In psychology, cognitivism is a theoretical framework for understanding the mind that gained credence in the 1950s. The movement was a response to behaviorism, which cognitivists said neglected to explain cognition. Cognitive psychology derived its name from the Latin cognoscere,
referring to knowing and information, thus cognitive psychology is an
information-processing psychology derived in part from earlier
traditions of the investigation of thought and problem solving.
Behaviorists acknowledged the existence of thinking but
identified it as a behavior. Cognitivists argued that the way people
think impacts their behavior and therefore cannot be a behavior in and
of itself. Cognitivists later claimed that thinking is so essential to
psychology that the study of thinking should become its own field. However, cognitivists typically presuppose a specific form of mental activity, of the kind advanced by computationalism.
Cognitivism has more recently been challenged by postcognitivism.
Cognitive development
The process of assimilating and expanding our intellectual horizon is termed as cognitive development. We have a complex physiological structure that absorbs a variety of stimuli from the environment, stimuli being the interactions that are able to produce knowledge and skills. Parents process knowledge informally in the home while teachers process knowledge formally in school. Knowledge should be pursued with zest and zeal; if not, then learning becomes a burden.
Attention is the first part of cognitive development. It pertains to a person's ability to focus and sustain concentration. Attention can also be how focus minded an individual is and having their full concentration on one thing. It is differentiated from other temperamental characteristics
like persistence and distractibility in the sense that the latter
modulates an individual's daily interaction with the environment. Attention, on the other hand, involves his behavior when performing specific tasks.
Learning, for instance, takes place when the student gives attention
towards the teacher. Interest and effort closely relate to attention.
Attention is an active process which involves numerous outside stimuli.
The attention of an organism at any point in time involves three
concentric circles; beyond awareness, margin, and focus. Individuals have a mental capacity; there are only so many things someone can focus on at one time.
A theory of cognitive development called information processing
holds that memory and attention are the foundation of cognition. It is
suggested that children's attention is initially selective and is based
on situations that are important to their goals. This capacity increases as the child grows older since they are more able to absorb stimuli from tasks.
Another conceptualization classified attention into mental attention
and perceptual attention. The former is described as the
executive-driven attentional "brain energy" that activates task-relevant
processes in the brain while the latter are immediate or spontaneous
attention driven by novel perceptual experiences.
Process of learning
Cognitive theory mainly stresses the acquisition of knowledge and growth of the mental structure. Cognitive theory tends to focus on conceptualizing the student's learning
process: how information is received; how information is processed and
organized into existing schema; how information is retrieved upon
recall. In other words, cognitive theory seeks to explain the process of
acquisition and the subsequent effects on the mental structures within
the mind. Learning is not about the mechanics of what a learner does,
but rather a process depending on what the learner already knows
(existing information) and their method of acquiring new knowledge (how they integrate new information into their existing schemas).
Knowledge acquisition is an activity consisting of internal
codification of mental structures within the student's mind. Inherent to
the theory, the student must be an active participant in their own
learning process. Cognitive approaches mainly focus on the mental
activities of the learner like mental planning, goal setting, and
organizational strategies.
In cognitive
theories not only the environmental factors and instructional
components play an important role in learning. There are additional key
elements like learning to code, transform, rehearse, and store and
retrieve the information. The learning process includes learner's
thoughts, beliefs, and attitude values.
Role of memory
Memory plays a vital role in the learning
process. Information is stored within memory in an organised,
meaningful manner. Here, teacher and designers play different roles in
the learning
process. Teachers supposedly facilitate learning and the organization
of information in an optimal way. Whereas designers supposedly use
advanced techniques (such as analogies, mnemonic devices, and
hierarchical relationships) to help learners acquire new information to
add to their prior knowledge. Forgetting is described as an inability to retrieve information from memory. Memory
loss may be a mechanism used to discard situationally irrelevant
information by assessing the relevance of newly acquired information.
Process of transfer
According to cognitive theory, if a learner knows how to implement knowledge in different contexts and conditions, then we can say that transfer has occurred. Understanding is composed of knowledge - in the form of rules, concepts and discrimination. Knowledge stored in memory
is important, but the use of such knowledge is also important. Prior
knowledge will be used for identifying similarities and differences
between itself and novel information.
Types of learning explained in detail by this position
Cognitive theory mostly explains complex forms of learning in terms of reasoning, problem solving and information processing.
Emphasis must be placed on the fact that the goal of all aforementioned
viewpoints is considered to be the same - the transfer of knowledge to
the student in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
Simplification and standardization are two techniques used to enhance
the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge transfer. Knowledge can be
analysed, decomposed and simplified into basic building blocks. There
is a correlation with the behaviorist model of the knowledge transfer
environment. Cognitivists stress the importance of efficient processing
Basic principles of the cognitive theory and relevance to instructional design
behaviorist uses feedback (reinforcement) to change the behavior in the
desired direction, while the cognitivist uses the feedback for guiding
and supporting the accurate mental connections.
For different reasons learners' task analyzers are critical to both
cognitivists and behaviorists. Cognitivists look at the learner's
predisposition to learning (How does the learner activate, maintain, and
direct their learning?). Additionally, cognitivists examine the learners' 'how to design' instruction
that it can be assimilated. (i.e., what about the learner's existing
mental structures?) In contrast, the behaviorists look to determine
where the lesson should begin (i.e., at what level the learners are
performing successfully?) and what are the most effective reinforcements
(i.e., What are the consequences that are most desired by the
There are some specific assumptions or principles that direct the
instructional design: active involvement of the learner in the learning
process, learner control, metacognitive training (e.g., self-planning,
monitoring, and revising techniques), the use of hierarchical analyses
to identify and illustrate prerequisite relationships (cognitive task
analysis procedure), facilitating optimal processing of structuring,
organizing and sequencing information (use of cognitive strategies such
as outlining, summaries, synthesizers, advance organizers etc.),
encouraging the students to make connections with previously learned
material, and creating learning environments (recall of prerequisite skills; use of relevant examples, analogies).
Structuring instruction
Cognitive theories emphasize mainly on making knowledge meaningful and helping learners to organize and relate new information to existing knowledge in memory.
