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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How We're Destroying Our Kids' Brains

As many as one in six children has a neurodevelopmental disability, and scientists are finding links to pollution.  Although I am often as skeptical of environmental claims from the left as denials from the right, this one has a strong ring of truth to it, and is, chemically and biologically, plausible; indeed, there is a lot of good factual material (and historical material) in here.  It should be borne in mind, however, that things have been getting generally/steadily better over the decades and centuries.
This story originally appeared on the OnEarth website.

Carlos Jusino grew up a typical kid in Harlem, rollerblading near the Hudson River, eating at the McDonald's on 145th Street and Broadway, hanging out with friends in his building. Also typical was the fact that many of Jusino's neighbors and family members, including his mother, had asthma. "When I was growing up, she went to the hospital about once a month for asthma," he says. Although he didn't know it at the time, more than 30 percent of the kids in Harlem have asthma, one of the highest rates in the country.

Jusino's family was worried about the air quality around Harlem, but most of its attention was directed to a sewage treatment facility built in 1985 along the West Side Highway next to the Hudson, where a foul-smelling settling tank lay exposed. The plant galvanized the community, including a group of environmental justice activists known as the Sewage Seven. They sued the city and won a settlement in 1994 that helped establish air-monitoring stations around the plant.
Harlem is plagued by health conditions not uncommon among the urban poor. In addition to suffering from asthma, children here have high rates of obesity and, perhaps most alarming, significant learning disabilities. Increasingly, medical researchers are discovering that all of these syndromes are linked at least in part to environmental factors, from nutrition to tobacco smoke to industrial chemicals. Jusino, like many, was stunned to learn that pollution's biggest target may be not our lungs but our brains.

Researchers are finding the Harlem population to be a valuable source of data, and what they're learning is both illuminating and worrisome. And if you think poor air quality is limited to disadvantaged urban neighborhoods, think again. Harlem's problems are shared by the rest of the country. If clues can be found here, the lessons can apply elsewhere.
If you think poor air quality is limited to disadvantaged urban neighborhoods, think again.
As many as one in six children nationwide has a neurodevelopmental disability, including autism, speech and language delays, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that ADHD alone affects 14 percent of children, although experts debate whether it may be overdiagnosed. In any case, the number of children needing special education services has increased 200 percent in the past 25 years. In a 2000 report, the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences estimated that 3 percent of brain disorders are caused outright by environmental toxicity and an additional 25 percent by environmental exposures interacting with genetic susceptibilities.

Every day, America's pregnant women and young children are exposed to a trifecta of suspected neurotoxicants in the form of pesticides (mostly via food and water but also home, lawn, and farm applications), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAH (mostly via exposure to vehicle exhaust), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs (flame retardants, mostly in upholstered furniture and electronics). The CDC routinely samples Americans for these and other industrial by-products in our bodies, so we know their reach is pervasive. But we are not all equally exposed, and some of us appear to be more vulnerable to them for reasons that may include genetic susceptibility, poor nutrition, stress, and age.
Andrei Zveaghintev/Shutterstock

Jusino joined a youth group through his high school in Washington Heights in 1994 and started mapping, block by block, local sources of pollution, including dry cleaners and diesel-spewing bus depots. In 1997 he joined the staff of West Harlem Environmental Action (We Act), a group co-founded by Peggy Shepard, one of the Sewage Seven. Today, as a GIS mapping specialist and technician, he is the proud chief caretaker of Aethan, a retro-looking black box that records real-time black carbon pollution. The size of a microwave oven, the Aethalometer (from the Greek word meaning "blacken with soot") sends out several feet of PVC pipe through a window overlooking the corner of 152nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue, where the We Act offices occupy a light-filled, redbrick former police precinct house.

Aethan looks retro, but he has a Twitter account, where he says things like "Holy pollution, Batman! Look, the WE ACT Aethalometer reading is at 2,780 nanograms per cubic meter." (For perspective, during low-traffic weekends, the readings hover around 1,200.)

"The readings get really high around 3:00 p.m.," said Jusino, who, at age 35, sports silver-rimmed glasses and a trim goatee. Outside, it was early evening, and the machine was reading in the mid-700s. I couldn't help imagining dark whorls of goblin-faced spirits wafting up to choke us at the windows. It's a misconception, though, that the worst air pollution is visible. We tend to equate it with smog. Smog exists, of course, but it was largely knocked back under the air-quality controls of the 1970s. Over its 40-year life, the Clean Air Act has radically cut many ingredients of smog: carbon monoxide emissions are down 82 percent, sulfur dioxide 76 percent, and ozone concentrations 28 percent.
The monitor's pollution readings "get really high around 3:00 p.m."

However, there are virtually no regulations governing the black carbon component of fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns, known as PM 2.5. Black carbon is responsible for two million premature deaths globally each year. It also contributes substantially to climate change. A recent study by a team of 31 geophysicists found that black carbon is "the second most important human emission in terms of its climate forcing in the present-day atmosphere."

Black carbon is a component of particulate matter left over from the incomplete combustion of fuels in vehicle engines, apartment-building boilers, cooking stoves, and other sources. Aethan's 3:00 p.m. peak is the product of diesel-powered vehicles, including school buses. Harlem has one of the highest levels of black carbon in New York. In part, this is because of the high density of older buildings, which tend to have older, less efficient, and poorly maintained heating systems. But diesel fuel is also a major source of black carbon, and Harlem is home to six of Manhattan's seven transit bus depots as well as commercial trucking routes. By 2006, after a big public campaign spearheaded by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), city transit buses that had previously used dirty diesel switched to a combination of filters and cleaner fuel. But plenty of other fleet vehicles, older school buses, and ships passing close by still burn the bad stuff.

A host of ills has been attributed to fine particulate pollution, including heart and lung disease, sometimes causing premature death. Black carbon is considered a reliable co-conspirator of PAH, a class of compounds that are also by-products of combustion. (Black carbon is easier to measure than PAH and, depending on location and source, tends to be highly correlated with them.) When inhaled, fine particulates go deep into the lungs, but they also travel to the brain, where they can alter DNA expression, cause inflammation, and possibly gum up neuronal circuitry. Jusino and others wondered: Could these and other common contaminants be contributing to the high incidence of neurodevelopmental delays in the children of Harlem?
* * *
Northern Manhattan is home to not only some of the best music, soul food, and dance troupes in the city but also one of its most venerated medical research institutions, Columbia University Medical Center. Frederica Perera was a young cancer researcher there in the 1980s when she decided to collect tissue samples from human placentas, expecting that they would be "pristine," or untouched by environmental exposures. "But we found there were fingerprints on these samples of DNA damaged by pollution, even in women who weren't smokers," she recalled from her office at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health on West 168th Street. "It made me concerned about fetal exposures. I really wanted to look more closely at this window." Although she started out looking for cancer markers, she was soon curious about other pressing health conditions in the Harlem community.
Alexander Mak/Shutterstock

That Perera was even looking at environmental causes of illness was both unusual and unfashionable. For the past two decades, cancer researchers and other molecular biologists have spent much of their time riveted by the genome, believing it would unlock the secrets of disease. But cellular life isn't determined simply by the blueprints of DNA. It's now understood that cells are designed to interact nimbly with the outside world and that genes get turned on or off—and are sometimes mutated altogether—by environmental exposures from diet, inhalation, even transmission through the skin. To truly understand human health and disease, scientists need to look at both the genome and—to use a term coined in 2005 by Christopher Wild, a cancer epidemiologist—the "exposome."

Perera decided to do just that.

Today, as director of the Columbia center, she oversees what has become one of the most respected epidemiological data troves in the country. (She is also a trustee of NRDC.) Starting in late 1998, Perera and her colleagues recruited more than 700 pregnant women from hospitals in Harlem, Washington Heights, and the South Bronx for what's known as the Mothers and Children Study. Now, 15 years later, the team has retained three-quarters of its original participants, and the first babies are entering their teenage years. Such "prospective" studies, which follow a group over time and measure their health outcomes, are considered the gold standard in scientific research because they don't rely on retrospective memory or old, imperfect medical records. Blood and urine samples have been banked since the mothers' pregnancies and deliveries, as have samples from the children, and researchers can go back to these as they ponder new questions.
It's now known that many chemicals can cross the placenta, once believed to be a sacrosanct barrier.
It's now known that many chemicals can cross the placenta, once believed to be a sacrosanct barrier. This is disquieting, because the vast majority of these chemicals have never been tested for human health effects. Furthermore, the medical community agrees that many diseases and conditions, including obesity, cancer, and autism, are modulated by both genes and fetal exposures. In September, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine issued a joint statement saying, "The scientific evidence over the last 15 years shows that exposure to toxic environmental agents before conception and during pregnancy can have significant and long-lasting effects on reproductive health." (The chemical industry, however, is seeding doubt. The American Chemistry Council's chief medical officer responded that ACOG's evidence was based on "a limited number of flawed studies.") It makes sense to developmental biologists that fetal exposures matter; this is when the cells in the body and brain are on the biggest adventure of their lives, differentiating and replicating like a one-way train. Once it's left the station, it doesn't go back.

Children, of course, are harder to study than lab animals, because they are exposed to so many different conditions that can confound the results. That's why large, prospective epidemiological studies are so critical. Perera knows both what's in these babies' bloodstreams and what happens to them as they age. The larger the study, the stronger the statistical power. Even so, epidemiological findings are necessarily couched in terms of "associations" rather than causal links. So epidemiologists often look to better-controlled animal studies as a guide, as well as to molecular lab investigations of human blood and tissue samples.

