If means time, then is frequency in cycles per unit time, but in the abstract, they can be any dual pair of variables (e.g. position and spatial frequency).
The sine transform is necessarily an odd function of frequency, i.e. for all :
The Fourier cosine transform of is:
Fourier cosine transform
The cosine transform is necessarily an even function of frequency, i.e. for all :
Odd and even simplification
The multiplication rules for even and odd functions shown in the overbraces in the following equations dramatically simplify the integrands when transforming even and odd functions. Some authors even only define the cosine transform for even functions . Since cosine is an even function and because the integral of an even function from to is twice its integral from to , the cosine transform of any even function can be simplified to avoid negative :
And because the integral from to of any odd function from is zero, the cosine transform of any odd function is simply zero:
Similarly, because sin is odd, the sine transform of any odd function also simplifies to avoid negative :
and the sine transform of any even function is simply zero:
The sine transform represents the odd part of a function, while the cosine transform represents the even part of a function.
Other conventions
Just like the Fourier transform takes the form of different equations with different constant factors (see Fourier transform § Unitarity and definition for square integrable functions for discussion), other authors also define the cosine transform as
and the sine transform as
Another convention defines the cosine transform as and the sine transform as using as the transformation variable. And while is typically used to represent the time domain, is often instead used to represent a spatial domain when transforming to spatial frequencies.
Fourier inversion
The original function can be recovered from its sine and cosine transforms under the usual hypotheses using the inversion formula:
Fourier inversion (from the sine and cosine transforms)
Note that since both integrands are even functions of , the concept of negative frequency can be avoided by doubling the result of integrating over non-negative frequencies:
Also, if is an odd function, then the cosine transform is zero, so its inversion simplifies to:
Likewise, if the original function is an even function, then the sine transform is zero, so its inversion also simplifies to:
Remarkably, these last two simplified inversion formulas look
identical to the original sine and cosine transforms, respectively,
though with swapped with (and with swapped with or ).
A consequence of this symmetry is that their inversion and transform
processes still work when the two functions are swapped. Two such
functions are called transform pairs.
Overview of inversion proof
Using the addition formula for cosine, the full inversion formula can also be rewritten as Fourier's integral formula:
This theorem is often stated under different hypotheses, that is integrable, and is of bounded variation on an open interval containing the point , in which case
This latter form is a useful intermediate step in proving the
inverse formulae for the since and cosine transforms. One method of
deriving it, due to Cauchy is to insert a into the integral, where is fixed. Then
Now when , the integrand tends to zero except at , so that formally the above is
Relation with complex exponentials
The complex exponential form of the Fourier transform used more often today is
where is the square root of negative one. By applying Euler's formula
it can be shown (for real-valued functions) that the Fourier
transform's real component is the cosine transform (representing the
even component of the original function) and the Fourier transform's
imaginary component is the negative of the sine transform (representing
the odd component of the original function):Because of this relationship, the cosine transform of functions whose Fourier transform is known (e.g. in Fourier transform § Tables of important Fourier transforms) can be simply found by taking the real part of the Fourier transform:while the sine transform is simply the negative of the imaginary part of the Fourier transform:
Pros and cons
An advantage of the modern Fourier transform is that while the sine and cosine transforms together are required to extract the phase information of a frequency, the modern Fourier transform instead compactly packs both phase and
amplitude information inside its complex valued result. But a
disadvantage is its requirement on understanding complex numbers,
complex exponentials, and negative frequency.
The sine and cosine transforms meanwhile have the advantage that
all quantities are real. Since positive frequencies can fully express
them, the non-trivial concept of negative frequency
needed in the regular Fourier transform can be avoided. They may also
be convenient when the original function is already even or odd or can
be made even or odd, in which case only the cosine or the sine transform
respectively is needed. For instance, even though an input may not be
even or odd, a discrete cosine transform may start by assuming an even extension of its input while a discrete sine transform may start by assuming an odd extension of its input, to avoid having to compute the entire discrete Fourier transform.
Numerical evaluation
standard methods of numerical evaluation for Fourier integrals, such as
Gaussian or tanh-sinh quadrature, is likely to lead to completely
incorrect results, as the quadrature sum is (for most integrands of
interest) highly ill-conditioned.
Special numerical methods which exploit the structure of the oscillation
are required, an example of which is Ooura's method for Fourier
integrals. This method attempts to evaluate the integrand at locations which
asymptotically approach the zeros of the oscillation (either the sine or
cosine), quickly reducing the magnitude of positive and negative terms
which are summed.
Salience (also called saliency, from Latin saliō meaning “leap, spring”) is the property by which some thing stands out. Salient events are an attentional mechanism by which organisms learn and survive; those organisms can focus their limited perceptual and cognitive resources on the pertinent (that is, salient) subset of the sensorydata available to them.
Saliency typically arises from contrasts between items and their
neighborhood. They might be represented, for example, by a red dot
surrounded by white dots, or by a flickering message indicator of an
answering machine, or a loud noise in an otherwise quiet environment.
Saliency detection is often studied in the context of the visual
system, but similar mechanisms operate in other sensory systems. Just
what is salient can be influenced by training: for example, for human
subjects particular letters can become salient by training.
There can be a sequence of necessary events, each of which has to be
salient, in turn, in order for successful training in the sequence; the
alternative is a failure, as in an illustrated sequence when tying a bowline; in the list of illustrations, even the first illustration is a salient: the rope in the list must cross over, and not under
the bitter end of the rope (which can remain fixed, and not free to
move); failure to notice that the first salient has not been satisfied
means the knot will fail to hold, even when the remaining salient events
have been satisfied.
When attention deployment is driven by salient stimuli, it is considered to be bottom-up, memory-free,
and reactive. Conversely, attention can also be guided by top-down,
memory-dependent, or anticipatory mechanisms, such as when looking ahead
of moving objects or sideways before crossing streets. Humans and other
animals have difficulty paying attention to more than one item
simultaneously, so they are faced with the challenge of continuously
integrating and prioritizing different bottom-up and top-down
The brain component named the hippocampus
helps with the assessment of salience and context by using past
memories to filter new incoming stimuli, and placing those that are most
important into long term memory. The entorhinal
cortex is the pathway into and out of the hippocampus, and is an
important part of the brain's memory network; research shows that it is a
brain region that suffers damage early on in Alzheimer's disease, one of the effects of which is altered (diminished) salience.
The pulvinar nuclei (in the thalamus) modulate physical/perceptual salience in attentional selection.
The primary visual cortex (V1) generates a bottom-up saliency map from visual inputs to guide reflexive attentional shifts or gaze shifts. According to V1 Saliency Hypothesis,
the saliency of a location is higher when V1 neurons give higher
responses to that location relative to V1 neurons' responses to other
visual locations.
For example, a unique red item among green items, or a unique vertical
bar among horizontal bars, is salient since it evokes higher V1
responses and attracts attention or gaze. The V1 neural responses are sent to the superior colliculus
to guide gaze shifts to the salient locations. A fingerprint of the
saliency map in V1 is that attention or gaze can be captured by the
location of an eye-of-origin singleton in visual inputs, e.g., a bar
uniquely shown to the left eye in a background of many other bars shown
to the right eye, even when observers cannot tell the difference between
the singleton and the background bars.
In psychology
term is widely used in the study of perception and cognition to refer
to any aspect of a stimulus that, for any of many reasons, stands out
from the rest. Salience may be the result of emotional, motivational or
cognitive factors and is not necessarily associated with physical
factors such as intensity, clarity or size. Although salience is thought
to determine attentional selection, salience associated with physical
factors does not necessarily influence selection of a stimulus.
Salience bias
Salience bias (also referred to as perceptual salience) is a cognitive bias that predisposes individuals to focus on or attend to items, information, or stimuli that are more prominent, visible,
or emotionally striking. This is as opposed to stimuli that are
unremarkable, or less salient, even though this difference is often
irrelevant by objective standards. The American Psychological Association
(APA) defines the salience hypothesis as a theory regarding perception
where “motivationally significant” information is more readily perceived
than information with little or less significant motivational
Perceptual salience (salience bias) is linked to the vividness effect,
whereby a more pronounced response is produced by a more vivid
perception of a stimulus than the mere knowledge of the stimulus.
Salience bias assumes that more dynamic, conspicuous, or distinctive
stimuli engage attention more than less prominent stimuli,
disproportionately impacting decision making, it is a bias which favors more salient information.
Cognitive Psychology
Salience bias, like all other cognitive biases, is an applicable concept to various disciplines. For example, cognitive psychology investigates cognitive functions and processes, such as perception, attention, memory,
problem solving, and decision making, all of which could be influenced
by salience bias. Salience bias acts to combat cognitive overload by
focusing attention on prominent stimuli, which affects how individuals
perceive the world as other, less vivid stimuli that could add to or
change this perception, are ignored. Human attention gravitates towards
novel and relevant stimuli and unconsciously filters out less prominent
information, demonstrating salience bias, which influences behavior as
human behavior is affected by what is attended to.