Instruction should be based on students' existing schema or mental
structures, to be effective. The organisation of information is
connected in such a manner that it should relate to the existing
knowledge in some meaningful way. Examples of cognitive
strategies include the use of analogies and metaphors, framing,
outlining the mnemonics, concept mapping, advance organizers, and so
The cognitive theory mainly emphasizes the major tasks of the teacher /
designer and includes analyzing various learning experiences to the
learning situation, which can impact learning outcomes of different
Organizing and structuring the new information to connect the learners'
previously acquired knowledge abilities and experiences.
The new information is effectively and efficiently
assimilated/accommodated within the learners cognitive structure.
Theoretical approach
Cognitivism has two major components, one methodological, the other theoretical. Methodologically, cognitivism has a positivist approach and says that psychology can be (in principle) fully explained by the use of the scientific method, there is speculation on whether or not this is true. This is also largely a reductionist
goal, with the belief that individual components of mental function
(the 'cognitive architecture') can be identified and meaningfully
understood. The second says that cognition contains discrete and internal mental states (representations or symbols) that can be changed using rules or algorithms.
Cognitivism became the dominant force in psychology in the late-20th century, replacing behaviorism as the most popular paradigm for understanding mental function. Cognitive psychology
is not a wholesale refutation of behaviorism, but rather an expansion
that accepts that mental states exist. This was due to the increasing
criticism towards the end of the 1950s of simplistic learning models.
One of the most notable criticisms was Noam Chomsky's
argument that language could not be acquired purely through
conditioning, and must be at least partly explained by the existence of
internal mental states.
The main issues that interest cognitive psychologists are the
inner mechanisms of human thought and the processes of knowing.
Cognitive psychologists have attempted to shed some light on the alleged
mental structures that stand in a causal relationship to our physical
Criticisms of psychological cognitivism
In the 1990s, various new theories emerged that challenged
cognitivism and the idea that thought was best described as computation.
Some of these new approaches, often influenced by phenomenological and postmodern philosophy, include situated cognition, distributed cognition, dynamicism and embodied cognition. Some thinkers working in the field of artificial life (for example Rodney Brooks)
have also produced non-cognitivist models of cognition. On the other
hand, much of early cognitive psychology, and the work of many currently
active cognitive psychologists, does not treat cognitive processes as
The idea that mental functions can be described as information
processing models has been criticised by philosopherJohn Searle and mathematicianRoger Penrose who both argue that computation has some inherent shortcomings which cannot capture the fundamentals of mental processes.
Penrose uses Gödel's incompleteness theorem
(which states that there are mathematical truths which can never be
proven in a sufficiently strong mathematical system; any sufficiently
strong system of axioms will also be incomplete) and Turing'shalting problem (which states that there are some things which are inherently non-computable) as evidence for his position.
Searle has developed two arguments, the first (well known through his Chinese roomthought experiment) is the 'syntax is not semantics'
argument—that a program is just syntax, while understanding requires
semantics; therefore programs (hence cognitivism) cannot explain
understanding. Such an argument presupposes the controversial notion of a
private language.
The second, which Searle now prefers but is less well known, is his
'syntax is not physics' argument—nothing in the world is intrinsically a
computer program except as applied, described, or interpreted by an
observer, so either everything can be described as a computer and
trivially a brain can but then this does not explain any specific mental
processes, or there is nothing intrinsic in a brain that makes it a
computer (program). Many oppose these views and have criticized his
arguments, which have created significant disagreement. Both points, Searle claims, refute cognitivism.
Another argument against cognitivism is the problems of Ryle's Regress or the homunculus fallacy. Cognitivists have offered a number of arguments attempting to refute these attacks.
In sociology, tokenism is the social practice of making a perfunctory and symbolic effort towards the equitable inclusion of members of a minority group,
especially by recruiting people from under-represented social-minority
groups in order for the organization to give the public appearance of racial and gender equality, usually within a workplace or a school. The sociological purpose of tokenism is to give the appearance of inclusivity to a workplace or a school that is not as culturally diverse (racial, religious, sexual, etc.) as the rest of society.
The social concept and the employment practice of tokenism became understood in the popular culture of the United States in the late 1950s. In the face of racial segregation, tokenism emerged as a solution that though earnest in effort, only acknowledged an issue without actually solving it. In the book Why We Can't Wait (1964), civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. discussed the subject of tokenism, and how it constitutes a minimal acceptance of black people to the mainstream of U.S. society.
When asked about the gains of the Civil Rights Movement in 1963, human rights activist Malcolm X
answered: "Tokenism is hypocrisy. One little student in the University
of Mississippi, that's hypocrisy. A handful of students in Little Rock,
Arkansas, is hypocrisy. A couple of students going to school in Georgia
is hypocrisy. Integration in America is hypocrisy in the rawest form.
And the whole world can see it. All this little tokenism that is dangled
in front of the Negro and then he's told, 'See what we're doing for
you, Tom.' Why the whole world can see that this is nothing but
hypocrisy? All you do is make your image worse; you don't make it
Malcolm X highlights that tokenism is used as a tool by America to
improve its image but fails in its attempts. For instance, in 1954, the
United States ruled segregation in public schools unconstitutional through the Brown v. Board of Education case. Malcolm X references Little Rock, Arkansas,
where nine students sought to fight for their rights to attend school.
On September 4, 1957, Arkansas National Guard troops were sent around
Central High School to prevent the entry of nine African American
students into an all-white school, defying federal law. President Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas National Guard and enforced federal troops to uphold the law.
While this marked the day that ignited change within Arkansas' school
system for African-American children, desegregation did not constitute
equality. All nine of the students were brutally bullied by white
students and this behavior was encouraged by the school's
Malcolm X's example of Little Rock exemplifies how tokenism can be
intended to create the impression of social inclusiveness and diversity
without bringing about any significant changes to the inclusion of
underrepresented groups.
In psychology
In the field of psychology,
the broader definition of tokenism is a situation in which a member of a
distinctive category is treated differently from other people. The
characteristics that make the person of interest a token can be
perceived as either a handicap or an advantage, as supported by Václav
Linkov. In a positive light, these distinct people can be seen as
experts in their racial/cultural category, valued skills, or a different
perspective on a project. In contrast, tokenism is most often seen as a
handicap due to the ostracism of a selected sample of a minority group.
Linkov also attributes drawbacks in psychology to Cultural and
Numerical Tokenism, instances that have shifted where value of expertise
is placed and its effect on proliferating information that is not
representative of all the possible facts.
