Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice. Nurses practice in many specialties with differing levels of prescription authority. Many nurses provide care within the ordering scope of physicians, and this traditional role has shaped the public image of nurses as care providers. However, nurse practitioners are permitted by most jurisdictions to practice independently in a variety of settings. Since the postwar period, nurse education has undergone a process of diversification towards advanced and specialized credentials, and many of the traditional regulations and provider roles are changing.
Nurses develop a plan of care, working collaboratively with physicians, therapists, the patient, the patient's family and other team members, that focuses on treating illness to improve quality of life. In the United States and the United Kingdom, advanced practice nurses, such as clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners, diagnose health problems and prescribe medications and other therapies, depending on individual state regulations. Nurses may help coordinate the patient care performed by other members of a multidisciplinary health care team such as therapists, medical practitioners and dietitians. Nurses provide care both interdependently, for example, with physicians, and independently as nursing professionals.
Nursing historians face the challenge of determining whether care provided to the sick or injured in antiquity was nursing care. In the fifth century BC, for example, the Hippocratic Collection in places describes skilled care and observation of patients by male "attendants," who may have been early nurses. Around 600 BC in India, it is recorded in Sushruta Samhita,
Book 3, Chapter V about the role of the nurse as "the different parts
or members of the body as mentioned before including the skin, cannot be
correctly described by one who is not well versed in anatomy. Hence,
any one desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of anatomy should
prepare a dead body and carefully, observe, by dissecting it, and
examine its different parts."
Before the foundation of modern nursing, members of religious orders such as nuns and monks often provided nursing-like care. Examples exist in Christian, Islamic, and Buddhist traditions amongst others. Phoebe, mentioned in Romans 16 has been described in many sources as "the first visiting nurse". These traditions were influential in the development of the ethos of modern nursing. The religious roots of modern nursing remain in evidence today in many countries. One example in the United Kingdom is the use of the historical title "sister" to refer to a senior nurse in the past.
During the Reformation of the 16th century, Protestant
reformers shut down the monasteries and convents, allowing a few
hundred municipal hospices to remain in operation in northern Europe.
Those nuns who had been serving as nurses were given pensions or told to
get married and stay home.
Nursing care went to the inexperienced as traditional caretakers,
rooted in the Roman Catholic Church, were removed from their positions.
The nursing profession suffered a major setback for approximately 200
19th century
Florence Nightingale
was an influential figure in the development of modern nursing. No
uniform had been created when Nightingale was employed during the Crimean War.
Often considered the first nurse theorist, Nightingale linked health
with five environmental factors:(1) pure or fresh air, (2) pure water,
(3) efficient drainage, (4) cleanliness, and (5) light, especially
direct sun light. Deficiencies in these five factors resulted in lack of
health or illness. Both the role of nursing and education were first defined by Nightingale.
Florence Nightingale laid the foundations of professional nursing after the Crimean War. Her Notes on Nursing (1859) became popular. The Nightingale model of professional education, having set up the first school of nursing
that is connected to a continuously operating hospital and medical
school, spread widely in Europe and North America after 1870. Nightingale was also a pioneer of the graphical presentation of statistical data.
Other important nurses in the development of the profession include:
- Agnes Hunt from Shropshire was the first orthopedic nurse and was pivotal in the emergence of the orthopedic hospital The Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Hospital in Oswestry, Shropshire.
- Agnes Jones, who established a nurse training regime at the Brownlow Hill infirmary, Liverpool, in 1865.
- Linda Richards, who established quality nursing schools in the United States and Japan, and was officially the first professionally trained nurse in the US, graduating in 1873 from the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston.
- Clarissa Harlowe "Clara" Barton, a pioneer American teacher, patent clerk, nurse, and humanitarian, and the founder of the American Red Cross.
- Saint Marianne Cope, a Sister of St. Francis who opened and operated some of the first general hospitals in the United States, instituting cleanliness standards which influenced the development of America's modern hospital system.
Catholic orders such as Little Sisters of the Poor, Sisters of Mercy, Sisters of St. Mary, St. Francis Health Services, Inc. and Sisters of Charity built hospitals and provided nursing services during this period. In turn, the modern deaconess movement began in Germany in 1836. Within a half century, there were over 5,000 deaconesses in Europe.
Formal use of nurses in the modern military began in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Nurses saw active duty in the First Boer War, the Egyptian Campaign (1882), and the Sudan Campaign (1883).
20th century
A recruiting poster for Australian nurses from World War I
Hospital-based training came to the fore in the early 1900s, with an
emphasis on practical experience. The Nightingale-style school began to
disappear. Hospitals and physicians saw women in nursing as a source of
free or inexpensive labor. Exploitation of nurses was not uncommon by
employers, physicians, and educational providers.
Many nurses saw active duty in World War I, but the profession was transformed during the second World War. British nurses of the Army Nursing Service were part of every overseas campaign. More nurses volunteered for service in the US Army and Navy than any other occupation. The Nazis had their own Brown Nurses, 40,000 strong. Two dozen German Red Cross nurses were awarded the Iron Cross for heroism under fire.