Behavioral economists Tversky and Kahneman also suggest that the
retrieval of instances is influenced by their salience, such as how
witnessing or experiencing an event first-hand has a greater impact than
when it is less salient, like if it were read about, implying that memory is affected by salience.
is also relevant in language understanding and acquisition. Focusing on
more salient phenomena allows people to detect language patterns and
dialect variations more easily, making dialect categorization more
Social Behavior
social behaviors and interactions can also be influenced by perceptual
salience. Changes in the perceptual salience of an individual heavily
influences their social behavior and subjective experience of their
social interactions, confirming a “social salience effect”.Social salience relates to how individuals perceive and respond to other people.
Behavioral Science
The connection between salience bias and other heuristics, like availability and representativeness, links it to the fields of behavioral science and behavioral economics.
Salience bias is closely related to the availability heuristic in
behavioral economics, based on the influence of information vividness
and visibility, such as recency or frequency, on judgements, for example:
and salience are closely related to availability, and they are
important as well. If you have personally experienced a serious
earthquake, you’re more likely to believe that an earthquake is likely
than if you read about it in a weekly magazine. Thus, vivid and easily
imagined causes of death (for example, tornadoes) often receive inflated
estimates of probability, and less-vivid causes (for example, asthma
attacks) receive low estimates, even if they occur with a far greater
frequency (here, by a factor of twenty). Timing counts too: more recent
events have a greater impact on our behavior, and on our fears, than
earlier ones.
— Richard H. Thaler, Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness (2008-04-08)
Humans have bounded rationality,
which refers to their limited ability to be rational in decision
making, due to a limited capacity to process information and cognitive
ability. Heuristics, such as availability, are employed to reduce the
complexity of cognitive and social tasks or judgements, in order to decrease the cognitive load
that result from bounded rationality. Despite the effectiveness of
heuristics in doing so, they are limited by systematic errors
that occur, often the result of influencing biases, such as salience.
This can lead to misdirected or misinformed judgements, based on an
overemphasis or overweighting of certain, more salient information. For
example, the irrational behavior of procrastination
occurs because costs in the present, like sacrificing free time, are
disproportionately salient to future costs, because at that time they
are more vivid.
The more prominent information is more readily available than the less
salient information, and thus has a larger impact on decision making and
behavior, resulting in errors in judgement.
Other fields such as philosophy, economics, finance, and
political science have also investigated the effects of salience, such
as in relation to taxes,
where salience bias is applied to real-world behaviors, affecting
systems like the economy. The existence of salience bias in humans can
make behavior more predictable and this bias can be leveraged to
influence behavior, such as through nudges.
bias is one of many explanations for why humans deviate from rational
decision making: by being overly focused on or biased to the most
visible data and ignoring other potentially important information that
could result in a more reasonable judgment. As a concept it is supported
in psychological and economic literature, through its relationship with
the availability heuristic outlined by Tversky and Kahneman, and its applicability to behaviors relevant to multiple disciplines, such as economics.
Despite this support, salience bias is limited for various
reasons, one example being its difficulty in quantifying,
operationalizing, and universally defining.
Salience is often confused with other terms in literature, for example,
one article states that salience, which is defined as a cognitive bias
referring to “visibility and prominence”, is often confused with terms
like transparency and complexity in public finance literature.
This limits salience bias as the confusion negates its importance as an
individual term, and therefore the influence it has on tax related
behavior. Likewise, the APA definition of salience refers to
motivational importance,
which is based on subjective judgement, adding to the difficulty.
According to psychologist S. Taylor “some people are more salient than
others” and these differences can further bias judgements.
Biased judgements have far-reaching consequences, beyond poor decision making, such as overgeneralizing and stereotyping.
Studies into solo status or token integration demonstrate this. The
token is an individual in a group different to the other members in that
social environment, like a female in an all-male workplace. The token
is viewed as symbolic of their social group, whereby judgments made
about the solo individual predict judgements of their social group,
which can result in inaccurate perceptions of that group and potential
stereotyping. The distinctiveness of the individual in that environment
“fosters a salience bias” and hence predisposes those generalized judgements, positive or negative.
In interaction design
in design draws from the cognitive aspects of attention, and applies it
to the making of 2D and 3D objects. When designing computer and screen
interfaces, salience helps draw attention to certain objects like
buttons and signify affordance, so designers can utilize this aspect of perception to guide users.
There are several variables used to direct attention:
Color. Hue, saturation, and value can all be used to call attention to areas or objects within an interface, and de-emphasize others.
Size. Object size and proportion to surrounding elements creates visual hierarchy, both in interactive elements like buttons, but also within informative elements like text.
