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Monday, December 23, 2013

Someone Please Explain Why This Would Fool Anyone Knowledgeable About Evolution?

Evolutionist on Complexity: “To some extent, it just happens”
David Strumfels -- what this is is another example of how to use facts about evolution, and use people's ignorance to make it seem absurd.  There is nothing new here, and nothing that hasn't been refuted a hundred times.

Who Will Tell the People?

No sooner had we pointed out that while, as Andreas Wagner admitted, we know “very little” about how evolutionary innovations originate and that “Exactly how new traits emerge is a question that has long puzzled evolutionary biologists,” such inconvenient truths are rarely admitted in public, then leading science writer Carl Zimmer, as if on cue, writing for Scientific American on the topic of “how organisms can evolve elaborate structures,” informed his readers that when it comes to complexity “To some extent, it just happens,” and that “intricate systems of proteins can evolve from simpler ones,” and finally that “studies suggest” that random mutations “can fuel the emergence of complexity.”

That incredible sequence of whoppers makes us wonder, why is it that we cannot simply tell the truth about the science? Who will tell the people?

Culture of ancient Rome

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia