with short pulses. Like earlier workers, they used a conventional AFM probe to measure thermal expansion but introduced a novel optical configuration: the sample was mounted on an IR-transparent prism so that it could be excited by an evanescent wave. Absorption of short infrared laser pulses by the sample caused rapid thermal expansion that created a force impulse at the tip of the AFM cantilever. The thermal expansion pulse induced transient resonant oscillations of the AFM cantilever probe. This has led to the technique being dubbed Photo-Thermal Induced Resonance (PTIR), by some workers in the field. Some prefer the terms PTIR or PTMS to AFM-IR as the technique is not necessarily restricted to infrared wavelengths. The amplitude of the cantilever oscillation is directly related to the amount of infrared radiation absorbed by the sample. By measuring the cantilever oscillation amplitude as a function of wavenumber, Dazzi's group was able to obtain absorption spectra from nanoscale regions of the sample. Compared to earlier work, this approach improved spatial resolution because the use of short laser pulses reduced the duration of the thermal expansion pulse to the point that the thermal diffusion lengths can be on the scale of nanometres rather than microns.

Fast Fourier Transform of cantilever vibrations after a laser pulse; the height of a characteristic peak measures the amount of infrared light absorbed by the sample
Spectrum obtained from the AFM measurement by changing the laser wavelength (below); it has good agreement with a conventional FTIR spectrum (above)

A key advantage of the use of a tuneable laser source, with a narrow wavelength range, is the ability to rapidly map the locations of specific chemical components on the sample surface. To achieve this, Dazzi's group tuned their free electron laser source to a wavelength corresponding to the molecular vibration of the chemical of interest, then mapped the cantilever oscillation amplitude as function of position across the sample. They demonstrated the ability to map chemical composition in E. coli bacteria. They could also visualize polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) vesicles inside Rhodobacter capsulatus cells and monitor the efficiency of PHB production by the cells.

At the University of East Anglia in the UK, as part of an EPSRC-funded project led by M. Reading and S. Meech, Hill and his co-workers followed the earlier work of Reading et al. and Hammiche et al. and measured thermal expansion using an optical configuration that illuminated the sample from above in contrast to Dazzi et al. who excited the sample with an evanescent wave from below. Hill also made use of an optical parametric oscillator as the infrared source in the manner of Hammiche et al. This novel combination of topside illumination, OPO source and measuring thermal expansion proved capable of nanoscale spatial resolution for infrared imaging and spectroscopy (the figures show a schematic of the UEA apparatus and results obtained with it). The use by Hill and co-workers of illumination from above allowed a substantially wider range of samples to be studied than was possible using Dazzi's technique. By introducing the use of a bench top IR source and topdown illumination, the work of Hammiche, Hill and their coworkers made possible the first commercially viable SPM-based infrared instrument (see Commercialization).

Broadband pulsed laser sources

Reading et al. have explored the use of a broadband QCL combined with thermal expansion measurements. Above, the inability of thermal broadband sources to achieve high spatial resolution is discussed (see history). In this case the frequency of modulation is limited by the mirror speed of the interferometer which, in turn, limits the lateral spatial resolution that can be achieved. When using a broadband QCL the resolution is limited not by the mirror speed but by the modulation frequency of the laser pulses (or other waveforms). The benefit of using a broadband source is that an image can be acquired that comprises an entire spectrum or part of a spectrum for each pixel. This is much more powerful than acquiring images bases on a single wavelength. The preliminary results of Reading et al. show that directing a broadband QCL though an interferometer can give an easily detectable response from a conventional AFM probe measuring thermal expansion.


The free-electron laser FELIX at the FOM Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen Nieuwegein, The Netherlands (2010); a large and uncommon piece of equipment

The AFM-IR technique based on a pulsed infrared laser source was commercialized by Anasys Instruments, a company founded by Reading, Hammiche and Pollock in the United Kingdom in 2004; a sister, United States corporation was founded a year later. Anasys Instruments developed its product with support from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Science Foundation. Since free electron lasers are rare and available only at select institutions, a key to enabling a commercial AFM-IR was to replace them with a more compact type of infrared source. Following the lead given by Hammiche et al in 2001 and Hill et al in 2008, Anasys Instruments introduced an AFM-IR product in early 2010, using a tabletop laser source based on a nanosecond optical parametric oscillator. The OPO source enabled nanoscale infrared spectroscopy over a tuning range of roughly 1000–4000 cm−1 or 2.5-10 μm.