In the workplace
A Harvard Business School professor, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, asserted back in 1977 that a token employee is usually part of a "socially-skewed group" of employees who belong to a minority group that constitutes less than 15% of the total employee population of the workplace.
By definition, token employees in a workplace are known to be
few; hence, their alleged high visibility among the staff subjects them
to greater pressure to perform their work at higher production standards
of quality and volume and to behave in the expected, stereotypical
Given the smallness of the group of token employees in a workplace, the
individual identity of each token person is usually disrespected by the
dominant group, who apply a stereotype role to them as a means of
social control in the workplace.
In order to avoid tokenism within the workplace, diversity and
inclusion must be integrated to foster an environment where people feel
connected and included. Employees must be hired on the basis of their capabilities rather than their gender, ethnicity, race, and sexuality.
Tokenism can also have an impact on mental health in the
workplace. According to one study, racial minorities also experience
heightened performance pressures related to their race and gender;
however, many reported that racial problems were more common than gender
Being a token makes one appear more visible within the workplace,
placing more scrutiny and pressure for them to represent an entire
group. Anxiety, stress, exhaustion, guilt, shame and burnout can arise
from overworking in efforts to become a good representative of their
identity group.
In professor Kanter's work on tokenism and gender, she found that
the problems experienced by women in typically male-dominated
occupations were due solely to the skewed proportions of men and women
in these occupations. For example, women are often underrepresented within the STEM
field, where women also sometimes face more hostile working
environments where discrimination and sexual harassment are more
Women in STEM may experience greater performance pressure to work
harder in a male-dominated field while also experiencing social
isolation from the males within their workplace.
The pressure to perform better can be influenced by the stereotype of
women being less competent in mathematics and science. These
non-inclusive measures contribute to the lack of women in STEM.
Professor Kanter found that being a token evoked three behaviour consequences of visibility, polarization, and assimilation.
Firstly, tokens often felt that they were being watched all the time,
leading to the feeling of more pressure to perform well. In attempts to
perform well, tokens will feel the need to work harder and strive for
Secondly, polarization implies that the dominant group are
uncomfortable around tokens or feel threatened by them due to their
differences. As a result, tokens may experience social isolation from the exclusion of the majority group. Finally, tokens will feel the need to assimilate to the stereotyped caricature of their roles.
For instance, women will feel forced to perform the “suitable
behaviour" of a woman in reinforcing the behaviour of stereotypes
attached to which they are associated with.
There has been much debate surrounding the concept of tokenism
behind women directors on corporate boards. Since men disproportionately
occupy the majority of board seats globally, governments and
corporations have attempted to address this inequitable distribution of
seats through reform measures. Reform measures include legislation
mandating gender representation on corporate boards of directors, which has been the focus of societal and political debates. All-male boards typically recruit women to improve specialized skills and to bring different values to decision making.
In particular, women introduce useful female leadership qualities and
skills like risk averseness, less radical decision-making, and more
sustainable investment strategies.
However, the mandate of gender diversity may also harm women. Some
critics of the mandate believe that it makes women seem like "space
fillers," which undermines the qualifications that women can bring to their jobs.
In politics
In politics, allegations of tokenism may occur when a political party
puts forward candidates from under-represented groups, such as women or
racial minorities, in races that the party has little or no chance of
winning, while making limited or no effort to ensure that such
candidates have similar opportunity to win the nomination in races where
the party is safe or favoured. The "token" candidates are frequently submitted as paper candidates, while nominations in competitive or safe seats continue to favor members of the majority group.
The end result of such an approach is that the party's slate of candidates maintains the appearance of diversity, but members of the majority group remain overrepresented in the party's caucus
after the election—and thus little to no substantive progress toward
greater inclusion of underrepresented groups has actually occurred.
Legal scholar David Schraub writes about the use of "dissident
minorities" by political movements to give themselves a veneer of
legitimacy while promoting policies that the majority of the minority
group opposes. He uses the examples of Anti-Zionist Jews and African-American conservatives,
both of which dissent from their demographic group's consensus position
on matters critical to their group's collective liberation or
interests. These "dissidents" from minority groups are accused of either
allowing the majority to tokenize them, or willingly tokenizing
themselves as a shield against complaints and accusations made by the
rest of that minority, and an excuse for the majority to avoid
addressing or considering the concerns of the minority in question.
Sometimes they may actively work to exclude non-dissident members of
their group, to preserve their social and political power within the
movement they support. Schraub contends that the majority of the
movement dissident minorities support values them not for their
contributions but for their identity, since more weight is given to
people of minority background when talking about issues concerning that
minority. If they break ranks and criticize their political movement,
they often find themselves shunned, since they are no longer a reliable
In fiction, token characters represent groups which vary from the
norm (usually defined as a white, heterosexual male) and are otherwise
excluded from the story. The token character can be based on ethnicity (e.g. black, Hispanic, Asian), religion (e.g. Jewish, Muslim), sexual orientation (e.g., gay), gender (typically a female character in a predominantly male cast) or disability. Token characters are usually background characters,
and, as such, are usually disposable and are eliminated from the
narrative early in the story, in order to enhance the drama, while
conserving the main characters.
In television
in a television setting, can be any act of putting a minority into the
mix to create some sort of publicly viewed diversity. A racial divide in
TV has been present since the first television show that hired
minorities, Amos 'n' Andy
(1928–1960), in 1943. Regardless of whether a token character may be
stereotypical or not, tokenism can initiate a whole biased perception
that may conflict with how people see a specific race, culture, gender
or ethnicity. From The Huffington Post, America Ferrera
states: “Tokenism is about inserting diverse characters because you
feel you have to; true diversity means writing characters that aren't
just defined by the color of their skin, and casting the right actor for
the role".
Ethnic and racial representation in television has been proven as
an educational basis to inform mass audiences. However, tokenism leads
to a narrow representation of minority groups, and this trend often
leads to minority characters being exposed in negative or stereotypical
Research done as early as the 1970s suggests an early recognition and
disapproval of tokenism and its effects on perceptions of minority
groups—specifically, perceptions of African Americans. Tokenism seemed
to be used as a quick fix for the complete void of major/recurring
minority roles in television, but its skewed representation lacked room
for thoroughly independent and positive roles. Throughout that decade,
major broadcast networks including NBC and ABC
held a collective 10:1 ratio of white characters to black characters, a
much smaller margin of which had recurring African American characters.
