Louis de Broglie's
early results on the pilot wave theory were presented in his thesis
(1924) in the context of atomic orbitals where the waves are stationary.
Early attempts to develop a general formulation for the dynamics of
these guiding waves in terms of a relativistic wave equation were
unsuccessful until in 1926 Schrödinger developed his non-relativistic wave equation. He further suggested that since the equation described waves in configuration space, the particle model should be abandoned. Shortly thereafter, Max Born
suggested that the wave function of Schrödinger's wave equation
represents the probability density of finding a particle. Following
these results, de Broglie developed the dynamical equations for his
pilot wave theory. Initially, de Broglie proposed a double solution approach, in which the quantum object consists of a physical wave (u-wave)
in real space which has a spherical singular region that gives rise to
particle-like behaviour; in this initial form of his theory he did not
have to postulate the existence of a quantum particle. He later formulated it as a theory in which a particle is accompanied by a pilot wave.
De Broglie presented the pilot wave theory at the 1927 Solvay Conference. However, Wolfgang Pauli raised an objection to it at the conference, saying that it did not deal properly with the case of inelastic scattering. De Broglie was not able to find a response to this objection, and he abandoned the pilot-wave approach. Unlike David Bohm years later, de Broglie did not complete his theory to encompass the many-particle case.
The many-particle case shows mathematically that the energy dissipation
in inelastic scattering could be distributed to the surrounding field
structure by a yet-unknown mechanism of the theory of hidden variables.
In 1932, John von Neumann published a book, part of which claimed to prove that all hidden variable theories were impossible. This result was found to be flawed by Grete Hermann three years later, though for a variety of reasons this went unnoticed by the physics community for over fifty years.
In 1952, David Bohm,
dissatisfied with the prevailing orthodoxy, rediscovered de Broglie's
pilot wave theory. Bohm developed pilot wave theory into what is now
called the de Broglie–Bohm theory.The de Broglie–Bohm theory itself might have gone unnoticed by most physicists, if it had not been championed by John Bell, who also countered the objections to it. In 1987, John Bell rediscovered Grete Hermann's work,
and thus showed the physics community that Pauli's and von Neumann's
objections only showed that the pilot wave theory did not have locality.
The positions of the particles are considered to be the hidden
variables. The observer doesn't know the precise values of these
variables; they cannot know them precisely because any measurement
disturbs them. On the other hand, the observer is defined not by the
wave function of their own atoms but by the atoms' positions. So what
one sees around oneself are also the positions of nearby things, not
their wave functions.
A collection of particles has an associated matter wave which evolves according to the Schrödinger equation.
Each particle follows a deterministic trajectory, which is guided by
the wave function; collectively, the density of the particles conforms
to the magnitude of the wave function. The wave function is not
influenced by the particle and can exist also as an empty wave function.
The theory brings to light nonlocality that is implicit in the non-relativistic formulation of quantum mechanics and uses it to satisfy Bell's theorem. These nonlocal effects can be shown to be compatible with the no-communication theorem, which prevents use of them for faster-than-light communication, and so is empirically compatible with relativity.
Macroscopic analog
Couder, Fort, et al. claimed
that macroscopic oil droplets on a vibrating fluid bath can be used as
an analogue model of pilot waves; a localized droplet creates a
periodical wave field around itself. They proposed that resonant
interaction between the droplet and its own wave field exhibits
behaviour analogous to quantum particles: interference in double-slit
experiment, unpredictable tunneling (depending in a complicated way on a practically hidden state of field), orbit quantization
(that a particle has to 'find a resonance' with field perturbations it
creates—after one orbit, its internal phase has to return to the initial
state) and Zeeman effect. Attempts to reproduce these experiments
have shown that wall-droplet interactions rather than diffraction or
interference of the pilot wave may be responsible for the observed
hydrodynamic patterns, which are different from slit-induced
interference patterns exhibited by quantum particles.
Mathematical foundations
To derive the de Broglie–Bohm pilot-wave for an electron, the quantum Lagrangian
where is the potential energy, is the velocity and
is the potential associated with the quantum force (the particle being
pushed by the wave function), is integrated along precisely one path
(the one the electron actually follows). This leads to the following
formula for the Bohm propagator:
This propagator allows one to precisely track the electron over time under the influence of the quantum potential .
Consider a classical particle – the position of which is not
known with certainty. We must deal with it statistically, so only the
probability density is known. Probability must be conserved, i.e. for each . Therefore, it must satisfy the continuity equation
where is the velocity of the particle.
In the Hamilton–Jacobi formulation of classical mechanics, velocity is given by where is a solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
and can be combined into a single complex equation by introducing the complex function then the two equations are equivalent to
The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is obtained if we start with the usual potential with an extra quantum potential. The quantum potential is the potential of the quantum force, which is proportional (in approximation) to the curvature of the amplitude of the wave function.
