A young House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) exhibits Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep.
Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep (USWS) is sleep where
one half of the brain rests while the other half remains alert. This is
in contrast to normal sleep where both eyes are shut and both halves of
the brain show unconsciousness. In USWS, also known as asymmetric slow-wave sleep, one half of the brain is in deep sleep, a form of non-rapid eye movement sleep and the eye corresponding to this half is closed while the other eye remains open. When examined by low-voltage electroencephalography (EEG), the characteristic slow-wave sleep tracings are seen from one side while the other side shows a characteristic tracing of wakefulness. The phenomenon has been observed in a number of terrestrial, aquatic and avian species.
Unique physiology, including the differential release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, has been linked to the phenomenon.
USWS offers a number of benefits, including the ability to rest in
areas of high predation or during long migratory flights. The behaviour
remains an important research topic because USWS is possibly the first
animal behaviour which uses different regions of the brain to
simultaneously control sleep and wakefulness. The greatest theoretical importance of USWS is its potential role in elucidating the function of sleep
by challenging various current notions. Researchers have looked to
animals exhibiting USWS to determine if sleep must be essential;
otherwise, species exhibiting USWS would have eliminated the behaviour
altogether through evolution.
The amount of time spent sleeping during the unihemispheric
slow-wave stage is considerably inferior to the bilateral slow-wave
sleep. In the past, aquatic animals, such as dolphins and seals, had to
regularly surface in order to breathe and regulate body temperature. USWS might have been generated by the need of getting simultaneously these vital activities in addition to sleep.
Despite the reduced sleep quantity, species having USWS do not
present limits at a behavioral or healthy level. Cetaceans, such as
dolphins, show a preserved health as well as great memory skills.
Indeed, cetaceans, seals and birds compensate for the lack of complete
sleep thanks to their efficient immune system, brain plasticity, thermoregulation and restoration of brain energy metabolism.
Polysomnogram demonstrating slow-wave sleep.
High amplitude EEG is highlighted in red.
Slow-wave sleep
(SWS), also known as Stage 3, is characterized by a lack of movement
and difficulty of arousal. Slow-wave sleep occurring in both hemispheres
is referred to as bihemispheric slow-wave sleep (BSWS) and is common
among most animals. Slow-wave sleep contrasts with rapid eye movement sleep (REM), which can only occur simultaneously in both hemispheres.
In most animals, slow-wave sleep is characterized by high amplitude,
low frequency EEG readings. This is also known as the desynchronized
state of the brain, or deep sleep.
In USWS, only one hemisphere exhibits the deep sleep EEG while
the other hemisphere exhibits an EEG typical of wakefulness with a low
amplitude and high frequency. There also exist instances in which
hemispheres are in transitional stages of sleep, but they have not been
the subject of study due to their ambiguous nature. USWS represents the first known behavior in which one part of the brain controls sleep while another part controls wakefulness.
Generally, when the whole amount of sleeping of each hemisphere
is summed, both hemispheres get equal amounts of USWS. However, when
every single session is taken into account, a large asymmetry of USWS
episodes can be observed. This information suggests that at one time the
neural circuit is more active in one hemisphere than on the other one
and vice versa the following time.
According to Fuller,
awakening is characterized by high activity of neural groups that
promote awakening: they activate the cortex as well as subcortical
structures and simultaneously inhibit neural groups which promotes
sleep. Therefore, sleep is defined by the opposite mechanism. It can be
assumed, that cetaceans show a similar structure, but the neural groups
are stimulated according to the need of each hemisphere. So, neural
mechanisms that promote sleep are predominant in the sleeping
hemisphere, while the ones that promote awakening are more active in the
non-sleeping hemisphere.
Role of acetylcholine
Due to the origin of USWS in the brain, neurotransmitters are believed to be involved in its regulation. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine
has been linked to hemispheric activation in northern fur seals.
Researchers studied seals in controlled environments by observing
behaviour as well as through surgically implanted EEG electrodes.
Acetylcholine is released in nearly the same amounts per hemisphere in
bilateral slow-wave sleep. However, in USWS, the maximal release of the
cortical acetylcholine neurotransmitter is lateralized to the hemisphere
exhibiting an EEG trace resembling wakefulness. The hemisphere
exhibiting SWS is marked by the minimal release of acetylcholine. This
model of acetylcholine release has been further discovered in additional
species such as the bottlenose dolphin.
Eye opening
domestic chicks and other species of birds exhibiting USWS, one eye
remained open contra-lateral (on the opposite side) to the "awake"
hemisphere. The closed eye was shown to be opposite the hemisphere
engaging in slow-wave sleep. Learning tasks, such as those including
predator recognition, demonstrated the open eye could be preferential. This has also been shown to be the favored behavior of belugas, although inconsistencies have arisen directly relating the sleeping hemisphere and open eye.