The modern era saw the development of undergraduate and post-graduate nursing degrees. Advancement of nursing research and a desire for association and organization led to the formation of a wide variety of professional organizations and academic journals. Growing recognition of nursing as a distinct academic discipline was accompanied by an awareness of the need to define the theoretical basis for practice.
In the 19th and early 20th century, nursing was considered a
women's profession, just as doctoring was a men's profession. With
increasing expectations of workplace equality during the late 20th
century, nursing became an officially gender-neutral profession, though in practice the percentage of male nurses remains well below that of female physicians in the early 21st century.
nursing practice varies both through its various specialties and
countries, these nursing organizations offer the following definitions:
Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well, and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are also key nursing roles.
The use of clinical judgment in the provision of care to enable people to improve, maintain, or recover health, to cope with health problems, and to achieve the best possible quality of life, whatever their disease or disability, until death.
— Royal College of Nursing (2003)
Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities; prevention of illness and injury; alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human responses; and advocacy in health care for individuals, families, communities, and populations.
The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge.
As a profession
A nurse in Indonesia examining a patient
A nurse treating a patient with burns, Ziguinchor PAIGC hospital, 1973
The authority for the practice of nursing is based upon a social
contract that delineates professional rights and responsibilities as
well as mechanisms for public accountability. In almost all countries,
nursing practice is defined and governed by law, and entrance to the
profession is regulated at the national or state level.
The aim of the nursing community worldwide is for its
professionals to ensure quality care for all, while maintaining their
credentials, code of ethics, standards, and competencies, and continuing their education.
There are a number of educational paths to becoming a professional
nurse, which vary greatly worldwide; all involve extensive study of nursing theory and practice as well as training in clinical skills.
Nurses care for individuals of all ages and cultural backgrounds who are healthy and ill in a holistic
manner based on the individual's physical, emotional, psychological,
intellectual, social, and spiritual needs. The profession combines
physical science, social science, nursing theory, and technology in
caring for those individuals.
To work in the nursing profession, all nurses hold one or more credentials depending on their scope of practice and education. In the United States, a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) works independently or with a Registered Nurse
(RN). The most significant difference between an LPN and RN is found in
the requirements for entry to practice, which determines entitlement
for their scope of practice. RNs provide scientific, psychological, and
technological knowledge in the care of patients and families in many
health care settings. RNs may earn additional credentials or degrees.
In the United States, multiple educational paths will qualify a candidate to sit for the licensure examination as a RN. The Associate Degree in Nursing
(ADN) is awarded to the nurse who has completed a two-year
undergraduate academic degree awarded by community colleges, junior
colleges, technical colleges, and bachelor's degree-granting colleges
and universities upon completion of a course of study usually lasting
two years. It is also referred to as Associate in Nursing (AN),
Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AAS), or Associate of Science
in Nursing (ASN). The Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(BScN) is awarded to the nurse who has earned an American four-year
academic degree in the science and principles of nursing, granted by a
tertiary education university or similarly accredited school. After
completing either the LPN or either RN education programs in the United
States, graduates are eligible to sit for a licensing examination to
become a nurse, the passing of which is required for the nursing
license. The National Licensure Examination
(NCLEX) test is a standardized exam (including multiple choice, select
all that apply, fill in the blank and "hot spot" questions) that nurses
take to become licensed. It costs two-hundred dollars to take the NCLEX.
It examines a nurses ability to properly care for a client. Study books
and practice tests are available for purchase.
Some nurses follow the traditional role of working in a hospital
setting. Other options include: pediatrics, neonatal, maternity, OBGYN,
geriatrics, ambulatory, and nurse anesthetists and informatics (eHealth).
There are many other options nurses can explore depending on the type
of degree and education acquired. RNs may also pursue different roles as
advanced practice nurses.
Nurses are not doctor's assistants. This is possible in certain
situations, but nurses more often are independently caring for their
patients or assisting other nurses.
RNs treat patients, record their medical history, provide emotional
support, and provide follow-up care. Nurses also help doctors perform
diagnostic tests. Nurses are almost always working on their own or with
other nurses. Nurses will assist doctors in the emergency room or in
trauma care when help is needed.
Gender issues
A nurse at Runwell Hospital, Wickford, Essex, in 1943
Despite equal opportunity legislation, nursing has continued to be a female-dominated profession. For instance, the male-to-female ratio of nurses is approximately 1:19 in Canada and the United States. This ratio is represented around the world. Notable exceptions include Francophone Africa, which includes the countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Guinea, Gabon, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, and Togo, which all have more male than female nurses. In Europe, in countries such as Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic and Italy, over 20% of nurses are male. In the United Kingdom, 11% of nurses and midwives registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) are male. The number of male-registered nurses in the United States between 1980 and 2000s doubled.
Although females are more common, male nurses receive the same pay.