Note this potential is the same one that appears in the Madelung equations, a classical analog of the Schrödinger equation.
Mathematical formulation for a single particle
The matter wave of de Broglie is described by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation:
where the velocity field is determined by the “guidance equation”
According to pilot wave theory, the point particle and the matter
wave are both real and distinct physical entities (unlike standard
quantum mechanics, which postulates no physical particle or wave
entities, only observed wave-particle duality).
The pilot wave guides the motion of the point particles as described by
the guidance equation.
Ordinary quantum mechanics and pilot wave theory are based on the
same partial differential equation. The main difference is that in
ordinary quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation is connected to
reality by the Born postulate, which states that the probability density
of the particle's position is given by Pilot wave theory considers the guidance equation to be the fundamental law, and sees the Born rule as a derived concept.
If we choose to neglect Q, our equation is reduced to the Hamilton–Jacobi equation of a classical point particle. So, the quantum potential is responsible for all the mysterious effects of quantum mechanics.
One can also combine the modified Hamilton–Jacobi equation with
the guidance equation to derive a quasi-Newtonian equation of motion
where the hydrodynamic time derivative is defined as
Mathematical formulation for multiple particles
The Schrödinger equation for the many-body wave function is given by
The complex wave function can be represented as:
The pilot wave guides the motion of the particles. The guidance equation for the jth particle is:
The velocity of the jth particle explicitly depends on the positions of the other particles.
This means that the theory is nonlocal.
An extension to the relativistic case with spin has been developed since the 1990s.
Empty wave function
Lucien Hardy and John Stewart Bell have emphasized that in the de Broglie–Bohm picture of quantum mechanics there can exist empty waves, represented by wave functions propagating in space and time but not carrying energy or momentum, and not associated with a particle. The same concept was called ghost waves (or "Gespensterfelder", ghost fields) by Albert Einstein. The empty wave function notion has been discussed controversially.In contrast, the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics does not call for empty wave functions.
In physics, the hydrodynamic quantum analogs refer to experimentally-observed phenomena involving bouncing fluid droplets over a vibrating fluid bath that behave analogously to several quantum-mechanical systems. The experimental evidence for diffraction through slits has been disputed, however, though the diffraction pattern of walking droplets is not
exactly the same as in quantum physics, it does appear clearly in the
high memory parameter regime (at high forcing of the bath) where all the
quantum-like effects are strongest.
A droplet can be made to bounce indefinitely in a stationary
position on a vibrating fluid surface. This is possible due to a
pervading air layer that prevents the drop from coalescing into the bath. For certain combinations of bath surface acceleration, droplet size, and vibration frequency, a bouncing droplet will cease to stay in a stationary position, but instead “walk” in a rectilinear motion on top of the fluid bath. Walking droplet systems have been found to mimic several quantum mechanical phenomena including particle diffraction, quantum tunneling, quantized orbits, the Zeeman Effect, and the quantum corral.
Besides being an interesting means to visualise phenomena that
are typical of the quantum-mechanical world, floating droplets on a
vibrating bath have interesting analogies with the pilot wave theory,
one of the many interpretations of quantum mechanics in its early
stages of conception and development. The theory was initially proposed
by Louis de Broglie in 1927.
It suggests that all particles in motion are actually borne on a
wave-like motion, similar to how an object moves on a tide. In this
theory, it is the evolution of the carrier wave that is given by the Schrödinger equation. It is a deterministic theory and is entirely nonlocal. It is an example of a hidden variable theory,
and all non-relativistic quantum mechanics can be accounted for in this
theory. The theory was abandoned by de Broglie in 1932, gave way to the
Copenhagen interpretation, but was revived by David Bohm in 1952 as De Broglie–Bohm theory.
The Copenhagen interpretation does not use the concept of the carrier
wave or that a particle moves in definite paths until a measurement is
Physics of bouncing and walking droplets
Floating droplets on a vibrating bath were first described in writing by Jearl Walker in a 1978 article in Scientific American.
In 2005, Yves Couder and his lab were the first to systematically
study the dynamics of bouncing droplets and discovered most of the
quantum mechanical analogs.
John Bush and his lab expanded upon Couder's work and studied the
system in greater detail. In 2015 three separate groups, including John
Bush, attempted to reproduce the effect and were unsuccessful.
Stationary bouncing droplet
fluid droplet can float or bounce over a vibrating fluid bath because
of the presence of an air layer between the droplet and the bath
surface. The behavior of the droplet depends on the acceleration
of the bath surface. Below a critical acceleration, the droplet will
take successively smaller bounces before the intervening air layer
eventually drains from underneath, causing the droplet to coalesce.