The initial product required samples to be mounted on infrared-transparent prisms, with the infrared light being directed from below in the manner of Dazzi et al. For best operation, this illumination scheme required thin samples, with optimal thickness of less than 1 μm, prepared on the surface of the prism. In 2013, Anasys released an AFM-IR instrument based on the work of Hill et al. that supported top-side illumination. "By eliminating the need to prepare samples on infrared-transparent prisms and relaxing the restriction on sample thickness, the range of samples that could be studied was greatly expanded. The CEO of Anasys Instruments recognised this achievement by calling it " an exciting major advance" in a letter written to the university and included in the final report of EPSRC project EP/C007751/1. The UEA technique went on to become Anasys Instruments' flagship product.

Comparison to related photothermal techniques

It is worth noting that the first infrared spectrum obtained by measuring thermal expansion using an AFM was obtained by Hammiche and co-workers without inducing resonant motions in the probe cantilever. In this early example the modulation frequency was too low to achieve high spatial resolution but there is nothing, in principle, preventing the measurement of thermal expansion at higher frequencies without analysing or inducing resonant behaviour. Possible options for measuring the displacement of the tip rather than the subsequent propagation of waves along the cantilever include; interferometry focused at the end of the cantilever where the tip is located, a torsional motion resulting from an offset probe (it would only be influenced by the motions of the cantilever as a second order effect) and exploiting the fact that the signal from a heated thermal probe is strongly influenced by the position of the tip relative to the surface thus this could provide a measurement of thermal expansion that wasn't strongly influenced by or dependent upon resonance. The advantages of a non-resonant method of detection is that any frequency of light modulation could be used thus depth information could be obtained in a controlled way (see below) whereas methods that rely on resonance are limited to harmonics. The thermal-probe based method of Hammiche et al. has found a significant number of applications.

A unique application made possible by the top-down illumination combined with a thermal probe is localized depth profiling, this is not possible using either using the Dazzi et al. configuration of AFM-IR or that of Hill et al. despite the fact the latter uses top-down illumination. Obtaining linescans and images with thermal probes has been shown to be possible, sub-diffraction limit spatial resolution can be achieved and the resolution for delineating boundaries can be enhanced using chemometric techniques.

In all of these examples a spectrum is acquired that spans the entire mid-IR range for each pixel, this is considerably more powerful than measuring the absorption of a single wavelength as is the case for AFM-IR when using either the method of Dazzi et al. or Hill et al. Reading and his group demonstrated how, because thermal probes can be heated, localized thermal analysis can be combined with photothermal infrared spectroscopy using a single probe. In this way local chemical information could be complemented with local physical properties such melting and glass transition temperatures. This in turn led to the concept of thermally assisted nanosampling, where the heated tip performs a local thermal analysis experiment then the probe is retracted taking with it down to femtograms of softened material that adhere to the tip. This material can then be manipulated and/or analysed by photothermal infrared spectroscopy or other techniques. This considerably increases the analytical power of this type of SPM-based infrared instrument beyond anything that can be achieved with conventional AFM probes such as those used in AFM-IR when using either the Dazzi et al. or the Hill et al. version.

Thermal probe techniques have still not achieved the nanoscale spatial resolution that thermal expansion methods have attained though this is theoretically possible. For this, a robust thermal probe and a high intensity source is needed. Recently, the first images using a QCL and a thermal probe have been obtained by Reading et al. A good signal to noise ratio enabled rapid imaging but sub-micron spatial resolution was not clearly demonstrated. Theory predicts improvements in spatial resolution could be achieved by confining data analysis to the early part of the thermal response to a step change increase in the intensity of the incident radiation. In this way pollution of the measurement from adjacent regions would be avoided, i.e. the measurement window could be confined to a suitable fraction of the time of flight of the thermal wave (using a Fourier analysis of the response could provide a similar outcome by using the high frequency components). This could be achieved by tapping the probe in synchrony with the laser. Similarly, lasers that provide very rapid modulations could further reduce thermal diffusion lengths.

Although most effort to date has been focused on thermal expansion measurements, this might change. Truly robust thermal probes have recently become available, as have affordable compact QCL's that are tuneable over a broad frequency range. Consequently, it may soon be the case that thermal probe techniques will become as widely used as those based on thermal expansion. Ultimately, instruments that can easily switch between modes and even combine them using a single probe will certainly become available, for example, a single probe will eventually be able to measure both temperature and thermal expansion.

Recent improvements and single-molecule sensitivity

The original commercial AFM-IR instruments required most samples to be thicker than 50 nm to achieve sufficient sensitivity. Sensitivity improvements were achieved using specialized cantilever probes with an internal resonator and by wavelet based signal processing techniques. Sensitivity was further improved by Lu et al. by using quantum cascade laser (QCL) sources. The high repetition rate of the QCL allows absorbed infrared light to continuously excite the AFM tip at a "contact resonance" of the AFM cantilever. This resonance-enhanced AFM-IR, in combination with electric field enhancement from metallic tips and substrates led to the demonstration of AFM-IR spectroscopy and compositional imaging of films as thin as single self-assembled monolayers. AFM-IR has also been integrated with other sources including a picosecond OPO offering a tuning range 1.55 μm to 16 μm (from 6450 cm−1 to 625 cm−1).