With enough replication and diverse strategies, a picture begins to emerge. The center's early studies found significant associations between pollutants measured in the mothers and difficult birth outcomes, including low birth weight and small head circumference. The main culprits were PAH and chlorpyrifos, a then-common organophosphate pesticide used indoors to kill roaches and bedbugs. (Later the team would look at flame retardants.) Perera also documented that these chemicals damaged cellular DNA. Chlorpyrifos was found in the umbilical cords of virtually every mother in the early samples. Since 2001 it has been phased out of residential use, but exterminators are still caught using it. It also remains a common agricultural pesticide and so ends up as a residue in food. Perera and her colleagues knew that reduced head circumference had been linked to lower IQ scores, and animal experiments had shown that chlorpyrifos killed developing brain cells and induced behavioral changes in rats. In some well-known experiments, for example, rats given low doses of the pesticide while in the womb or shortly after birth later had trouble learning their way around a maze.
Although Perera and her team didn't know how these chemicals might be changing the brain, they were determined to find out all they could about the children's growth and development. The children (now teenagers), who are mostly Dominican and African American, would be regularly tested on everything from reading ability and motor skills to psychological yardsticks like aggression, risk-taking, and depression.

By the time they were 3 years old, the children with the highest exposures to the pesticide tested as much as six points lower on motor skills and three points lower on mental development and were significantly more likely than those with lower exposures to suffer from attention and hyperactivity problems. These findings were published in 2006 in Pediatrics. Other studies showed that children most exposed to PAH were nearly three times as likely to show cognitive developmental delays. By the time they were 7, the children most exposed to chlorpyrifos were showing deficits in working memory, a key component of IQ. Their working memory declined by 2.8 percent and their full-scale IQ by 1.4 percent, after adjusting for variables like tobacco smoke and maternal intelligence.
The center's findings on the cognitive impacts of PAH and pesticides bolster what other researchers have found in Boston, Cincinnati, and California. Perera led a similar cohort study with researchers in Poland and found that higher prenatal exposure corresponded to an average 3.8-point drop in IQ in 5-year-olds. This drop is comparable to the effects of lead, the discovery of which, in the 1970s, eventually triggered a massive public health response in the form of laws removing lead from automobile gasoline, restricting it in household paint, and, to this day, requiring lead tests in children in many parts of the country.
Now that the Harlem children are older, the team is examining whether the ill effects of fetal and cumulative exposures play out in other ways—poor academic performance, impaired social skills, anxiety and depression, and self-destructive behavior.

Now that the Harlem children are older, the team is examining whether the ill effects of fetal and cumulative exposures play out in other ways—poor academic performance, impaired social skills, anxiety and depression, and self-destructive behavior.

On the day I visited the center this fall, a mom—let's call her Michelle—and her 14-year-old son came in for a couple of hours of assessments. They were both greeted by a tremendous hug from Diurka Maria Diaz, a researcher and counselor who has followed the families from the beginning.

"You're taller than I am now!" she teased the boy. Hefty, dressed in black pants and a black sweatshirt, he towered over his toddler sister. She is also in the study, which continues to recruit new participants who likely have different exposomes. While Michelle's placenta absorbed chlorpyrifos during her son's gestation, it probably absorbed replacement pesticides during her daughter's. The replacements come from a class of chemicals known as pyrethroids, whose neurodevelopmental effects remain largely unstudied.

Diaz, who is known to the families as Didi, exudes warmth and charisma as well as concern for the challenges faced by kids in the study. "It's hard to be a 14-year-old," she says. "Many of these kids are overweight, many are depressed. We've referred about 40 percent for counseling." Furthermore, a remarkable 24 percent of the cohort children at age 2 had a potentially diagnosable developmental delay. About 70 percent of these children qualified for New York City’s early intervention services.
Such delays are typically attributed to growing up in impoverished environments with relatively low parental involvement, low mental stimulation, and pervasive psychological stress. Perera's team, though, is convinced that fetal environmental exposures play a role and that their effects may be aggravated when combined with maternal stress, as well as when combined with one another.
"In the past, we took a reductionist approach," Perera says, "a single exposure, a single effect. But now we think that pollution interacts with nutritional and social susceptibility factors. We're making heroic attempts to measure these. We're building the exposome."

The environmental trail of brain damage extends far back in history. Accounts of lead toxicity date to the Greek physician Nicander of Colophon in 200 B.C. In more recent times, a French physician in 1848 described ill-tempered infants who'd been sucking on lead soldiers. More examples of damaged childhoods came to light after twentieth-century commercial and industrial exposures. A cheap, arsenic-laced stabilizer was added to powdered milk in Japan during the spring of 1955, causing sickness, epilepsy, or lowered IQ in more than 12,000 victims, most of them infants. (Studies of nerve cells in a Petri dish suggest that arsenic inhibits cell growth and, in the developing brain, reduces the branching of dendrites—the structures of neurons that send and receive signals.) Also in the 1950s, a factory in Minamata, Japan, began releasing mercury into the local bay, ultimately causing severe physical and cognitive problems in children whose mothers ate contaminated fish while pregnant.

By the mid-1970s researchers around the world had documented cases of lowered IQ in children exposed to lead from air pollution, mercury-based preservatives in grain, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish, as well as in those exposed to alcohol in utero. The effects were much greater in children than in exposed adults. These were, as the neurotoxicologist Pam Lein of the University of California, Davis, puts it, "the blunt ones"—exposures whose effects became apparent after some concerted research. But no one really understood how the toxins worked, and they didn't know if other, more subtle, discoveries awaited.

In 1972, a Danish medical student named Philippe Grandjean saw a young woman on television who was suffering from so-called Minamata disease. Exposed to mercury in the womb, she could hardly talk and was afflicted by a severe spastic limb condition. Grandjean wondered why he wasn't being taught about environmental exposures if they could cause so much damage. He decided to spend his life researching neurotoxicants, which he terms "brain drainers." Since then he has written more than 100 papers on mercury, taught a couple of generations of scientists, and as both a physician and a researcher has an understanding of the micro and macro scope of the problem. What he told me wasn't comforting.
"Because the human brain is so complex, it's incredibly vulnerable," says Grandjean, now an adjunct professor at the Harvard School of Public Health and the author of the 2013 book Only One Chance: How Environmental Pollution Impairs Brain Development and How to Protect the Brains of the Next Generation. "Even if something goes a little bit wrong, you don't get a second chance," he says. "You're stuck with it, and even small deficiencies can be quite significant."

As Grandjean explains it, shortly after conception, the brain begins to form from a tiny strip of cells. At its fetal growth peak, 12,000 cells are generated every minute, or 200 per second. These cells start sending and receiving messages and migrating to specific locations. By the time the brain is fully baked, it has close to 100 billion nerve cells and roughly as many caretaking glia cells, which provide nutrients, sweep out dead cells, and insulate nerve fibers. "If cells are in the wrong place or they don't form the right connections," Grandjean says, "that's what you've got for your whole life."

In a groundbreaking review published in the Lancet in 2006, Grandjean and his co-author, Philip Landrigan, of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, identified 201 heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, and endocrine disruptors known to have toxic effects in the human brain (at least 1,000 other substances are neurotoxic in animals but haven't been tested in humans). Of those 201, about half are "high production volume" chemicals, made in or imported to the United States in excess of one million pounds per year. At the time, the authors could point to only half a dozen as showing evidence of developmental toxicity in the fetal brain, but the count is now up to 10 and growing. All of these neurotoxicants are relatively common, routinely found in the blood of pregnant women.
They include the usual suspects—lead, methylmercury, and PCBs—but also organochlorine pesticides like DDT (which was banned in the 1970s but still persists in soil and water), organophosphate chemicals like the roach-killer chlorpyrifos, PAH, PBDEs (this pervasive class of flame retardants is now being phased out), arsenic, ethanol, and the solvent toluene.

We are beginning to learn more about how these substances may alter brain development. Their strategies are complex and varied. Under the influence of methylmercury, for example, the brain's nerve cells "are lying helter-skelter, not in their usual logical locations," says Grandjean. Pesticides are designed to be neurotoxicants—that's the whole point—and some, like chlorpyrifos, work by inhibiting cholinesterase, an enzyme critical to brain-cell communication. Different neurotoxicants affect children differently. At high levels, methylmercury appears to cause memory deficits, while lead primarily decreases attention span and pesticides tend to impair spatial perception. Black carbon apparently affects attention and processing speed.

Not all kids are equally vulnerable. Other factors matter, like genes, psychosocial stress, and, interestingly, gender. Boys tend to be more vulnerable than girls to the deficits associated with PAH. Studies of prenatal exposures to phthalates and bisphenyl-A (BPA), both endocrine disruptors, also show gender differences. Phthalates are considered anti-androgens, while BPA acts like an estrogen, and the developing brain takes important cues from both hormones. With chlorpyrifos exposure, for example, boys have greater difficulty than girls with working memory.

Many of these substances disproportionately affect the poor, but not all. Poor kids are exposed to more lead and first- and secondhand tobacco smoke. More affluent populations accumulate more mercury from their diet. Urban kids may be exposed to more PAH and black carbon, farm kids to more pesticides and arsenic from well water.

