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Monday, October 7, 2019

Dream To Live By (Published in ANALOG SCIENCE FICTION AND FACT, October 1997)

I’m not sure how to explain this, but ...”

He tried. He showed me the device. “Don’t ask me how it works, though. I’m an engineer, not a physicist. I didn’t even build it. Found it. All I know is how to make it send me where I want to go. Excuse me, when I want to go.”

The crazy thing was, I wasn’t scared. I mean, what if someone materialized out of thin air right in front of you? Especially if it were very late a night and you were alone? I don’t know; maybe I figured that somebody who could do that could do any thing he please, so what was the point of being scared? I he wanted me dead – or whatever – I’d be that way. So I wasn’t scared.

And like I said, he tried to explain. Someone who means you harm doesn’t usually do that. But it was all hopeless. Time travel is one of those things that just can’t be, according to the way my mind works. It’s like ghosts: even if I saw one with my own eyes, I probably still wouldn’t believe it. I’m just not the sort of person who can believe things like that.

Then he told me who he was, and I really didn’t believe it. Jesus Christ, he was an old man, for crying out loud. And me, I was – am – just a kid. Who can’t even think of himself as being old, for God’s sakes. So how was I supposed to … ?

Forget it, then. I didn’t come here to talk about dumb things, like time paradoxes and the nature of reality. I’m here for something more important than that. Come on, I’ll show you.”

He took off across the dunes. That was also eerie, the way he knew which direction to do. Ever since my folks bought our summer house home three years ago, I’d been taking these nightly strolls along the beach when I can’t sleep, which is often. There’s something about the salt air (excuse me, dimethyl sulfide laden air) and the rush and crash of waves and the rustle of grasses in the sand from the breeze, in the darkness that thrills me me, that opens my mind to things that seem impossible by day. But how the hell did he know that? Unless he really was – I shook my head and took off in a trot to catch up with him.

If you didn’t build it then where’d you get it?” I demanded when I got to him, and once my breathing had calmed down – that’s another thing about the strolls, it helps my asthma (though the doctors didn’t know why). “And don’t tell me you bought it at a store, or some bullshit like that.” I didn’t need to be told that, obviously.

I told you, I sound it.” He stopped for a few moments, a little winded himself. At his age, who wouldn’t be: then I realized, maybe it was more than just age, maybe it really was some of me coming through – “Don’t ask me that,” he shot back at me. “That I’m sure as hell not going to tell you.” The he chuckled, as though at some private joke. “I don’t know; maybe some careless traveler left it behind. Or maybe I was supposed to find it, so I could come here and do what I’m doing.” He shrugged. “More dumb stuff. You might as well ask why any of us are here, or what’s the meaning of life. Ah, here we are.”

We’d reached the apex of the highest dune, and were now looking down of the southeastern edge of the bay. It, as always, was a pretty sight; a waning, three-quarter’s moon was rising right over the black waters, sending a dancing rope of yellow light across the waters right to the shoreline. A bright star hovered just a couple of degrees over her, and diamond atop a pearl.

It is beautiful, seeing it again,” he said wistfully. I thought I caught some tears at the corners of his eyes, but maybe it was just the way the moonlight was reflecting from them. “I can see why … “ He shook his head again. “Of course, from here, it’s so small.” The he also chuckled again. “Of course, from there we’re even tinier.

Come one, sit down. Take a load off an old man’s legs.”

So we sat in the sandy grass. I felt the night moisture seep into my trousers, the way it had the last hundred times I’d been here. And damn if the old guy didn’t like it as much as I did, his arms wrapped around his knees, his heels dug into the ground. Spooky as hell.

And, believe it or not, we sat like that for a long time, just gazing into space and feeling that coolness and saying nothing. Which is also crazy, I know, but it was like he had me hymnotized or something. I mean, he really just could not be what and who he claimed to be, but I knew what I’d seen and was seeing and if there were a better explanation for it I couldn’t think of it, sitting there like that. I just couldn’t think of a single thing to say or do.