Above the bouncing threshold, the intervening air layer replenishes
during each bounce so the droplet never touches the bath surface. Near
the bath surface, the droplet experiences equilibrium
between inertial forces, gravity, and a reaction force due to the
interaction with the air layer above the bath surface. This reaction
force serves to launch the droplet back above the air like a trampoline. Molacek and Bush proposed two different models for the reaction force.
Walking droplet
For a small range of frequencies
and drop sizes, a fluid droplet on a vibrating bath can be made to
“walk” on the surface if the surface acceleration is sufficiently high
(but still below the Faraday
instability). That is, the droplet does not simply bounce in a
stationary position but instead wanders in a straight line or in a
chaotic trajectory. When a droplet interacts with the surface, it
creates a transient wave that propagates from the point of impact. These
waves usually decay, and stabilizing forces keep the droplet from
drifting. However, when the surface acceleration is high, the transient
waves created upon impact do not decay as quickly, deforming the surface
such that the stabilizing forces are not enough to keep the droplet
stationary. Thus, the droplet begins to “walk.”
Quantum phenomena on a macroscopic scale
A walking droplet on a vibrating fluid bath was found to behave
analogously to several different quantum mechanical systems, namely
particle diffraction, quantum tunneling, quantized orbits, the Zeeman effect, and the quantum corral.
Single and double slit diffraction
It has been known since the early 19th century that when light is shone through one or two small slits, a diffraction
pattern appears on a screen far from the slits. Light has wave-like
behavior, and interferes with itself through the slits, creating a
pattern of alternating high and low intensity. Single electrons also exhibit wave-like behavior as a result of wave-particle duality. When electrons are fired through small slits, the probability of the electron striking the screen at a specific point shows an interference pattern as well.
In 2006, Couder and Fort demonstrated that walking droplets
passing through one or two slits exhibit similar interference behavior.
They used a square shaped vibrating fluid bath with a constant depth
(aside from the walls). The “walls” were regions of much lower depth,
where the droplets would be stopped or reflected away. When the droplets
were placed in the same initial location, they would pass through the
slits and be scattered, seemingly randomly. However, by plotting a histogram
of the droplets based on scattering angle, the researchers found that
the scattering angle was not random, but droplets had preferred
directions that followed the same pattern as light or electrons. In this
way, the droplet may mimic the behavior of a quantum particle as it passes through the slit.
Despite that research, in 2015 three teams: Bohr and Andersen's group in Denmark, Bush's team at MIT, and a team led by the quantum physicist Herman Batelaan at the University of Nebraska
set out to repeat the Couder and Fort's bouncing-droplet double-slit
experiment. Having their experimental setups perfected, none of the
teams saw the interference-like pattern reported by Couder and Fort. Droplets went through the slits in almost straight lines, and no stripes appeared.
It has since been shown that droplet trajectories are sensitive
to interactions with container boundaries, air currents, and other
parameters. Though the diffraction pattern of walking droplets is not
exactly the same as in quantum physics, and is not expected to show a
Fraunhofer-like dependence of the number of peaks on the slit width, the
diffraction pattern does appear clearly in the high memory regime (at
high forcing of the bath).
Quantum tunneling
Quantum tunneling
is the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a quantum particle passes
through a potential barrier. In classical mechanics, a classical
particle could not pass through a potential barrier if the particle does
not have enough energy, so the tunneling effect is confined to the
quantum realm. For example, a rolling ball would not reach the top of a
steep hill without adequate energy. However, a quantum particle, acting
as a wave, can undergo both reflection and transmission at a potential
barrier. This can be shown as a solution to the time dependent Schrödinger Equation.
There is a finite, but usually small, probability to find the electron
at a location past the barrier. This probability decreases exponentially
with increasing barrier width.
The macroscopic analogy using fluid droplets was first
demonstrated in 2009. Researchers set up a square vibrating bath
surrounded by walls on its perimeter. These “walls” were regions of
lower depth, where a walking droplet may be reflected away. When the
walking droplets were allowed to move around in the domain, they usually
were reflected away from the barriers. However, surprisingly, sometimes
the walking droplet would bounce past the barrier, similar to a quantum
particle undergoing tunneling. In fact, the crossing probability was
also found to decrease exponentially with increasing width of the
barrier, exactly analogous to a quantum tunneling particle.
Quantized orbits
When two atomic particles interact and form a bound state, such the hydrogen atom,
the energy spectrum is discrete. That is, the energy levels of the
bound state are not continuous and only exist in discrete quantities,
forming “quantized orbits.” In the case of a hydrogen atom, the
quantized orbits are characterized by atomic orbitals, whose shapes are functions of discrete quantum numbers.