Of all the suspects, brominated flame retardants may be the most democratic. Although levels of PBDEs are now dropping in pregnant women, Americans still have the highest levels tested anywhere in the world. Flammability standards enacted in California in the 1970s resulted in the addition of PBDEs to everything from electronics to home furnishings nationwide. Unfortunately, the molecules easily migrate, accumulating in blood and breast milk and persisting for years. Structurally similar to PCBs in some cases, they appear to interfere with thyroid hormone signaling, either by directly altering the amounts of hormone or by blocking the hormone transporters. As researchers learned from studying cretinism, thyroid hormones are critical to brain development, among other functions.

A University of California, Berkeley, study of children in the state's Salinas Valley reported that those born to mothers with the highest levels of PBDEs during pregnancy averaged six points lower in verbal IQ and had lower scores for fine motor skills and a higher risk of hyperactivity. And PBDEs probably don't act in isolation. Per Eriksson, a Swedish toxicologist, has found that when lab animals are exposed to both PBDEs and mercury, the neurological effects are significantly stronger than those of mercury alone.

Philip Landrigan directs the children's environmental Health Center at Mount Sinai Hospital. Like Grandjean, he is a pillar in the field; in the 1970s, he linked childhood IQ deficits to low levels of lead. More recently he's been integral to health studies of rescue workers who were exposed to toxic particles during 9/11. Caps from the New York City police and fire departments and the US Navy decorate his office on East 102nd Street.
But do a few IQ points matter? Should society care if a boy behaves a few shades more or less aggressively?

What worries Landrigan is how easily many neurological effects can fly under the radar. These are not the kinds of acute poisonings that land kids in emergency rooms. Most doctors are not trained to look for prenatal or childhood environmental exposures. If parents ask them about it, he says, "they tend to offer bland reassurance." But for the individuals and families involved, learning, psychological, and behavioral impairments can have dramatic, lifelong impacts on meaningful measures from happiness to income.

But do a few IQ points matter? Should society care if a boy behaves a few shades more or less aggressively? These are questions that currently interest epidemiologists more than family physicians. One of Landrigan's associates at Mount Sinai, research scientist Megan Horton, who worked previously with Perera, told me that an average drop of five IQ points in the United States translates into 2.4 million gifted kids instead of 6 million, and 9.4 million mentally retarded children instead of 6 million, or a 57 percent increase. Leonardo Trasande, a pediatrician formerly at Mount Sinai and now at the New York University School of Medicine, has estimated that mercury exposures alone have led to losses of 0.59 to 3.2 IQ points in several hundred thousand children born every year in the United States, resulting in decreased lifetime economic productivity valued at $8.7 billion annually. Thanks in large part to the laws spurred by Landrigan's epidemiological sleuthing, airborne lead pollution has declined 90 percent since 1980. With the decline has come a concomitant improvement in IQ scores and an intriguing drop in youth aggression and urban crime.

Landrigan argues that the field of environmental health must become a centerpiece of public health. Mount Sinai has one of just 11 children's environmental health centers nationwide. He's disappointed that Congress last year pulled substantial funding from the once-promising National Children's Study, which aimed to follow the exposures and health of thousands of children. At the same time, federal legislation that would strengthen the way chemicals are tested and regulated gets repeatedly stalled.
"Clearly there's a need for a new regulatory apparatus for testing chemicals, and the backlog is huge," says Miriam Rotkin-Ellman, a senior scientist specializing in public health at NRDC. "There are also a lot of gaps in the science, both in terms of characterizing the health end points, such as autism, and in terms of understanding the mechanisms by which chemicals can interact with neurodevelopment. What's the timing and what are the pathways of exposure?"

Recognizing the need for more data, Landrigan's program is about to launch its own $20 million prospective study following children from the womb through childhood. It will complement the work being done at Columbia and also at the University of Utah. "We will in some instances combine and pool our data in order to increase our ability to discover links between environmental exposures and disease," says Landrigan.

Meanwhile, Perera's group has embarked on the next frontier in environmental health: brain imaging. Now that Columbia has data on exposures and cognitive problems, it makes sense to look at the brain structures themselves. Have the chemicals altered the brain in physically obvious ways?
In a nutshell, "yes," says Virginia Rauh, a perinatal epidemiologist at Columbia. Brain images of 5- to 11-year-olds with the highest exposures to chlorpyrifos show subtle deformations in parts of the brain associated with receptive language and social cognition and a thinning of areas of the parietal and frontal cortices, which are involved in executive functions like attention and problem solving.
Using brain imaging to complement large-scale epidemiology is brand new. It's also very expensive, and the technology is still being validated. Although Rauh admits that her team is "far from being able to say these changes are linked to impairment," it's time to focus on that question. "Public health has not really looked at the brain, other than with metals like lead and mercury," she says. "Our challenge is to link particular deficits we're seeing to meaningful impairment so that we can intervene and prevent them."

I took the train back home to Washington, DC, passing through the northeast corridor's confused, tight mix of commercial promise and marginalized decay. Over it all hung the molecular by-products of progress. To get a sense of just how far black carbon reaches into my own family's life, I decided to take a cue from Jusino and his pet Aethan and order up my own air-monitoring companion for a few days. I called Steven Chillrud, co-director of the Exposure Assessment Facility Core at Columbia's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. An environmental geochemist, he tries to figure out how much black carbon people are exposed to by strapping carbon-measuring machines to buildings and sometimes car commuters, pedestrians, and bicyclists. He FedExed me a loaner micro-Aeth patched into a twill vest. I decided to call it Aethchyluth, honoring the urban Greek tragedian with a lisp. Aside from a few lumps, the device was fairly unobtrusive. No one seemed to notice the small sensor stretching upward toward my chin like a playful pet monkey. I wore it for most of three days while walking and driving around Washington in my daily routine.
"Schools and day-cares are typically built on the cheapest land, often next to highways."
After I shipped Aethchyluth back, Chillrud sent me the data graph, which looks like an EKG reading, drawn in thin blue spikes. Then we matched the graph to the record from a GPS app, which had tracked my travels. High spikes occurred on I-495, the Capital Beltway, which wasn't a surprise. Although I avoid it like the plague at peak rush hour, I'd driven it a couple of times at off-hours to visit relatives in southern Maryland. Even in my car with the windows rolled up, my levels hovered around the 6,000 nanograms per cubic meter mark, or more than twice the average reading Jusino was getting on his Harlem corner on a typical weekday.

I pitied the people who drive this twice a day in slow-moving traffic, but they don't get the most sympathy from Chillrud. "Schools and day-cares are typically built on the cheapest land, often next to highways," he says. "That's where developing lungs are, and susceptible kids."

But as my readings made clear, schoolchildren don't need a major freeway to breathe in black carbon and PAH. Aethchyluth got readings equal to the beltway in the parking lots at my kids' schools. That's because idling cars and school buses sit there just as kids are leaving. I was reminded of what a neuroscientist who studies brain inflammation told me: "I hold my breath when I'm behind a diesel bus."

Nineteen percent of Americans live near high-volume roads, and most areas don't monitor the air. So just how bad were my readings? We don't really know, says Chillrud, because the EPA hasn't issued guidelines for black carbon pollution the way it has for other pollutants. Black carbon is complicated because it's a proxy for many pollutants, he explains, and there are no consistent ways to measure it. In the meantime, city and federal officials recommend we reduce it through the use of cleaner fuels, newer engines, and, in New York City's case, mandated higher-quality fuel oil. "It will gradually get better," he says. "But there's still a lot to do."

When I was in Harlem, Frederica Perera had laid out a busy future of continued studies of childhood exposures to everything from PAH to phthalates to BPA to the newer pyrethroid pesticides. Her windows looked out over the Hudson River, a reminder of our collective interdependence on the air and water that both nourish us and transport pollution into our cells. The river glinted as it flowed out to sea. Once ragingly filthy, it is now cleaner than it has been in two generations.

Policy changes work, and some of those changes are quickly mirrored in our bodies. After the residential phaseout of chlorpyrifos, levels in pregnant women fell significantly. A small study published in September in the journal Environmental Science and Technology found that levels of some brominated flame retardants in pregnant Californians were 65 percent lower than in a similar group tested three years earlier (a phaseout began in 2004). By 2006, after converting to cleaner fuel and using filters, New York City's transit buses reduced their emissions of particulate matter by 97 percent.

"If the science is utilized well, policy makers can act. That's why it is enormously helpful," said Perera. "The good news is that by nature these exposures are preventable." She stood up to go to a meeting, passing framed photos of four of her grandchildren. On her way out she sent a warm greeting to Michelle. More families would be arriving soon.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Thanks to Progressive Secular Humanist Examiner

When you meet people today who believe weird things, bear in mind you have no idea just how weird can be.

Mars: New Clues to Life in ‘Lake Doughnut’

David Strumfels -- the possibility that a 3.5-4 billion year old Mars might have had a habitat sufficiently Earthlike for (very simple) life to get started there is gradually getting stronger, though still by no means overwhelming.  Which leads to a very small possibility that our life started there, got knocked off by an asteroid, reached our planet and flourished with its more permanent habitable environment.  If true, one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history.

And now to the article...