Keeping one eye open aids birds in engaging in USWS while mid-flight as
well as helping them observe predators in their vicinity.
Given that USWS is preserved also in blind animals or during a
lack of visual stimuli, it cannot be considered as a consequence of
keeping an eye open while sleeping. Furthermore, the open eye in
dolphins does not forcibly activate the contralateral hemisphere.
Although unilateral vision plays a considerable role in keeping active
the contralateral hemisphere, it is not the motive power of USWS.
Consequently, USWS might be generated by endogenous mechanisms.
temperature has been shown to drop when a sleeping EEG is exhibited in
one or both hemispheres. This decrease in temperature has been linked to
a method to thermoregulate and conserve energy while maintaining the
vigilance of USWS. The thermoregulation has been demonstrated in dolphins and is believed to be conserved among species exhibiting USWS.
Anatomical variations
Smaller corpus callosum
USWS requires hemispheric separation to isolate the cerebral hemispheres enough to ensure that the one can engage in SWS while the other is awake. The corpus callosum is the anatomical structure in the mammalian brain which allows for interhemispheric communication. Cetaceans
have been observed to have a smaller corpus callosum when compared to
other mammals. Similarly, birds lack a corpus callosum altogether and
have only few, means of interhemispheric connections. Other evidence
contradicts this potential role; sagittal transsections
of the corpus callosum have been found to result in strictly
bihemispheric sleep. As a result, it seems this anatomical difference,
though well correlated, does not directly explain the existence of USWS.
Noradrenergic diffuse modulatory system variations
promising method of identifying the neuroanatomical structures
responsible for USWS is continuing comparisons of brains that exhibit
USWS with those that do not. Some studies have shown induced
asynchronous SWS in non-USWS-exhibiting animals as a result of sagittal
transactions of subcortical regions, including the lower brainstem, while leaving the corpus callosum intact. Other comparisons found that mammals exhibiting USWS have a larger posterior commissure and increased decussation of ascending fibres from the locus coeruleus in the brainstem. This is consistent with the fact that one form for neuromodulation,
the noradrenergic diffuse modulatory system present in the locus
coeruleus, is involved in regulating arousal, attention, and sleep-wake
During USWS the proportion of noradrenergic secretion is
asymmetric. It is indeed high in the awaken hemisphere and low in the
sleeping one. The continuous discharge of noradrenergic neurons
stimulates heat production: the awake hemisphere of dolphins shows a
higher, but stable, temperature. On the contrary, the sleeping
hemisphere reports a slightly lower temperature compared to the other
hemisphere. According to researchers, the difference in hemispheric
temperatures may play a role in shifting between the SWS and awaken
Complete crossing of the optic nerve
Complete crossing (decussation) of the nerves at the optic chiasm
in birds has also stimulated research. Complete decussation of the
optic tract has been seen as a method of ensuring the open eye strictly
activates the contralateral
hemisphere. Some evidence indicates that this alone is not enough as
blindness would theoretically prevent USWS if retinal nerve stimuli were
the sole player. However, USWS is still exhibited in blinded birds
despite the absence of visual input.
species of birds and marine mammals have advantages due to their
unihemispheric slow-wave sleep capability, including, but not limited
to, increased ability to evade potential predators and the ability to
sleep during migration. Unihemispheric sleep allows visual vigilance of
the environment, preservation of movement, and in cetaceans, control of
the respiratory system.
Adaptation to high-risk predation
species of birds are able to detect approaching predators during
unihemispheric slow-wave sleep. During the flight, birds maintain visual
vigilance by utilizing USWS and by keeping one eye open. The
utilization of unihemispheric slow-wave sleep by avian species is
directly proportional to the risk of predation. In other words, the
usage of USWS of certain species of birds increases as the risk of
predation increases.
Survival of the fittest adaptation
evolution of both cetaceans and birds may have involved some mechanisms
for the purpose of increasing the likelihood of avoiding predators.
Certain species, especially of birds, that acquired the ability to
perform unihemispheric slow-wave sleep had an advantage and were more
likely to escape their potential predators over other species that
lacked the ability.
Regulation based on surroundings
can sleep more efficiently with both hemispheres sleeping
simultaneously (bihemispheric slow-wave sleep) when in safe conditions,
but will increase the usage of USWS if they are in a potentially more
dangerous environment. It is more beneficial to sleep using both
hemispheres; however, the positives of unihemispheric slow-wave sleep
prevail over its negatives under extreme conditions. While in
unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, birds will sleep with one open eye
towards the direction from which predators are more likely to approach.
When birds do this in a flock, it's called the "group edge effect".
