No gun
no shootings
it's as simple as that.
No guns no dead kids by guns
No guns no Sandyhook
No guns no New Orleans
No guns no Aurora
No guns no Zimmermans
No guns no Navy Yard
No guns no Chicago
No guns no Next
No guns no 30,000 deaths by gunshot each and every year.
No guns no hundreds of dead kids by gunshot each and every year
No guns no 200,000 thousand wounded by gunshot each and every year.
No guns no millions upon millions of other people traumatized for life by gunshots each and every year.
No guns no billions of wasted taxpayers dollars in the criminal justice, emergency service and healthcare systems, etc. each and every year.
No guns, no NRA and no American 2nd amendment jihadist to threaten us with armed violence and rebellion each and every year.
No guns and no law abiding citizens ready to hit the floor at the sound of a balloon popping in a mall,
Office, airport or theater near you.
No guns no police on hair trigger alert over reacting and gunning down unarmed citizens.
No guns no children traumatized and fearful for their lives at every school lockdown and drill.
Before one of you gun owning threats to public health and safety Brings up cars, knives, bats, kiddy pools, etc... If you can't tell the between difference between a gun... a car, a knife, a bat and a kiddie pool etc., you should not be allowed to have any one them...
Before any of you gun toting threats to public health and safety starts spouting off about self protection... It is the other law abiding citizens and their children who need protection from you and your gun.
The American people are rightfully getting fed up being considered collateral damage to your need to be able to shoot and kill someone or something, real or imagined, now or in some fanatasized future.
The only sane movement is the movement to repeal the second amendment on the basis it is a threat public health safety and is now a threat to the Constituion and civil society itself.
The only sane the policy is completely disarming all the 75-100 million gun owners.
Before one of you gun toting threats to public health and safety start wrapping yourselves in the the flag as defenders of freedom and democracy... There are free, thriving, peoples living in healthy and democratic societies in countries all over the world that don't need a gun... to gain, or keep, their rights or their freedom.
As a matter of fact America is the prime example that gun ownership niether defends, gains or prevents the loss of freedoms.
300 millions guns in the hands of 200 million haven't guaranteed or secured one single right.
Ralph Nader alone has secured and extended more civil, consumer and human rights than all the gunowners and their 300 million guns combined for the past 50 years.
Union organizers have secured and ensured more rights and benefits for the American people in the past 100 years than all the gun owners and their 300 million guns combined.
The ACLU has protected and ensured the rights of more Americans than all the gun owners and their 300 million guns have even dreamed about for the past 200 years.
Time to end the fantasy and the oxymoron of a "Responsible" gunowner. The only responsible gun owner is the one who gives their guns as a public service to to advance of a safe and secure society.
Time to repeal the second Amendment. Time disarm voluntarily or involuntarily.
A Medley of Potpourri is just what it says; various thoughts, opinions, ruminations, and contemplations on a variety of subjects.
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