The evidence mounts for long-ago microbes in a vanished body of Martian water
A mosaic of Mars made from a compilation of images captured by the Viking Orbiter 1.
A mosaic of Mars made from a compilation of images captured by the Viking Orbiter 1.
It’s easy to get excited about the prospect of finding life on Mars—so easy that scientists have been getting worked up again and again and again and again over the past century and more. But it’s also easy to get too excited. NASA, for one, has learned from experience that announcing evidence even for long-extinct life on the Red Planet is a risky business, since it’s so easy to be wrong.

That’s why the agency is being so careful about a suite of reports from the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), better known as the Curiosity rover, which has been sniffing around the Red Planet since its August, 2012 landing. The six papers, just published in Science, make no claim that they’ve found even the slightest evidence of life.

But what they have found is hugely important nonetheless: convincing evidence of a lake that rippled on the Martian surface some 3.6 billion years ago and that would have provided a fertile habitat for bacterial life—assuming the bacteria were actually there. “This environment would have been almost earthlike,” says Caltech planetary scientist and MSL project scientist John Grotzinger, “in terms of geochemistry and in the presence of water.”

(MORE: The Science Guy Wants Money For Space Exploration)
The water wasn’t big news: evidence that Mars was once a very wet place has been coming in since the early 1970’s, when the Mariner 9 orbiter first spotted what looked uncannily like dry riverbeds. Subsequent orbiters and rovers, including Curiosity, have found increasingly persuasive clues that young Mars had abundant streams, rivers and lakes—and since water is the most basic requirement for life as we know it, the odds that Mars could have hosted some sort of biology have kept going up too.

But water gets you only so far: organisms need food as well, and that’s what Curiosity has now found—potentially, at least. By drilling into exposed sedimentary rock at a site nicknamed Yellowknife Bay, the rover has uncovered minerals containing hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. That’s a virtual feast for bacteria known as chemolithoautotrophs, which thrive on Earth in sulfurous caves and around so-called hydrothermal vents on the sea floor.

The lake that sloshed within Curiosity’s landing site in Gale Crater all those billions of years ago would, says Grotzinger, have been “a few meters to tens of meters deep.” And it would have had an interesting shape. If you imagine a crater with circular walls and a mountain in the middle, the lake would be a doughnut-shaped body of water—a moat around the mountain. “Maybe it didn’t go all the way around,” Grotzinger says. “The most conservative interpretation is that you’d have one-third of a donut, filled with water to a relatively shallow depth.

(MORE: NASA Detects Water on Five Planets)

But that might have been enough. The water persisted, the scientists believe, for tens of thousands of years at least, and perhaps for hundreds of thousands. That was ample time for layered sediments to accumulate and eventually solidify, first into clay and then into mudstone, which preserved the clues that Curiosity studied a few billion years later. And it was perhaps ample time for life to get started.
The discovery of the ancient lake was, in a sense, incidental to the mission. Curiosity’s primary area of interest has always been Mount Sharp, the mountain in the middle. Just before the rover landed, however, what Grotzinger calls a “massive mapping exercise” revealed that Yellowknife Bay showed signs of ancient inundation, so instead of charging over to the mountain right away, Curiosity lingered in the Bay first.

The careful probing that followed with MSL’s cameras, mass spectrometers, X-ray diffractometers and other instruments culminated in the drilling of two boreholes into the solid rock, which in turn yielded proof of an environment hospitable to bacteria, if they existed. Not only were there plenty of delectable minerals available to snack on, but the water itself was evidently low in salt (“it was practically freshwater,” Grotzinger says), and neither especially alkaline nor especially acidic. “Ten years ago,” he says, “we found evidence for water, but the salinity was so high it would have had the texture of honey.”

(MORE: New Take on an Ancient Mystery: How the Earth Got its Moon)

At first, the scientists worried that many of the minerals they found in the rock might have not have been present in the original lakebed itself, but might instead have been eroded from the crater walls and washed gradually into the lake. But the analysis revealed that the minerals showed few signs of weathering. They’d evidently been in the lake all along. “This lake is the original factory,” says Grotzinger, “where the clay was made.”

The absence of weathering does mean that while Mars was wet 3.6 billion years ago, it was also cold. “I like the analogy of the last glacial maximum on Earth,” says Grotzinger. At that time, about 25,000 years ago, much of the northern hemisphere was too cold for it ever to rain—something that weathers and erodes rocks relatively quickly—but water would still have pooled in low-lying areas. “Death Valley, the Las Vegas valley, those places would have been flooded,” he says. “I can imagine a scenario exactly like that.”

Put together, the new studies paint a picture of a hospitable place in which bacteria of a type we know exists on Earth could have thrived. The caveat—a big one—is that they say nothing at all about whether those bacteria in fact existed, though they do make an all but indisputable that that was possible.

The next step: look for organic carbon, which Curiosity will continue to do as it moves toward Mt. Sharp, its original target for exploration. “NASA has done really well with its ‘follow the water’ strategy,” Grotzinger says “Now we’re moving on to ‘follow the carbon,’” the other key element that all Earthly life, at least, is based on. And after that, in coming years, Mars exploration will inevitably move on to looking for fossil evidence of ancient  life—and just possibly, of any life that has managed to survive to this day, deep below the Martian surface.

Climate Change Opens the Arctic to Climate Disaster -- Think Again

December 9, 2013
Russia Greenpeace
The Greenpeace ship, the Arctic Sunrise, center, is anchored side by side with a Russian Coast Guard ship, left, near Murmansk, Russia on Oct. 9, 2013. Thirty Greenpeace activists and freelance journalists were initially charged with piracy after protesting at an oil platform in the Arctic. (AP Photo/ Evgeny Feldman)
As climate change transforms our planet and the polar ice caps recede, new, previously inaccessible areas of the Arctic are opening up for business. Ironically, a notable amount of that business has to do with extracting and transporting the fossil fuels that drive climate change.

In September, a large freighter made it through the Northwest Passage, traveling from Vancouver, BC, to Finland. It was the first vessel of its type to ever make the journey and demonstrated the potential to cut costs and shipping times using the new route. The ship was carrying coal for use by a steel producer.  (soon it will be using natural gas -- David Strumfels)

Elsewhere in the Arctic, the Northern Sea Route (NSR), a passage maintained by Russian nuclear-powered ice breakers (which is perfect from a climate change perspective -- David Strumfels), saw 71 vessels pass through it. According to the Russian fleet, that figure is up 50 percent from last year. As recently as 2010, only four vessels made the voyage between the Barents Sea, north of Scandinavia and Western Russia, and the Bering Strait, between Siberia and Alaska. While the mandatory icebreaker escort costs, on average, $200,000 per voyage, NSR is becoming an increasingly viable shipping path from Europe to Asia — an alternative route, through the Suez Canal, would have taken two weeks longer. Supertankers carrying crude oil were among the most common vessels making the crossing.

DJ Strumfels -- has it also occurred to you that the polar passages are preferred because they are shorter and hence consume less fuel, fossil or otherwise?

Though summer ice cover in the Arctic has dropped by more than 40 percent over the past few decades, shipping companies remain divided over the promise of Arctic shipping. “It’s early days,” Gary Li, a senior maritime analyst with IHS in Beijing, told the Financial Times. “The Northern Sea Route probably needs another 20 or 30 years of climate change to make it fully viable. And even then, it’s got so many constraints.”

But the Arctic is seeing an increase in other new business as well. It is rich in fossil fuels. Experts guess that 22 percent of the world’s remaining undiscovered oil and gas reserves lie below ice at the top of the globe. One US Geological Survey study estimated that 43 of the 61 significant arctic oil and gas fields are in Russian territory, and the country has been ramping up fossil fuel exploration since 2008. Norway, Greenland, Canada and the US have followed suit.

DJS -- Get the facts.  No comment needed here.

It’s an issue that came into national focus this year when Greenpeace activists and freelance journalists were arrested by Russia and charged with piracy while attempting to board the first oil platform to drill in the Arctic Circle. The charges were later reduced to “hooliganism” and the activists were released.

In the US, Shell Oil began exploring for oil up north in 2012. But after a drilling rig ran aground and the company encountered a slew of other problems — including fines for air pollution — it suspended its operations in 2013. They may remain suspended through 2014 as well.

In an attempt to control access to these new shipping routes and natural resources, nations are also moving to gain military influence in the Arctic. In 2007, a Russian submarine planted a titanium Russian flag at the base of the North Pole. And in September of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the country was re-opening a Soviet-era military base in the Arctic, abandoned for two decades, to help support (and secure) the region’s sea lanes and natural resources. Canada is also holding an increasing number of military drills in the Arctic and is looking at stationing a permanent force there. Norway and the US are watching the region closely.

DJS -- OK here I agree with you about this.

But the jockeying for control of the region — to the point of countries establishing military bases — makes shipping executives concerned about routes like the NSR. “One thing that makes me nervous is that this route is in Russia’s hands,” a Norwegian shipping executive told the Financial Times. “If they suddenly want to triple rates or impose this condition or that condition, they can.”

And there’s a further irony: the effects of climate change could present new impediments to shipping and drilling in the region, like unpredictable weather.

Environmental groups are opposed to tapping Arctic fossil fuels that will in turn contribute to continuing climate change. Advocates point to the disastrous effect that pollution — in one worst-case scenario, an oil spill — could have on animal and human populations.

DJS -- all this shows is that "environmental groups" are no better informed than you, and deserve the same amount of audience.