Theory and process
Nursing practice is the actual provision of nursing care. In providing care, nurses implement the nursing care plan using the nursing process. This is based around a specific nursing theory
which is selected in consideration with the care setting and the
population served. In providing nursing care, the nurse uses both
nursing theory and best practice derived from nursing research.
In general terms, the nursing process is the method used to assess and diagnose
needs, plan outcomes and interventions, implement interventions, and
evaluate the outcomes of the care provided. Like other disciplines, the
profession has developed different theories derived from sometimes
diverse philosophical beliefs and paradigms or worldviews to help nurses direct their activities to accomplish specific goals.
Scope of activities
Activities of daily living assistance
Assisting in activities of daily living (ADL) are skills required in nursing as well as other professions such as nursing assistants.
This includes assisting in patient mobility, such as moving an activity
intolerant patient within bed. For hygiene, this often involves bed
baths and assisting with urinary and bowel elimination.
do not have the authority to prescribe medications, although there are
some exceptions. All medications administered by nurses must be from a
medication prescription from a licensed practitioner, such as a physician.
Nurses are legally responsible for the drugs they administer. There may
be legal implications when there is an error in a prescription, and the
nurse could be expected to have noted and reported the error. In the
United States, nurses have the right to refuse any medication
administration that they deem to be potentially harmful to the patient.
In the United Kingdom there are some nurses who have taken additional
specialist training that allows them to prescribe certain medications.
Patient education
The patient's family is often involved in the education. Effective
patient education leads to fewer complications and hospital visits.
Specialities and practice settings
Nursing is the most diverse of all healthcare professions.
Nurses practice in a wide range of settings but generally nursing is
divided depending on the needs of the person being nursed.
The major populations are:
- communities/public
- family/individual across the lifespan
- adult-gerontology
- pediatrics
- neonatal
- women's health/gender-related
- mental health
- informatics (eHealth)
There are also specialist areas such as cardiac nursing, orthopedic nursing, palliative care, perioperative nursing, obstetrical nursing, oncology nursing, nursing informatics, telenursing and emergency nursing.
Nurses practice in a wide range of settings, including hospitals, private homes, schools, and pharmaceutical companies. Nurses work in occupational health settings (also called industrial health settings), free-standing clinics and physician offices, nurse-led clinics, long-term care facilities and camps. They also work on cruise ships and in military service. Nurses act as advisers and consultants to the health care and insurance industries. Many nurses also work in the health advocacy and patient advocacy fields at companies such as Health Advocate, Inc. helping in a variety of clinical and administrative issues. Some are attorneys and others work with attorneys as legal nurse consultants,
reviewing patient records to assure that adequate care was provided and
testifying in court. Nurses can work on a temporary basis, which
involves doing shifts without a contract in a variety of settings,
sometimes known as per diem nursing, agency nursing or travel nursing. Nurses work as researchers in laboratories, universities, and research institutions.
Nurses have also been delving into the world of informatics, acting as
consultants to the creation of computerized charting programs and other
Occupational hazards
Internationally, there is a serious shortage of nurses.
One reason for this shortage is due to the work environment in which
nurses practice. In a recent review of the empirical human factors and
ergonomic literature specific to nursing performance, nurses were found
to work in generally poor environmental conditions. Some countries and
states have passed legislation regarding acceptable nurse-to-patient
The fast-paced and unpredictable nature of health care places nurses at risk for injuries and illnesses, including high occupational stress.
Nursing is a particularly stressful profession, and nurses consistently
identify stress as a major work-related concern and have among the
highest levels of occupational stress when compared to other
professions. This stress is caused by the environment, psychosocial
stressors, and the demands of nursing, including new technology that
must be mastered, the emotional labor involved in nursing, physical
labor, shift work, and high workload. This stress puts nurses at risk for short-term and long-term health problems, including sleep disorders, depression, mortality, psychiatric disorders, stress-related illnesses, and illness in general. Nurses are at risk of developing compassion fatigue and moral distress, which can worsen mental health. They also have very high rates of occupational burnout (40%) and emotional exhaustion (43.2%). Burnout and exhaustion increase the risk for illness, medical error, and suboptimal care provision.
In the United States, the Occupational Health Safety Network (OHSN) is an electronic surveillance system developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
to address health and safety risks among health care personnel,
including nurses. It focuses on three high risk and preventable events:
- Musculoskeletal injuries from patient handling activities;
- Slips, trips, and falls;
- Workplace violence
Hospitals and other healthcare facilities can upload the occupational
injury data they already collect for analysis and benchmarking with
other de-identified facilities, in order to identify and implement
timely and targeted interventions.
Nurses are also at risk for violence and abuse in the workplace.