At that, the representation of African American women was much slimmer.
The use of these token characters often portrayed African American
people to stand in sidekick positions to their white counterparts.
Research completed on token ethnic characters into the new millennium
has found that the representation of males has grown in numbers, but has
not improved in negative portrayal. Statistics on token ethnic
characters still suggest toxic masculinity in African American males;
threateningly powerful stereotypes of African American women;
hyper-sexuality of African American and Asian women; and effeminate
characteristics in Asian men and men of other racial minorities.
In the media
like television, tokenism in the media has changed over time to
coincide with real-life events. During the years of 1946–87, The New Yorker
was analyzed to determine how often and in what situations black people
were being portrayed in the magazine's cartoon section. Over the 42
years of research, there was only one U.S. black main character in a
cartoon where race was not the main theme, race was actually completely
irrelevant. All cartoons from the earliest times depicted black people
in the U.S. in stereotypical roles. In the late 1960s and early 1970s,
cartoons were mostly racially themed, and depicted black people in
"token" roles where they are only there to create a sense of inclusion.
Tokenism appears in advertising as well as other subdivisions of
major media. Tokenism is interpreted as reinforcing subtle
representations of minorities in commercials. Studies have shown that,
among other racial minorities, Asian Americans are targeted by
advertising companies to fulfill casting diversity, but are the most
likely ethnic minority to be placed in the backgrounds of
Black characters being the first characters to die was first
identified in Hollywood horror movies of the 1930s, notes writer Renee
Cozier. The Oscars ceremonies have received criticism over a lack of
representation of people of color, as critics have pointed towards a
lack of minorities nominated for awards, particularly in 2015 and 2016,
when not a single actor of color was nominated. Around this time,
minorities accounted for 12.9% of lead roles in 163 films surveyed in
2014, according to the 2016 Hollywood Diversity Report.
Film examples
Since the release of the original three Star Wars films and the later three prequels, there has been much discussion, on Twitter and Reddit especially, of this use of tokenism. The character of Lando Calrissian (portrayed by Billy Dee Williams) and Mace Windu (portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson)
have been cited as two human characters of a racial minority that
appear on screen. Lando was one of the first developed black characters
in a science-fiction film at the time. Loyola Marymount University
Professor of African American Studies, Adilifu Nama, has stated that
this character is "a form of tokenism that placed one of the most
optimistic faces on racial inclusion in a genre that had historically
excluded Black representation."
When the first film of the newest installment of the franchise, The Force Awakens, was released in 2015, the conversation shifted.
Where in the past two trilogies the main three characters were two
white men and a white woman, in the new trilogy the main trio consists
of a black man (John Boyega), a Hispanic man (Oscar Isaac), and a white woman (Daisy Ridley).
Directed by Ryan Coogler, the film Black Panther
portrays the heroes of the fictional African kingdom of Wakanda as
godlike. They possess otherworldly sophistication by virtue of their
blackness, in contrast to longstanding tendencies in mainstream film
toward tokenism, stereotyping, and victimhood in depictions of people of
African descent. The superhero the Black Panther, a.k.a. King T’Challa,
learns to stand in solidarity with the oppressed, even those in whose
oppression he has been unwittingly complicit, such as the children of
the African diaspora. As a result, the film can function as catalyst for
reflection on the part of viewers in terms of how they might perceive
more clearly the complexity, variety, and ambiguity represented by
blackness, whether others’ or their own, and how they, too, might
identify with the Other.
In G.B.F.,
directed by Darren Stein, the film tells the journey of two closeted
gay teens, Tanner and Brent, on their quest to popularity in high
school. The film explores the theme of tokenism through demonstrating
the desire of a homosexual male best friend by typically heterosexual
women. The three most popular girls in school: Fawcett Brooks, Caprice
Winters, and 'Shley Osgood believe that the key to winning the prom
queen title is through acquiring a gay best friend. In media, gay best
friends are displayed as sassy, effeminate, fashionable, and flamboyant,
making them act as a stock character accessory to the main character.
While Tanner and Brent plan to become popular through exposing their
sexuality, the girls are disappointed to find out that Tanner
contradicts the stereotypical gay men they have seen in television. The
film shows how harmful it can be to associate gay stereotypes with gay
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Christianity and domestic violence deals with the debate in Christian communities about the recognition and response to domestic violence,
which is complicated by a culture of silence and acceptance among abuse
victims. There are some Bible verses that abusers use to justify
discipline of their wives.
Christian groups and authorities generally condemn domestic violence as inconsistent with the general Christian duty to love others and to the scriptural relationship between husband and wife.
Relationship between husband and wife
According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,
"Men who abuse often use Ephesians 5:22, taken out of context, to
justify their behavior, but the passage (v. 21-33) refers to the mutual
submission of husband and wife out of love for Christ. Husbands should
love their wives as they love their own body, as Christ loves the
Some Christian theologians, such as the Rev. Marie Fortune and
Mary Pellauer, have raised the question of a close connection between
patriarchal Christianity and domestic violence and abuse.
Steven Tracy, author of "Patriarchy and Domestic Violence" writes:
"While patriarchy may not be the overarching cause of all abuse, it is
an enormously significant factor, because in traditional patriarchy
males have a disproportionate share of power... So while patriarchy is
not the sole explanation for violence against women, we would expect
that male headship would be distorted by insecure, unhealthy men to
justify their domination and abuse of women."
Few empirical studies have examined the relationship between religion and domestic violence. According to Dutton, no single-factor explanation for wife assault was sufficient to explain the available data.
A study by Dutton and Browning in the same year found that misogyny is
correlated with only a minority of abusive male partners.
Campbell's study in 1992 found no evidence of greater violence towards
women in more patriarchal cultures. Pearson's study in 1997 observed,
"Studies of male batterers have failed to confirm that these men are
more conservative or sexist about marriage than nonviolent men".
Responding to Domestic Abuse, a report issued by the
Church of England in 2006, suggests that patriarchy should be replaced
rather than reinterpreted: "Following the pattern of Christ means that
patterns of domination and submission are being transformed in the
mutuality of love, faithful care and sharing of burdens. 'Be subject to
one another out of reverence for Christ'(Ephesians 5.21). Although
strong patriarchal tendencies have persisted in Christianity, the
example of Christ carries the seeds of their displacement by a more
symmetrical and respectful model of male–female relations."