In its initial development, with samples deposited on transparent prisms and using OPO laser sources, the sensitivity of AFM-IR was limited to a minimal thickness of the sample of circa 50-100 nm as mentioned above. The advent of quantum cascade lasers (QCL) and the use of the electromagnetic field enhancement between metallic probes and substrates have improved the sensitivity and spatial resolution of AFM-IR down to the measurement of large (>0.3 μm) and flat (~2–10 nm) self-assembled monolayers, where still hundreds of molecules are present. Ruggeri et al. have recently developed off-resonance, low power and short pulse AFM-IR (ORS-nanoIR) to prove the acquisition of infrared absorption spectra and chemical maps at the single molecule level, in the case of macromolecular assemblies and large protein molecules with a spatial resolution of ca. 10 nm.

Nanoscale chemical imaging and mapping

Nanoscale resolved chemical maps and spectra

AFM-IR enables nanoscale infrared spectroscopy, i.e. the ability to obtain infrared absorption spectra from nanoscale regions of a sample.

Chemical compositional mapping AFM-IR can also be used to perform chemical imaging or compositional mapping with spatial resolution down to ~10-20 nm, limited only by the radius of the AFM tip. In this case, the tuneable infrared source emits a single wavelength, corresponding to a specific molecular resonance, i.e. a specific infrared absorption band. By mapping the AFM cantilever oscillation amplitude as a function of position, it is possible to map out the distribution of specific chemical components. Compositional maps can be made at different absorption bands to reveal the distribution of difference chemical species.

Complementary morphological and mechanical mapping

Complementary elasticity mapping via simultaneous contact resonance measurements.

The AFM-IR technique can simultaneously provide complementary measurements of the mechanical stiffness and dissipation of a sample surface. When infrared light is absorbed by the sample the resulting rapid thermal expansion excites a "contact resonance" of the AFM cantilever, i.e. a coupled resonance resulting from the properties of both the cantilever and the stiffness and damping of the sample surface. Specifically, the resonance frequency shifts to higher frequencies for stiffer materials and to lower frequencies for softer material. Additionally, the resonance becomes broader for materials with larger dissipation. These contact resonances have been studied extensively by the AFM community (see, for example, atomic force acoustic microscopy). Traditional contact resonance AFM requires an external actuator to excite the cantilever contact resonances. In AFM-IR these contact resonances are automatically excited every time an infrared pulse is absorbed by the sample. So the AFM-IR technique can measure the infrared absorption by the amplitude of the cantilever oscillation response and the mechanical properties of the sample via the contact resonance frequency and quality factor.


Applications of AFM-IR have include the characterisation of protein, polymers composites, bacteria, cells, biominerals, pharmaceutical sciences, photonics/nanoantennas, fuel cells, fibers, skin, hair, metal organic frameworks, microdroplets, self-assembled monolayers, nanocrystals, and semiconductors.


Polymers blends, composites, multilayer films and fibers AFM-IR has been used to identify and map polymer components in blends, characterize interfaces in composites, and even reverse engineer multilayer films Additionally AFM-IR has been used to study chemical composition in Poly(3][4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) conducting polymers. and vapor infiltration into polyethylene terephthalate PET fibers.

Protein science

The chemical and structural properties of protein determine their interactions, and thus their functions, in a wide variety of biochemical processes. Since Ruggeri et al. pioneering work on the aggregation pathways of the Josephin domain of ataxin-3, responsible for type-3 spinocerebellar ataxia, an inheritable protein-misfolding disease, AFM-IR was used to characterize molecular conformations in a wide spectrum of applications in protein and life sciences. This approach has delivered new mechanistic insights into the behaviour of disease-related proteins and peptides, such as Aβ42, huntingtin and FUS, which are involved in the onset of Alzheimer's, Huntington's and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Similarly AFM-IR has been applied to study studying protein based functional biomaterials.

Life sciences

AFM-IR has been used to characterise spectroscopically in detail chromosomes, bacteria and cells with nanoscale resolution. For example in the case of infection of bacteria by viruses (Bacteriophages), and also the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) vesicles inside Rhodobacter capsulatus cells and triglycerides in Streptomyces bacteria (for biofuel applications). AFM-IR has also been used to evaluate and map mineral content, crystallinity, collagen maturity and acid phosphate content via ratiometric analysis of various absorption bands in bone. AFM-IR has also been used to perform spectroscopy and chemical mapping of structural lipids in human skin, cells and hair.

