Original link: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/348/6234/571.full
+ Author Affiliations
- ↵*Corresponding author. E-mail: mark.urban@uconn.edu
Current predictions of extinction risks
from climate change vary widely depending on the specific assumptions
and geographic
and taxonomic focus of each study. I synthesized
published studies in order to estimate a global mean extinction rate
determine which factors contribute the greatest
uncertainty to climate change–induced extinction risks. Results suggest
extinction risks will accelerate with future
global temperatures, threatening up to one in six species under current
Extinction risks were highest in South America,
Australia, and New Zealand, and risks did not vary by taxonomic group.
assumptions about extinction debt and dispersal
capacity substantially increased extinction risks. We urgently need to
strategies that limit further climate change if
we are to avoid an acceleration of global extinctions.
To provide a more comprehensive and
consistent analysis of predicted extinction risks from climate change, I
performed a meta-analysis
of 131 published predictions (table S1). I focused
on multispecies studies so as to exclude potential biases in
studies. I estimated the global proportion of
species threatened in a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
meta-analysis that incorporated variation among and
within studies (5) and with each study weighted by sample size (6).
I evaluated how extinction risk varied depending on future global
temperature increases, taxonomic groups, geographic regions,
endemism, modeling techniques, dispersal
assumptions, and extinction thresholds. I used credible intervals (CIs)
that do not
overlap with zero and a deviance information
criterion (DIC) greater than four to assess statistical support for
The majority of studies estimated correlations
between current distributions and climate so as to predict suitable
under future climates. A smaller number of studies
determined extinction risks by using process-based models of physiology
or demography (15%), species-area relationships
(5%), or expert opinion (4%). Species were predicted to become extinct
their range fell below a minimum threshold. An
important caveat is that most of these models ignore many factors
thought to
be important in determining future extinction risks
such as species interactions, dispersal differences, and evolution.
Overall, 7.9% of species are predicted to become extinct from climate change; (95% CIs, 6.2 and 9.8) (Fig. 1). Results were robust to model type, weighting scheme, statistical method, potential publication bias, and missing studies
(fig. S1 and table S2) (6). This proportion supports an estimate from a 5-year synthesis of studies (7). Its divergence from individual studies (1–4) can be explained by their specific assumptions and taxonomic and geographic foci. These differences provide the opportunity
to understand how divergent factors and assumptions influence extinction risk from climate change.
Fig. 1
Histogram of percent extinction risks from climate change for 131 studies.
extinction risk refers to the predicted percent of species extinctions
in each study, averaged across all model assumptions.
The meta-analysis estimated mean with 95% CIs
is also shown.
The factor that best explained variation
in extinction risk was the level of future climate change. The future
global extinction
risk from climate change is predicted not only to
increase but to accelerate as global temperatures rise (regression
= 0.53; CIs, 0.46 and 0.61) (Fig. 2). Global extinction risks increase from 2.8% at present to 5.2% at the international policy target of a 2°C post-industrial
rise, which most experts believe is no longer achievable (8).
If the Earth warms to 3°C, the extinction risk rises to 8.5%. If we
follow our current, business-as-usual trajectory [representative
concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5; 4.3°C rise],
climate change threatens one in six species (16%). Results were robust
to alternative
data transformations and were bracketed by models
with liberal and conservative extinction thresholds (figs. S2 and S3 and
table S3).
Fig. 2
Predicted extinction risks from climate change accelerate with global temperature rise.
The gray band indicates 95% CIs. Preindustrial rise was calculated by using standard methods (27). Circles indicate posterior means with area proportional to log10 sample size (bottom left, key). Extinction risks for four scenarios are provided: the current postindustrial temperature
rise of 0.8°C (5), the policy target of 2°C, and RCPs 6.0 and 8.5.
Regions also differed significantly in extinction risk (ΔDIC = 12.6) (Fig. 3
and table S4). North America and Europe were characterized by the
lowest risks (5 and 6%, respectively), and South America
(23%) and Australia and New Zealand (14%) were
characterized by the highest risks. These latter regions face no-analog
(9) and harbor diverse assemblages of endemic species with small ranges. Extinction risks in Australia and New Zealand are further
exacerbated by small land masses that limit shifts to new habitat (10).
Poorly studied regions might face higher risks, but insights are
limited without more research (for example, only four
studies in Asian ). Currently, most predictions
(60%) center on North America and Europe, suggesting a need to refocus
toward less studied and more threatened regions.
Fig. 3
Predicted extinction risks from climate change differ by region.
The highest
risks characterized South America, Australia, and New Zealand (14 to
23%), and the lowest risks characterized
North America and Europe (5 to 6%). Colors
indicate relative risk. Bar graphs with 95% CIs and number of studies (n) are displayed.
Endemic species with smaller ranges and certain taxonomic groups such as amphibians and reptiles are predicted to face greater
extinction risks (11, 12).