On the macroscopic level, two walking fluid droplets can interact
on a vibrating surface. It was found that the droplets would orbit each
other in a stable configuration with a fixed distance apart. The stable
distances came in discrete values. The stable orbiting droplets
analogously represent a bound state in the quantum mechanical system.
The discrete values of the distance between droplets are analogous to
discrete energy levels as well.
Zeeman effect
When an external magnetic field
is applied to a hydrogen atom, for example, the energy levels are
shifted to values slightly above or below the original level. The
direction of shift depends on the sign of the z-component of the total
angular momentum. This phenomenon is known as the Zeeman Effect.
In the context of walking droplets, an analogous Zeeman Effect
can be demonstrated by observing orbiting droplets in a vibrating fluid
The bath is also brought to rotate at a constant angular velocity. In
the rotating bath, the equilibrium distance between droplets shifts
slightly farther or closer. The direction of shift depends on whether
the orbiting drops rotate in the same direction as the bath or in
opposite directions. The analogy to the quantum effect is clear. The
bath rotation is analogous to an externally applied magnetic field, and
the distance between droplets is analogous to energy levels. The
distance shifts under an applied bath rotation, just as the energy
levels shift under an applied magnetic field.
Quantum corral
have found that a walking droplet placed in a circular bath does not
wander randomly, but rather there are specific locations the droplet is
more likely to be found. Specifically, the probability of finding the
walking droplet as a function of the distance from the center is
non-uniform and there are several peaks of higher probability. This probability distribution mimics that of an electron confined to a quantum corral.
Photons or matter (like electrons) produce an interference pattern when two slits are used
Light from a green laser passing through two slits 0.4 mm wide and 0.1 mm apart
In modern physics, the double-slit experiment demonstrates that light and matter can exhibit behavior of both classical particles and classical waves. This type of experiment was first performed by Thomas Young in 1801, as a demonstration of the wave behavior of visible light. In 1927, Davisson and Germer and, independently, George Paget Thomson and his research student Alexander Reid demonstrated that electrons show the same behavior, which was later extended to atoms and molecules. Thomas Young's experiment with light was part of classical physics long before the development of quantum mechanics and the concept of wave–particle duality. He believed it demonstrated that the Christiaan Huygens'wave theory of light was correct, and his experiment is sometimes referred to as Young's experiment or Young's slits.
The experiment belongs to a general class of "double path" experiments,
in which a wave is split into two separate waves (the wave is typically
made of many photons and better referred to as a wave front, not to be
confused with the wave properties of the individual photon) that later
combine into a single wave. Changes in the path-lengths of both waves
result in a phase shift, creating an interference pattern. Another version is the Mach–Zehnder interferometer, which splits the beam with a beam splitter.
In the basic version of this experiment, a coherent light source, such as a laser
beam, illuminates a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light
passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate. The wave nature of light causes the light waves passing through the two slits to interfere, producing bright and dark bands on the screen – a result that would not be expected if light consisted of classical particles.
However, the light is always found to be absorbed at the screen at
discrete points, as individual particles (not waves); the interference
pattern appears via the varying density of these particle hits on the
screen. Furthermore, versions of the experiment that include detectors at the slits find that each detected photon passes through one slit (as would a classical particle), and not through both slits (as would a wave). However, such experiments
demonstrate that particles do not form the interference pattern if one
detects which slit they pass through. These results demonstrate the
principle of wave–particle duality.
Other atomic-scale entities, such as electrons, are found to exhibit the same behavior when fired towards a double slit.
Additionally, the detection of individual discrete impacts is observed
to be inherently probabilistic, which is inexplicable using classical mechanics.
The experiment can be done with entities much larger than
electrons and photons, although it becomes more difficult as size
increases. The largest entities for which the double-slit experiment has
been performed were molecules that each comprised 2000 atoms (whose total mass was 25,000 atomic mass units).
The double-slit experiment (and its variations) has become a
classic for its clarity in expressing the central puzzles of quantum
mechanics. Richard Feynman called it "a phenomenon which is impossible […] to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery [of quantum mechanics]."
If light consisted strictly of ordinary or classical
particles, and these particles were fired in a straight line through a
slit and allowed to strike a screen on the other side, we would expect
to see a pattern corresponding to the size and shape of the slit.
However, when this "single-slit experiment" is actually performed, the
pattern on the screen is a diffraction pattern
in which the light is spread out. The smaller the slit, the greater the
angle of spread. The top portion of the image shows the central portion
of the pattern formed when a red laser illuminates a slit and, if one
looks carefully, two faint side bands. More bands can be seen with a
more highly refined apparatus. Diffraction explains the pattern as being the result of the interference of light waves from the slit.
If one illuminates two parallel slits, the light from the two
slits again interferes. Here the interference is a more pronounced
pattern with a series of alternating light and dark bands. The width of
the bands is a property of the frequency of the illuminating light. (See the bottom photograph to the right.)