Violence is typically perpetrated by non-staff (e.g. patients or
family), whereas abuse is typically perpetrated by other hospital
personnel. 57% of American nurses reported in 2011 that they had been
threatened at work; 17% were physically assaulted.
are a number of interventions that can mitigate the occupational
hazards of nursing. They can be individual-focused or
organization-focused. Individual-focused interventions include stress management
programs, which can be customized to individuals. Stress management
programs can reduce anxiety, sleep disorders, and other symptoms of
stress. Organizational interventions focus on reducing stressful aspects
of the work environment by defining stressful characteristics and
developing solutions to them. Using organizational and individual
interventions together is most effective at reducing stress on nurses.
Catholic religious institutes were influential in the development of
Australian nursing, founding many of Australia's hospitals – the Irish Sisters of Charity were first to arrive in 1838 and established St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney in 1857 as a free hospital for the poor. They and other orders like the Sisters of Mercy, and in aged care the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary and Little Sisters of the Poor founded hospitals, hospices, research institutes and aged care facilities around Australia.
A census in the 1800s found several hundred nurses working in
Western Australia during the colonial period of history, this included
Aboriginal female servants who cared for the infirm.
The state nursing licensing bodies amalgamated in Australia in
2011 under the federal body AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner
Registration Authority). Several divisions of nursing license is available and recognized around the country.
- Enrolled nurses may initiate some oral medication orders with a specific competency now included in national curricula but variable in application by agency.
- Registered nurses hold a university degree (enrolled nurses can progress to registered nurse status and do get credit for previous study).
- Nurse practitioners have started emerging from postgraduate programs and work in private practice.
- Mental health nurses must complete further training as advanced mental health practitioners in order to administer client referrals under the Mental Health Act.
Australia enjoys the luxury of a national curriculum for vocational
nurses, trained at Technical and Further Education (TAFE) colleges or
private Registered Training Organization (RTO). Enrolled and registered
nurses are identified by the department of immigration as an
occupational area of need, although registered nurses are always in
shorter supply, and this increases in proportion with specialization.
In 1986 there were a number of rolling industrial actions around
the country, culminating when five thousand Victorian nurses went on
strike for eighteen days. The hospitals were able to function by hiring
casual staff from each other's striking members, but the increased cost
forced a decision in the nurses' favor
European Union
the European Union, the profession of nurse is regulated. A profession
is said to be regulated when access and exercise is subject to the
possession of a specific professional qualification. The regulated
professions database contains a list of regulated professions for nurse
in the European Union (EU) member states, European Economic Area (EEA)
countries, and Switzerland. This list is covered by the Directive
United Kingdom
To practice lawfully as a registered nurse in the United Kingdom, the
practitioner must hold a current and valid registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
The title "Registered Nurse" can only be granted to those holding such
registration. This protected title is laid down in the Nurses, Midwives
and Health Visitors Act, 1997.
From April 2016, nurses in the United Kingdom are expected to
revalidate every three years which involves providing evidence of
further development and active practice.
First and second level
nurses make up the bulk of the registered nurses in the UK. They were
previously known by titles such as Registered General Nurse (RGN),
Registered Sick Children's Nurse (RSCN), Registered Mental Nurse (RMN),
and Registered Nurse (for the) Mentally Handicapped (RNMH). The titles
used now are similar, including Registered Nurse Adult (RNA), Registered
Nurse Child (RNC), Registered Nurse Mental Health (RNMH), and
Registered Nurse (of) Learning Disabilities (RNLD). Second-level nurse
training is no longer provided; however, they are still legally able to
practice in the United Kingdom as a registered nurse. Many have now
either retired or undertaken conversion courses to become first-level
nurses. They are entitled to refer to themselves as registered nurses as
their registration is on the Nursing & Midwifery Council register
of nurses, although most refer to themselves as Enrolled Nurses (ENs) or
State Enrolled Nurses (SENs).
Advanced practice
- Nurse practitioners – Most of these nurses obtain a minimum of a master's degree and a desired post grad certificate. They often perform roles similar to those of physicians and physician assistants. They can prescribe medications as independent or supplementary prescribers, although they are still legally regulated, unlike physician's assistants. Most Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have referral and admission rights to hospital specialties. They commonly work in primary care (e.g. General Practitioner (GP) surgeries), Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments, or pediatrics although they are increasingly being seen in other areas of practice. In the UK, the title "nurse practitioner" is legally protected.
- Specialist community public health nurses – traditionally district nurses and health visitors, this group oversees research and publication activities.
- Lecturer-practitioners (also called practice education facilitators) – these nurses work both in the National Health Service (NHS), and in universities. They typically work 2–3 days per week in each setting. In university, they train pre-registration student nurses (see below), and often teach on specialist courses post-registration nurses.
- Lecturers – these nurses are not employed by the NHS. Instead they work full-time in universities, both teaching and performing research.
nurses who have worked in clinical settings for a long time choose to
leave clinical nursing and join the ranks of the NHS management. This
used to be seen as a natural career progression for those who had
reached ward management positions, however with the advent of specialist
nursing roles (see above), this has become a less attractive option.
Nonetheless, many nurses fill positions in the senior management
structure of NHS organizations, some even as board members. Others
choose to stay a little closer to their clinical roots by becoming
clinical nurse managers or modern matrons.