Bible verses
are often used to justify domestic abuse, such as those that refer to
male superiority and female submission. Others counter that the use of
violence is a misinterpreted view of the male role. For instance, Eve (Genesis 2-3), is seen by some Christians
to be disobedient to patriarchal God and man, and to many a generalized
symbol of womanhood that must be submissive and subject to discipline,
while others disagree with this interpretation.
Christian domestic discipline
A subculture known as Christian domestic discipline (CDD) promotes spanking
of wives by their husbands as a form of punishment. While its advocates
rely on Biblical interpretations to support the practice, advocates for
victims of domestic violence describe CDD as a form of abuse and
controlling behavior. Others describe the practice as a simple sexual fetish and an outlet for sadomasochistic desires. Christian conservative radio host Bryan Fischer said to the Huffington Post that it was a "horrifying trend – bizarre, twisted, unbiblical and un-Christian".
Responses to abuse
There are a variety of responses by Christian leaders to how victims should handle abuse:
Marjorie Proctor-Smith in Violence against women and children: a Christian Theological Sourcebook states that domestic physical, psychological or sexual violence is a sin.
It victimizes family members dependent on a man and violates trust
needed for healthy, equitable and cooperative relationships. She finds
that domestic violence is a symptom of sexism, a social sin.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
said in 2002, "As pastors of the Catholic Church in the United States,
we state as clearly and strongly as we can that violence against women,
inside or outside the home, is never justified."
The Church of England's report, Responding to Domestic Abuse
advises that Christian pastors and counselors should not advise victims
to make forgiving the perpetrator the top priority "when the welfare and
safety of the person being abused are at stake."
One mid-1980s survey of 5,700 pastors found that 26 percent of
pastors ordinarily would tell a woman being abused that she should
continue to submit and to "trust that God would honor her action by
either stopping the abuse or giving her the strength to endure it" and
that 71 percent of pastors would never advise a battered wife to leave
her husband or separate because of abuse.
A contributing factor to the disparity of responses to abuse is lack
of training; many Christian seminaries had not educated future church
leaders about how to manage violence against women. Once pastors began
receiving training, and announced their participation in domestic
violence educational programs, they immediately began receiving visits
from women church members who had been subject to violence. The first
Theological Education and Domestic Violence Conference, sponsored by the
Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, was held in
1985 to identify topics that should be covered in seminaries. First,
church leaders will encounter sexual and domestic violence and they need
to know what community resources are available. Secondly, they need to
focus on ending the violence, rather than on keeping families together.
The American religious news-magazine Christianity Today
has published articles lamenting U.S. churches for possibly making
domestic abuse worse "not in incidence, but in response" due to
inadequate understandings. In December 2017, academic W. Bradford Wilcox
wrote for the publication, "Domestic violence is still present in
church-going homes... some local churches, clergy, and counselors fail
to address abuse head-on for fear of breaking up a marriage." He also
argued, "Others steer clear of addressing the topic from the pulpit or
in adult education for fear of broaching an uncomfortable subject. This
silence around domestic violence has to end."
Research into incidents of domestic violence
the 1970s, when multiple programs were initiated to train church
leaders about domestic violence, the response "But no one ever comes to
me with this problem" often came up to frustrate efforts. Church leaders
frequently believed that if no one reached out for assistance within
their congregations that there was no problem for them to deal with;
however, women often withheld discussing their problems over concern
that it would not be handled appropriately. When women increasingly became pastors
over the 20th century, many of them found that much of their time
became devoted to handling domestic abuse and other forms of violence
against women; "crisis intervention" became a vital topic for them.
Differing viewpoints between husband and wife may be an
aggravating factor in terms of abuse, particularly when women hold
beliefs in contrast to more ideologically hardline men.
Significant figures, also referred to as significant digits or sig figs, are specific digits within a number written in positional notation
that carry both reliability and necessity in conveying a particular
quantity. When presenting the outcome of a measurement (such as length,
pressure, volume, or mass), if the number of digits exceeds what the
measurement instrument can resolve, only the number of digits within the
resolution's capability are dependable and therefore considered significant.
For instance, if a length measurement yields 114.8 mm, using a
ruler with the smallest interval between marks at 1 mm, the first three
digits (1, 1, and 4, representing 114 mm) are certain and constitute
significant figures. Further, digits that are uncertain yet meaningful
are also included in the significant figures. In this example, the last
digit (8, contributing 0.8 mm) is likewise considered significant
despite its uncertainty. Therefore, this measurement contains four significant figures.
Another example involves a volume measurement of 2.98 L with an
uncertainty of ± 0.05 L. The actual volume falls between 2.93 L and
3.03 L. Even if certain digits are not completely known, they are still
significant if they are meaningful, as they indicate the actual volume
within an acceptable range of uncertainty. In this case, the actual
volume might be 2.94 L or possibly 3.02 L, so all three digits are
considered significant. Thus, there are three significant figures in this example.
The following types of digits are not considered significant:
Leading zeros.
For instance, 013 kg has two significant figures—1 and 3—while the
leading zero is insignificant since it does not impact the mass
indication; 013 kg is equivalent to 13 kg, rendering the zero
unnecessary. Similarly, in the case of 0.056 m, there are two
insignificant leading zeros since 0.056 m is the same as 56 mm, thus the
leading zeros do not contribute to the length indication.
Trailing zeros
when they serve as placeholders. In the measurement 1500 m, when the
measurement resolution is 100 m, the trailing zeros are insignificant as
they simply stand for the tens and ones places. In this instance,
1500 m indicates the length is approximately 1500 m rather than an exact
value of 1500 m.
digits that arise from calculations resulting in a higher precision
than the original data or a measurement reported with greater precision
than the instrument's resolution.
A zero after a decimal (e.g., 1.0) is significant, and care should be
used when appending such a decimal of zero. Thus, in the case of 1.0,
there are two significant figures, whereas 1 (without a decimal) has one
significant figure.
Among a number's significant digits, the most significant digit is the one with the greatest exponent value (the leftmost significant digit/figure), while the least significant digit
is the one with the lowest exponent value (the rightmost significant
digit/figure). For example, in the number "123" the "1" is the most
significant digit, representing hundreds (102), while the "3" is the least significant digit, representing ones (100).