When Thomas Young
(1773–1829) first demonstrated this phenomenon, it indicated that light
consists of waves, as the distribution of brightness can be explained
by the alternately additive and subtractive interference of wavefronts.
Young's experiment, performed in the early 1800s, played a crucial role
in the understanding of the wave theory of light, vanquishing the corpuscular theory of light proposed by Isaac Newton, which had been the accepted model of light propagation in the 17th and 18th centuries.
However, the later discovery of the photoelectric effect
demonstrated that under different circumstances, light can behave as if
it is composed of discrete particles. These seemingly contradictory
discoveries made it necessary to go beyond classical physics and take
into account the quantum nature of light.
Feynman was fond of saying that all of quantum mechanics can be
gleaned from carefully thinking through the implications of this single
He also proposed (as a thought experiment) that if detectors were
placed before each slit, the interference pattern would disappear.
The Englert–Greenberger duality relation provides a detailed treatment of the mathematics of double-slit interference in the context of quantum mechanics.
A low-intensity double-slit experiment was first performed by G. I. Taylor in 1909, by reducing the level of incident light until photon emission/absorption events were mostly non-overlapping.
A slit interference experiment was not performed with anything other than light until 1961, when Claus Jönsson of the University of Tübingen performed it with coherent electron beams and multiple slits. In 1974, the Italian physicists Pier Giorgio Merli, Gian Franco Missiroli, and Giulio Pozzi
performed a related experiment using single electrons from a coherent
source and a biprism beam splitter, showing the statistical nature of
the buildup of the interference pattern, as predicted by quantum theory. In 2002, the single-electron version of the experiment was voted "the most beautiful experiment" by readers of Physics World. Since that time a number of related experiments have been published, with a little controversy.
In 2012, Stefano Frabboni and co-workers sent single electrons
onto nanofabricated slits (about 100 nm wide) and, by detecting the
transmitted electrons with a single-electron detector, they could show
the build-up of a double-slit interference pattern.
Many related experiments involving the coherent interference have been
performed; they are the basis of modern electron diffraction, microscopy
and high resolution imaging.
In 2018, single particle interference was demonstrated for antimatter in the Positron Laboratory (L-NESS, Politecnico di Milano) of Rafael Ferragut in Como (Italy), by a group led by Marco Giammarchi.
Variations of the experiment
Interference from individual particles
important version of this experiment involves single particle
detection. Illuminating the double-slit with a low intensity results in
single particles being detected as white dots on the screen.
Remarkably, however, an interference pattern emerges when these
particles are allowed to build up one by one (see the image below).
Experimental electron double slit diffraction pattern.
Across the middle of the image at the top, the intensity alternates
from high to low, showing interference in the signal from the two slits.
Bottom: movie of the pattern being built up dot-by-dot.
This demonstrates the wave–particle duality,
which states that all matter exhibits both wave and particle
properties: The particle is measured as a single pulse at a single
position, while the modulus squared of the wave describes the probability of detecting the particle at a specific place on the screen giving a statistical interference pattern. This phenomenon has been shown to occur with photons, electrons, atoms, and even some molecules: with buckminsterfullerene (C 60) in 2001, with 2 molecules of 430 atoms (C 60(C 12F 25) 10 and C 168H 94F 152O 8N 4S 4) in 2011, and with molecules of up to 2000 atoms in 2019.
In addition to interference patterns built up from single particles, up to 4 entangled photons can also show interference patterns.
The Mach–Zehnder interferometer can be seen as a simplified version of the double-slit experiment.
Instead of propagating through free space after the two slits, and
hitting any position in an extended screen, in the interferometer the
photons can only propagate via two paths, and hit two discrete
photodetectors. This makes it possible to describe it via simple linear
algebra in dimension 2, rather than differential equations.
A photon emitted by the laser hits the first beam splitter and is
then in a superposition between the two possible paths. In the second
beam splitter these paths interfere, causing the photon to hit the
photodetector on the right with probability one, and the photodetector
on the bottom with probability zero.
Blocking one of the paths, or equivalently detecting the presence of a
photon on a path eliminates interference between the paths: both
photodetectors will be hit with probability 1/2. This indicates that
after the first beam splitter the photon does not take one path or
another, but rather exists in a quantum superposition of the two paths.
"Which-way" experiments and the principle of complementarity
A well-known thought experiment
predicts that if particle detectors are positioned at the slits,
showing through which slit a photon goes, the interference pattern will
disappear. This which-way experiment illustrates the complementarity principle that photons can behave as either particles or waves, but cannot be observed as both at the same time.
