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Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Freshwater biology
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oxsjön, a lake in Sweden. Freshwater biology focuses on environments like lakes.A pond in the Oconee River Floodplain in Georgia, whose surface is covered in duckweed but still contains fish.
Freshwater biology is the scientificbiological study of freshwater ecosystems and is a branch of limnology.
This field seeks to understand the relationships between living
organisms in their physical environment. These physical environments may
include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, or wetlands. Knowledge from this discipline is also widely used in industrial processes to make use of biological processes involved with sewage treatment and water purification.
Water presence and flow is an essential aspect to species distribution
and influences when and where species interact in freshwater
Freshwater biology is also used to study the effects of climate change and increased human impact on both aquatic systems and wider ecosystems. Freshwater organisms, vertebrates especially, appear to be at a higher extinction risk from climate change than terrestrial or marine organisms.
Freshwater habitats
Freshwater habitats support a wide variety of organisms with habitats including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands.
Rivers and streams
water is a type of freshwater habitat that mainly consists of rivers
and streams. Running, fast-moving waters have a higher oxygen content,
allowing different species to thrive and making pollution easier to
combat. Running water is an open system, meaning it is not isolate and exchanges matter and energy with other systems.
Being an open system, a lot of organic matter found in running water is
from land runoff or further sediment upstream and this matter is an
important source of food for many species. Flowing bodies of water begin
at the headwaters, which include springs, lakes, and snowmelt, and
travel to their mouths, typically another moving water channel or the
The characteristics of the streams and rivers change throughout their
journey from the source to the mouth. For example, the water at the
source is clearer, has a higher oxygen content, lower temperatures, and
heterotrophs common species. In the middle, the width usually expands
and the species diversity increases due to temperature and oxygen
content changes, including aquatic green plants and algae. The water at
the mouth has a lower oxygen concentration and is murkier due to the
sediment that has been collected and traveled along the length of the
river or stream. This increased sediment decreases the amount of light
that is able to penetrate the water and there is less diversity of flora
and the lower oxygen lowers the diversity of fauna.
The riparian zone
is the area along a riverbank or streambank that is home to vital, high
moisture plants. These plants create a buffer between the land and the
running water system, protecting it from pollution and flooding.
Additionally, these plants provide a large habitat for many wetland
species, a large number of which are endangered or threatened. Lastly,
riparian plants shade the water from sunlight, reducing the heat stress
on the water and aquatic life, while also providing nutrients in the
form of organic matter.
Lakes and ponds
water is a type of freshwater habitat that mainly consists of lakes and
ponds. This habitat has limited species diversity because they are
isolated from one another and other water systems, unlike running water. Standing water experiences the process of stratification, which is when water is layered due to the oxygen content.
Stratification does not occur in running water because of the fast
moving water that mixes water with varying oxygen content together. The
topmost layer has the most oxygen and as depth increases, the oxygen
Stratification can be physically felt in the temperature of the water,
as the uppermost layer of water is warmer than deeper water because it
has been heated by the sun.
Standing water can be divided into three zones based on depth and distance from shore. The littoral zone is the uppermost layer and the warmest water found in lakes and ponds, as the sun directly heats is.
This zone hosts the most biodiversity in standing water, with a wide
variety of organisms found here, vital to the health of the ecosystem
and an important aspect of the diet of organisms in the habitat, like algae, aquatic plants, clams, insects, fish, crustaceans, and amphibians. The limnetic zone
is found below the littoral zone. This zone has lower temperatures, is
fairly well-lit, and is occupied by a smaller variety of organisms,
including phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish.
The plankton found in this zone play a crucial role in the food web of
the habitat and support the diet of many important organisms. The
deepest zone is the profundal zone, with very little light, colder temperatures, and higher density than the previous layers.
When plankton die they fall into this layer and provide nutrients to
the fauna that live in this layer. These faunas are called heterotrophs,
meaning they eat dead organisms and use oxygen for cellular
respiration, resulting in lower oxygen content in the profundal zone.
The thermocline is the transitionary zone between the warm, surface water and the deeper water at a cooler temperature.
The limited mixing and movement of water that occurs in standing water
occurs at the thermocline. The mixing of the layers of water in standing
water mostly comes from seasonal overturn. During the fall and spring,
there is a mixing of layers usually due to wind that circulates oxygen
and creates a more uniform temperature throughout the water system.
The shore zone is the transitional zone between the water systems and
land, similar to the riparian zone seen in running water systems.
This area functions in much the same way as the riparian zone, the
plants protecting the water from pollution, flooding, and heat stress,
while also providing nutrients and habitats for aquatic and wetland
are a specific type of standing water habitats that include marshes,
swamps, and bogs. Due to the waterlogged and submerged nature of the
land, the anaerobic conditions of wetlands are unique and support the
highest species diversity of all ecosystems.