Fuel cells

AFM-IR has been used to study hydrated Nafion membranes used as separators in fuel cells. The measurements revealed the distribution of free and ionically bound water on the Nafion surface.

Photonic nanoantennas

AFM-IR has been used to study the surface plasmon resonance in heavily silicon-doped indium arsenide microparticles. Gold split ring resonators have been studied for use with Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy. In this case AFM-IR was used to measure the local field enhancement of the plasmonics structures (~30X) at 100 nm spatial resolution.

Pharmaceutical sciences

AFM-IR has been used to study miscibility and phase separation in drug polymer blends, the chemical analysis of nanocrystalline drug particles as small 90 nm across, the interaction of chromosomes with chemotherapeutics drugs, and of amyloids with pharmacological approches to contrast neurodegeneration.

Hale Telescope

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hale Telescope
P200 Dome Open.jpg
Named afterGeorge Ellery Hale 
Part ofPalomar Observatory 
Location(s)Palomar Mountain, California, US
Coordinates33°21′23″N 116°51′54″WCoordinates: 33°21′23″N 116°51′54″W Edit this at Wikidata
Altitude1,713 m (5,620 ft) Edit this at Wikidata
Built1936–1948 Edit this at Wikidata
First lightJanuary 26, 1949, 10:06 pm PST
DiscoveredCaliban, Sycorax, Jupiter LI, Alcor B
Telescope styleoptical telescope
reflecting telescope 
Diameter200 in (5.1 m) Edit this at Wikidata
Collecting area31,000 sq in (20 m2) Edit this at Wikidata
Focal length16.76 m (55 ft 0 in) Edit this at Wikidata
Mountingequatorial mount  Edit this at Wikidata Edit this at Wikidata

The Hale Telescope is a 200-inch (5.1 m), f/3.3 reflecting telescope at the Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California, US, named after astronomer George Ellery Hale. With funding from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1928, he orchestrated the planning, design, and construction of the observatory, but with the project ending up taking 20 years he did not live to see its commissioning. The Hale was groundbreaking for its time, with double the diameter of the second-largest telescope, and pioneered many new technologies in telescope mount design and in the design and fabrication of its large aluminum coated "honeycomb" low thermal expansion Pyrex mirror. It was completed in 1949 and is still in active use.

The Hale Telescope represented the technological limit in building large optical telescopes for over 30 years. It was the largest telescope in the world from its construction in 1949 until the Soviet BTA-6 was built in 1976, and the second largest until the construction of the Keck Observatory Keck 1 in Hawaii in 1993.


Base of the tube
Crab Nebula, 1959

Hale supervised the building of the telescopes at the Mount Wilson Observatory with grants from the Carnegie Institution of Washington: the 60-inch (1.5 m) telescope in 1908 and the 100-inch (2.5 m) telescope in 1917. These telescopes were very successful, leading to the rapid advance in understanding of the scale of the Universe through the 1920s, and demonstrating to visionaries like Hale the need for even larger collectors.

The chief optical designer for Hale's previous 100-inch telescope was George Willis Ritchey, who intended the new telescope to be of Ritchey–Chrétien design. Compared to the usual parabolic primary, this design would have provided sharper images over a larger usable field of view. However, Ritchey and Hale had a falling-out. With the project already late and over budget, Hale refused to adopt the new design, with its complex curvatures, and Ritchey left the project. The Mount Palomar Hale Telescope turned out to be the last world-leading telescope to have a parabolic primary mirror.

In 1928 Hale secured a grant of $6 million from the Rockefeller Foundation for "the construction of an observatory, including a 200-inch reflecting telescope" to be administered by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), of which Hale was a founding member. In the early 1930s, Hale selected a site at 1,700 m (5,600 ft) on Palomar Mountain in San Diego County, California, US, as the best site, and less likely to be affected by the growing light pollution problem in urban centers like Los Angeles. The Corning Glass Works was assigned the task of making a 200-inch (5.1 m) primary mirror. Construction of the observatory facilities and dome started in 1936, but because of interruptions caused by World War II, the telescope was not completed until 1948 when it was dedicated. Due to slight distortions of images, corrections were made to the telescope throughout 1949. It became available for research in 1950.

A functioning one tenth scale model of the telescope was also made at Corning.

The 200-inch (510 cm) telescope saw first light on January 26, 1949, at 10:06 pm PST under the direction of American astronomer Edwin Powell Hubble, targeting NGC 2261, an object also known as Hubble's Variable Nebula. The photographs made then were published in the astronomical literature and in the May 7, 1949 issue of Collier's Magazine.