Despite the importance of this thought experiment in the history of quantum mechanics (for example, see the discussion on Einstein's version of this experiment), technically feasible realizations of this experiment were not proposed until the 1970s.
(Naive implementations of the textbook thought experiment are not
possible because photons cannot be detected without absorbing the
photon.) Currently, multiple experiments have been performed
illustrating various aspects of complementarity.
An experiment performed in 1987
produced results that demonstrated that partial information could be
obtained regarding which path a particle had taken without destroying
the interference altogether. This "wave-particle trade-off" takes the
form of an inequality relating the visibility of the interference pattern and the distinguishability of the which-way paths.
Wheeler's delayed-choice experiments
demonstrate that extracting "which path" information after a particle
passes through the slits can seem to retroactively alter its previous
behavior at the slits.
Quantum eraser
experiments demonstrate that wave behavior can be restored by erasing
or otherwise making permanently unavailable the "which path"
A simple do-it-at-home illustration of the quantum eraser phenomenon was given in an article in Scientific American.
If one sets polarizers before each slit with their axes orthogonal to
each other, the interference pattern will be eliminated. The polarizers
can be considered as introducing which-path information to each beam.
Introducing a third polarizer in front of the detector with an axis of
45° relative to the other polarizers "erases" this information, allowing
the interference pattern to reappear. This can also be accounted for by
considering the light to be a classical wave, and also when using circular polarizers and single photons. Implementations of the polarizers using entangled photon pairs have no classical explanation.
In a highly publicized experiment in 2012, researchers claimed to
have identified the path each particle had taken without any adverse
effects at all on the interference pattern generated by the particles.
In order to do this, they used a setup such that particles coming to
the screen were not from a point-like source, but from a source with two
intensity maxima. However, commentators such as Svensson have pointed out that there is in fact no conflict between the weak measurements performed in this variant of the double-slit experiment and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Weak measurement followed by post-selection did not allow simultaneous
position and momentum measurements for each individual particle, but
rather allowed measurement of the average trajectory of the particles
that arrived at different positions. In other words, the experimenters
were creating a statistical map of the full trajectory landscape.
Other variations
In 1967, Pfleegor and Mandel demonstrated two-source interference using two separate lasers as light sources.
It was shown experimentally in 1972 that in a double-slit system
where only one slit was open at any time, interference was nonetheless
observed provided the path difference was such that the detected photon
could have come from either slit. The experimental conditions were such that the photon density in the system was much less than 1.
In 1991, Carnal and Mlynek performed the classic Young's double slit experiment with metastable helium atoms passing through micrometer-scale slits in gold foil.
In 1999, a quantum interference experiment (using a diffraction
grating, rather than two slits) was successfully performed with
buckyball molecules (each of which comprises 60 carbon atoms). A buckyball is large enough (diameter about 0.7 nm, nearly half a million times larger than a proton) to be seen in an electron microscope.
In 2002, an electron field emission source was used to
demonstrate the double-slit experiment. In this experiment, a coherent
electron wave was emitted from two closely located emission sites on the
needle apex, which acted as double slits, splitting the wave into two
coherent electron waves in a vacuum. The interference pattern between
the two electron waves could then be observed.
In 2017, researchers performed the double-slit experiment using
light-induced field electron emitters. With this technique, emission
sites can be optically selected on a scale of ten nanometers. By
selectively deactivating (closing) one of the two emissions (slits),
researchers were able to show that the interference pattern disappeared.
In 2005, E. R. Eliel presented an experimental and theoretical
study of the optical transmission of a thin metal screen perforated by
two subwavelength slits, separated by many optical wavelengths. The
total intensity of the far-field double-slit pattern is shown to be
reduced or enhanced as a function of the wavelength of the incident
light beam.
In 2012, researchers at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln performed the double-slit experiment with electrons as described by Richard Feynman,
using new instruments that allowed control of the transmission of the
two slits and the monitoring of single-electron detection events.
Electrons were fired by an electron gun and passed through one or two
slits of 62 nm wide × 4 μm tall.
In 2013, a quantum interference experiment (using diffraction
gratings, rather than two slits) was successfully performed with
molecules that each comprised 810 atoms (whose total mass was over
10,000 atomic mass units). The record was raised to 2000 atoms (25,000 amu) in 2019.
Hydrodynamic pilot wave analogs
Hydrodynamic analogs
have been developed that can recreate various aspects of quantum
mechanical systems, including single-particle interference through a
A silicone oil droplet, bouncing along the surface of a liquid,
self-propels via resonant interactions with its own wave field. The
droplet gently sloshes the liquid with every bounce. At the same time,
ripples from past bounces affect its course. The droplet's interaction
with its own ripples, which form what is known as a pilot wave,
causes it to exhibit behaviors previously thought to be peculiar to
elementary particles – including behaviors customarily taken as evidence
that elementary particles are spread through space like waves, without
any specific location, until they are measured.
