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Monday, October 29, 2018
Generalized coordinates
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In analytical mechanics, specifically the study of the rigid body dynamics of multibody systems, the term generalized coordinates refers to the parameters that describe the configuration of the system
relative to some reference configuration. These parameters must
uniquely define the configuration of the system relative to the
reference configuration. This is done assuming that this can be done with a single chart. The generalized velocities are the time derivatives of the generalized coordinates of the system.
An example of a generalized coordinate is the angle that locates a
point moving on a circle. The adjective "generalized" distinguishes
these parameters from the traditional use of the term coordinate to
refer to Cartesian coordinates: for example, describing the location of the point on the circle using x and y coordinates.
Although there may be many choices for generalized coordinates
for a physical system, parameters which are convenient are usually
selected for the specification of the configuration of the system and
which make the solution of its equations of motion
easier. If these parameters are independent of one another, the number
of independent generalized coordinates is defined by the number of degrees of freedom of the system.
Constraints and degrees of freedom
Open straight path
Open curved path F(x, y) = 0
Closed curved path C(x, y) = 0
generalized coordinate (one degree of freedom) on paths in 2D. Only one
generalized coordinate is needed to uniquely specify positions on the
curve. In these examples, that variable is either arc length s or angle θ. Having both of the Cartesian coordinates (x, y) are unnecessary since either x or y is related to the other by the equations of the curves. They can also be parameterized by s or θ.
Open curved path F(x, y) = 0. Multiple intersections of radius with path.
Closed curved path C(x, y) = 0. Self-intersection of path.
The arc length s along the curve is a legitimate generalized coordinate since the position is uniquely determined, but the angle θ is not since there are multiple positions for a single value of θ.
Generalized coordinates are usually selected to provide the minimum
number of independent coordinates that define the configuration of a
system, which simplifies the formulation of Lagrange's equations of motion. However, it can also occur that a useful set of generalized coordinates may be dependent, which means that they are related by one or more constraint equations.
Holonomic constraints
Closed curved surface S(x, y, z) = 0
Two generalized coordinates, two degrees of freedom, on curved surfaces in 3d. Only two numbers (u, v) are needed to specify the points on the curve, one possibility is shown for each case. The full three Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) are not necessary because any two determines the third according to the equations of the curves.
Any of the position vectors can be denoted rk where k = 1, 2, ..., N labels the particles. A holonomic constraint is a constraint equation of the form for particle k
which connects all the 3 spatial coordinates of that particle
together, so they are not independent. The constraint may change with
time, so time t will appear explicitly in the constraint equations. At any instant of time, when t is a constant, any one coordinate will be determined from the other coordinates, e.g. if xk and zk are given, then so is yk. One constraint equation counts as one constraint. If there are C constraints, each has an equation, so there will be C
constraint equations. There is not necessarily one constraint equation
for each particle, and if there are no constraints on the system then
there are no constraint equations.
So far, the configuration of the system is defined by 3N quantities, but C coordinates can be eliminated, one coordinate from each constraint equation. The number of independent coordinates is n = 3N − C. (In D dimensions, the original configuration would need ND coordinates, and the reduction by constraints means n = ND − C).
It is ideal to use the minimum number of coordinates needed to define
the configuration of the entire system, while taking advantage of the
constraints on the system. These quantities are known as generalized coordinates in this context, denoted qj(t). It is convenient to collect them into an n-tuple
which is a point in the configuration space
of the system. They are all independent of one other, and each is a
function of time. Geometrically they can be lengths along straight
lines, or arc lengths along curves, or angles; not necessarily Cartesian coordinates or other standard orthogonal coordinates. There is one for each degree of freedom, so the number of generalized coordinates equals the number of degrees of freedom, n.
A degree of freedom corresponds to one quantity that changes the
configuration of the system, for example the angle of a pendulum, or the
arc length traversed by a bead along a wire.
If it is possible to find from the constraints as many
independent variables as there are degrees of freedom, these can be used
as generalized coordinates The position vector rk of particle k is a function of all the n generalized coordinates and time
and the generalized coordinates can be thought of as parameters associated with the constraint.
(each dot over a quantity indicates one time derivative). The velocity vector vk is the total derivative of rk with respect to time
and so generally depends on the generalized velocities and
coordinates. Since we are free to specify the initial values of the
generalized coordinates and velocities separately, the generalized
coordinates qj and velocities dqj/dt can be treated as independent variables.
Non-holonomic constraints
mechanical system can involve constraints on both the generalized
coordinates and their derivatives. Constraints of this type are known as
non-holonomic. First-order non-holonomic constraints have the form
An example of such a constraint is a rolling wheel or knife-edge that
constrains the direction of the velocity vector. Non-holonomic
constraints can also involve next-order derivatives such as generalized
Physical quantities in generalized coordinates
Kinetic energy
The total kinetic energy of the system is the energy of the system's motion, defined as
in which · is the dot product. The kinetic energy is a function only of the velocities vk, not the coordinates rk themselves. By contrast an important observation is,
which illustrates the kinetic energy is in general a function of the
generalized velocities, coordinates, and time if the constraint also
varies with time, so T = T(q, dq/dt, t).
In the case the constraint on the particle is time-independent,
then all partial derivatives with respect to time are zero, and the
kinetic energy has no time-dependence and is a homogeneous function of degree 2 in the generalized velocities,
Still for the time-independent case, this expression is equivalent to taking the line element squared of the trajectory for particle k,
and dividing by the square differential in time, dt2, to obtain the velocity squared of particle k.