Position. An object's orientation or spatial arrangement in relation to the surrounding objects creates differentiation to invite action.
consideration for salience in interaction design is accessibility. Many
interfaces used today rely on visual salience for guiding user
interaction, and people with disabilities like color-blindness may have
trouble interacting with interfaces using color or contrast to create
Kapur (2003) proposed that a hyperdopaminergic state,
at a "brain" level of description, leads to an aberrant assignment of
salience to the elements of one's experience, at a "mind" level. These aberrant salience attributions have been associated with altered activities in the mesolimbic system, including the striatum, the amygdala, the hippocampus, the parahippocampal gyrus., the anterior cingulate cortex and the insula.
Dopamine mediates the conversion of the neural representation of an
external stimulus from a neutral bit of information into an attractive
or aversive entity, i.e. a salient event. Symptoms of schizophrenia
may arise out of 'the aberrant assignment of salience to external
objects and internal representations', and antipsychotic medications
reduce positive symptoms by attenuating aberrant motivational salience
via blockade of the dopamine D2 receptors (Kapur, 2003).
Alternative areas of investigation include supplementary motor areas, frontal eye fields
and parietal eye fields. These areas of the brain are involved with
calculating predictions and visual salience. Changing expectations on
where to look restructures these areas of the brain. This cognitive
repatterning can result in some of the symptoms found in such disorders.
Visual saliency modeling
In the domain of psychology,
efforts have been made in modeling the mechanism of human attention,
including the learning of prioritizing the different bottom-up and
top-down influences.
In the domain of computer vision, efforts have been made in modeling the mechanism of human attention, especially the bottom-up attentional mechanism, including both spatial and temporal attention. Such a process is also called visual saliency detection.
Generally speaking, there are two kinds of models to mimic the
bottom-up saliency mechanism. One way is based on the spatial contrast
analysis: for example, a center-surround mechanism is used to define
saliency across scales, which is inspired by the putative neural
mechanism. The other way is based on the frequency domain analysis.
While they used the amplitude spectrum to assign saliency to rarely
occurring magnitudes, Guo et al. use the phase spectrum instead.
Recently, Li et al. introduced a system that uses both the amplitude and the phase information.
A key limitation in many such approaches is their computational
complexity leading to less than real-time performance, even on modern
computer hardware. Some recent work attempts to overcome these issues at the expense of saliency detection quality under some conditions.
Other work suggests that saliency and associated speed-accuracy
phenomena may be a fundamental mechanisms determined during recognition
through gradient descent, needing not be spatial in nature.
Change blindness is a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when a
change in a visual stimulus is introduced and the observer does not
notice it. For example, observers often fail to notice major differences
introduced into an image while it flickers off and on again.
People's poor ability to detect changes has been argued to reflect
fundamental limitations of human attention. Change blindness has become a
highly researched topic and some have argued that it may have important
practical implications in areas such as eyewitness testimony and distractions while driving.
Early anecdotal observations
Outside of the domain of psychology, phenomena related to change blindness have been discussed since the 19th century.
When film editing was introduced in movies, editors began to notice
that changes to the background were not noticed by those watching the
film. Going back earlier, William James (1842–1910) was the first to mention the lack of ability to detect change in his book Principles of Psychology (1890).
Earliest experimental reports
Research on change blindness developed from investigation in other phenomena such as eye movements and working memory.
Although individuals have a very good memory as to whether or not they
have seen an image, they are generally poor at recalling the smaller
details in that image. When we are visually stimulated with a complex picture, it is more
likely that individuals retain only a gist of an image and not the image
in its entirety.
The laboratory study of change blindness began in the 1970s
within the context of eye movement research. George McConkie conducted
the first studies on change blindness involving changes in words and
texts; in these studies, the changes were introduced while the observer
performed a saccadic eye movement. Observers often failed to notice these changes.
In the late 1980s, the first clear experimental demonstration was
published showing very poor change detection in complex displays over
brief intervals without eye movements being involved. Pashler (1988)
showed that observers were poor at detecting changes introduced into
arrays of letters while the display was flickered off and on, even if
the offset was as brief as 67 milliseconds (although offsets briefer
than that produced much more effective change detection). Pashler
concluded by noting how odd it was that people generally report having a
"clear sense of apprehending the identities and locations of large
numbers of objects in a scene" (p. 377), and that given this
introspective sense, it seemed quite surprising how poor is their
detection of changes.
Research in the 1990s and 2000s
With the rise of the ability to present complex, real-world images on
a computer screen, McConkie, in the early 1990s, as part of new
research at the new Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
renewed investigations of why the world looks stable and continuous
despite the shifting retinal input signal that accompanied each saccade. This research began when John Grimes and Dr. George McConkie (1996) began to use actual photographs to study visual stability. This development in change blindness research was able to show the effects of change blindness in more realistic settings.