“Even the best-prepared, best-equipped and most technologically advanced oil company has no business drilling for oil in the Arctic,” Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, wrote in June. “It is simply not possible to do it safely here.” (DJS -- He just knows this, of course.  “It is simply not possible to do it safely here.”  is a vacuous non sequitur.  No energy -- that's right, no -- is perfectly safe.)

David Strumfels Comments Further:

Thank you, Professor Light. We'll all just burn wood and coal and see how that works out for 7+ billion people  on this planet.  Do you think even a billion will survive you're regressive policies?  Don't you care?!   On the other hand, if we find (and we probably will) lots of natural gas, we can replace coal with it, saving tens of thousands of lives per year (you're hearing this right, just check the facts) and drastically reducing CO2 emissions and potential further warming.

US Gun vs. Traffic Deaths (2010) -- from Mother Jones magazine

Are Wormholes Everywhere?

In a universe where faster-than-light travel isn’t possible, wormholes—hypothetical shortcuts across spacetime that link one part of the universe with another —give hope to romantics who wish to jump millions of light years in a single bound. But are wormholes more than a sci-fi portal to zip us between galaxies? Recent research suggests that they actually describe microscopic channels between particles all around us.
An artist's impression of a large wormhole
As far-out as wormholes sound, they are described by of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the same theory that describes the force of gravity. General relativity expresses gravity as the smooth bending of space and time. For example, the sun creates a dimple in the fabric of spacetime; the planets “roll” around the periphery of the dimple. A wormhole is more than a dimple, though. It is like a tunnel between two parallel sheets of spacetime.
The details about wormholes remain fuzzy, but new research suggests that they may be fundamentally related to quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where pair of objects are bound together. No matter how far apart they fly, they will “know” about each other—even if they are on opposite sides of the galaxy. Which, when you think about it, sounds a lot like a wormhole.
A pair of independent teams arrived at the same conclusion. Here’s Katia Moskvitch, writing for AAAS Science Now:
Kristan Jensen of the University of Victoria in Canada and Andreas Karch of the University of Washington, Seattle, start by imagining an entangled quark-antiquark pair residing in ordinary 3D space, as they described online on 20 November in Physical Review Letters. The two quarks rush away from each other, approaching the speed of light so that it becomes impossible to pass signals from one to the other. The researchers assume that the 3D space where the quarks reside is a hypothetical boundary of a 4D world. In this 3D space, the entangled pair is connected by a kind of conceptual string. But in the 4D space, the string becomes a wormhole.
Julian Sonner of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge then builds upon Karch’s and Jensen’s work. He imagines a quark-antiquark pair that pops into existence in a strong electric field, which then sends the oppositely charged particles accelerating in opposite directions. Sonner also finds that the entangled particles in the 3D world are connected by a wormhole in the 4D world, as he also reported online on 20 November in Physical Review Letters.
Such pairs of particles are ubiquitous, though we don’t know for certain whether wormholes exist between them. For now, these findings remain theoretical. We haven’t even found hard evidence of large wormholes yet, let alone microwormholes. Both remain hypothetical objects of thought experiments, but as we learned from Einstein, such musings can lead to great revolutions in physics.

RDFRS: Adversarial Journalism and The Selfish Gene

RDFRS: Adversarial Journalism and The Selfish Gene

The benefits of realising you're just a brain - opinion - 29 November 2013 - New Scientist

The benefits of realising you're just a brain - opinion - 29 November 2013 - New Scientist

DANGER: RADIOACTIVE – Do Not Drink More than 63,000 Gallons of Water

A lot of the below, though not all, Dr. Robinson (and his predecessor, Petr Beckmann) and I are quite in agreement on.  If you read it with an open mind -- this could take some effort -- you just might too.  He is, after all, the scientist who discovered Pauling's work on vitamin C a sham -- and was banished and his research destroyed because of it. 

My name is Art Robinson. I am Professor of Chemistry at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, and I publish a pro-science, pro-technology, pro-free enterprise monthly newsletter, Access to Energy, which in September 1997 began its twenty fifth year. Access to Energy was founded by Professor Petr Beckmann in 1973 and published by him until his death in 1993.
As for those 63,000 gallons, our readers know why they are safe. We don’t ask them to trust and parrot us, we ask them to think.

In this case, we told them how much radioactive iodine 131 is given to a healthy patient in a thyroid check: up to 90 microcuries (a cancer patient is given much more). And we reported the maximum measured activity in rainwater washing out Chernobyl’s iodine over the US: 0.00036 microcuries per liter. There is about 4 liters to the gallon; hence 63,000 gallons of “contaminated” rain water “full of fallout” will give you as much radioactive iodine as you get when you have your thyroid checked.
Does that tiny grain of knowledge make you feel good?

It should, because America’s news media and largest periodicals don’t have it.
They work by the T&P (trust and parrot) method. They may differ in whom to trust and parrot; but they share a common inability to evaluate. They will find two opposing viewpoints and manufacture a “controversy;” for they think objectivity lies halfway between the truth and a lie (or worse, between two lies).

In the Three Mile Island episode, Access to Energy pointed out at the time that the accident would cost more than one life per week: not from any radiation, but in the fuel cycle of the substitute power, mostly coal-fired, that had to be brought in to replace the safer and healthier way of generating electric power nuclear power.

In the Chernobyl accident, too, we pointed out that in its short life of 25 months, Chernobyl Unit 4 saved more lives from coal-fired pollution than it took, or will ever take, by radiation. And we gave the reasons why the Soviets did not even bother to dilute contaminated wheat with grain from elsewhere. “A little cesium and strontium gave the Russians a more varied diet; for unlike Markey, Solarz, Schroeder and the other antinuclear breast beaters in Congress, the Soviets care only about visible deaths.”

But Access to Energy is not just about nuclear energy (which is merely a very blatant target of superstition mongering). It is about the truth and how to arrive at it in scientific fields.
In all other cases of irrational panic, Access to Energy gives reasons, not parroted hunches, for its conclusions; and it tells you where you can check them independently.

If you think these reasons are unimportant compared with the political need of distributing research grants and humoring the sham environmentalists, support the efforts of the EPA and the State Department to ban “ozone-destroying” chemicals.  (Not sure I agree here -- David Strumfels.)

If you think corporations can be taxed without passing the tax to the consumer, join Ralph Nader in soaking the rich. (I think he's out of date here.  David Strumfels)

If you are looking for somebody to trust and parrot, get your opinions ready-made from the network newscasters and newspaper analysts, who are mostly trusting and parroting each other.

But if you want to form an opinion by rational conclusion from measured data, subscribe to Access to Energy.

Home-school culture shifting away from religious ties

Home-schooling has risen among secular students in recent years. A 2013 National Center for Education Statistics study showed home-schoolers no longer list religion as their top reason for schooling from home.
Gerry Broome, Associated Press
Eric Peschel and his family have different reasons for home-schooling.
One of his sons was taken out of public school for religious reasons and bullying. Another is taught at home because the public education system wasn't working for Peschel. His daughter was home-schooled too, but "bonding issues" caused the Peschels to put their daughter back into public school.
“Just seeing the difference between what is being taught in public school versus our school, it’s not even close,” Peschel said. “They’re not even close in the vocabulary they’re teaching, the math they’re teaching. It’s off the charts different.”
Though home-schooling has been a historically popular choice for religious conservatives, it's becoming more common among secular students. A National Center for Education Statistics study showed home-schoolers no longer list religion as their top reason for opting out of public or private schools. More than 91 percent see the environment as a reason to home-school, while 64 percent (about 692,299 students) see religion as an important reason to home-school. In 1999, about 327,000 students were home-schooled for religious reasons.
And home-schooling has been on the rise, too. More than a decade ago in 1999, about 850,000 students were home-schooled, which was nearly half of the 1,770,000 home-schooled students reported for the 2011-2012 school year, according to the NCES.
Between bullying worries and lack of belief in the public education system, many parents choose home-schooling to avoid these problems, experts say.
“I’ve seen some remarkable quality educations given to home-school kids in remarkable ways,” said John Edelson, founder and president of Time4Learning, a home-school curriculum organization. “While I see that in public schools, too, parents are a lot more resourceful to give kids quality educations.”
But as home-schooling becomes more popular, it also faces added scrutiny. In Nebraska, the Department of Education is looking to add new stipulations to track attendance for home-schoolers, which requires parents to fill out more paperwork. Other parents worry about the influence Common Core Standards is already having on their ability to shape curriculum to the needs of their children. For many, taking back control of their child's education is a fight that only continues.
A new market
Edelson of Time4Learning said there are three types of home-schoolers: religious people, free thinkers and “accidental home-schoolers,” who are “pragmatically doing what’s best for their kids.”
Because of this, academies that cater to home-schoolers or companies like Time4Learning have to adapt.
Edelson offers students a non-religious curriculum that is part online and part offline. It begins with an opening discussion, then 30 minutes of computer work and 30 minutes of desk work throughout the day.
It's a way of tapping into a new market of virtual home-schoolers, who are on the rise too, Edelson said. Instead of using the traditional method of hiring a home-school teacher, some parents want to enroll their children in an online education system, which they can also do from home, Edelson said.
Jessica Parnell, principal of Bridgeway Home School Academy, which offers curriculum for home-schooling parents, is also marketing itself in new ways by including mainstream and secular curriculums as a way to bring in families who want to avoid religious teachings.
Global Village School, a home-schooling organization that offers online and text-based curriculum, decided to shift its marketing focus in recent months toward secular students due to demand, said Gretchen Buck, the school's manager. She said part of this increased interest in home-schooling is from parents who think their children aren't getting enough attention in public schools.
“We’re not looking to fit all the square pegs in little round holes,” she said of her company's curriculum.
Peschel said public schools also don't have the materials and resources for optimal learning, like textbooks or writing utensils. Sometimes students can't take home a textbook to further develop their understanding, leaving them with less homework and less time to study.
“You want them to learn the material, but the only time they can learn it is when they’re in the class,” Peschel said.
Parnell agreed.
“They’re just not being helped,” Parnell said. “They’re getting passed along."
Another reason for the rise in new home-schoolers is because parents don’t see the traditional classroom setting as helpful for their children, Buck said.
“It doesn’t fit them, and they don’t do well at a traditional desk,” she said.
Parents, then, are taking it upon themselves to start teaching, Parnell said, as they believe they can teach their children better than public school teachers.
"Parents are saying, ‘I want control back,’ ” Parnell said.
In many cases, home-schooling parents will choose to home-school as a “last resort,” Edelson said, when the traditional educational system isn’t working.
“They get all fired up when they get into it and see the possibilities," Edelson said.
Email: Twitter: @hscribner