I estimated that endemic species face a 6% greater extinction risk
relative to models that include both species endemic
and nonendemic to the study region (ΔDIC = 8.3).
Extinction risks also rose faster with preindustrial temperature rise
models with endemic species (ΔDIC = 8.2) (fig. S4).
In contrast to predictions, extinction risks did not vary significantly
by taxonomic group (ΔDIC = 0.7) (Fig. 4). One explanation is that trait variation at finer taxonomic scales might play a more important role in modulating extinction
risks (13). Also, typical approaches for quantifying extinction risks likely do not capture the full range of differences among taxonomic
Fig. 4
Predicted extinction risks from climate change depend on model characteristics.
The asterisk
indicates model support (ΔDIC > 4) for each factor separately, and
number of studies is included in parentheses.
Categories within each factor are listed in
order of increasing extinction risk. The gray vertical reference line
mean overall extinction risk. Bars represent
95% CIs.
Key model assumptions altered predictions of future extinction risk. For instance, extinction debts occur when species decline
to the point that they are committed to extinction, but not yet extinct (14).
Studies differed in how much habitat loss was assumed to commit a
species to extinction, commonly applying habitat loss
thresholds of 100, 95, and 80%. Extinction
thresholds were second only to expected climate change in explaining
variable extinction
risks. Decreasing the extinction threshold from
100% (no extinction debt) to 80% increased risk from 5 to 15% (ΔDIC =
(Fig. 4),
and lower thresholds increased the rise in extinction risk with future
temperatures (interaction ΔDIC = 5.9) (fig. S2).
The applicability of these thresholds will depend
on species-specific characteristics such as generation time and initial
population size. We urgently need to understand how
range reductions determine future extinction risk better in order to
accurately both the number and timing of future
extinctions (15).
Species must disperse into newly suitable habitats as fast as climates shift across landscapes (16, 17).
Modelers variously assume no dispersal, dispersal only into contiguous
habitats, dispersal based on each species’ ability,
or universal dispersal regardless of distance or
ability. Modelers usually assume no dispersal and universal dispersal
presume that the true value lies between these
extremes. I found that assumptions about dispersal significantly
affected extinction
risks (ΔDIC = 68.5) (Fig. 4).
Species-specific dispersal increased extinction risk from 6%, assuming
universal dispersal to 10%. Assuming no dispersal
increased risk further to 12%. Extinction risks
increase more rapidly with temperature rise assuming no- and
dispersal (interaction ΔDIC = 6.1) (fig. S5).
Incorporating more realistic species-specific dispersal abilities
resulted in
extinction risks midway between the no- and
universal-dispersal assumptions as expected.
Modelers apply different techniques to
predict future extinctions, ranging from correlations between current
and climate (species distribution, niche, or
climate envelope models) to sophisticated mechanistic models. I found
only a
marginal effect of modeling technique on extinction
risk (ΔDIC = 3.4). The largest extinction risks originated from results
based on species-area relationships (22%) and
expert opinion (18%). The lowest risks originated from mechanistic (8%)
species distribution models (7%). Species-area
models explicitly incorporate an extinction debt and also can
extinction risks because of a sampling artifact (18).
The high risk associated with expert opinion could stem from a broader
biological understanding, more pessimistic outlook,
or greater uncertainty when translating qualitative
indicators into quantitative classifications of extinction risk.
Here, I provide a global assessment of
climate change–induced extinction risks and the factors that influence
them. However,
I emphasize that extinction risks are likely much
smaller than the total number of species influenced by climate change.
species not threatened directly by extinction could
experience substantial changes in abundances, distributions, and
interactions, which in turn could affect ecosystems
and their services to humans (19). Already, changes in species’ phenologies, range margins, and abundances are evident (20, 21). Extinctions, although still uncommon, are increasingly attributed to climate change (22).
At the same time, we must cautiously
interpret the predictions underlying this meta-analysis. The majority of
studies extrapolate
correlations between current climate and species
distributions to novel conditions and omit important biological
including species interactions, evolution,
landscape dispersal barriers, habitat degradation, and intraspecific
trait variation
(23). Depending on the mechanism, its consideration can either increase or decrease predicted risks. For instance, evolution
can decrease extinction risks by allowing populations to adapt to changing climates (24), whereas anthropogenic landscape barriers can increase risks by limiting dispersal into newly suitable habitats (25). Next-generation models for estimating extinction risks should incorporate these factors in order to increase biological
realism and therefore the accuracy of future predictions.
In 1981, Hansen and colleagues predicted that the signal of global climate change would soon emerge from the stochastic noise
of weather (26).
Thirty years later, we are reaching a similar threshold for the effects
of climate change on biodiversity. Extinction risks
from climate change are expected not only to
increase but to accelerate for every degree rise in global temperatures.
signal of climate change–induced extinctions will
become increasingly apparent if we do not act now to limit future