Wetlands slow the decomposition of organic matter, creating layers of
rich organic material that provides important nutrients for species in
the system. The fauna that reside in wetlands are called hydrophytes,
meaning they are adapted to very moist and humid conditions.
Wetlands are the home to a large number of bird, amphibian, insect,
reptile, grass, and tree species that cannot inhabit any other system,
making them at risk to endangerment, as wetlands are being destroyed for
urban development and agriculture.
Wetlands help combat pollution and climate change, as they filter
pollutants and store a large amount of carbon from the biosphere in
their moist soil and still water, despite the small amount of land they
occupy. Additionally, wetlands provide flood and storm protection, as
the system can absorb large amounts of excess water. Wetland's ability to absorb water also assists groundwater recharge,
which is very important for human water use, as usable freshwater
sources are dwindling. Wetlands are not only freshwater habitats and
systems, as there are salt marshes and bogs that support different species.
The most common cause of water pollution is stormwater runoff from developed areas, like pavement and rooftops. Stormwater runoff is moving rain and snowmelt that has not been absorbed.
The impervious surfaces used in domestic and urban construction replace
soil that used to absorb stormwater, increasing the amount of runoff
traveling farther distances. This excess runoff can collect pollutants
as it eventually makes its way into streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands,
and even aquifers, polluting important freshwater ecosystems and usable
water. Additionally, increased flooding and erosion can be caused by the increased stormwater runoff.
Pollution of flowing water
and streams drain water that falls on upland areas, and this moving
water dissolves pollutants at a faster rate than standing water.
However, due to the high production and placement of pollutants in
these moving waters, the waters become polluted faster than the
pollutant dilution rate, leading to over polluted rivers and streams.
All three of the major contributors to pollution – industry,
agriculture, and cities – are commonly found along moving waters, adding
to the over-pollution of rivers and streams.
Just the knowledge that fast moving waters can dilute pollutants has
encouraged even more pollution, further adding to the pollution issue.
Another issue contributing to the destruction of rivers and streams is
the physical alteration of these moving waters, mainly in the form of
dams, diversion of water, channel alteration, and land development.
These alterations affect water temperature, water flow patterns, and
increase sediment, destroying important habitat conditions for many
aquatic organisms and reducing water quality.
An area of contention regarding the pollution of streams and
rivers is the concept that the pollution upstream affects the people
A factory’s waste upstream may contaminate someone’s drinking water
downstream. This especially becomes an issue with bodies of moving water
that border multiple countries or states, as what one country or state
does upstream can drastically affect what the downstream country or
state is able to do.
Pollution of standing water
and ponds experience much of the same pollution as rivers and streams,
but are polluted at a quicker rate due to slower moving waters, no water
flow outlets, and amount of water.
Standing water circulates much less than moving waters, with the deeper
water layers only moving during seasonal changes twice a year.
Lakes and ponds are basins into which running water usually flows and
accumulates, meaning that the pollutants also accumulate with no outlet.
Lakes and ponds contain less water than most rivers and streams,
meaning smaller lakes and ponds are polluted at faster rates.
Eutrophication is the process of abundant plant growth, a dominating threat to standing waters.
If chemical nutrients for aquatic plant growth that were previously
limited become available, plant populations will increase rapidly. This
excessive plant population growth decreases the oxygen content of the
water, and other aquatic life suffocates. Human waste often contains
these chemical nutrients, like phosphorus in fertilizers, and in
combination with the poor water circulation in standing waters, causes
pollution and organism depletion.
Much of the pollution issues that affect ponds and lakes also affect
wetlands, as the water circulation of wetlands is also slow.
Groundwater pollution and depletion
water is where groundwater is being expressed, with wetlands being the
largest examples of the water table being near or at the surface. The
water found in freshwater habitats are the combination of surface flow,
precipitation, and groundwater expression.
This relationship between groundwater and surface water means that
groundwater pollution affects surface freshwater pollution as well.
According to an Environmental Protection Agency survey, about a
quarter of the United States’ usable groundwater is contaminated.
Groundwater is the only source of drinking water for about half of the
United States.
As human populations increase and industrialize, the demand for
groundwater is increasing, but the pollution of groundwater is also
increasing. The pollution of groundwater is easy to achieve due to the
slow circulation of water, even slower than that of lakes and ponds. The
water must navigate through small holes in the aquifer rock, moving on
average only a couple of inches each day.
The rate of groundwater recharge is the time it takes for groundwater
to replenish itself and extremely slow, leading to water shortages, as
humans remove water from aquifers faster than the rate of recharge.