Deer Trail, Colorado To Vote On Creating Drone-Hunting Licenses

article image    
In what was either a smart marketing ploy to get people excited about the Cyber Monday deals offered by the online company or a demonstration of potentially revolutionary technology, Amazon’s Prime Air video had a lot of people talking over the weekend. 
The residents of Deer Trail, Colorado are not quite excited about the prospect of packages whizzing over their heads on a daily basis. One resident of the town, Philip Steel, explained that a drone in his vicinity would be nothing more than a target for him.
“I would shoot it down, ordinance or no, I would shoot it down. I will shoot it down and go to jail with a smile on my face,” Steel told the National Journal. 
The ordinance to which Steel is referring is his own new law that would allow Deer Trail residents to purchase “$25 drone-hunting licenses,” the Daily Caller reports. 
The text of the proposed ordinance is filled with libertarian paranoia about drone technology, but is written in a distinguished-enough legal text that it appears the residents of Deer Trail are taking it seriously. 
“There shall henceforth exist a legal obligation of all citizens to defend their homes and community from incursions by unmanned aerial vehicles; and Whereas, many Western communities in rural America provide monetary incentives (bounties) for the killing of predators that are injurious to Man and his interests, the Town of Deer Trail likewise establishes hunting licenses and bounties for the killing of unmanned aerial vehicles, in keeping with the Western traditions of sovereignty and freedom,” the ordinance reads.
While the ordinance is extremely reactionary, at least some individuals are questioning the potentially drastic impact a service like Amazon Prime Air could have on society. As of the last census, Deer Trail, Colorado has a population of 561 individuals.

Life originated as a result of natural processes that exploited early Earth's raw materials.

From The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science :

Life originated as a result of natural processes that exploited early Earth's raw materials. Scientific models of life's origins almost always look to minerals for such essential tasks as the synthesis of life's molecular building blocks or the supply of metabolic energy. But this assumes that the mineral species found on Earth today are much the same as they were during Earth's first 550 million years—the Hadean Eon—when life emerged. A new analysis of Hadean mineralogy challenges that assumption. It is published in American Journal of Science.

Read more at:

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sam Harris on Free Will

Wind turbines trash the landscape for the benefit of billionaires

Energy policy is chaotic and incoherent. The myth that wind power is 'free' has driven Britain's politicians mad
Simon Jenkins         

The Guardian,
Illustration: Satoshi Kambayashi
'George Osborne finances a tiny group of extremely wealthy men to let someone else put up wind turbines on their land, or at least he did until Thursday.' Illustration: Satoshi Kambayashi
Is it fair for the chancellor to cut pensions for the poor while offering a million pounds a year to the Duke of Roxburghe for letting the wind blow? Is it fair to offer half a million to the Earl of Moray, a third of a million to the Earl of Glasgow, and a quarter of a million to the Duke of Beaufort, Sir Alastair Gordon Cumming and Sir Reginald Sheffield, the prime minister's father-in-law? Is it fair to promise a reported £1bn to Charles Connell over the next 25 years?
I am not particularly egalitarian. I support austerity in the public finances and accept that this may require a bit of smooth with the rough. But George Osborne is going beyond smooth.
British energy policy is chaotic. It is intellectually incoherent, lurching from fashion to fad with each lurch breeding a pile of taxpayer cash and a carnival of lobbyists out to protect it. Never in the history of public subsidy can so much have been paid by so many to so few.
The chancellor's well-trailed announcement that money for onshore turbines will be cut in favour of offshore is welcome in part, but it makes no sense. While less intrusive on the eye, offshore turbines are even more expensive and inefficient than onshore ones. The bizarre plan to erect 240 down the middle of the Bristol Channel has already been abandoned as uneconomic, despite Osborne's subsidy. The huge East Anglian field may cost billions. It all makes nuclear seem a bargain.
I have sympathy with the wind lobby in one respect. Its members are trying to turn an honest penny and must plan ahead. Just a couple of years ago they were told by wind's most fanatical subsidiser, Chris Huhne, to plan for 10,000 onshore turbines. Contracts were promised. Public money was unlimited. Offshore wind alone would "generate 20,000 British jobs". It was rubbish. The giant Sheringham field is so Norwegian that the country's crown prince was invited to declare it open.
There are almost no British jobs. The German firm Siemens makes most British turbines and sensibly does not rely on British government policy for its investment. It builds on the continent. Its competitor Vestas has pulled the plug on a plant in Kent, and South Korea's Doosan has done likewise in Glasgow. The energy required to mine the turbines' rare minerals and build, import and erect them makes a mockery of their "greenness".
The industry lobby, RenewableUK, on Thursday deplored what it suspected was a "political decision" to cut subsidy, and it was right. The switch reeked of Downing Street's obsession with Ukip, which has shrewdly opposed wind turbines. But an industry that is effectively a state subcontractor must accept such whims. The golden goose would never last.
I have spent two years traipsing Britain in search of the finest views. It is hard to convey the devastating impact of the turbines to those who have not seen them, especially a political elite that never leaves the south-east except for abroad. Fields of these structures are now rising almost everywhere. They are sited irrespective of the wind, since subsidy is paid irrespective of supply, even if there is none. It makes EU agricultural policy a paragon of sanity.
Turbines are to surround Cornwall and stretch along the north Devon coast. They will form a wall off the Dorset shore. They will line Offa's Dyke from Gwent to Shropshire, with a single giant on Clyro Hill looking down the Wye Valley like Rio's Christ the Redeemer. The once desolate Cambrian Mountains are on the way to being an estate of 840 turbines filling views in every direction.
The shires of Northampton, Nottingham and Cambridge are already gathering turbines. Heckington Fen in Lincolnshire may have ones higher than Lincoln cathedral. They are to appear in the Forest of Bowland in Lancashire, in the Brontë country of Yorkshire and on Spurn point off the Humber.
The wildest coastline left in England, in Northumberland, is being flanked by 70 turbines. In Scotland the Roxburghe array of 400 turbines has turned the once lovely Lammermuir Hills into a power station. Inverness and Caithness are to lose their open vistas, as are the Shetlands and the islands off Argyll. Scottish aristocrats have not seen such a turn in fortune since the Highland clearances.
Britain's landscape has never before been subject to such visual transformation. Human hands have always refashioned the country, urban and rural alike, but they have not industrialised its appearance on remotely this scale. Roads, railway lines, quarries, even towns and cities, are inconspicuous compared to wind turbines. Few of Britain's greatest views will be free of the sight of them.
Mostly the gain is footling. Turbines seldom produce their declared capacity. The one that towers over the M4 at Reading generates just 16% of its capacity. What they really generate is money, up to £30,000 a year each in subsidy. The billions poured into wind would have been far better spent – as energy professor Dieter Helm, the consultants KPMG and others have long argued – in pursuing lower emissions through energy efficiency and cleaner carbon.
Yet the myth that wind is "free" has driven politicians mad. They have chased the length and breadth of the land showering quantities of public money on a tiny handful of the rich. Britain's modern landscape is their memorial.

Very Nice Post on Cosmic Rays

This week’s Ask Ethan has a very nice post on cosmic rays, their origins, and how they interact with the Earth.  Recommended reading.

Jensen K, Karch A. Holographic Dual of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Pair has a Wormhole. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013;111(21)

Quoted from Brian Koberlein, Rochestor, NY.

Entanglement is a well-known property of quantum mechanics.  It is perhaps most famously demonstrated through the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) experiment.  Suppose we have a mischievous mutual friend.  She decides to prank us by sending sending each of us one member of a pair of gloves.  She packs each glove in a box and mails one to each of us.  We find out about the prank, so we both know that we’re getting one glove of a pair.  But until either of us open our respective box, neither of us know which glove we have.  Once the box arrives at your door, you open it up, and find you have the left glove.  At that moment you know I must have the right glove.

This is the basic idea of the EPR experiment.  For gloves it isn’t a big deal, because from the get-go the left glove was heading your way.  You just didn’t know you were getting the left glove.  That’s because gloves are not quantum things.  In the quantum regime, things get much more strange.  In quantum theory, things can be in an indefinite state until you observe them.  It would be as if our boxes contained a pair of something (gloves, shoes, salt and pepper shakers, etc.) but it is impossible to know what specific something until one of us opens their box.