To avoid conveying a misleading level of precision, numbers are often rounded. For instance, it would create false precision
to present a measurement as 12.34525 kg when the measuring instrument
only provides accuracy to the nearest gram (0.001 kg). In this case, the
significant figures are the first five digits (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) from
the leftmost digit, and the number should be rounded to these
significant figures, resulting in 12.345 kg as the accurate value. The rounding error
(in this example, 0.00025 kg = 0.25 g) approximates the numerical
resolution or precision. Numbers can also be rounded for simplicity, not
necessarily to indicate measurement precision, such as for the sake of
expediency in news broadcasts.
Significance arithmetic encompasses a set of approximate rules
for preserving significance through calculations. More advanced
scientific rules are known as the propagation of uncertainty.
Radix 10 (base-10, decimal numbers) is assumed in the following. (See unit in the last place for extending these concepts to other bases.)
Identifying significant figures
Rules to identify significant figures in a number
Digits in light blue are significant figures; those in black are not.
Identifying the significant figures in a number requires knowing
which digits are meaningful, which requires knowing the resolution with
which the number is measured, obtained, or processed. For example, if
the measurable smallest mass is 0.001 g, then in a measurement given as
0.00234 g the "4" is not useful and should be discarded, while the "3"
is useful and should often be retained.
Non-zero digits within the given measurement or reporting resolution are significant.
91 has two significant figures (9 and 1) if they are measurement-allowed digits.
123.45 has five significant digits (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) if they are
within the measurement resolution. If the resolution is, say, 0.1, then
the 5 shows that the true value to 4 sig figs is equally likely to be
123.4 or 123.5.
Zeros between two significant non-zero digits are significant (significanttrapped zeros).
101.12003 consists of eight significant figures if the resolution is to 0.00001.
125.340006 has seven significant figures if the resolution is to 0.0001: 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 0, and 0.
Zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit (leading zeros) are not significant.
If a length measurement gives 0.052 km, then 0.052 km = 52 m so 5
and 2 are only significant; the leading zeros appear or disappear,
depending on which unit is used, so they are not necessary to indicate
the measurement scale.
0.00034 has 2 significant figures (3 and 4) if the resolution is 0.00001.
Zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit (trailing zeros) in a number with the decimal point are significant if they are within the measurement or reporting resolution.
1.200 has four significant figures (1, 2, 0, and 0) if they are allowed by the measurement resolution.
0.0980 has three significant digits (9, 8, and the last zero) if they are within the measurement resolution.
120.000 consists of six significant figures (1, 2, and the four
subsequent zeroes) if, as before, they are within the measurement
Trailing zeros in an integermay or may not be significant, depending on the measurement or reporting resolution.
45,600 has 3, 4 or 5 significant figures depending on how the
last zeros are used. For example, if the length of a road is reported as
45600 m without information about the reporting or measurement
resolution, then it is not clear if the road length is precisely
measured as 45600 m or if it is a rough estimate. If it is the rough
estimation, then only the first three non-zero digits are significant
since the trailing zeros are neither reliable nor necessary; 45600 m can
be expressed as 45.6 km or as 4.56 × 104 m in scientific notation, and neither expression requires the trailing zeros.
An exact number has an infinite number of significant figures.
If the number of apples in a bag is 4 (exact number), then this
number is 4.0000... (with infinite trailing zeros to the right of the
decimal point). As a result, 4 does not impact the number of significant
figures or digits in the result of calculations with it.
A mathematical or physical constant has significant figures to its known digits.
π is a specific real number
with several equivalent definitions. All of the digits in its exact
decimal expansion 3.14159265358979323... are significant. Although many
properties of these digits are known — for example, they do not repeat,
because π is irrational — not all of the digits are known. As of March 2024, more than 102 trillion digits
have been calculated. A 102 trillion-digit approximation has 102
trillion significant digits. In practical applications, far fewer digits
are used. The everyday approximation 3.14 has three significant figures
and 7 correct binary
digits. The approximation 22/7 has the same three correct decimal
digits but has 10 correct binary digits. Most calculators and computer
programs can handle the 16-digit expansion 3.141592653589793, which is
sufficient for interplanetary navigation calculations.
The Planck constant is and is defined as an exact value so that it is more properly defined as .
Ways to denote significant figures in an integer with trailing zeros
significance of trailing zeros in a number not containing a decimal
point can be ambiguous. For example, it may not always be clear if the
number 1300 is precise to the nearest unit (just happens coincidentally
to be an exact multiple of a hundred) or if it is only shown to the
nearest hundreds due to rounding or uncertainty. Many conventions exist
to address this issue. However, these are not universally used and would
only be effective if the reader is familiar with the convention:
An overline, sometimes also called an overbar, or less accurately, a vinculum, may be placed over the last significant figure; any trailing zeros following this are insignificant. For example, 1300 has three significant figures (and hence indicates that the number is precise to the nearest ten).
Less often, using a closely related convention, the last significant figure of a number may be underlined; for example, "1300" has two significant figures.
A decimal point may be placed after the number; for
example "1300." indicates specifically that trailing zeros are meant to
be significant.
As the conventions above are not in general use, the following more
widely recognized options are available for indicating the significance
of number with trailing zeros:
Eliminate ambiguous or non-significant zeros by changing the unit prefix in a number with a unit of measurement.
For example, the precision of measurement specified as 1300 g is
ambiguous, while if stated as 1.30 kg it is not. Likewise 0.0123 L can
be rewritten as 12.3 mL.
Eliminate ambiguous or non-significant zeros by using
Scientific Notation: For example, 1300 with three significant figures
becomes 1.30×103. Likewise 0.0123 can be rewritten as 1.23×10−2. The part of the representation that contains the significant figures (1.30 or 1.23) is known as the significand or mantissa. The digits in the base and exponent (103 or 10−2) are considered exact numbers so for these digits, significant figures are irrelevant.
Explicitly state the number of significant figures (the
abbreviation s.f. is sometimes used): For example "20 000 to 2 s.f." or
"20 000 (2 sf)".
State the expected variability (precision) explicitly with a plus–minus sign, as in 20 000 ± 1%. This also allows specifying a range of precision in-between powers of ten.