Look,” he finally broke the spell, at just about the time I couldn’t take it any more. “I just want you to know one thing before I begin. And that is – you’re not nuts. Understand that? You’re not. I’m not saying there isn’t such a thing as being nuts – believe me, there is, as you’re going to find out soon enough – but it’s got nothing to do with you. Not now, and not ever. Understand?”

He was staring at me hard as he spoke those words. Hard the way, the way my father did, when he wanted to make sure I got his point. Genetics? I swallowed. “Yes, sir.”

Sir?” His eyes rolled skyward. “OK. No problem. Call me sir if it makes you feel more comfortable about this. Actually, people don’t show respect like that much anymore. Maybe they should.”

But I’m getting off the subject. Bad habit I’ve gotten into since I retired, I’m afraid. Retirement gives you too much time to … “ He grinned. “Piss away. Shit, this isn’t easy.”

A shock went up my spine; no adult had ever used a word like that in my presence, at least not so carelessly. I made me – well, maybe not exactly start to believe, but at least wonder. To the point I had to ask. “I’m really your grandfather?”

You want a DNA analysis or something? No, don’t answer that; I shouldn’t have said it. Look, maybe if I tell you what I retired from it’ll make thinks easier. See that point of light above the moon?” He gestured skyward, at the gleam I’d noticed earlier. “Well, that’s the planet Jupiter. That’s where I worked. Well, of course not on Jupiter itself; we were actually in orbit around Europa, one of the big moons. But that’s not important. What is important is what I was doing there. You know what that was? Building the first interstellar space ship. That’s right, the first ship to go to the stars. There. How does that grab you?”

I don’t know what made me say it. I guess it was just too much for me to grasp all at once. But looking back, it was a pretty stupid thing to say. “It grabs me just fine, I guess.”

You guess? You guess? Jesus Christ Almighty! Don’t you have any idea ... we’re going to the stars, boy! To the stars!”

That’s really the way he said it. You should have seen his face then: it was all lit up, as lit up as the moon before us. I swear, you could have read by the light of his face. All of which, again, I know should have made me scared, but it didn’t. In fact, I really didn’t know how to react. I guess it was just too big a thing for my mind, at least at that moment. The stars? He might as well about going to the – the – well, about going to the stars.

And then the strangest thing happened. OK, a lot of strange things happened that night, but in my mind this was the strangest. Damn if the old guy didn’t look at me – directly at me, into my eyes, into my soul, whatever is in me that is me – as if he understood exactly what was going on inside me. And then he touched me. He put a hand on my shoulder, squeezed a little, then patted me before letting go. His eyes were full of understanding. And, though I did comprehend why at that moment, pity as well. Which finally did scare me, a little.

Sorry,” he said. “You have to understand. I can’t tell you too much; you could do things with that knowledge that … and the worst thing is, you’d do them from the best of intentions. That’s – part of what makes this so hard.

But you’ve got to know something to get by. So I’m going to tell you some stuff. But – and no shitting me here, you have to promise this and keep your promise like you’ve done before in your life. I mean, even though you’re still a kid. Because this is serious stuff. You can’t tell anybody about it, for one thing. Nobody. Understand? No one else can ever know.”

He went on and on about how important it was to keep my mouth shut, but it wasn’t necessary because I’d already decided that. And not because people would think I was crazy, because I’m smart enough to know that if you know the future you can prove it; you can bet on who’s going to win the World serious and things like that. But I’m also smart enough to know why you shouldn’t. If people really are going to go to the stars, I’m sure as hell not going to mess that up.

I guess my sincerity showed through, too, because finally he stopped and nodded his head. “OK. This is – what? The late 1950s? Let’s start by telling you that there’ll be men on the moon in a little over ten years.”

Ten years? I nearly gaggedin disbelief. For Christ’s sakes.

But my reaction didn’t phase him at all. “That’s right, ten years. The next president of the United States will whip up public enthusiasm for a crash program, and we’ll do it – well, pretty much – like he’ll say we will. More or less; nothing ever works out exactly as planned – you know, Murphy’s Law and all that. But we’ll do it, almost right on schedule, just like he said. Er, says.”