In quantum theory we would say the boxes contain a superposition of possible things, and the outcome only becomes definite when the outcome is observed.  Now even though you can’t know what specific object you have, you know that I must have its pair.  So if you open the box to find a red right shoe, you know immediately that I must have a red left shoe.  We both know this without opening the box, so we can say that the outcomes of opening our boxes are entangled.  Knowing the contents of one box tells us the contents of the other.  We’ve actually done this experiment with photons, atoms and the like, and it really works.

Of course this is really hard to wrap your head around.  If I’m thousands of miles away from you, and I open my box to find a salt shaker, I know you must have a pepper shaker.  But your box couldn’t have known that until I opened the box.  How is that possible?  How can the opening of my box instantly affect your box thousands of miles away?  Do the boxes communicate faster than light? (No.)  Is there some secret (hidden variable) so that the boxes know what they will become when observed? (No.)  That is part of what makes entanglement so strange, and the EPR experiment so popular.  The one thing we can say is that entanglement is a very real physical effect in quantum mechanics.  There isn’t anything magical going on, just something we humans find strange.

Wormholes come from general relativity.  Unlike entanglement, there is no experimental evidence for wormholes.  Instead, they are a hypothetical connection between two locations in space.  Normally when people think of wormholes, they think of something out of science fiction ( where people use wormholes to travel to distant stars, but the hypothetical wormholes in general relativity aren’t traversible, nor do they have to be large.

This particular paper is looking at how there might be a connection between wormholes and quantum particles.  This idea isn’t new, in fact the idea that fundamental particles could be wormholes dates back to the 1950s, when John Wheeler proposed a model known as geometrodynamics, where everything was empty space and charged particles were the mouths of wormholes.  Wheeler was an excellent physicist known for coming up with a lot of wild ideas, some of which worked, and some of which didn’t.  In the case of geometrodynamics, it never really worked, and after a while interest faded.

But with the rise of string theory, different versions of the idea have gained some popularity.  Hence this new paper.  What the authors did was to look at a specific case of the EPR experiment, dealing with two quark particles.  What they were able to show is that the entangled quarks can be described in two ways.  The first is the standard way in which entanglement is described in quantum theory, but the second (dual) way is as two particles connected by a wormhole.  Both of these descriptions are equivalent.

Does this mean that entangled particles are wormholes?  No.  What it means is that there is an interesting connection between the mathematics of entanglement and the mathematics of quantum wormholes.  Just to be clear, this has nothing to do with any new experimental evidence.   But it is interesting, because it shows a connection between quantum entanglement and general relativity, and that may lead the way toward a better understanding of quantum gravity.

John Lennon RIP

 Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try
 No hell below us, above us only sky
 Imaginall the people, living for to day. A-ha..
Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too.
Imagine all the people, living for to day. You-u..
 YomasaI'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
 hope some day you'll join us,
 Anthe world will be one
Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people, sharing all the world. You-u..
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one

Philosophy and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Nicholar Joll

"Philosophy and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"

For full details go to the link above.  Sounds utterly fascinating.  I wasn't able to extract any info or pictures to show here.  Another link is  I got the following information:

Nicholas Joll, philosopher


Philosophy  Science fiction  Literature  Humour  SatireInvitingly large red button
‘[A] very readable and mind-expanding collection’ – The Guardian, 8/9/2012 (and online here)


The slides from my Hitchhiker’s Towel Day talk (at Cambridge Central Library, May 25th 2013).


Try and Buy

Buy the Hitchhiker book (in handsome paperback or rather nice e-book) from
Excerpts (try before you buy!)
    1. the book’s front matter (PDF file) including the preface and the contents pages (the latter being separately available as a JPG) (and this whole bundle is the one available via the ‘send to’ link in the sidebar on the right of this page) ©
    2. part of the Introduction (PDF) ©
    3. the book’s index of ‘philosophers, sages, luminaries, and other thinking persons’ (webpage) ©
    4. a larger image of the cover (in a PDF) ©
ILLUSTRATION: The start of Adams's *Restaurant at the End of the Universe* (image hosted by Getting philosophy out of academe

Understanding psychology as a science: an introduction to scientific and statistical inference

Front Cover
An accessible and illuminating exploration of the conceptual basisof scientific and statistical inference and the practical impact this has on conducting psychological research. The book encourages a critical discussion of the different approaches and looks at some of the most important thinkers and their influence.

The VASIMR Plasma Rocket: Bridging the Gap in Space Travel

by on November 22, 2013
Plasma rocket technology was first introduced to the scientific community in 1977 by Franklin Chang Díaz, a Costa Rican scientist and astronaut. The idea has been developed since then and is now at the stage where it can be implemented into future projects. The technology allows for considerably faster space travel than what the technologies currently employed by organizations such as NASA can do.

What is the VASIMR Plasma Rocket?

VASIMR stands for Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket, which makes use of argon gas (one of the most stable gasses known to man) and a renewable source of energy found in space, radio waves in the form of light. The main difference with this type of rocket is being able to use mostly renewable energy in the propulsion system, which gives the rocket a greater lifespan than similar, modern-day rocket technologies. The plasma technology has multiple applications such as the cleaning and coating of surfaces in a plasma coating system at nano-level. The uses of plasma, the 4th state of substances, are just being touched on now with recent advances in science.

The new plasma rocket is able to heat the argon gas, creating the plasma which is then focused out electromagnetically to give the rocket its propulsion. A shield protects the machinery from what is known as electrode erosion, which is a major cause of general wear and tear on a plasma rocket.

VASIMR’s Impact on Space Travel

Over the last 36 years, the various shortcomings of the propulsion system have been ironed out. Problems such as wear and tear as well as the total velocity it can achieve have been improved dramatically. This new form of thrust is said to cut space mission times by up to six times. With the use of the plasma rocket, it will be possible to make quick surveys to other planets or even asteroids that may be on a collision course with Earth.

The thing that excites most scientists about the applications of the new rocket is a mission to Mars. The main problems in previous missions to Mars were that it would take too much fuel to allow the spaceship to reach the red planet and make a return journey. Deep space is another area that opens up to space explorers with the abilities of the plasma rocket. Travels to the areas of space that have remained inaccessible are back in the realm of possibility for scientists. Space debris removal as well as in-space resource recovery are also said to be possible with the new plasma rocket technology. Additionally, the magnetic field created by the rocket is thought to create a protective shell for the spaceship, which would help protect it against the radiation in space.

The 39-Day Mission to Mars

The rocket will allow for a mission to Mars with a travel period of just 39 days, which is almost 6 times faster than current methods. With speeds estimated at 35 miles a second, the rocket system will make quick work of the distance between Earth and Mars. NASA rates a new system on a scale of one to ten based on its readiness to be deployed. The VASIMR system is at a six currently, which means that it is ready to be tested in space. It would seem that it won’t be much longer before the new rocket system is employed in all space missions.
Image: Wikipedia
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The good news and the bad news

 By Jerry A. Coyne, Ph.D

First, first, I'd like to offer some comments.  When I read Coyne's piece below, it didn't just sound like an attack on New Atheism (I am a little foggy about what this is, admittedly, though I do read my Dawkins and Dennet, etc.), but a disguised form of religious apologism.  They believe that religion isn't all so bad, that we (or many of us) do need at least the "good" parts, and that we should keep it in some forms.  New Atheism does sound like religion is a complete scourge on all mankind that should eviscerated from humanity's soul.  If I exaggerate, please correct me, but -- and I speak as a born and raised atheist and nature/science lover, so it would only be an honest mistake on my part -- at least some people give that impression.  To me.

I remember a Facebook(?) question, by Dawkins(?) to the effect that what would the world be like if religion were to completely disappear -- I don't recall if "suddenly" were in there, but treated it as such.  My reply is that the vast masses of humans would be wondering around aimlessly crying,  "Landrew guide us!"  (If you aren't a fan of the original Star Trek series you might not catch the allusion.)  I suspect most people, though certainly not close to all, really do have a deep, one might say throbbing", need for some "heartfelt" guidance and direction and control.  Nor is it merely taught; there is an evolutionary basis for it, albeit reinforced by social upbringing.  So I suppose religion must gradually (and is) diminish very gradually, with still a lot of its pains still to be endured.  Perhaps New Atheism is compatible with this view, I don't know.