Additionally, further research stated that rather large changes will
not be detected when they occur during saccadic movements of the eye. In
the first experiment of this kind, in 1995, Blackmore et al. forced saccades by moving the image and making a change in the scene at the same time.
Observers' ability to detect the changes fell to chance. The effect was
stronger using this method than when using brief grey flashes between
images, although subsequent research has mostly used grey flashes or
masking stimuli. Another finding based on similar studies stated that a
change was easily picked up on by participants when the eye was fixated
on the point of change. Therefore, the eye must be directly fixated on
the area of change for it to be noticed. This was called the saccade
target theory of transsaccadic memory of visual stability.
However, other research in the mid-1990s has indicated that individuals
still have difficulty detecting change even when they are directly
fixated on a particular scene. Rensink, O'Regan, and Clarke presented a
picture, followed by a blank, masking screen, followed by the initial
picture with a change. The masking screen acts like a saccadic eye
This was a critical contribution to change blindness research because
it demonstrated that a change can remain unnoticed with the smallest
Research on change blindness proceeded one step further into
practical applications of this phenomenon. For example, there does not
have to be a masking stimulus in order for individuals to miss a change
in a scene. Individuals often take significantly longer to notice
certain changes if there are a few small, high contrast shapes that are
temporarily splattered over a picture. This method for testing change blindness is called “mudsplashes”.
This method is particularly relevant to individuals driving in a car
when there is a visual obstruction on the windshield. This obstruction
may impair an individual's ability to detect a change in their
environment which could result in severe negative consequences while
Current research (2010–present)
Change detection
Research indicates that detecting changes in a change blindness task is easier when items are holistically processed,
such as faces. Individuals notice a change faster when required to
detect changes in facial features than when required to detect changes
in images of houses. However, individuals are better at identifying the nature of the change in houses.
Other researchers have discovered that mental processing in
change blindness begins even before the change is presented. More
specifically, there is increased brain activity in the
parietal-occipital and occipital regions prior to the emergence of a
change in a change blindness task.
Researchers have also indicated there is a difference in brain
activity between detecting a change and identifying change in an image.
Detecting a change is associated with a higher ERP (Event-related potential) whereas identifying change is associated with an increased ERP before and after the change was presented.
Additional research using fluctuations in ERPs has observed that
changes in pictures (change blindness) are represented in the brain,
even without the perceiver's conscious awareness of the change.
Change blindness can be effectively used in the process of
visualizing actual changes detected in 3D scenes. With appropriate
it is possible to enhance the perception of the portion of a 3D scene
that is changed while hiding non significant, but otherwise still
visible, changes.
Lucid dreaming
Lucid dreaming occurs when one realizes that the events experienced within a dream are bizarre or would not occur in one's waking life.
As such, the inability to notice the bizarre nature of the dream has
been coined as an example of change blindness, also known as individuals
who are non-lucid dreamers. However, a recent study found that lucid
dreamers did not perform better on a change blindness task than
non-lucid dreamers. Therefore, the relation between lucid dreamers and change blindness has been discredited to some degree.
In teams
interesting area of research is the decreased susceptibility to change
blindness when individuals are placed in teams. Although change
blindness is still observed within teams, research has indicated that
changes between images are noticed more when individuals work in teams
as opposed to individually. Both teamwork and communication assist teams in correctly identifying changes between images.
recent study looked at the relation between expertise and change
blindness. Physics experts were more likely to notice a change between
two physics problems than novices.
It is hypothesized that experts are better at analyzing problems on a
deeper level whereas novices employ a surface-level analysis. This
research suggests that observing the phenomenon of change blindness may
be conditional upon the context of the task.
Cognitive psychologists expanded the study of change blindness into
decision-making. In one study, they showed participants ten pairs of
faces and asked them to choose which face was more attractive. For some
pairs, the experimenter used sleight of hand to show participants a
face they had not chosen. Only 26% of subjects noticed the
mismatch between their choice of face and the different face they were
shown instead. The experimenters tested pairs of faces that were either
high in similarity or low in similarity, but the detection rate was no
different between those conditions. Subjects were also asked to give
reasons why they had chosen a face (although due to the sleight of hand
they actually hadn't chosen it). Despite the mismatch, subjects gave
responses that were comparable in emotionality, specificity, and
certainty for faces they had or had not actually chosen.
Further research has shown that the failure to detect mismatches
between intention and outcome exists in consumer product choices and in political attitudes.
research in the early part of the decade had shown that change
blindness can be counteracted by a number of methods. Shifting attention
with a visual cue can help lower the negative effects of change
blindness. Stimulation of the superior colliculus improves performance and reaction time in the same way.