Nurse education
To become a registered nurse, one must complete a program recognised by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Currently, this involves completing a degree, available from a range of universities offering these courses,
in the chosen branch specialty (see below), leading to both an academic
award and professional registration as a 1st level registered nurse.
Such a course is a 50/50 split of learning in university (i.e. through
lectures, assignments and examinations) and in practice (i.e. supervised
patient care within a hospital or community setting).
These courses are three (occasionally four) years' long. The
first year is known as the common foundation program (CFP), and teaches
the basic knowledge and skills required of all nurses. Skills included
in the CFP may include communication, taking observations, administering
medication and providing personal care to patients. The remainder of
the program consists of training specific to the student's chosen branch
of nursing. These are:
- Adult nursing.
- Child nursing.
- Mental health nursing.
- Learning disabilities nursing.
As of 2013, the Nursing and Midwifery Council will require all new nurses qualifying in the UK to hold a degree qualification.
However, those nurses who hold a diploma, or even a certificate in
nursing are still able to legally practice in the UK, although they are
able to undertake university modules to obtain enough credits to top up
to a degree.
training is similar in length and structure, but is sufficiently
different that it is not considered a branch of nursing. There are
shortened (18 month) programs to allow nurses already qualified in the
adult branch to hold dual registration as a nurse and a midwife.
Shortened courses lasting 2 years also exist for graduates of other
disciplines to train as nurses. This is achieved by more intense study
and a shortening of the common foundation program.
As of 2016 student nurses in England and Wales can apply for a bursary
from the government to support them during their nurse training, and
may also be eligible for a student loan, although there has been
speculation that this will not be available in the future.
Student nurses in Scotland still receive a standard bursary which is
not means tested, and their tuition fees continue to be paid – however,
they are not eligible for student loans.
Before Project 2000, nurse education was the responsibility of
hospitals and was not based in universities; hence many nurses who
qualified prior to these reforms do not hold an academic award.
the point of initial registration, there is an expectation that all
qualified nurses will continue to update their skills and knowledge. The
Nursing and Midwifery Council insists on a minimum of 35 hours of
education every three years, as part of its post registration education
and practice (PREP) requirements.
There are also opportunities for many nurses to gain additional clinical skills after qualification. Cannulation, venipuncture, intravenous drug therapy and male catheterization are the most common, although there are many others (such as advanced life support), which some nurses undertake.
Many nurses who qualified with a diploma choose to upgrade their
qualification to a degree by studying part-time. Many nurses prefer this
option to gaining a degree initially, as there is often an opportunity
to study in a specialist field as a part of this upgrading. Financially,
in England, it was also much more lucrative, as diploma students get
the full bursary during their initial training, and employers often pay
for the degree course as well as the nurse's salary.
To become specialist nurses (such as nurse consultants, nurse
practitioners etc.) or nurse educators, some nurses undertake further
training above bachelor's degree level. Master's degrees exist in
various healthcare related topics, and some nurses choose to study for
PhDs or other higher academic awards. District nurses and health visitors
are also considered specialist nurses, and to become such they must
undertake specialist training. This is a one-year full-time degree.
All newly qualifying district nurses and health visitors
are trained to prescribe from the Nurse Prescribers' Formulary, a list
of medications and dressings typically useful to those carrying out
these roles. Many of these (and other) nurses will also undertake
training in independent and supplementary prescribing, which allows them
(as of 1 May 2006) to prescribe almost any drug in the British National Formulary. This has been the cause of a great deal of debate in both medical and nursing circles.
Canadian nursing dates back to 1639 in Quebec with the Augustine nuns.
These nuns were trying to open a mission that cared for the spiritual
and physical needs of patients. The establishment of this mission
created the first nursing apprenticeship training in North America.
In the nineteenth century, some Catholic orders of nursing were trying
to spread their message across Canada. Most nurses were female and only
had an occasional consultation with a physician. Towards the end of the
nineteenth century, hospital care and medical services had been improved
and expanded. Much of this was due to Nightingale's influence. In 1874
the first formal nursing training program was started at the General and
Marine Hospital in St. Catharines in Ontario.
All Canadian nurses and prospective nurses are heavily encouraged by the Canadian Nurses Association to continue their education to receive a bachelor's degree. This degree may result in better patient outcomes. All Canadian provinces and territories, with the exception of the Yukon and Quebec, require that all nurses have a bachelor's degree.
The length of time generally required to obtain this degree is four
years. However, some Canadian universities offer a condensed program
that is two years in length.
Nursing specialty certification is available through the Canadian Nurses Association in 22 practice areas, including:
- cardiovascular nursing
- community health nursing
- critical care nursing
- pediatric critical care nursing
- emergency nursing
- gastroenterology nursing
- gerontological nursing
- hospice palliative care nursing
- medical-surgical nursing
- neonatal nursing
- nephrology nursing
- neuroscience nursing
- occupational health nursing
- oncology nursing
- orthopedic nursing
- pediatric nursing
- peri-anesthesia nursing
- perinatal nursing
- peri-operative nursing
- psychiatric and mental health nursing
- rehabilitation nursing
- wound, ostomy and continence nursing
Nursing specialty certification generally requires practice
experience and passing a test that is based on competencies for that
specific medical or surgical domain in which nursing care is provided.