The mallard
is one bird that has been used experimentally to illustrate the "group
edge effect". Birds positioned at the edge of the flock are most alert,
scanning often for predators. These birds are more at risk than the
birds in the center of the flock and are required to be on the lookout
for both their own safety and the safety of the group as a whole. They
have been observed spending more time in unihemispheric slow-wave sleep
than the birds in the center. Since USWS allows for the one eye to be
open, the cerebral hemisphere that undergoes slow-wave sleep varies
depending on the position of the bird relative to the rest of the flock.
If the bird's left side is facing outward, the left hemisphere will be
in slow-wave sleep; if the bird's right side is facing outward, the
right hemisphere will be in slow-wave sleep. This is because the eyes
are contra-lateral to the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.
The open eye of the bird is always directed towards the outside of the
group, in the direction from which predators could potentially attack.
Surfacing for air and pod cohesion
slow-wave sleep seems to allow the simultaneous sleeping and surfacing
to breathe of aquatic mammals including both dolphins and seals.
Bottlenose dolphins are one specific species of cetaceans that have
been proven experimentally to use USWS in order to maintain both
swimming patterns and the surfacing for air while sleeping.
In addition, a reversed version of the "group edge effect" has
been observed in pods of Pacific white-sided dolphins. Dolphins swimming
on the left side of the pod has their right eyes open while dolphins
swimming on the right side of the pod have their left eyes open. Unlike
in some species of birds, the open eyes of these cetaceans are facing
the inside of the group, not the outside. The dangers of possible
predation do not play a significant role during USWS in Pacific
white-sided dolphins. It has been suggested that this species utilizes
this reversed version of the "group edge effect" in order to maintain
pod formation and cohesion while maintaining unihemispheric slow-wave
Rest during long bird flights
migrating, birds may undergo unihemispheric slow-wave sleep in order to
simultaneously sleep and visually navigate flight. Certain species may
thus avoid a need to make frequent stops along the way. Certain bird
species are more likely to utilize USWS during soaring flight, but it is
possible for birds to undergo USWS in flapping flight as well. Much is
still unknown about the usage of unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, since
the inter-hemispheric EEG asymmetry that is viewed in idle birds may not
be equivalent to that of birds that are flying.
Species exhibiting USWS
Although humans show reduced left-hemisphere delta waves during slow-wave sleep in an unfamiliar bedchamber, this is not wakeful alertness of USWS, which is impossible in humans.
Aquatic mammals
Of all the cetacean species, USWS has been found to be exhibited in the following species
- Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
- Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucus)
- Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates)
- Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
- Pilot whale (Globicephala scammoni)
- Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
Though pinnipeds
are capable of sleeping on either land or water, it has been found that
pinnipeds that exhibit USWS do so at a higher rate while sleeping in
water. Though no USWS has been observed in true seals, four different species of eared seals have been found to exhibit USWS including
- Northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus)
- Significant research has been done illustrating that the northern fur seal can alternate between BSWS and USWS depending on its location while sleeping. While on land, 69% of all SWS is present bilaterally; however, when sleep takes place in water, 68% of all SWS is found with interhemispheric EEG asymmetry, indicating USWS.
- Southern sea lion (Otari bryonia)
- Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus)
In the final order of aquatic mammals, sirenia, experiments have only exhibited USWS in the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis).
Common swift
The common swift (Apus apus)
was the best candidate for research aimed at determining whether or not
birds exhibiting USWS can sleep in flight. The selection of the common
swift as a model stemmed from observations elucidating the fact that
the common swift left its nest at night, only returning in the early
morning. Still, evidence for USWS is strictly circumstantial and based
on the notion that if swifts must sleep to survive, they must do so via
aerial roosting as little time is spent sleeping in a nest.
Multiple other species of birds have also been found to exhibit USWS including
- Common blackbird (Turdus merula)
- Domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus),
- Glaucous-winged gull (Larus glaucescens)
- Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
- Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).
- Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus),
- Orange-fronted parakeet (Aratinga canicularis)
- Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
- White-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii)
Future research
Recent studies have illustrated that the white-crowned sparrow, as well as other passerines,
have the capability of sleeping most significantly during the migratory
season while in flight. However, the sleep patterns in this study were
observed during migratory restlessness in captivity and might not be
analogous to those of free-flying birds. Free-flying birds might be
able to spend some time sleeping while in non-migratory flight as well
when in the unobstructed sky as opposed to in controlled captive
conditions. To truly determine if birds can sleep in flight, recordings
of brain activity must take place during flight instead of after
landing. A method of recording brain activity in pigeons during flight has recently proven promising in that it could obtain an EEG
of each hemisphere but for relatively short periods of time. Coupled
with simulated wind tunnels in a controlled setting, these new methods
of measuring brain activity could elucidate the truth behind whether or
not birds sleep during flight.
Additionally, based on research elucidating the role of
acetylcholine in control of USWS, additional neurotransmitters are being
researched to understand their roles in the asymmetric sleep model.