Rounding to significant figures
Rounding to significant figures is a more general-purpose technique than rounding to n
digits, since it handles numbers of different scales in a uniform way.
For example, the population of a city might only be known to the nearest
thousand and be stated as 52,000, while the population of a country
might only be known to the nearest million and be stated as 52,000,000.
The former might be in error by hundreds, and the latter might be in
error by hundreds of thousands, but both have two significant figures (5
and 2). This reflects the fact that the significance of the error is
the same in both cases, relative to the size of the quantity being
To round a number to n significant figures:
If the n + 1 digit is greater than 5 or is 5 followed by other non-zero digits, add 1 to the n digit. For example, if we want to round 1.2459 to 3 significant figures, then this step results in 1.25.
If the n + 1 digit is 5 not followed by other digits or followed by only zeros, then rounding requires a tie-breaking rule. For example, to round 1.25 to 2 significant figures:
Round half away from zero rounds up to 1.3. This is the default rounding method implied in many disciplines[citation needed] if the required rounding method is not specified.
Round half to even,
which rounds to the nearest even number. With this method, 1.25 is
rounded down to 1.2. If this method applies to 1.35, then it is rounded
up to 1.4. This is the method preferred by many scientific disciplines,
because, for example, it avoids skewing the average value of a long list
of values upwards.
For an integer in rounding, replace the digits after the n
digit with zeros. For example, if 1254 is rounded to 2 significant
figures, then 5 and 4 are replaced to 0 so that it will be 1300. For a
number with the decimal point in rounding, remove the digits after the n digit. For example, if 14.895 is rounded to 3 significant figures, then the digits after 8 are removed so that it will be 14.9.
In financial calculations, a number is often rounded to a given number of places. For example, to two places after the decimal separator
for many world currencies. This is done because greater precision is
immaterial, and usually it is not possible to settle a debt of less than
the smallest currency unit.
In UK personal tax returns, income is rounded down to the nearest pound, whilst tax paid is calculated to the nearest penny.
As an illustration, the decimal quantity 12.345
can be expressed with various numbers of significant figures or decimal
places. If insufficient precision is available then the number is rounded
in some manner to fit the available precision. The following table
shows the results for various total precision at two rounding ways (N/A
stands for Not Applicable).
Rounded to significant figures
Rounded to decimal places
12.34 or 12.35
12.34 or 12.35
Another example for 0.012345. (Remember that the leading zeros are not significant.)
Rounded to significant figures
Rounded to decimal places
0.01234 or 0.01235
0.01234 or 0.01235
The representation of a non-zero number x to a precision of p significant digits has a numerical value that is given by the formula:
which may need to be written with a specific marking as detailed above to specify the number of significant trailing zeros.
Writing uncertainty and implied uncertainty
Significant figures in writing uncertainty
It is recommended for a measurement result to include the measurement uncertainty such as , where xbest and σx are the best estimate and uncertainty in the measurement respectively. xbest can be the average of measured values and σx can be the standard deviation or a multiple of the measurement deviation. The rules to write are:
σx should usually be quoted to only one or two significant figures, as more precision is unlikely to be reliable or meaningful:
The digit positions of the last significant figures in xbest and σx
are the same, otherwise the consistency is lost. For example, "1.79 ±
0.067" is incorrect, as it does not make sense to have more accurate
uncertainty than the best estimate.
Uncertainty may be implied by the last significant figure if it is not explicitly expressed.
The implied uncertainty is ± the half of the minimum scale at the last
significant figure position. For example, if the mass of an object is
reported as 3.78 kg without mentioning uncertainty, then ± 0.005 kg
measurement uncertainty may be implied. If the mass of an object is
estimated as 3.78 ± 0.07 kg, so the actual mass is probably somewhere in
the range 3.71 to 3.85 kg, and it is desired to report it with a single
number, then 3.8 kg is the best number to report since its implied
uncertainty ± 0.05 kg gives a mass range of 3.75 to 3.85 kg, which is
close to the measurement range. If the uncertainty is a bit larger, i.e.
3.78 ± 0.09 kg, then 3.8 kg is still the best single number to quote,
since if "4 kg" was reported then a lot of information would be lost.
If there is a need to write the implied uncertainty of a number, then it can be written as with stating it as the implied uncertainty (to prevent readers from recognizing it as the measurement uncertainty), where x and σx
are the number with an extra zero digit (to follow the rules to write
uncertainty above) and the implied uncertainty of it respectively. For
example, 6 kg with the implied uncertainty ± 0.5 kg can be stated as
6.0 ± 0.5 kg.
As there are rules to determine the significant figures in directly measured quantities, there are also guidelines (not rules) to determine the significant figures in quantities calculated from these measured quantities.
Significant figures in measured quantities are most important in the determination of significant figures in calculated quantities with them. A mathematical or physical constant (e.g., π in the formula for the area of a circle with radius r as πr2)
has no effect on the determination of the significant figures in the
result of a calculation with it if its known digits are equal to or more
than the significant figures in the measured quantities used in the
calculation. An exact number such as ½ in the formula for the kinetic energy of a mass m with velocity v as ½mv2
has no bearing on the significant figures in the calculated kinetic
energy since its number of significant figures is infinite
The guidelines described below are intended to avoid a
calculation result more precise than the measured quantities, but it
does not ensure the resulted implied uncertainty close enough to the
measured uncertainties. This problem can be seen in unit conversion. If
the guidelines give the implied uncertainty too far from the measured
ones, then it may be needed to decide significant digits that give
comparable uncertainty.
Multiplication and division
For quantities created from measured quantities via multiplication and division, the calculated result should have as many significant figures as the least number of significant figures among the measured quantities used in the calculation. For example,
1.234 × 2 = 2.468 ≈ 2
1.234 × 2.0 = 2.468 ≈ 2.5
0.01234 × 2 = 0.02468 ≈ 0.02
0.012345678 / 0.00234 = 5.2759 ≈ 5.28
with one, two, and one significant figures
respectively. (2 here is assumed not an exact number.) For the first
example, the first multiplication factor has four significant figures
and the second has one significant figure. The factor with the fewest or
least significant figures is the second one with only one, so the final
calculated result should also have one significant figure.
unit conversion, the implied uncertainty of the result can be
unsatisfactorily higher than that in the previous unit if this rounding
guideline is followed; For example, 8 inch has the implied uncertainty
of ± 0.5 inch = ± 1.27 cm. If it is converted to the centimeter scale
and the rounding guideline for multiplication and division is followed,
then 20.32 cm ≈ 20 cm
with the implied uncertainty of ± 5 cm. If this implied uncertainty is
considered as too overestimated, then more proper significant digits in
the unit conversion result may be 20.32 cm ≈ 20. cm with the implied uncertainty of ± 0.5 cm.