The certification in gerontological nursing, which involves providing
care to the elderly, is offered to not only RNs and NPs but also LPNs.
Nursing was not an established part of Japan's healthcare system until 1899 with the Midwives Ordinance.
From there the Registered Nurse Ordinance came into play in 1915. This
established a legal substantiation to registered nurses all over Japan. A
new law geared towards nurses was created during World War II: the Public Health Nurse, Midwife and Nurse Law, established in 1948.
It established educational requirements, standards and licensure. There
has been a continued effort to improve nursing in Japan. In 1992 the
Nursing Human Resource Law was passed.
This law created the development of new university programs for nurses.
Those programs were designed to raise the education level of the nurses
so that they could be better suited for taking care of the public.
Types of nurses
Japan only recognizes four types of nursing and they are Public Health Nursing, Midwifery, Registered Nursing and Assistant Nursing.
Public health
type of nursing is designed to help the public and is also driven by
the public's needs. The goals of public health nurses are to monitor the
spread of disease, keep vigilant watch for environmental hazards,
educate the community on how to care for and treat themselves, and train
for community disasters.
Nurses that are involved with midwifery are independent of any organization. A midwife
takes care of a pregnant woman during labour and postpartum. They
assist with things like breastfeeding and caring for the child.
Nursing Assistant
who are assistant nurses follow orders from a registered nurse. They
report back to the licensed nurse about a patient's condition. Assistant
nurses are always supervised by a licensed registered nurse.
In 1952 Japan established the first nursing university in the country. An Associate Degree
was the only level of certification for years. Soon people began to
want nursing degrees at a higher level of education. Soon the Bachelor's degree in Nursing (BSN) was established. Currently Japan offers doctorate level degrees of nursing in a good number of its universities.
There are three ways that an individual could become a registered
nurse in Japan. After obtaining a high school degree the person could
go to a nursing university for four years and earn a bachelor's degree,
go to a junior nursing college for three years or go to a nursing school
for three years.
Regardless of where the individual attends school they must take the
national exam. Those who attended a nursing university have a bit of an
advantage over those who went to a nursing school. They can take the
national exam to be a registered nurse, public health nurse or midwife.
In the cases of becoming a midwife or a public health nurse, the student
must take a one-year course in their desired field after attending a
nursing university and passing the national exam to become a registered
nurse. The nursing universities are the best route for someone who wants
to become a nurse in Japan.
They offer a wider range of general education classes and they also
allow for a more rigid teaching style of nursing. These nursing
universities train their students to be able to make critical and
educated decisions when they are out in the field. Physicians are the
ones who are teaching the potential nurses because there are not enough
available nurses to teach students. This increases the dominance that
physicians have over nurses.
Students that attend a nursing college or just a nursing school
receive the same degree that one would who graduated from a nursing
university, but they do not have the same educational background. The
classes offered at nursing colleges and nursing schools are focused on
more practical aspects of nursing. These institutions do not offer many
general education classes, so students who attend these schools will
solely be focusing on their nursing educations while they are in school.
Students who attend a nursing college or school do have the opportunity
to become a midwife
or a public health nurse. They have to go through a training institute
for their desired field after graduating from the nursing school or
college. Japanese nurses never have to renew their licenses. Once they have passed their exam, they have their license for life.
Like the
United States, Japan is in need of more nurses. The driving force behind
this need is the fact that country is aging and needs more medical care
for its people. However, the number of available nurses does not seem
to be increasing. Nurses face poor working conditions and low social
status, and there is a cultural idea that married women quit their jobs
for family responsibilities.
On average, Japanese nurses make around 280,000 yen a month, and it is
one of the higher paying jobs. However, physicians make twice as much as
nurses. Similar to other cultures, the Japanese people view nurses as subservient to physicians. According to the American Nurses Association
article on Japan, "nursing work has been described using negative
terminology such as 'hard, dirty, dangerous, low salary, few holidays,
minimal chance of marriage and family, and poor image.'"
There are organizations that unite Japanese nurses like the Japanese Nursing Association
(JNA); the JNA is a professional organization and not a union. Members
of the JNA lobby politicians and produces publications about nursing.
According to the American Nurses Association's article on Japan, the JNA
"works toward the improvement in nursing practice through many
activities including the development of a policy research group to
influence policy development, a code of ethics for nurses, and standards
of nursing practice." The JNA also provides certification for
specialists in mental health, oncology and community health. There are other organizations, including some that categorize nurses by
specialty, like emergency nursing or disaster nursing. One of the older
unions that relates to nursing is the Japanese Federation of Medical
Workers Union, which was created in 1957. It is a union that includes physicians as well as nurses.