He stopped for a moment and let me work on that. I gazed out again, into space, at that world hanging in the sky which looked so close and yet so impossibly far away at the same time. I felt like a baby just learning how to walk being told he was about to leap across the Grand Canyon. I mean, the moon … just the though still makes me dizzy. “Wow.”

He gave me that look again and grinned. “Knew you’d like hearing that part.” Then his face got sober, and I mean really sober. Scary sober. “Now the part you won’t like. You see, you won’t care very much when it happens. “Because while it is happening you’re going to be hiding in a jungle halfway around the world, trying not to get your brains blown out.” He let me work on that too, and for longer this time. “Oh, you’ll survive. A lot of your buddies though – guys you really care about, like brothers – won’t, but you will. And that will mess with your head for a long time, because you’ll wonder why they died and you didn’t; but like I said, that’s just dumb stuff. I told you, we’re going to the stars, and that’s the thing you want to keep in mind, no matter what happens.”

Again that look, just like before, only this time he kept his hands to himself. Then a sort of weird, half grin arose on his face; no a grin of amusement, but of something else – irony, I think they call it. “You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you this, especially after saying I couldn’t tell much at all,” accompanied the grin. “Part is because you told me I would, of course. But that’s not the real reason.”

It isn’t?” I tried not to tremble when I asked that, but the shivering came through despite my best efforts. I mean, Jesus, why he just said to me…

No.” He started to explain, then thought some. “You see, being through a war isn’t the worst thing that’s going to happen to you. I said we’ll go to the moon. But then – then we’ll pretty much stop. No more lunar landings, no pushing on to other planets, building space colonies, or any of the other things a lot of us thought we’d do. Oh, we’ll still have manned space missions, but they’ll be routine stuff; the only missions to other worlds will be unmanned probes – very clever probes, but unmanned nonetheless. And the politicians will cut back on the space budget more and more every year. And worst of all, hardly anybody will do anything to stop it – oh, some daring entrepreneurial types will make some waves, but that’ll be about it.

All of which is going to be unbearable to you. See, you don’t know it yet, boy – excuse me, grandpa – but you’ve got the soul of a dreamer inside you. I knew that growing up and listening to your stories about Apollo--” he bit his lip, as though he’d said something he knew he shouldn’t “-- and those heady days of humans first getting their feet off this planet and all that. The way your face would light up up whenever you talked about it. But even if I hadn’t, I could tell it now, jst looking at you. “It’s in your eyes. The way you seem to see beyond whatever mundane things are in front of you at the moment.

That’s why the end of the Moon missions is going to be so hard on you. You’ll barely be back from Nam – that’s what you’ll call the place where the war will be – when not only will you realize that all that fighting for your country was just a scam, but that your country was throwing away its future too. That your buddies died for nothing. That’s when … when … there’s no nice way to put it: that’s when you’ll crack up. End up in a rehab. On dope and suicidal.”

He looked apologetic, telling me all this, which, more than anything, told me he was telling the truth. Which made me start to cry, at least on the inside …

Sorry to be telling you these things,” he said. “But they’re going to happen whether I tell you or not, so you might as well know. Besides, and now you’re got to understand, this is the real point of my being here: believe me, I wouldn’t take the chance, screwing with history like this, if it weren’t so important.

See, you survive all that too. Because, at least it’s what I believe, you did know. Because I had come back and told you all that’s going to happen, and that it was going to turn out all right in the end.”

But it was too late for comfort. “All right? All right?!” I tell you, I’ve never raised voice at an adult, and I hope to God I never do it again because it felt so awful – screaming at an old man with all my strength. And didn’t care. “God damn you! How can you come here and tell me all this, and then say it’s all right! It’s the most horrible thing I’ve heard in my life! Jesus Christ; I wish I were dead right now. I wish ...”