The telescope continues to be used every clear night for scientific research by astronomers from Caltech and their operating partners, Cornell University, the University of California, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It is equipped with modern optical and infrared array imagers, spectrographs, and an adaptive optics system. It has also used lucky cam imaging, which in combination with adaptive optics pushed the mirror close to its theoretical resolution for certain types of viewing.

One of the Corning Labs' glass test blanks for the Hale was used for the C. Donald Shane telescope's 120-inch (300 cm) primary mirror.

The collecting area of the mirror is about 31,000 square inches (20 square meters).


The Hale was not just big, it was better: it combined breakthrough technologies including a new lower expansion glass from Corning, a newly invented Serrurier truss, and vapor deposited aluminum.

Mounting structures

The Hale Telescope uses a special type of equatorial mount called a "horseshoe mount", a modified yoke mount that replaces the polar bearing with an open "horseshoe" structure that gives the telescope full access to the entire sky, including Polaris and stars near it. The optical tube assembly (OTA) uses a Serrurier truss, then newly invented by Mark U. Serrurier of Caltech in Pasadena in 1935, designed to flex in such a way as to keep all of the optics in alignment. Theodore von Karman designed the lubrication system to avoid potential issues with turbulence during tracking.

Top: The 200-inch (508 cm) Hale Telescope inside on its equatorial mount.
Bottom: Principle of operation of a Serrurier truss similar to that of the Hale Telescope compared to a simple truss. For clarity, only the top and bottom structural elements are shown. Red and green lines denote elements under tension and compression, respectively.

200-inch mirror

The 5 meter (16 ft. 8 in.) mirror in December 1945 at the Caltech Optical Shop when grinding resumed following World War 2. The honeycomb support structure on the back of the mirror is visible through the surface.

Originally, the Hale Telescope was going to use a primary mirror of fused quartz manufactured by General Electric, but instead the primary mirror was cast in 1934 at Corning Glass Works in New York State using Corning's then new material called Pyrex (borosilicate glass). Pyrex was chosen for its low expansion qualities so the large mirror would not distort the images produced when it changed shape due to temperature variations (a problem that plagued earlier large telescopes).

Entrance door to 200 inch Hale telescope dome

The mirror was cast in a mold with 36 raised mold blocks (similar in shape to a waffle iron). This created a honeycomb mirror that cut the amount of Pyrex needed down from over 40 short tons (36 t) to just 20 short tons (18 t), making a mirror that would cool faster in use and have multiple "mounting points" on the back to evenly distribute its weight (note – see external links 1934 article for drawings). The shape of a central hole was also part of the mold so light could pass through the finished mirror when it was used in a Cassegrain configuration (a Pyrex plug for this hole was also made to be used during the grinding and polishing process). While the glass was being poured into the mold during the first attempt to cast the 200-inch mirror, the intense heat caused several of the molding blocks to break loose and float to the top, ruining the mirror. The defective mirror was used to test the annealing process. After the mold was re-engineered, a second mirror was successfully cast.

After cooling several months, the finished mirror blank was transported by rail to Pasadena, California. Once in Pasadena the mirror was transferred from the rail flat car to a specially designed semi-trailer for road transport to where it would be polished. In the optical shop in Pasadena (now the Synchrotron building at Caltech) standard telescope mirror making techniques were used to turn the flat blank into a precise concave parabolic shape, although they had to be executed on a grand scale. A special 240 in (6.1 m) 25,000 lb (11 t) mirror cell jig was constructed which could employ five different motions when the mirror was ground and polished. Over 13 years almost 10,000 lb (4.5 t) of glass was ground and polished away reducing the weight of the mirror to 14.5 short tons (13.2 t). The mirror was coated (and still is re-coated every 18–24 months) with a reflective aluminum surface using the same aluminum vacuum-deposition process invented in 1930 by Caltech physicist and astronomer John Strong.

The Hale's 200 in (510 cm) mirror was near the technological limit of a primary mirror made of a single rigid piece of glass. Using a monolithic mirror much larger than the 5-meter Hale or 6-meter BTA-6 is prohibitively expensive due to the cost of both the mirror, and the massive structure needed to support it. A mirror beyond that size would also sag slightly under its own weight as the telescope is rotated to different positions, changing the precision shape of the surface, which must be accurate to within 2 millionths of an inch (50 nm). Modern telescopes over 9 meters use a different mirror design to solve this problem, with either a single thin flexible mirror or a cluster of smaller segmented mirrors, whose shape is continuously adjusted by a computer-controlled active optics system using actuators built into the mirror support cell.


The moving weight of the upper dome is about 1000 US tons, and can rotate on wheels. The dome doors weigh 125 tons each.

The dome is made of welded steel plates about 10 mm thick.