- In Taiwan, the Ministry of Health and Welfare is in charge of the regulation of nursing. The Taiwan Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) is the union unit in Taiwan, fighting for nurses on payment and working time issues.
United States
In the US, scope of practice is determined by the state or territory
in which a nurse is licensed. Each state has its own laws, rules, and
regulations governing nursing care. Usually the making of such rules and
regulations is delegated to a state board of nursing,
which performs day-to-day administration of these rules, licenses for
nurses and nursing assistants, and makes decisions on nursing issues. In
some states, the terms "nurse" or "nursing" may only be used in
conjunction with the practice of a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical or vocational nurse (LPN/LVN).
In the hospital setting, registered nurses often delegate tasks to LPNs and unlicensed assistive personnel.
RNs are not limited to employment as bedside nurses. They are
employed by physicians, attorneys, insurance companies, governmental
agencies, community/public health agencies, private industry, school
districts, ambulatory surgery centers, among others. Some registered
nurses are independent consultants who work for themselves,
while others work for large manufacturers or chemical companies.
Research nurses conduct or assist in the conduct of research or
evaluation (outcome and process) in many areas such as biology,
psychology, human development, and health care systems.
Many employers offer flexible work schedules, child care,
educational benefits, and bonuses. About 21 percent of registered nurses
are union members or covered by union contract.
Nursing is the nation's largest health care profession, with more than 3.1 million registered nurses nationwide.
Of all licensed RNs, 2.6 million or 84.8% are employed in nursing.
Nurses comprise the largest single component of hospital staff, are the
primary providers of hospital patient care, and deliver most of the
nation's long-term care. The primary pathway to professional nursing, as
compared to technical-level practice, is the four-year Bachelor of
Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Registered nurses are prepared either
through a BSN program; a three-year associate degree in nursing; or a
three-year hospital training program, receiving a hospital diploma. All
take the same state licensing exam. (The number of diploma programs has
declined steadily—to less than 10 percent of all basic RN education
programs—as nursing education has shifted from hospital-operated
instruction into the college and university system.)
Educational and licensure requirements
Diploma in Nursing
The oldest method of nursing education is the hospital-based diploma
program, which lasts approximately three years. Students take between 30
and 60 credit hours in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, nutrition, chemistry,
and other subjects at a college or university, then move on to
intensive nursing classes. Until 1996, most RNs in the US were initially
educated in nursing by diploma programs.
According to the Health Services Resources Administration's 2000 Survey
of Nurses only six percent of nurses who graduated from nursing
programs in the United States received their education at a Diploma
School of Nursing.
Associate Degree in Nursing
The most common initial nursing education is a two-year Associate Degree in Nursing (Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate Degree in Nursing), a two-year college
degree referred to as an ADN. Some four-year colleges and universities
also offer the ADN. Associate degree nursing programs have prerequisite
and corequisite courses (which may include English, Math and Human
Anatomy and Physiology) and ultimately stretch out the degree-acquiring
process to about three years or greater.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The third method is to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(BSN), a four-year degree that also prepares nurses for graduate-level
education. For the first two years in a BSN program, students usually
obtain general education requirements and spend the remaining time in
nursing courses. In some new programs the first two years can be
substituted for an active LPN license along with the required general
studies. Advocates for the ADN and diploma programs state that such
programs have an on the job training approach to educating students,
while the BSN is an academic degree that emphasizes research and nursing theory.
Some states require a specific amount of clinical experience that is
the same for both BSN and ADN students. A BSN degree qualifies its
holder for administrative, research, consulting and teaching positions
that would not usually be available to those with an ADN, but is not
necessary for most patient care functions. Nursing schools may be
accredited by either the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Graduate education
Advanced education in nursing is done at the master's and doctoral levels. It prepares the graduate for specialization as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) or for advanced roles in leadership, management, or education. The clinical nurse leader
(CNL) is an advanced generalist who focuses on the improvement of
quality and safety outcomes for patients or patient populations from an
administrative and staff management focus. Doctoral programs in nursing
prepare the student for work in nursing education, health care
administration, clinical research, public policy, or advanced clinical
practice. Most programs confer the PhD in nursing or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP).
Areas of advanced nursing practice include that of a nurse practitioner (NP), a certified nurse midwife (CNM), a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), or a clinical nurse specialist (CNS). Nurse practitioners and CNSs work assessing, diagnosing and treating patients in fields as diverse as family practice, women's health care, emergency nursing, acute/critical care, psychiatry, geriatrics, or pediatrics, additionally, a CNS usually works for a facility to improve patient care, do research, or as a staff educator.
Licensure examination
Completion of any one of these three educational routes allows a graduate nurse to take the NCLEX-RN, the test for licensure
as a registered nurse, and is accepted by every state as an adequate
indicator of minimum competency for a new graduate. However, controversy
exists over the appropriate entry-level preparation of RNs. Some
professional organizations believe the BSN should be the sole method of
RN preparation and ADN graduates should be licensed as "technical
nurses" to work under the supervision of BSN graduates. Others feel the
on-the-job experiences of diploma and ADN graduates makes up for any
deficiency in theoretical preparation.