Another exception of applying the above rounding guideline is to
multiply a number by an integer, such as 1.234 × 9. If the above
guideline is followed, then the result is rounded as 1.234 × 9.000.... =
11.106 ≈ 11.11. However,
this multiplication is essentially adding 1.234 to itself 9 times such
as 1.234 + 1.234 + … + 1.234 so the rounding guideline for addition and
subtraction described below is more proper rounding approach. As a result, the final answer is 1.234 + 1.234 + … + 1.234 = 11.106 = 11.106 (one significant digit increase).
Addition and subtraction of significant figures
For quantities created from measured quantities via addition and subtraction,
the last significant figure position (e.g., hundreds, tens, ones,
tenths, hundredths, and so forth) in the calculated result should be the
same as the leftmost or largest digit position among the last significant figures of the measured quantities in the calculation. For example,
1.234 + 2 = 3.234 ≈ 3
1.234 + 2.0 = 3.234 ≈ 3.2
0.01234 + 2 = 2.01234 ≈ 2
12000 + 77 = 12077 ≈ 12000
with the last significant figures in the ones place, tenths place, ones place, and thousands
place respectively. (2 here is assumed not an exact number.) For the
first example, the first term has its last significant figure in the
thousandths place and the second term has its last significant figure in
the ones place. The leftmost or largest digit position among the
last significant figures of these terms is the ones place, so the
calculated result should also have its last significant figure in the
ones place.
The rule to calculate significant figures for multiplication and
division are not the same as the rule for addition and subtraction. For
multiplication and division, only the total number of significant
figures in each of the factors in the calculation matters; the digit
position of the last significant figure in each factor is irrelevant.
For addition and subtraction, only the digit position of the last
significant figure in each of the terms in the calculation matters; the
total number of significant figures in each term is irrelevant.
However, greater accuracy will often be obtained if some
non-significant digits are maintained in intermediate results which are
used in subsequent calculations.
Logarithm and antilogarithm
The base-10 logarithm of a normalized number (i.e., a × 10b with 1 ≤ a < 10 and b as an integer), is rounded such that its decimal part (called mantissa) has as many significant figures as the significant figures in the normalized number.
When taking the antilogarithm of a normalized number, the result is
rounded to have as many significant figures as the significant figures
in the decimal part of the number to be antiloged.
If a transcendental function (e.g., the exponential function, the logarithm, and the trigonometric functions) is differentiable at its domain element 'x', then its number of significant figures (denoted as "significant figures of ") is approximately related with the number of significant figures in x (denoted as "significant figures of x") by the formula
performing multiple stage calculations, do not round intermediate stage
calculation results; keep as many digits as is practical (at least one
more digit than the rounding rule allows per stage) until the end of all
the calculations to avoid cumulative rounding errors while tracking or
recording the significant figures in each intermediate result. Then,
round the final result, for example, to the fewest number of significant
figures (for multiplication or division) or leftmost last significant
digit position (for addition or subtraction) among the inputs in the
final calculation.
using a ruler, initially use the smallest mark as the first estimated
digit. For example, if a ruler's smallest mark is 0.1 cm, and 4.5 cm is
read, then it is 4.5 (±0.1 cm) or 4.4 cm to 4.6 cm as to the smallest
mark interval. However, in practice a measurement can usually be
estimated by eye to closer than the interval between the ruler's
smallest mark, e.g. in the above case it might be estimated as between
4.51 cm and 4.53 cm.
It is also possible that the overall length of a ruler may not be
accurate to the degree of the smallest mark, and the marks may be
imperfectly spaced within each unit. However assuming a normal good
quality ruler, it should be possible to estimate tenths between the
nearest two marks to achieve an extra decimal place of accuracy. Failing to do this adds the error in reading the ruler to any error in the calibration of the ruler.
When estimating the proportion of individuals carrying some
particular characteristic in a population, from a random sample of that
population, the number of significant figures should not exceed the
maximum precision allowed by that sample size.
Relationship to accuracy and precision in measurement
Traditionally, in various technical fields, "accuracy" refers to the
closeness of a given measurement to its true value; "precision" refers
to the stability of that measurement when repeated many times. Thus, it
is possible to be "precisely wrong". Hoping to reflect the way in which
the term "accuracy" is actually used in the scientific community, there
is a recent standard, ISO 5725, which keeps the same definition of
precision but defines the term "trueness" as the closeness of a given
measurement to its true value and uses the term "accuracy" as the
combination of trueness and precision. (See the accuracy and precision article for a full discussion.) In either case, the number of significant figures roughly corresponds to precision, not to accuracy or the newer concept of trueness.
Computer representations of floating-point numbers use a form of
rounding to significant figures (while usually not keeping track of how
many), in general with binary numbers. The number of correct significant figures is closely related to the notion of relative error (which has the advantage of being a more accurate measure of precision, and is independent of the radix, also known as the base, of the number system used).
Electronic calculators supporting a dedicated significant figures display mode are relatively rare.
Among the calculators to support related features are the CommodoreM55 Mathematician (1976) and the S61 Statistician (1976), which support two display modes, where DISP+n will give n significant digits in total, while DISP+.+n will give n decimal places.
The Texas InstrumentsTI-83 Plus (1999) and TI-84 Plus (2004) families of graphical calculators support a Sig-Fig Calculator
mode in which the calculator will evaluate the count of significant
digits of entered numbers and display it in square brackets behind the
corresponding number. The results of calculations will be adjusted to
only show the significant digits as well.
For the HP20b/30b-based community-developed WP 34S (2011) and WP 31S (2014) calculators significant figures display modes SIG+n and SIG0+n (with zero padding) are available as a compile-time option. The SwissMicrosDM42-based community-developed calculators WP 43C (2019) / C43 (2022) / C47 (2023) support a significant figures display mode as well.