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Speed of light
The distance from the Sun to the Earth is shown as 150 million kilometres, an approximate average. Sizes to scale.
Sunlight takes about 8 minutes 17 seconds to travel the average distance from the surface of the Sun to the Earth.
Exact values
metres per second299792458
Approximate values (to three significant digits)
kilometres per hour1080000000
miles per second186000
miles per hour671000000
astronomical units per day173
parsecs per year0.307
Approximate light signal travel times
one foot1.0 ns
one metre3.3 ns
from geostationary orbit to Earth119 ms
the length of Earth's equator134 ms
from Moon to Earth1.3 s
from Sun to Earth (1 AU)8.3 min
one light year1.0 year
one parsec3.26 years
from nearest star to Sun (1.3 pc)4.2 years
from the nearest galaxy (the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy) to Earth25000 years
across the Milky Way100000 years
from the Andromeda Galaxy to Earth2.5 million years