Shortage in the United States
RNs are the largest group of health care workers in the United States, with about 2.7 million employed in 2011. It has been reported that the number of new graduates and foreign-trained nurses is insufficient to meet the demand for registered nurses; this is often referred to as the nursing shortage and is expected to increase for the foreseeable future. There are data to support the idea that the nursing shortage is a voluntary shortage.
In other words, nurses are leaving nursing of their own volition. In
2006 it was estimated that approximately 1.8 million nurses chose not to
work as a nurse. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that
296,900 healthcare jobs were created in 2011. RNs make up the majority
of the healthcare work force, therefore these positions will be filled
primarily by nurses. The BLS also states that by 2020, there will be
1.2 million nursing job openings due to an increase in the workforce,
and replacements. (Rosseter, 2012).
The International Council Of Nursing (ICN), the largest international
health professional organization in the world, recognizes the shortage
of nurses as a growing crisis in the world. This shortage impacts the
healthcare of everyone worldwide. One of the many reasons is that nurses
who pursue to become nurses do so very late in their lives. This leads
to a non-lengthy employment time. A national survey prepared by the
Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals in 2001 found that one in
five nurses plans to leave the profession within five years because of
unsatisfactory working conditions, including low pay, severe under
staffing, high stress, physical demands, mandatory overtime, and
irregular hours. Approximately 29.8 percent of all nursing jobs are
found in hospitals.
However, because of administrative cost cutting, increased nurse's
workload, and rapid growth of outpatient services, hospital nursing jobs
will experience slower than average growth. Employment in home care and
nursing homes is expected
to grow rapidly. Though more people are living well into their 80s and
90s, many need the kind of long-term care available at a nursing home.
Many nurses will also be needed to help staff the growing number of
out-patient facilities, such as HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations),
group medical practices, and ambulatory surgery centers. Nursing
specialties will be in great demand. There are, in addition, many
part-time employment possibilities.
Levsey, Campbell, and Green voiced their concern about the
shortage of nurses, citing Fang, Wilsey-Wisniewski, & Bednash, 2006
who state that over 40,000 qualified nursing applicants were turned away
in the 2005–2006 academic year from baccalaureate nursing programs due
to a lack of masters and doctoral qualified faculty, and that this
number was increased over 9,000 from 32,000 qualified but rejected
students from just two years earlier. Several strategies have been
offered to mitigate this shortage including; Federal and private support
for experienced nurses to enhance their education, incorporating more
hybrid/blended nursing courses, and using simulation in lieu of clinical
(hospital) training experiences.
Furthermore, there is a shortage of academically qualified
instructors to teach at schools of nursing worldwide. The serious need
for educational capacity is not being met, which is the underlying most
important preparation resource for the nurses of tomorrow. The decrease
in faculty everywhere is due to many factors including decrease in
satisfaction with the workforce, poor salaries, and reduction in
full-time equivalent. Throughout the span of 6 years the nursing faculty
shortage has been written about an increasing amount. There is no clear
consensus or an organized plan on how to fix the ongoing issue.
Continuing education
health care knowledge growing steadily, nurses can stay ahead of the
curve through continuing education. Continuing education classes and
programs enable nurses to provide the best possible care to patients,
advance nursing careers, and keep up with Board of Nursing requirements.
The American Nurses Association and the American Nursing Credentialing
Center are devoted to ensuring nurses have access to quality continuing
education offerings. Continuing education classes are calibrated to
provide enhanced learning for all levels of nurses. Many States also
regulate Continuing Nursing Education. Nursing licensing boards
requiring Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) as a condition for
licensure, either initial or renewal, accept courses provided by
organizations that are accredited by other state licensing boards, by
the American Nursing Credentialing Center (ANCC), or by organizations
that have been designated as an approver of continuing nursing education
by ANCC. There are some exceptions to this rule including the state of California, Florida and Kentucky. National Healthcare Institute
has created a list to assist nurses in determining their CNE credit
hours requirements. While this list is not all inclusive, it offers
details on how to contact nursing licensing boards directly.
Board certification
Professional nursing organizations, through their certification
boards, have voluntary certification exams to demonstrate clinical
competency in their particular specialty. Completion of the prerequisite
work experience allows an RN to register for an examination, and
passage gives an RN permission to use a professional designation after
their name. For example, passage of the American Association of
Critical-care Nurses specialty exam allows a nurse to use the initials
'CCRN' after his or her name. Other organizations and societies have
similar procedures.
The American Nurses Credentialing Center, the credentialing arm of the American Nurses Association, is the largest nursing credentialing organization and administers more than 30 specialty examinations.
The Nursing education is governed in India by the central body Indian Nursing Council and its norms are implemented through respective State Nursing council such as Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council.