Behaviors mimicked via this hydrodynamic pilot-wave system include quantum single particle diffraction,
tunneling, quantized orbits, orbital level splitting, spin, and
multimodal statistics. It is also possible to infer uncertainty
relations and exclusion principles. Videos are available illustrating
various features of this system.
However, more complicated systems that involve two or more
particles in superposition are not amenable to such a simple,
classically intuitive explanation. Accordingly, no hydrodynamic analog of entanglement has been developed. Nevertheless, optical analogs are possible.
Double-slit experiment on time
In 2023, an experiment was reported recreating an interference pattern in time by shining a pump laser pulse at a screen coated in indium tin oxide (ITO) which would alter the properties of the electrons within the material due to the Kerr effect,
changing it from transparent to reflective for around 200 femtoseconds
long where a subsequent probe laser beam hitting the ITO screen would
then see this temporary change in optical properties as a slit in time
and two of them as a double slit with a phase difference adding up
destructively or constructively on each frequency component resulting in
an interference pattern. Similar results have been obtained classically on water waves.
Classical wave-optics formulation
Much of the behaviour of light can be modelled using classical wave theory. The Huygens–Fresnel principle
is one such model; it states that each point on a wavefront generates a
secondary wavelet, and that the disturbance at any subsequent point can
be found by summing the contributions of the individual wavelets at that point. This summation needs to take into account the phase as well as the amplitude of the individual wavelets. Only the intensity of a light field can be measured—this is proportional to the square of the amplitude.
In the double-slit experiment, the two slits are illuminated by
the quasi-monochromatic light of a single laser. If the width of the
slits is small enough (much less than the wavelength of the laser
light), the slits diffract the light into cylindrical waves. These two
cylindrical wavefronts are superimposed, and the amplitude, and
therefore the intensity, at any point in the combined wavefronts depends
on both the magnitude and the phase of the two wavefronts. The
difference in phase between the two waves is determined by the
difference in the distance travelled by the two waves.
If the viewing distance is large compared with the separation of the slits (the far field),
the phase difference can be found using the geometry shown in the
figure below right. The path difference between two waves travelling at
an angle θ is given by:
Where d is the distance between the two slits. When the two waves are
in phase, i.e. the path difference is equal to an integral number of
wavelengths, the summed amplitude, and therefore the summed intensity is
maximum, and when they are in anti-phase, i.e. the path difference is
equal to half a wavelength, one and a half wavelengths, etc., then the
two waves cancel and the summed intensity is zero. This effect is known
as interference. The interference fringe maxima occur at angles
where λ is the wavelength of the light. The angular spacing of the fringes, θf, is given by
The spacing of the fringes at a distance z from the slits is given by
For example, if two slits are separated by 0.5 mm (d), and are illuminated with a 0.6 μm wavelength laser (λ), then at a distance of 1 m (z), the spacing of the fringes will be 1.2 mm.
If the width of the slits b is appreciable compared to the wavelength, the Fraunhofer diffraction equation is needed to determine the intensity of the diffracted light as follows:
where the sinc function is defined as sinc(x) = sin(x)/x for x ≠ 0, and sinc(0) = 1.
This is illustrated in the figure above, where the first pattern is the diffraction pattern of a single slit, given by the sinc
function in this equation, and the second figure shows the combined
intensity of the light diffracted from the two slits, where the cos
function represents the fine structure, and the coarser structure
represents diffraction by the individual slits as described by the sinc function.
Similar calculations for the near field can be made by applying the Fresnel diffraction
equation, which implies that as the plane of observation gets closer to
the plane in which the slits are located, the diffraction patterns
associated with each slit decrease in size, so that the area in which
interference occurs is reduced, and may vanish altogether when there is
no overlap in the two diffracted patterns.
Path-integral formulation
The double-slit experiment can illustrate the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics provided by Feynman.
The path integral formulation replaces the classical notion of a
single, unique trajectory for a system, with a sum over all possible
trajectories. The trajectories are added together by using functional integration.
Each path is considered equally likely, and thus contributes the same amount. However, the phase of this contribution at any given point along the path is determined by the action along the path:
All these contributions are then added together, and the magnitude of the final result is squared, to get the probability distribution for the position of a particle:
As is always the case when calculating probability, the results must then be normalized by imposing:
The probability distribution of the outcome is the normalized square of the norm of the superposition, over all paths from the point of origin to the final point, of wavespropagatingproportionally
to the action along each path. The differences in the cumulative
action along the different paths (and thus the relative phases of the
contributions) produces the interference pattern
observed by the double-slit experiment. Feynman stressed that his
formulation is merely a mathematical description, not an attempt to
describe a real process that we can measure.
standard interpretation of the double slit experiment is that the
pattern is a wave phenomenon, representing interference between two
probability amplitudes, one for each slit. Low intensity experiments
demonstrate that the pattern is filled in one particle detection at a
time. Any change to the apparatus designed to detect a particle at a
particular slit alters the probability amplitudes and the interference
disappears. This interpretation is independent of any conscious observer.