Observations and research

Dome of the 200-inch aperture Hale telescope

The first observation of the Hale telescope was of NGC 2261 on January 26, 1949.

During its first 50 years, the Hale telescope made many significant contributions to stellar evolution, cosmology, and high-energy astrophysics. Similarly, the telescope, and the technology developed for it, advanced the study of the spectra of stars, interstellar matter, AGNs, and quasars.

Quasars were first identified as high redshift sources by spectra taken with the Hale telescope.

Halley's Comet (1P) upcoming 1986 approach to the Sun was first detected by astronomers David C. Jewitt and G. Edward Danielson on 16 October 1982 using the 200-inch Hale telescope equipped with a CCD camera.

Two moons of the planet Uranus were discovered in September 1997, bringing the planet's total known moons to 17 at that time. One was Caliban (S/1997 U 1), which was discovered on 6 September 1997 by Brett J. Gladman, Philip D. Nicholson, Joseph A. Burns, and John J. Kavelaars using the 200-inch Hale telescope. The other Uranian moon discovered then is Sycorax (initial designation S/1997 U 2) and was also discovered using the 200 inch Hale telescope.

The Cornell Mid-Infrared Asteroid Spectroscopy (MIDAS) survey used the Hale Telescope with a spectrograph to study spectra from 29 asteroids. An example of a result from that study, is that the asteroid 3 Juno was determined to have average radius of 135.7±11 km using the infrared data.

In 2009, using a coronograph, the Hale telescope was used to discover the star Alcor B, which is a companion to Alcor in the famous Big Dipper constellation.

In 2010, a new satellite of planet Jupiter was discovered with the 200-inch Hale, called S/2010 J 1 and later named Jupiter LI.

In October 2017 the Hale telescope was able to record the spectrum of the first recognized interstellar object, 1I/2017 U1 ("ʻOumuamua"); while no specific mineral was identified it showed the visitor had a reddish surface color.

Direct imaging of exoplanets

Up until the year 2010, telescopes could only directly image exoplanets under exceptional circumstances. Specifically, it is easier to obtain images when the planet is especially large (considerably larger than Jupiter), widely separated from its parent star, and hot so that it emits intense infrared radiation. However, in 2010 a team from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory demonstrated that a vortex coronagraph could enable small scopes to directly image planets. They did this by imaging the previously imaged HR 8799 planets using just a 1.5 m portion of the Hale Telescope.

Direct image of exoplanets around the star HR8799 using a vortex coronagraph on a 1.5m portion of the Hale Telescope


Size comparison of the Hale Telescope (upper left, blue) to some modern and upcoming extremely large telescopes

The Hale had four times the light-collecting area of the second-largest scope when it was commissioned in 1949. Other contemporary telescopes were the Hooker Telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory and the Otto Struve Telescope at the McDonald Observatory.

The three largest telescopes in 1949
# Name /
Image Aperture Altitude First
Special advocate(s)
1 Hale Telescope
Palomar Obs.
P200 Dome Open.jpg 200-inch
508 cm
1713 m
(5620 ft)
1949 George Ellery Hale
John D. Rockefeller
Edwin Hubble
2 Hooker Telescope
Mount Wilson Obs.
100 inch Hooker Telescope 900 px.jpg 100-inch
254 cm
1742 m
(5715 ft)
1917 George Ellery Hale
Andrew Carnegie
3 McDonald Obs. 82-inch
McDonald Observatory
(i.e. Otto Struve Telescope)
Otto Struve Telescope.jpg 82-inch
210 cm
2070 m
(6791 ft)
1939 Otto Struve

Infrared astronomy

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Carina Nebula in infrared light captured by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3.

Infrared astronomy is a sub-discipline of astronomy which specializes in the observation and analysis of astronomical objects using infrared (IR) radiation. The wavelength of infrared light ranges from 0.75 to 300 micrometers, and falls in between visible radiation, which ranges from 380 to 750 nanometers, and submillimeter waves.

Infrared astronomy began in the 1830s, a few decades after the discovery of infrared light by William Herschel in 1800. Early progress was limited, and it was not until the early 20th century that conclusive detections of astronomical objects other than the Sun and Moon were made in infrared light. After a number of discoveries were made in the 1950s and 1960s in radio astronomy, astronomers realized the information available outside the visible wavelength range, and modern infrared astronomy was established.

Infrared and optical astronomy are often practiced using the same telescopes, as the same mirrors or lenses are usually effective over a wavelength range that includes both visible and infrared light. Both fields also use solid state detectors, though the specific type of solid state photodetectors used are different. Infrared light is absorbed at many wavelengths by water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere, so most infrared telescopes are at high elevations in dry places, above as much of the atmosphere as possible. There have also been infrared observatories in space, including the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Herschel Space Observatory, and more recently the James Webb Space Telescope.