Thus for time-independent constraints it is sufficient to know the line
element to quickly obtain the kinetic energy of particles and hence the
It is instructive to see the various cases of polar coordinates in 2d and 3d, owing to their frequent appearance. In 2d polar coordinates (r, θ),
The generalized momentum "canonically conjugate to" the coordinate qi is defined by
If the Lagrangian L does not depend on some coordinate qi, then it follows from the Euler–Lagrange equations that the corresponding generalized momentum will be a conserved quantity, because the time derivative is zero implying the momentum is a constant of the motion;
Bead on a wire
Bead constrained to move on a frictionless wire. The wire exerts a reaction force C on the bead to keep it on the wire. The non-constraint force N in this case is gravity. Notice the initial position of the wire can lead to different motions.
For a bead sliding on a frictionless wire subject only to gravity in
2d space, the constraint on the bead can be stated in the form f(r) = 0, where the position of the bead can be written r = (x(s), y(s)), in which s is a parameter, the arc lengths along the curve from some point on the wire. This is a suitable choice of generalized coordinate for the system. Only one coordinate is needed instead of two, because the position of the bead can be parameterized by one number, s, and the constraint equation connects the two coordinates x and y;
either one is determined from the other. The constraint force is the
reaction force the wire exerts on the bead to keep it on the wire, and
the non-constraint applied force is gravity acting on the bead.
Suppose the wire changes its shape with time, by flexing. Then
the constraint equation and position of the particle are respectively
which now both depend on time t due to the changing coordinates as the wire changes its shape. Notice time appears implicitly via the coordinates and explicitly in the constraint equations.
Simple pendulum
Simple pendulum. Since the rod is rigid, the position of the bob is constrained according to the equation f(x, y) = 0, the constraint force C is the tension in the rod. Again the non-constraint force N in this case is gravity.
Dynamic model of a simple pendulum.
The relationship between the use of generalized coordinates and
Cartesian coordinates to characterize the movement of a mechanical
system can be illustrated by considering the constrained dynamics of a
simple pendulum.
A simple pendulum
consists of a mass M hanging from a pivot point so that it is
constrained to move on a circle of radius L. The position of the mass
is defined by the coordinate vector r=(x, y) measured in the
plane of the circle such that y is in the vertical direction. The
coordinates x and y are related by the equation of the circle
that constrains the movement of M. This equation also provides a constraint on the velocity components,
Now introduce the parameter θ, that defines the angular position of M
from the vertical direction. It can be used to define the coordinates x
and y, such that
The use of θ to define the configuration of this system avoids the constraint provided by the equation of the circle.
Notice that the force of gravity acting on the mass m is formulated in the usual Cartesian coordinates,
where g is the acceleration of gravity.
The virtual work of gravity on the mass m as it follows the trajectory r is given by
The variation δr can be computed in terms of the coordinates x and y, or in terms of the parameter θ,
Thus, the virtual work is given by
Notice that the coefficient of δy is the y-component of the applied
force. In the same way, the coefficient of δθ is known as the generalized force along generalized coordinate θ, given by
To complete the analysis consider the kinetic energy T of the mass, using the velocity,
Using the parameter θ, those equations take the form
which becomes,
This formulation yields one equation because there is a single parameter and no constraint equation.
This shows that the parameter θ is a generalized coordinate that
can be used in the same way as the Cartesian coordinates x and y to
analyze the pendulum.
The benefits of generalized coordinates become apparent with the analysis of a double pendulum.
For the two masses mi, i=1, 2, let ri=(xi, yi), i=1, 2 define their two trajectories. These vectors satisfy the two constraint equations,
The formulation of Lagrange's equations for this system yields six equations in the four Cartesian coordinates xi, yi i=1, 2 and the two Lagrange multipliers λi, i=1, 2 that arise from the two constraint equations.
Now introduce the generalized coordinates θi i=1,2 that define the angular position of each mass of the double pendulum from the vertical direction. In this case, we have
The force of gravity acting on the masses is given by,
where g is the acceleration of gravity. Therefore, the virtual work
of gravity on the two masses as they follow the trajectories ri, i=1,2 is given by
The use of the generalized coordinates θi i=1, 2 provides an alternative to the Cartesian formulation of the dynamics of the double pendulum.
Spherical pendulum
Spherical pendulum: angles and velocities.
For a 3d example, a spherical pendulum with constant length l free to swing in any angular direction subject to gravity, the constraint on the pendulum bob can be stated in the form
where the position of the pendulum bob can be written
in which (θ, φ) are the spherical polar angles because the bob moves in the surface of a sphere. The position r is measured along the suspension point to the bob, here treated as a point particle. A logical choice of generalized coordinates to describe the motion are the angles (θ, φ).
Only two coordinates are needed instead of three, because the position
of the bob can be parameterized by two numbers, and the constraint
equation connects the three coordinates x, y, z so any one of them is determined from the other two.
Generalized coordinates and virtual work
The principle of virtual work
states that if a system is in static equilibrium, the virtual work of
the applied forces is zero for all virtual movements of the system from
this state, that is, δW=0 for any variation δr.
When formulated in terms of generalized coordinates, this is
equivalent to the requirement that the generalized forces for any
virtual displacement are zero, that is Fi=0.
Let the forces on the system be Fj, j=1, ..., m be applied to points with Cartesian coordinates rj, j=1,..., m, then the virtual work generated by a virtual displacement from the equilibrium position is given by
where δrj, j=1, ..., m denote the virtual displacements of each point in the body.
Now assume that each δrj depends on the generalized coordinates qi, i=1, ..., n, then
The n terms
are the generalized forces acting on the system. Kane shows that these generalized forces can also be formulated in terms of the ratio of time derivatives,
where vj is the velocity of the point of application of the force Fj.
In order for the virtual work to be zero for an arbitrary virtual
displacement, each of the generalized forces must be zero, that is