Niels Bohr interpreted quantum experiments like the double-slit experiment using the concept of complementarity.
In Bohr's view quantum systems are not classical, but measurements can
only give classical results. Certain pairs of classical properties will
never be observed in a quantum system simultaneously: the interference
pattern of waves in the double slit experiment will disappear if
particles are detected at the slits. Modern quantitative versions of the
concept allow for a continuous tradeoff between the visibility of the
interference fringes and the probability of particle detection at a
The Copenhagen interpretation is a collection of views about the meaning of quantum mechanics, stemming from the work of Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Max Born,
and others. The term "Copenhagen interpretation" was apparently coined
by Heisenberg during the 1950s to refer to ideas developed in the
1925–1927 period, glossing over his disagreements with Bohr.Consequently, there is no definitive historical statement of what the
interpretation entails. Features common across versions of the
Copenhagen interpretation include the idea that quantum mechanics is
intrinsically indeterministic, with probabilities calculated using the Born rule, and some form of complementarity principle. Moreover, the act of "observing" or "measuring" an object is irreversible, and no truth can be attributed to an object, except according to the results of its measurement.
In the Copenhagen interpretation, complementarity means a particular
experiment can demonstrate particle behavior (passing through a definite
slit) or wave behavior (interference), but not both at the same time. In a Copenhagen-type view, the question of which slit a particle travels through has no meaning when there is no detector.
Relational interpretation
According to the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics, first proposed by Carlo Rovelli, observations such as those in the double-slit experiment result specifically from the interaction between the observer
(measuring device) and the object being observed (physically interacted
with), not any absolute property possessed by the object. In the case
of an electron, if it is initially "observed" at a particular slit, then
the observer–particle (photon–electron) interaction includes
information about the electron's position. This partially constrains the
particle's eventual location at the screen. If it is "observed"
(measured with a photon) not at a particular slit but rather at the
screen, then there is no "which path" information as part of the
interaction, so the electron's "observed" position on the screen is
determined strictly by its probability function. This makes the
resulting pattern on the screen the same as if each individual electron
had passed through both slits.
Many-worlds interpretation
As with Copenhagen, there are multiple variants of the many-worlds interpretation.
The unifying theme is that physical reality is identified with a
wavefunction, and this wavefunction always evolves unitarily, i.e.,
following the Schrödinger equation with no collapses. Consequently, there are many parallel universes, which only interact with each other through interference. David Deutsch
argues that the way to understand the double-slit experiment is that in
each universe the particle travels through a specific slit, but its
motion is affected by interference with particles in other universes,
and this interference creates the observable fringes.
David Wallace, another advocate of the many-worlds interpretation,
writes that in the familiar setup of the double-slit experiment the two
paths are not sufficiently separated for a description in terms of
parallel universes to make sense.
An alternative to the standard understanding of quantum mechanics, the De Broglie–Bohm theory
states that particles also have precise locations at all times, and
that their velocities are defined by the wave-function. So while a
single particle will travel through one particular slit in the
double-slit experiment, the so-called "pilot wave" that influences it
will travel through both. The two slit de Broglie-Bohm trajectories were
first calculated by Chris Dewdney while working with Chris Philippidis
and Basil Hiley at Birkbeck College (London).
The de Broglie-Bohm theory produces the same statistical results as
standard quantum mechanics, but dispenses with many of its conceptual
difficulties by adding complexity through an ad hoc quantum potential to guide the particles.
More complex variants of this type of approach have appeared, for instance the three wave hypothesis of Ryszard Horodecki as well as other complicated combinations of de Broglie and Compton waves. To date there is no evidence that these are useful.
Bohmian trajectories
Trajectories of particles in De Broglie–Bohm theory in the double-slit experiment.
trajectories guided by the wave function. In De Broglie-Bohm's theory, a
particle is represented, at any time, by a wave function and a position (center of mass). This is a kind of augmented reality compared to the standard interpretation.
simulation of the double-slit experiment with electrons. Figure on the
left: evolution (from left to right) of the intensity of the electron
beam at the exit of the slits (left) up to the detection screen located
10 cm after the slits (right). The higher the intensity, the more the
color is light blue – Figure in the center: impacts of the electrons
observed on the screen – Figure on the right: intensity of the electrons
in the far field
approximation (on the screen). Numerical data from Claus Jönsson's
experiment (1961). Photons, atoms and molecules follow a similar