Due to such slow circulation of water, groundwater can remain polluted
for decades, as the natural purification processes are so slow.
Limnology includes the study of the drainage basin, movement of
water through the basin and biogeochemical changes that occur en route. A
more recent sub-discipline of limnology, termed landscape limnology, studies, manages, and seeks to conserve these ecosystems using a landscape perspective, by explicitly examining connections between an aquatic ecosystem and its drainage basin. Recently, the need to understand global inland waters as part of the Earth system created a sub-discipline called global limnology. This approach considers processes in inland waters on a global scale, like the role of inland aquatic ecosystems in global biogeochemical cycles.
Limnology is closely related to aquatic ecology and hydrobiology,
which study aquatic organisms and their interactions with the abiotic
(non-living) environment. While limnology has substantial overlap with
freshwater-focused disciplines (e.g., freshwater biology), it also includes the study of inland salt lakes.
properties of aquatic ecosystems are determined by a combination of
heat, currents, waves and other seasonal distributions of environmental
conditions. The morphometry
of a body of water depends on the type of feature (such as a lake,
river, stream, wetland, estuary etc.) and the structure of the earth
surrounding the body of water. Lakes, for instance, are classified by their formation, and zones of lakes are defined by water depth. River and stream system morphometry is driven by underlying geology of the area as well as the general velocity of the water.
Stream morphometry is also influenced by topography (especially slope)
as well as precipitation patterns and other factors such as vegetation
and land development. Connectivity between streams and lakes relates to
the landscape drainage density, lake surface area and lake shape.
Other types of aquatic systems which fall within the study of limnology are estuaries. Estuaries are bodies of water classified by the interaction of a river and the ocean or sea. Wetlands
vary in size, shape, and pattern however the most common types,
marshes, bogs and swamps, often fluctuate between containing shallow,
freshwater and being dry depending on the time of year.
The volume and quality of water in underground aquifers rely on the
vegetation cover, which fosters recharge and aids in maintaining water
Light interactions
Light zonation is the concept of how the amount of sunlight penetration into water influences the structure of a body of water.
These zones define various levels of productivity within an aquatic
ecosystems such as a lake. For instance, the depth of the water column
which sunlight is able to penetrate and where most plant life is able to
grow is known as the photic or euphotic
zone. The rest of the water column which is deeper and does not receive
sufficient amounts of sunlight for plant growth is known as the aphotic zone.
The amount of solar energy present underwater and the spectral quality
of the light that are present at various depths have a significant
impact on the behavior of many aquatic organisms. For example,
zooplankton's vertical migration is influenced by solar energy levels.
Thermal stratification
Similar to light zonation, thermal stratification
or thermal zonation is a way of grouping parts of the water body within
an aquatic system based on the temperature of different lake layers.
The less turbid the water, the more light is able to penetrate, and thus heat is conveyed deeper in the water.
Heating declines exponentially with depth in the water column, so the
water will be warmest near the surface but progressively cooler as
moving downwards. There are three main sections that define thermal
stratification in a lake. The epilimnion
is closest to the water surface and absorbs long- and shortwave
radiation to warm the water surface. During cooler months, wind shear
can contribute to cooling of the water surface. The thermocline is an area within the water column where water temperatures rapidly decrease. The bottom layer is the hypolimnion, which tends to have the coldest water because its depth restricts sunlight from reaching it.
In temperate lakes, fall-season cooling of surface water results in
turnover of the water column, where the thermocline is disrupted, and
the lake temperature profile becomes more uniform. In cold climates,
when water cools below 4oC (the temperature of maximum density) many lakes can experience an inverse thermal stratification in winter. These lakes are often dimictic, with a brief spring overturn in addition to longer fall overturn. The relative thermal resistance is the energy needed to mix these strata of different temperatures.
Lake Heat Budget
An annual heat budget, also shown as θa,
is the total amount of heat needed to raise the water from its minimum
winter temperature to its maximum summer temperature. This can be
calculated by integrating the area of the lake at each depth interval (Az) multiplied by the difference between the summer (θsz) and winter (θwz) temperatures or Az(θsz-θwz)
Chemical properties
The chemical composition of water in aquatic ecosystems is influenced by natural characteristics and processes including precipitation, underlying soil and bedrock in the drainage basin, erosion, evaporation, and sedimentation. All bodies of water have a certain composition of both organic and inorganic
elements and compounds. Biological reactions also affect the chemical
properties of water. In addition to natural processes, human activities
strongly influence the chemical composition of aquatic systems and their
water quality.
