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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Concave function

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In mathematics, a concave function is one for which the value at any convex combination of elements in the domain is greater than or equal to the convex combination of the values at the endpoints. Equivalently, a concave function is any function for which the hypograph is convex. The class of concave functions is in a sense the opposite of the class of convex functions. A concave function is also synonymously called concave downwards, concave down, convex upwards, convex cap, or upper convex.


A real-valued function on an interval (or, more generally, a convex set in vector space) is said to be concave if, for any and in the interval and for any ,

A function is called strictly concave if

for any and .

For a function , this second definition merely states that for every strictly between and , the point on the graph of is above the straight line joining the points and .

A function is quasiconcave if the upper contour sets of the function are convex sets.


A cubic function is concave (left half) when its first derivative (red) is monotonically decreasing i.e. its second derivative (orange) is negative, and convex (right half) when its first derivative is monotonically increasing i.e. its second derivative is positive

Functions of a single variable

  1. A differentiable function f is (strictly) concave on an interval if and only if its derivative function f ′ is (strictly) monotonically decreasing on that interval, that is, a concave function has a non-increasing (decreasing) slope.
  2. Points where concavity changes (between concave and convex) are inflection points.
  3. If f is twice-differentiable, then f is concave if and only if f ′′ is non-positive (or, informally, if the "acceleration" is non-positive). If f ′′ is negative then f is strictly concave, but the converse is not true, as shown by f(x) = −x4.
  4. If f is concave and differentiable, then it is bounded above by its first-order Taylor approximation:
  5. A Lebesgue measurable function on an interval C is concave if and only if it is midpoint concave, that is, for any x and y in C
  6. If a function f is concave, and f(0) ≥ 0, then f is subadditive on . Proof:
    • Since f is concave and 1 ≥ t ≥ 0, letting y = 0 we have
    • For :

Functions of n variables

  1. A function f is concave over a convex set if and only if the function −f is a convex function over the set.
  2. The sum of two concave functions is itself concave and so is the pointwise minimum of two concave functions, i.e. the set of concave functions on a given domain form a semifield.
  3. Near a strict local maximum in the interior of the domain of a function, the function must be concave; as a partial converse, if the derivative of a strictly concave function is zero at some point, then that point is a local maximum.
  4. Any local maximum of a concave function is also a global maximum. A strictly concave function will have at most one global maximum.


  • The functions and are concave on their domains, as their second derivatives and are always negative.
  • The logarithm function is concave on its domain , as its derivative is a strictly decreasing function.
  • Any affine function is both concave and convex, but neither strictly-concave nor strictly-convex.
  • The sine function is concave on the interval .
  • The function , where is the determinant of a nonnegative-definite matrix B, is concave.


  • Rays bending in the computation of radiowave attenuation in the atmosphere involve concave functions.
  • In expected utility theory for choice under uncertainty, cardinal utility functions of risk averse decision makers are concave.
  • In microeconomic theory, production functions are usually assumed to be concave over some or all of their domains, resulting in diminishing returns to input factors.
  • In Thermodynamics and Information Theory, Entropy is a concave function. In the case of thermodynamic entropy, without phase transition, entropy as a function of extensive variables is strictly concave. If the system can undergo phase transition, if it is allowed to split into two subsystems of different phase (phase separation, e.g. boiling), the entropy-maximal parameters of the subsystems will result in a combined entropy precisely on the straight line between the two phases. This means that the "Effective Entropy" of a system with phase transition is the convex envelope of entropy without phase separation; therefore, the entropy of a system including phase separation will be non-strictly concave.
  • Bounded operator

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Every bounded operator is Lipschitz continuous at

    Equivalence of boundedness and continuity

    A linear operator between normed spaces is bounded if and only if it is continuous.


    Suppose that is bounded. Then, for all vectors with nonzero we have Letting go to zero shows that is continuous at Moreover, since the constant does not depend on this shows that in fact is uniformly continuous, and even Lipschitz continuous.

    Conversely, it follows from the continuity at the zero vector that there exists a such that for all vectors with Thus, for all non-zero one has This proves that is bounded. Q.E.D.

    In topological vector spaces

    A linear operator between two topological vector spaces (TVSs) is called a bounded linear operator or just bounded if whenever is bounded in then is bounded in A subset of a TVS is called bounded (or more precisely, von Neumann bounded) if every neighborhood of the origin absorbs it. In a normed space (and even in a seminormed space), a subset is von Neumann bounded if and only if it is norm bounded. Hence, for normed spaces, the notion of a von Neumann bounded set is identical to the usual notion of a norm-bounded subset.

    Continuity and boundedness

    Every sequentially continuous linear operator between TVS is a bounded operator. This implies that every continuous linear operator between metrizable TVS is bounded. However, in general, a bounded linear operator between two TVSs need not be continuous.

    This formulation allows one to define bounded operators between general topological vector spaces as an operator which takes bounded sets to bounded sets. In this context, it is still true that every continuous map is bounded, however the converse fails; a bounded operator need not be continuous. This also means that boundedness is no longer equivalent to Lipschitz continuity in this context.

    If the domain is a bornological space (for example, a pseudometrizable TVS, a Fréchet space, a normed space) then a linear operators into any other locally convex spaces is bounded if and only if it is continuous. For LF spaces, a weaker converse holds; any bounded linear map from an LF space is sequentially continuous.

    If is a linear operator between two topological vector spaces and if there exists a neighborhood of the origin in such that is a bounded subset of then is continuous. This fact is often summarized by saying that a linear operator that is bounded on some neighborhood of the origin is necessarily continuous. In particular, any linear functional that is bounded on some neighborhood of the origin is continuous (even if its domain is not a normed space).

    Bornological spaces

    Bornological spaces are exactly those locally convex spaces for which every bounded linear operator into another locally convex space is necessarily continuous. That is, a locally convex TVS is a bornological space if and only if for every locally convex TVS a linear operator is continuous if and only if it is bounded.

    Every normed space is bornological.

    Characterizations of bounded linear operators

    Let be a linear operator between topological vector spaces (not necessarily Hausdorff). The following are equivalent:

    1. is (locally) bounded;
    2. (Definition): maps bounded subsets of its domain to bounded subsets of its codomain;
    3. maps bounded subsets of its domain to bounded subsets of its image ;
    4. maps every null sequence to a bounded sequence;
      • A null sequence is by definition a sequence that converges to the origin.
      • Thus any linear map that is sequentially continuous at the origin is necessarily a bounded linear map.
    5. maps every Mackey convergent null sequence to a bounded subset of
      • A sequence is said to be Mackey convergent to the origin in if there exists a divergent sequence of positive real number such that is a bounded subset of

    if and are locally convex then the following may be add to this list:

    1. maps bounded disks into bounded disks.
    2. maps bornivorous disks in into bornivorous disks in

    if is a bornological space and is locally convex then the following may be added to this list:

    1. is sequentially continuous at some (or equivalently, at every) point of its domain.
      • A sequentially continuous linear map between two TVSs is always bounded, but the converse requires additional assumptions to hold (such as the domain being bornological and the codomain being locally convex).
      • If the domain is also a sequential space, then is sequentially continuous if and only if it is continuous.
    2. is sequentially continuous at the origin.


    • Any linear operator between two finite-dimensional normed spaces is bounded, and such an operator may be viewed as multiplication by some fixed matrix.
    • Any linear operator defined on a finite-dimensional normed space is bounded.
    • On the sequence space of eventually zero sequences of real numbers, considered with the norm, the linear operator to the real numbers which returns the sum of a sequence is bounded, with operator norm 1. If the same space is considered with the norm, the same operator is not bounded.
    • Many integral transforms are bounded linear operators. For instance, if is a continuous function, then the operator defined on the space of continuous functions on endowed with the uniform norm and with values in the space with given by the formula is bounded. This operator is in fact a compact operator. The compact operators form an important class of bounded operators.
    • The Laplace operator (its domain is a Sobolev space and it takes values in a space of square-integrable functions) is bounded.
    • The shift operator on the Lp space of all sequences of real numbers with is bounded. Its operator norm is easily seen to be

    Unbounded linear operators

    Let be the space of all trigonometric polynomials on with the norm

    The operator that maps a polynomial to its derivative is not bounded. Indeed, for with we have while as so is not bounded.

    Properties of the space of bounded linear operators

    The space of all bounded linear operators from to is denoted by .

    • is a normed vector space.
    • If is Banach, then so is ; in particular, dual spaces are Banach.
    • For any the kernel of is a closed linear subspace of .
    • If is Banach and is nontrivial, then is Banach.

    Child abandonment

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...