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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

An Open Letter to "Duck Dynasty" and Supporters

Posted: 12/23/2013 8:43 am                                                                                                     

Last week two members of the all-woman band "Pussy Riot" were being freed from prison after serving over a year because they had the audacity to peacefully protest the Russian government and its oppressive policies.

That would never happen in this country. What we call--and you yell--"Freedom of Speech" is meant to protect the right of any citizen to say whatever they wish (within reason of public safety) without repercussions from the government.

Though it's certainly a heated debate, the spirit of freedom of speech is in protecting the opinion of the minority on an issue--whether that be a minority of background or population or power. It's meant to give everyone the chance to voice their opinion.

And although your opinion on homosexuality is now in the minority in this country, your privilege as straight folks to say things that perpetuate dangerous myths and hatred has helped keep in place laws that treat those in the LGBT community as second class citizens.

The First Amendment ONLY guarantees the government can't oppress you for your opinions, it does not dictate to private entities what they can and cannot do in regards to the words that come out of your mouth.

So, when you say stupid shit like "I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once." or "whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?" or literally compare non-Christians to Nazis, a private company like A&E has every right to can your ass, regardless of who does and does not agree with them.

Further, I've noticed a strange absence of that much-heralded "let the free market do its job" commentary that was so prevalent when folks were boycotting Chick-fil-A for their anti-gay bigotry. Now, that A&E has literally made a decision in response to the market, you're crying foul. What happened to capitalism being a driving force for social equality?

You absolutely have freedom of speech, but you do not have the right to a guaranteed audience or freedom from criticism or freedom from private sector consequences.

So, please take your duck whistles and complaints to the nearest Chick-fil-A and let the rest of us celebrate the triumph of the human spirit and actual bravery in free speech with those folks from Pussy Riot.
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