Allochthonous sources of carbon or nutrients come from
outside the aquatic system (such as plant and soil material). Carbon
sources from within the system, such as algae and the microbial
breakdown of aquatic particulate organic carbon, are autochthonous. In aquatic food webs, the portion of biomass derived from allochthonous material is then named "allochthony".
In streams and small lakes, allochthonous sources of carbon are
dominant while in large lakes and the ocean, autochthonous sources
Oxygen and carbon dioxide
Dissolved oxygen and dissolved carbon dioxide are often discussed together due their coupled role in respiration and photosynthesis.
Dissolved oxygen concentrations can be altered by physical, chemical,
and biological processes and reaction. Physical processes including wind
mixing can increase dissolved oxygen concentrations, particularly in
surface waters of aquatic ecosystems. Because dissolved oxygen
solubility is linked to water temperatures, changes in temperature
affect dissolved oxygen concentrations as warmer water has a lower
capacity to "hold" oxygen as colder water. Biologically, both photosynthesis and aerobic respiration affect dissolved oxygen concentrations. Photosynthesis by autotrophic organisms, such as phytoplankton and aquatic algae,
increases dissolved oxygen concentrations while simultaneously reducing
carbon dioxide concentrations, since carbon dioxide is taken up during
photosynthesis. All aerobic organisms
in the aquatic environment take up dissolved oxygen during aerobic
respiration, while carbon dioxide is released as a byproduct of this
reaction. Because photosynthesis is light-limited, both photosynthesis
and respiration occur during the daylight hours, while only respiration occurs during dark
hours or in dark portions of an ecosystem. The balance between
dissolved oxygen production and consumption is calculated as the aquatic metabolism rate.
cross-sectional diagram of the factors influencing lake metabolic rates
and concentration of dissolved gases within lakes. Processes in gold
text consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide while processes in green
text produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide.
Vertical changes in the concentrations of dissolved oxygen are
affected by both wind mixing of surface waters and the balance between
photosynthesis and respiration of organic matter.
These vertical changes, known as profiles, are based on similar
principles as thermal stratification and light penetration. As light
availability decreases deeper in the water column, photosynthesis rates
also decrease, and less dissolved oxygen is produced. This means that
dissolved oxygen concentrations generally decrease as you move deeper
into the body of water because of photosynthesis is not replenishing
dissolved oxygen that is being taken up through respiration.
During periods of thermal stratification, water density gradients
prevent oxygen-rich surface waters from mixing with deeper waters.
Prolonged periods of stratification can result in the depletion of
bottom-water dissolved oxygen; when dissolved oxygen concentrations are
below 2 milligrams per liter, waters are considered hypoxic. When dissolved oxygen concentrations are approximately 0 milligrams per liter, conditions are anoxic.
Both hypoxic and anoxic waters reduce available habitat for organisms
that respire oxygen, and contribute to changes in other chemical
reactions in the water.
Nitrogen and phosphorus
Nitrogen and phosphorus are ecologically significant nutrients in aquatic systems. Nitrogen is generally present as a gas in aquatic ecosystems however most water quality studies tend to focus on nitrate, nitrite and ammonia levels. Most of these dissolved nitrogen compounds follow a seasonal pattern with greater concentrations in the fall and winter months compared to the spring and summer.
Phosphorus has a different role in aquatic ecosystems as it is a
limiting factor in the growth of phytoplankton because of generally low
concentrations in the water.
Dissolved phosphorus is also crucial to all living things, is often
very limiting to primary productivity in freshwater, and has its own
distinctive ecosystem cycling.
"are relatively easy to sample, because they have clear-cut boundaries
(compared to terrestrial ecosystems) and because field experiments are
relatively easy to perform.", which make then especially useful for
ecologists who try to understand ecological dynamics.
Lake trophic classification
One way to classify lakes (or other bodies of water) is with the trophic state index. An oligotrophic lake is characterized by relatively low levels of primary production and low levels of nutrients. A eutrophic lake has high levels of primary productivity due to very high nutrient levels. Eutrophication of a lake can lead to algal blooms. Dystrophic lakes have high levels of humic matter and typically have yellow-brown, tea-coloured waters.
These categories do not have rigid specifications; the classification
system can be seen as more of a spectrum encompassing the various levels
of aquatic productivity.
Tropical limnology
limnology is a unique and important subfield of limnology that focuses
on the distinct physical, chemical, biological, and cultural aspects of
freshwater systems in tropical regions. The physical and chemical properties of tropical aquatic environments are different from those in temperate regions, with warmer and more stable temperatures, higher nutrient levels, and more complex ecological interactions. Moreover, the biodiversity
of tropical freshwater systems is typically higher, human impacts are
often more severe, and there are important cultural and socioeconomic
factors that influence the use and management of these systems.