However, recent research has also been done on countering tactile
change blindness. A 2016 study by Riggs et al. shows that three
successful methods for limiting tactile change blindness in
distinguishing changes in vibration patterns are attention guidance,
signal gradation and direct comparison.
All three methods seek to bring attention to the area of change.
Attention guidance works proactively by increasing the frequency of a
cue. The second and third methods are reactive and based on
error-feedback. Signal gradation further increases the intensity of the
vibration after the change has been missed. Direct comparison pairs the
pre-change and post-change vibration intensities without a gap in
between after a change has been missed to support the use of relative
judgment rather than absolute. While all significantly improve
performance, the second and third countermeasures are most effective. Concentration and attention are also a major factors in avoiding change blindness.
comparatively little research has been done on change blindness in
other animals, a few species of animals exhibited the same effects of
change blindness as humans. Using the same motion detection paradigm for
monkeys as humans, researchers found the results were the same in
showing change blindness in motion.
Pigeons not only demonstrate change blindness, but also are influenced
by the salience and timing of the change in scenery like humans. Chimpanzees similarly have difficulty with detecting change in flicker-type visual search after a blank display was shown.
Positional switches of a stimulus are the most difficult for
chimpanzees to detect. The results show that the same levels of
attention is demanded for chimpanzees as humans in these tasks.
Change detection methods
Saccade forcing paradigm
method was used in the first, 1995, experiment. A change is made in an
image at the same time as the image is moved in an unpredictable
direction, forcing a saccade. This method mimics eye movements and can
detect change blindness without introducing blank screens, masking
stimuli or mudsplashes.
However, it is unclear if small additions to an image will predict if
people will be unable to notice larger changes in an image to the same
position to their eye.
Flicker paradigm
In this paradigm, an image and an altered image are switched back and forth with a blank screen in the middle.
This procedure is performed at a very high rate and observers are
instructed to click a button as soon as they see the difference between
the two images.
This method of studying change blindness has helped researchers
discover two very important findings. The first finding is that it
usually takes a while for individuals to notice a change even though
they are being instructed to search for a change.
In some cases, it can even take individuals over one minute of constant
flickers to determine the location of the change. The second important
finding is that changes to more important areas of a photograph are
noticed at a faster rate than changes to areas of less interest.
Although the flicker paradigm was first used in the late 1990s, it is
still commonly used in current research on change blindness and has
contributed to current knowledge on change blindness.
Forced choice detection paradigm
Individuals who are tested under the forced choice paradigm are only allowed to view the two pictures once before they make a choice. Both images are also shown for the same amount of time.
The flicker paradigm and the forced choice detection paradigm are known
as intentional change detection tasks, which means that the
participants know they are trying to detect change. These studies have
shown that even while participants are focusing their attention and
searching for a change, the change may remain unnoticed.
are small, high contrast shapes that are scattered over an image, but
do not cover the area of the picture in which the change occurs. This
mudsplash effect prevents individuals from noticing the change between
the two pictures.
A practical application of this paradigm is that dangerous stimuli in a
scene may not be noticed if there are slight obstructions in an
individual's visual field. Previously, it has been stated that humans
hold a very good internal representation of visual stimuli. Studies
involving mudsplashes have shown that change blindness may occur because
our internal representations of visual stimuli may be much worse than
previous studies have shown.
Mudsplashes have not been used as frequently as the flicker or forced
choice detection paradigms in change blindness research, but have
yielded many significant and groundbreaking results.
Foreground-background segregation
The foreground-background segregation
method for studying change blindness uses photographs of scenery with a
distinct foreground and background. Researchers using this paradigm
have found that individuals are usually able to recognize relatively
small changes in the foreground of an image. In addition, large changes to the colour of the background take significantly longer to detect.
This paradigm is critical to change blindness research because many
previous studies have not examined the location of changes in the visual
Various studies have used MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging)
to measure brain activity when individuals detect (or fail to detect) a
change in the environment. When individuals detect a change, the neural
networks of the parietal and right dorsolateral prefrontal lobe regions are strongly activated. If individuals were instructed to detect changes in faces, the fusiform face area was also significantly activated. In addition, other structures such as the pulvinar, cerebellum, and inferior temporal gyrus also showed an increase in activation when individuals reported a change. It has been proposed that the parietal and frontal cortex
along with the cerebellum and pulvinar might be used to direct an
organism's attention to a change in the environment. A decrease of
activation in these brain areas was observed if a change was not
detected by the organism. Furthermore, the neurological activation of these highlighted brain areas was correlated with an individual's conscious awareness of change and not the physical change itself.
Other studies using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
scanners have shown that when change is not consciously detected, there
was a significant decrease in the dorsolateral prefrontal and parietal
lobe regions.