Well, I can say more, but without further ado, Jerry Coyne, whose original post is at
First, the bad news—so that you won’t be left fuming after you get both pieces of news. The two “pieces” are pieces of journalism that just appeared.
For some time now, Salon has been publishing pieces excoriating New Atheism, its Horsemen, and other atheists. I’m not sure why this is so, but it’s definitely been noticed.  And its most recent article, “What Hitchens got wrong: Abolishing religion won’t fix anything.” by journalist Sean McElwee, continues the tradition. It’s dreadful, and fails on four counts: it is gratuitous (a postmortem attack on Hitchens—do we need another one?), it says nothing new, it is mean-spirited, and many of its claims are wrong.  Because of that, I won’t dissect it in detail, but we need to see what kind of attacks keep on coming. Here are the main points (indented quotes are from McElwee):
1. New Atheists think that all suffering comes from religion.
The fundamental error in the “New Atheist” dogma is one of logic. The basic premise is something like this:
1. The cause of all human suffering is irrationality
2. Religion is irrational
3. Religion is the cause of all human suffering
That syllogism is obviously wrong, even logically, and we all know it. But who among atheists has said religion causes all human suffering? Name one person!  Our contention is, of course, that it causes a great deal of human suffering, but that some suffering will remain even when religion is gone. That will be caused because some humans are malicious or uncaring, because there are inequities in society, and because some “evil” is simply the workings of nature. But who can deny that areligious societies like Sweden or Denmark have less suffering than, say, Yemen or Saudi Arabia?
2. Hitchens was a hypocrite because he supported a war promulgated by a religious American president.  I kid you not:
But then [in the 2003 Gulf War] Hitchens decided that, in fact, bombing children was no longer so abhorrent, because these wars were no longer neocolonial wars dictated by economics and geopolitics but rather a final Armageddon between the forces of rationality and the forces of religion. The fact that the force of rationality and civilization was lead by a cabal of religious extremists was of no concern for Hitchens.
How many times is Hitchens going to be excoriated for this? Granted, I disagreed with that war, and with Hitchens’s stand, but it’s not the only stand he ever took. Do any people we admire only have opinions we agree with? At any rate, there’s no point in dragging Hitchens around the block for this once again.  And the fact that Bush was religious was irrelevant given Hitchens’s feelings about the Kurds.
3. The problems associated with militant Islam come from politics, not religion.  This contention is so common that it should be given a name. Here’s McElwee’s version:
Is not the best explanation for the Thirty Years’ War more likely political than religious? Might it be better to see jihad as a response to Western colonialism and the upending of Islamic society, rather than the product of religious extremism? The goal of the “New Atheists” is to eliminate centuries of history that Europeans are happy to erase, and render the current conflict as one of reason versus faith rather than what is, exploiter and exploited.
Bernard Lewis writes,
“For vast numbers of Middle Easterners, Western-style economic methods brought poverty, Western-style political institutions brought tyranny, even Western-style warfare brought defeat. It is hardly surprising that so many were willing to listen to voices telling them that the old Islamic ways were best and that their only salvation was to throw aside the pagan innovations of the reformers and return to the True Path that God had prescribed for his people.”
I have to wonder if Hitchens, Dawkins and Harris truly believe that eliminating religion will also make the Islamic world forget about centuries of colonization and deprivation. Without religion, will everyone living in Pakistan shrug off drone strikes and get on with their lives?
First of all, eliminating religion won’t fix the problems of the Middle East, though it will certainly help.  Those problems stem not only from dysfunctional theocratic types of government, but also oppressive dictators (viz., Assad), corruption, and so on. Those factors often have nothing to do with Western oppression.
But they also stem from the issue that Hitchens always singled out as critical in making a society dysfunctional: the economic disempowerment of women. That, of course, is embedded in Muslim doctrine. My own view is that we should argue against religion directly, for one can convert believers and those on the fence, but ultimately one must also try to create a more just and caring world, for it is people’s lack of security and their own dysfunctional situation that makes them religious. And working orking on both fronts has a salubrious feedback effect, for religion itself creates as well as stems from dysfunctional societies. Hitchens, of course, recognized that (I believe he used Marx’s famous “opium of the people” quote), and was doing his bit to oppose dictatorship and foster equality whenever he could.
But the main problem here is that most Islamic violence is directed not at colonialist oppressors, but at other Muslims (e.g., Sunni vs. Shia). Or against Islamic women.  Or it comes from a religiously-motivated hatred of Jews: another religious motivation.  Yes, colonialism plays some role, but if you read Lawrence Wright’s absorbing book The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (highly recommended, and it won a Pulitzer Prize), you’ll see that the origins of Al-Qaeda and its predecessor the Muslim Brotherhood trace back not to colonialism by Western powers, but to resentment of the “secular” government of Egypt and the desire to spread Islam throughout the world. I wish more people who play the “it’s-all-politics” card would read that book!
In fact, McElwee goes further, arguing that:
4. No war was ever about religion; they were all “political.”
Religion has a tendency to reflect political and economic realities. Hitchens, in fact, has made ample use of this Marxist analysis, questioning religious experts whether it was Constantine or the truth of Christ’s words that were largely responsible for its breakneck spread. Constantine was, and his proclivities shaped the church. The doctrine of the Trinity was not decided exclusively by decades of intense debate; the whimsy of Constantine and political maneuvering between by Arius and Athanasius had a significant influence on the outcome.
But if there were no religion, there would be no conflict over the Trinity, regardless of the “political maneuvering” involved! Of course not all wars are religious, and there is always a secular element even when religion is involved, but to deny that religious beliefs motivate internecine conflict and war is to deny reality.
I sometimes wonder if there is anything that would convince people like McElwee that religious beliefs contribute to armed conflict. Or will they always find a way to construe things as “political”? I see that tactic as close to theology in its refusal to accept reality and its obsession with confabulating explanations when reality shows its face. If you waffle hard enough, you can even construe the Inquisition as “political”.
5. Atheists and rationalists don’t understand religion, and promulgate a simplistic caricature of it. McElwee quotes the odious Terry Eagleton on this point:
Similarly, within the church there are modernizers and reformers working to quash the Church’s excesses, no Hitchens, Dawkins or Harris needed. Terry Eagleton writes,
“Card-carrying rationalists like Dawkins, who is the nearest thing to a professional atheist we have had since Bertrand Russell, are in one sense the least well-equipped to understand what they castigate, since they don’t believe there is anything there to be understood, or at least anything worth understanding. This is why they invariably come up with vulgar caricatures of religious faith that would make a first-year theology student wince. The more they detest religion, the more ill-informed their criticisms of it tend to be. If they were asked to pass judgment on phenomenology or the geopolitics of South Asia, they would no doubt bone up on the question as assiduously as they could. When it comes to theology, however, any shoddy old travesty will pass muster.”
What McElwee ignores is that many, many atheists were once fervent believers, and understand religion very well. Think of the atheists who were once preachers or fervent Christians: Dan Barker, Jerry DeWitt, Bart Ehrman, John Loftus, Eric MacDonald, and so on. Did those people fail to understand religion? I don’t think so. And many readers of this site have testified to—”witnessed,” as it were—their former deep immersion in religion. (I should also note the recent survey that showed that UK Christians knew less about their faith than did UK atheists).
And why do you have to be a believer to criticize religion? Do you have to be a Nazi to criticize Nazism, or a segregationist to understand and efface the evils of segregation? It seems to me that being an outsider gives one a certain advantage, at least in seeing and publicizing the harms of religion. Those in the asylum are often blinded to their delusion. And, at any rate, we have a distinguished roll of former religionists who are plenty well equipped “to understand what they castigate.”
That bit of obtuseness leads McElwee to his last inane conclusion:
6.  Atheists should shut up about religion because change is best made by the believers themselves.  Yes, that’s what he says:
Of course, I’m entirely aware of the problems in modern American Christianity. I have written an essay excoriating what I see as the false Christianity. But any critique of religion that can be made from the outside (by atheists) can be made more persuasively from within religion. For instance, it would hardly be the theologian’s job to point out that, according to The Economist, “Too many of the findings that fill the academic ether are the result of shoddy experiments or poor analysis. A rule of thumb among biotechnology venture-capitalists is that half of published research cannot be replicated.” I’m sure scientists are well aware of the problem and working to rectify it. Similarly, within the church there are modernizers and reformers working to quash the Church’s excesses, no Hitchens, Dawkins or Harris needed.
This is nonsense.  First of all, nearly all pressure to reform churches comes not from religion or church doctrine itself, but from secular movements outside the church that affect believers. I am absolutely convinced, for instance, that some churches’ acceptance of gays and women’s equality comes from social movements outside of religion. That kind of secular pressure is needed if any reform is to take place.
But, most important, “insiders” aren’t working to reform the most invidious forms of faith.  How many Catholics in the Vatican are undermining its doctrines about sex, divorce, the sinfulness of gays, and the prohibition of birth control? Answer: none that I know of.  How many Muslims in Saudi Arabia and Iran are working to dismantle the pernicious doctrines of Islam? Are we supposed to sit back and let the Vatican fix Catholicism? If so, then we’ll wait a long time!
If McElwee lived in Nazi Germany, he’d probably tell us: “Look, Rommel and von Stauffenberg are working to bring down Hitler. Call off the U.S. and British troops, call off the French Resistance, because any critique of Nazism made from the outside can be made more persuasively by members of the Nazi Party.”
The fact is that the “reform” of religion will occur much faster with pressure from nonbelievers, for many forms of faith have no motivation for changing.  And you don’t have to be a believer to see the harm.  If I were offered a plate of dog feces to eat, I wouldn’t be persuaded by the argument, “You can’t know whether it’s bad until you’ve eaten a lot of dog crap.”
McElwee goes on to espouse a form of NOMA, arguing that we need religion to tell us about the meaning of being human and how to live the good life, and that religion shouldn’t intrude on science. He’s right about the second part but not the first. Religion doesn’t have any more credibility about the meaning of life, and the best way to live  than the exertions of secular, humanistic philosophy in telling us how to live. In fact, religion is the worst guide for life, because it relies on faith rather than reason.
I see I’ve written too much again. But this stuff just keeps coming, and will continue, I suppose, until the memory of Hitchens has faded.

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