Hubble's ground-breaking near-infrared NICMOS
SOFIA is an infrared telescope in an aircraft, shown here in a 2009 test

The discovery of infrared radiation is attributed to William Herschel, who performed an experiment in 1800 where he placed a thermometer in sunlight of different colors after it passed through a prism. He noticed that the temperature increase induced by sunlight was highest outside the visible spectrum, just beyond the red color. That the temperature increase was highest at infrared wavelengths was due to the spectral response of the prism rather than properties of the Sun, but the fact that there was any temperature increase at all prompted Herschel to deduce that there was invisible radiation from the Sun. He dubbed this radiation "calorific rays", and went on to show that it could be reflected, transmitted, and absorbed just like visible light.

High on the Chajnantor Plateau, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array provides an extraordinary place for infrared astronomy.

Efforts were made starting in the 1830s and continuing through the 19th century to detect infrared radiation from other astronomical sources. Radiation from the Moon was first detected in 1856 by Charles Piazzi Smyth, the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, during an expedition to Tenerife to test his ideas about mountain top astronomy. Ernest Fox Nichols used a modified Crookes radiometer in an attempt to detect infrared radiation from Arcturus and Vega, but Nichols deemed the results inconclusive. Even so, the ratio of flux he reported for the two stars is consistent with the modern value, so George Rieke gives Nichols credit for the first detection of a star other than our own in the infrared.

The field of infrared astronomy continued to develop slowly in the early 20th century, as Seth Barnes Nicholson and Edison Pettit developed thermopile detectors capable of accurate infrared photometry and sensitive to a few hundreds of stars. The field was mostly neglected by traditional astronomers though until the 1960s, with most scientists who practiced infrared astronomy having actually been trained physicists. The success of radio astronomy during the 1950s and 1960s, combined with the improvement of infrared detector technology, prompted more astronomers to take notice, and infrared astronomy became well established as a subfield of astronomy.

Infrared space telescopes entered service. In 1983, IRAS made an all-sky survey. In 1995, the European Space Agency created the Infrared Space Observatory. In 1998, this satellite ran out of liquid helium. However, before that, it discovered protostars and water in our universe (even on Saturn and Uranus).

On 25 August 2003, NASA launched the Spitzer Space Telescope, previously known as the Space Infrared Telescope Facility. In 2009, the telescope ran out of liquid helium and lost the ability to see far infrared. It had discovered stars, the Double Helix Nebula, and light from extrasolar planets. It continued working in 3.6 and 4.5 micrometer bands. Since then, other infrared telescopes helped find new stars that are forming, nebulae, and stellar nurseries. Infrared telescopes have opened up a whole new part of the galaxy for us. They are also useful for observing extremely distant things, like quasars. Quasars move away from Earth. The resulting large redshift make them difficult targets with an optical telescope. Infrared telescopes give much more information about them.

During May 2008, a group of international infrared astronomers proved that intergalactic dust greatly dims the light of distant galaxies. In actuality, galaxies are almost twice as bright as they look. The dust absorbs much of the visible light and re-emits it as infrared light.

Modern infrared astronomy

Hubble infrared view of the Tarantula Nebula.

Infrared radiation with wavelengths just longer than visible light, known as near-infrared, behaves in a very similar way to visible light, and can be detected using similar solid state devices (because of this, many quasars, stars, and galaxies were discovered). For this reason, the near infrared region of the spectrum is commonly incorporated as part of the "optical" spectrum, along with the near ultraviolet. Many optical telescopes, such as those at Keck Observatory, operate effectively in the near infrared as well as at visible wavelengths. The far-infrared extends to submillimeter wavelengths, which are observed by telescopes such as the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory.

Artist impression of galaxy W2246-0526, a single galaxy glowing in infrared light as intensely as 350 trillion Suns.

Like all other forms of electromagnetic radiation, infrared is utilized by astronomers to study the universe. Indeed, infrared measurements taken by the 2MASS and WISE astronomical surveys have been particularly effective at unveiling previously undiscovered star clusters. Examples of such embedded star clusters are FSR 1424, FSR 1432, Camargo 394, Camargo 399, Majaess 30, and Majaess 99. Infrared telescopes, which includes most major optical telescopes as well as a few dedicated infrared telescopes, need to be chilled with liquid nitrogen and shielded from warm objects. The reason for this is that objects with temperatures of a few hundred kelvins emit most of their thermal energy at infrared wavelengths. If infrared detectors were not kept cooled, the radiation from the detector itself would contribute noise that would dwarf the radiation from any celestial source. This is particularly important in the mid-infrared and far-infrared regions of the spectrum.