These results further the importance of the dorsolateral prefrontal and
parietal cortex in the detection of visual change. In addition to fMRI
studies, recent research has used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in order to inhibit areas of the brain while participants were instructed to try to detect the change between two images. The results show that when the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is inhibited, individuals are significantly slower at detecting change.
The PPC is critical for encoding and maintaining visual images in short
term working memory, which demonstrates the importance of the PPC in
terms of detecting changes between images.
For a change to be detected, the information of the first picture needs
to be held in working memory and compared to the second picture. If the
PPC is inhibited, the area of the brain responsible for encoding visual
images will not function properly. The information will not be encoded
and will not be held in working memory and compared to the second
picture, thus inducing change blindness.
Role of attention
The role of attention
is critical for an organism's ability to detect change. In order for an
organism to detect change, visual stimulation must enter through eye
and proceed through the visual stream in the brain. A study in 2004
demonstrated that if the superior colliculus
(responsible for eye movements) of a monkey's brain is electrically
stimulated, there would be a significant decrease in reaction time to
detect the change.
Therefore, it is critical for organisms to attend to the change in
order for it to be detected. Organisms are only able to detect this
change once the visual stimulation comes through the eye (its movements
are controlled by the superior colliculus) and is subsequently processed
through the visual stream.
Influencing factors
Age has been implicated as one of the factors which modulates the severity of change blindness.
In a study conducted by Veiel et al. it was found that older
individuals were slower to detect the changes in a change blindness
experiment than were younger individuals.
This trend was also noticed by Caird et al., who found that drivers
aged 65 and older were more prone to making incorrect decisions after a
change blindness paradigm was used at an intersection, than were
participants aged 18–64. Age differences in change detection become most pronounced when the task is easier.
While the actual shift in ability does not occur until at least age 65,
people's confidence in their ability to detect change drops
significantly at middle-age.
Children from 6–13 years old looked at colored pictures of real
world scenes that were manipulated by color, location of objects, or the
removal of objects, in the central or peripheral focus of the image.
Adults are more accurate when noticing the changes that occur in the
picture. Children can accurately detect central changes, but aren't as
good at detecting peripheral changes, and their accuracy depends on the
type of manipulation.
Younger drivers (average of 22 years old) were compared with
older drivers (average of 69 years old). Images were presented on a
screen showing various driving situations that included an original
image and a modified image, and participants had to identify where a
change had occurred in the modified version, if any. Older drivers
expressed reduced accuracy, higher reaction times, and more false
positive responses compared to younger drivers.
is another factor that has been implicated in change blindness.
Increasing shifts in attention decrease the severity of change blindness
and changes in the foreground are detected more readily than changes
made to the background of an image, an effect of the intentional bias
for foreground elements.
Community volunteers had to focus on a screen and accurately
identify if there was a change between series of dots after being
fixated on a point in the center of the screen. Distraction of attention
by visual disruptions and the observers' ability to focus on potential
change were found to have an effect on attention with change blindness.
Object presentation
presentation is the way in which objects appear and is a factor that
determines the occurrence of change blindness. Change blindness can
occur even without a delay between the original image and the altered
image, but only if the change in the image forces the viewer to redefine
the objects in the image.
Additionally, the appearance of a new object is more resistant to
change blindness than a looming object, and both the appearance of a new
object and the looming of an object are more resistant to change
blindness than the receding of an object.
Furthermore, the appearance or onset of an object is more resistant to
the occurrence of change blindness than the disappearance or offset of
an object.
Substance use
use has been found to affect the detection biases on change detection
tasks. If an individual was presented with two changes simultaneously,
those that had a change related to the substance they use regularly
reported using the substance more than those detecting the neutral
stimuli. This indicates a relationship between substance use and change
detection within a change blindness paradigm.
This bias for devoting more attention to the drug-relevant stimuli is
also observed with problem drinkers. Individuals who have a more severe
drinking problem are quicker to detect changes in alcohol-related
stimuli than in neutral stimuli.
Alcohol can sometimes improve change blindness. For example,
intoxicated participants were quicker at detecting minor changes in
large displays of images than sober participants. This could be
attributed to more passive viewings of larger images, and the use of
alcohol slows down more controlled search processes.
Active viewing involves more saccades than fixations. When
viewing an image with a more passive search, more information is
processed with each fixation. The alcohol slows down the movement and
processing of the brain, therefore causing more fixation points.
In other senses
In addition to change blindness induced by changes in visual images, change blindness also exists for the other senses:
Change deafness – Change deafness is the concept of change blindness for auditory information. In his experiment, Vitevitch (2003) used a speech shadowing task to demonstrate change deafness.
