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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Friends of Science ask NASA to Revise 97% Consensus Statements on Climate Change and Global Warming

Friends of Science today sent a letter to Charles Bolden, Chief Administrator, asking NASA to revise the consensus claim on the climate change section of NASA’s web-site which the Friends say is misleading. Friends of Science state that their research reveals there has never been a valid consensus study of scientists on climate change and the three polls cited by NASA in fact show that only 1-3% of some climate scientists agree with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change definition of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming.

Doran & Zimmerman (2009) only assessed 79 scientists out of 3,146 respondents, asking two opinion questions about what should be an empirical, scientific topic 
Calgary, Alberta (PRWEB) March 03, 2015 
Original link:
Friends of Science Society is expressing alarm that President Barack Obama’s “Call out the Climate Change Deniers” web-site page is referencing what the Friends say is a non-existent 97% consensus.
They have sent a letter to Charles Bolden, Chief Administrator of NASA, asking him to revise this claim on the NASA web-site, wherein the 97% figure is drawn from a footnoted reference to three surveys. Friends of Science Society's research paper reveals the 97% claim is unsupported by evidence - “97% Consensus? NO! Global Warming Math Myths and Social Proofs.” Friends of Science note that citizens frequently refer to the NASA web-site as proof of a 97% consensus.

The alleged 97% scientific consensus on human-caused global warming is often cited as the justification for the imposition of carbon taxes and extreme climate change or greenhouse gas reduction targets as reported by The Guardian, May 16, 2013.

While many scientists can agree that human activities affect climate, there is vast disagreement about the scope of impact, the factors - such as carbon dioxide, deforestation, black carbon, or land disturbance - and to what extent humans can mitigate impact, or if it is even necessary, as evidenced by the 2008 US Senate Minority Report on Global Warming that cites some 650 scientists as dissenting on various aspects of the theory of human-caused global warming. Many refuted the impact of carbon dioxide (CO2).

A new Kindle book "Climate Change: The Facts" outlines some dissenting perspectives.

"The Neglected Sun: How the Sun Precludes Climate Catastrophe" by respected German industrialist and scientists Fritz Vahrenholt and Sebastien Luning explore solar influences on climate change.

Numerous peer-reviewed papers on solar influences on climate are posted by Club du Soleil
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The NASA Climate Change website refers to three separate studies as evidence of the alleged consensus, but Friends of Science says that their research reveals that none of these studies support the claim and no significant numbers of scientists have been surveyed on empirical questions to make such a claim.

According to a 2014 Congressional Research Study entitled “The US Science and Engineering Workforce," ...“In 2012, there were 6.2 million scientists and engineers (as defined in this report) employed in the United States” with some 4% or 248,000 working in the physical sciences.
Friends of Science says their review of the alleged ‘consensus’ surveys reveals manipulations of statistics, inconsistent terminology and definitions.

The Oreskes (2004) survey, reported in Science Magazine Dec. 3, 2004, claimed 75% and a “remarkable lack of disagreement” by the other 25% in the abstracts she reviewed. Peiser (2005) re-ran her survey and found only 1.2% or 13 scientists out of 1,117 agreed with the IPCC human-caused global warming declaration. At least 470 papers expressed no position on AGW whatsoever.
Doran & Zimmerman (2009) only assessed 79 scientists out of 3,146 respondents, asking two opinion questions about what should be an empirical, scientific topic. Many scientists refused to participate and dozens sent emails protesting the survey design, which can be read in the original thesis by M.K. Zimmerman.

In Anderegg et al (2010), only 66% of 1,372 climate scientists agreed with the IPCC 2007 declaration.

A more recent ‘consensus’ survey, not on NASA’s site, is also flawed, says Friends of Science, referring to their own study and a report in Forbes on May 30, 2013.

Friends of Science Society holds the position that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not human activity or CO2.

Friends of Science have spent a decade reviewing a broad spectrum of literature on climate change and have concluded the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2). The core group of the Friends of Science is made up of a growing group of Earth, atmospheric, astrophysical scientists and engineers who volunteer their time and resources to educate the public.
Friends of Science Society
P.O. Box 23167, Mission P.O.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2S 3B1
Toll-free Telephone: 1-888-789-9597
E-mail: contact(at)friendsofscience(dot)org


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