To achieve higher angular resolution, some infrared telescopes are combined to form astronomical interferometers. The effective resolution of an interferometer is set by the distance between the telescopes, rather than the size of the individual telescopes. When used together with adaptive optics, infrared interferometers, such as two 10 meter telescopes at Keck Observatory or the four 8.2 meter telescopes that make up the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, can achieve high angular resolution.

Atmospheric windows in the infrared.

The principal limitation on infrared sensitivity from ground-based telescopes is the Earth's atmosphere. Water vapor absorbs a significant amount of infrared radiation, and the atmosphere itself emits at infrared wavelengths. For this reason, most infrared telescopes are built in very dry places at high altitude, so that they are above most of the water vapor in the atmosphere. Suitable locations on Earth include Mauna Kea Observatory at 4205 meters above sea level, the Paranal Observatory at 2635 meters in Chile and regions of high altitude ice-desert such as Dome C in Antarctic. Even at high altitudes, the transparency of the Earth's atmosphere is limited except in infrared windows, or wavelengths where the Earth's atmosphere is transparent. The main infrared windows are listed below:

Spectrum Wavelength
Near Infrared 0.65 to 1.0 R and I bands All major optical telescopes
Near Infrared 1.1 to 1.4 J band Most major optical telescopes and most dedicated infrared telescopes
Near Infrared 1.5 to 1.8 H band Most major optical telescopes and most dedicated infrared telescopes
Near Infrared 2.0 to 2.4 K band Most major optical telescopes and most dedicated infrared telescopes
Near Infrared 3.0 to 4.0 L band Most dedicated infrared telescopes and some optical telescopes
Near Infrared 4.6 to 5.0 M band Most dedicated infrared telescopes and some optical telescopes
Mid Infrared 7.5 to 14.5 N band Most dedicated infrared telescopes and some optical telescopes
Mid Infrared 17 to 25 Q band Some dedicated infrared telescopes and some optical telescopes
Far Infrared 28 to 40 Z band Some dedicated infrared telescopes and some optical telescopes
Far Infrared 330 to 370
Some dedicated infrared telescopes and some optical telescopes
Far Infrared 450 submillimeter Submillimeter telescopes

As is the case for visible light telescopes, space is the ideal place for infrared telescopes. Telescopes in space can achieve higher resolution, as they do not suffer from blurring caused by the Earth's atmosphere, and are also free from infrared absorption caused by the Earth's atmosphere. Current infrared telescopes in space include the Herschel Space Observatory, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. Since putting telescopes in orbit is expensive, there are also airborne observatories, such as the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy and the Kuiper Airborne Observatory. These observatories fly above most, but not all, of the atmosphere, and water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs some of infrared light from space.

SOFIA science — supernova remnant ejecta producing planet-forming material.

Infrared technology

One of the most common infrared detector arrays used at research telescopes is HgCdTe arrays. These operate well between 0.6 and 5 micrometre wavelengths. For longer wavelength observations or higher sensitivity other detectors may be used, including other narrow gap semiconductor detectors, low temperature bolometer arrays or photon-counting Superconducting Tunnel Junction arrays.

Special requirements for infrared astronomy include: very low dark currents to allow long integration times, associated low noise readout circuits and sometimes very high pixel counts.

Low temperature is often achieved by a coolant, which can run out. Space missions have either ended or shifted to "warm" observations when the coolant supply used up. For example, WISE ran out of coolant in October 2010, about ten months after being launched. (See also NICMOS, Spitzer Space Telescope)


Space observatories

Many space telescopes detect electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range that overlaps at least to some degree with the infrared wavelength range. Therefore it is difficult to define which space telescopes are infrared telescopes. Here the definition of "infrared space telescope" is taken to be a space telescope whose main mission is detecting infrared light.

Seven infrared space telescopes have been operated in space. They are:

In addition, the James Webb Space Telescope is an infrared space telescope launched on December 25, 2021. SPHEREx is scheduled for launch in 2023. NASA is also considering to build the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST).

ESA develops its own near-infrared satellite, the Euclid satellite, with planned launch in 2022.

Many other smaller space-missions and space-based detectors of infrared radiation have been operated in space. These include the Infrared Telescope (IRT) that flew with the Space Shuttle.

The Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) is sometimes mentioned as an infrared satellite, although it is a submillimeter satellite.

Infrared instruments on space telescopes

For many space telescopes, only some of the instruments are capable of infrared observation. Below are listed some of the most notable of these space observatories and instruments:

Airborne Observatories

Three airplane-based observatories have been used (other aircraft have also been used occasionally to host infrared space studies) to study the sky in infrared. They are:

Ground-based observatories

Many ground-based infrared telescopes exist around the world. The largest are:


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