He presented a list of words to participants and had them
simultaneously repeat the words they heard. Halfway through the list,
either the same or a different speaker presented the second half of the
words to participants. At least 40% of participants failed to detect the
change in speaker when it occurred. Fenn et al. called participants on
the phone and replaced the speaker in the middle of the conversation.
Participants rarely noticed change. However, when explicitly monitoring
for change, the participants' detection increased. Neuhoff et al. (2015)
expanded on the idea of change deafness, and identified a new
phenomenon called "slow-change deafness" using a series of four
In the first experiment, he had participants listen to continuous
speech that changed three semitones in pitch over time. Fifty percent of
participants failed to notice the change. In the second and third
experiments, listeners were alerted to the possibility of a change. In
these trials, detection rates drastically improved. In the fourth
experiment, the magnitude of the change that occurred in the stimulus
increased, causing the detection rates to increase. These experiments
demonstrated that "slow-change deafness" depends on both the magnitude
of a stimulus change and the listeners' expectations.
– Humans are constantly in a state of change blindness due to the poor
spatial and temporal resolutions with which scents are detected.
Although humans' odor detection thresholds are very low, our olfactory
attention is only captured by unusually high odorant concentrations.
Olfactory input is made up of a series of sniffs separated in time. The
long inter-sniff-interval creates "change anosmia," in which humans have
trouble discerning smells that are not highly concentrated.
This period of sensory habituation as well as very low concentrations
of odorants regularly yield no subjective experience. This behavior is
called "experiential nothingness".
– Somatosensory change blindness for tactile stimuli has been observed,
and reveals important information about the distinction from visual
change blindness.
Auvray et al. (2008) did an experiment on the ability to detect change
between two patterns of tactile stimuli presented to fingertips.
The experiments presented consecutive patterns which were separated by
an empty interval, or by a tactile, visual, or auditory mask. Results
showed that performance was impaired when the empty interval was
inserted, and even more so when tactile mask was introduced.
Changes in tactile displays composed of two or three stimuli with only
one distractor in between go unnoticed, while several distractors are
needed for visual displays to go unnoticed. These experiments have shown
us that our ability to monitor tactile information is affected by more
severe limitations than the same ability within the visual modality.
Practical implications
The phenomenon of change blindness has practical implications in the following areas:
Eyewitness testimony
Research in change blindness has uncovered the possibility of inaccuracy in eyewitness testimony.
In many cases, witnesses are rarely able to detect a change in the
criminal's identity unless first intending to remember the incident in
This inability to detect a change in identity can lead to inaccuracy in
identifying criminals, mistaken eyewitness identification, and wrongful
conviction. Therefore, eyewitness testimonies should be handled with caution in court in order to avoid any of these negative consequences.
Driving ability
Older drivers make more incorrect decisions than younger drivers when faced with a change in the scene at an intersection. This can be attributed to the fact that older individuals notice change at a slower rate compared to younger individuals. In addition, the location and relevance of changes have an effect on what is noticed while driving.
The reaction time to changes in the driver's peripherals is much slower
than the reaction time to changes that occur towards the center of the
driver's visual field. Furthermore, drivers are also able to recognize more relevant changes as opposed to irrelevant ones.
Research on the effects of change blindness while driving could provide
insight into potential explanations of why car accidents occur.
command and control personnel who monitor multiple displays have a
delayed time to accurately identify changes due to the necessity of
verifying the changes, as well as the effective 'guessing' on some
Due to the fact that control personnel have delayed reaction because of
change blindness, an interface design of computer work stations may be
extremely beneficial to improve the reaction time and accuracy.
Change blindness is defined as a misplaced confidence in one's ability to correctly identify visual changes.
People are fairly confident in their ability to detect a change, but
most people exhibit poor performance on a change blindness task.
Perceived Success
– A higher perception of success from previous experience inflates the
individual's confidence for success in future experiences.
Search Time – A longer time spent looking for the visual change creates the impression of poor performance on the task.
In other words, a shorter time in identifying a visual change creates
the impression of good performance and thus the individual will be
overconfident in this ability.
Spotlight effect
The spotlight effect is a social phenomenon that is defined as an overestimation of the ability of others to notice us. A seemingly obvious change such as another individual changing a sweater during a memory task is rarely noticed.
However, the individuals switching the sweater tend to overestimate
the ability of the test writers to notice the change in sweaters.
In the spotlight effect, this poor performance is a result of the
overestimation of others' ability to notice us whereas in change
blindness it is the overestimation of others' ability to notice the
sweater change. In other words, it is the distinction between noticing
differences on a person and noticing differences between any images.