It was my chance to go on and on, and I really let him have it, with all the cursing I could think of between the tears that were flowing freely from my eyes; until I was bawling incoherently, to nobody and everybody in particular and the hell with everything and everybody but mostly I just wanted to kill the old bastard, even if her really was my grandson. Shit. Fuck.

And here’s the – OK, the second strangest thing. He just sat there and took it. Try to imagine what you would happen if you went after an adult that way, but that’s not what happened at all. He wasn’t even mad. No, it was weirder than that: he actually seemed scared himself, as though he were the kid being bawled at and me the adult. He even looked on the edge of crying himself.

Which was good, because it calmed me down and let me think: we’re going to the stars, remember? And that gave him the chance to pull himself together and tell me the rest. “Jump ahead about forty years from the end of Apollo – the moon missions. People start talking about going to other worlds again: this time, Mars. Problem is, it sounds hopeless: a bunch of experts get together and calculated it will take a few hundred billion dollars, all of which nobody, not even most space enthusiasts, wants to do.

But then along comes people like Bob Zubrin and Elon Musk, who show it can be done at about a tenth of that price, and within a decade. And well, never mind mind the details – like I said, nothing ever works exactly according to plan – but eventually we do it. And by we, I mean all of humanity – the French, Chinese, Russians, Japanese … I can’t remember all of them, but those were the major players, along with a host of others. We got to Mars and set up a permanent station, then a real colony, then … then the whole thing just took off. Back to the moon, the asteroids, then the outer planets ...” He sighed wistfully. “I wish I could tell you everything. Especially as --”

He stopped there, quite suddenly. But it was too late, for I already knew why. “Especially as I won’t be around to see it, you mean,” I finished the statement for him.

He fought for a few seconds before conceding with a nod. “Yes. But you’ll see enough. That’s why I’m here, telling you. You’ve got to get through the hard times, and you won’t if you don’t know this. Besides, you don’t have to see it to know it will happen. Besides, you don’t have to see it to know it’ll happen. Hey, I won’t see us get to the stars, but I know it will happen; which is what got me through my hard times.”

There was that twinkle in his eye again when he said that. And this time, when he looked up at the sky, it was not at the moon or Jupiter but someplace else; someplace I couldn’t make out because if there were any stars there they were too dim for me to see.

I knew he was inviting the question; hell, daring me to ask it. “How do you know?”

The answer was so obvious I should have guessed it. He pulled out the device and cradled it in his hands. “What do you think I do with this thing when I get back? Toss it out?” He shook his head. “You see, my grandchild is going to be on that first star ship. Your great-great-granddaughter. And I know she’s going to make it because when I was your age I had a visit like the one you’re having now. And let me tell you, if you think what I’ve told you is hard to believe … that I wish I could tell you. But she told me I couldn’t, because of what she said her granddaughter told her.

But I’ve already said more than I should.” He struggled to his feet, in that slow, deliberate way older people do, not like it’s so hard but like they have to do it just right, and methodically brushed the sand off his trousers. “It’s time I should be getting back.” He put a hand out when I leapt to my feet to protest. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, grandfather,” he cut me off. “Especially from such a different perspective than the one I remember.”

But – “

That was as far as I got, however. He took a few steps back, touched the device, and faded into nothingness the same way he’d appeared, leaving me in my dark solitude. I started to shout something, as though my voice could carry across the decades, but caught to foolishness of that in time. He was gone. I’d never see him again until … well, until I was the elder and he the child with so much future ahead of him. If, that was, I believed any of what happened this night.

I stood there for a while longer, trying to take it all in, to make sense of what I’d just experienced. I finally decided that the only explanation that made any sense was that I’d fallen asleep out here on the dunes and dreamed the whole thing. But of course I didn’t really believe that for one moment; how could I have …. ?

Didn’t matter, though. I mean, in a few years I’ll know the truth, but standing there, gazing at those distant worlds and what lay beyond them, I realized that none of what had just happened had to be true to mean something. You see, even if it is just a dream, it’s a dream I can live by. And sometimes that’s all a person needs to keep going. Even for a kid.

Especially when the dream is real.

Knockout mouse

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