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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

For you who do not accept evolution

For you who do not accept evolution (and some that do): you have a point. Claims shouldn't be accepted on authority, even scientific authority -- even your own authority. Evidence and logic is all that counts. Of course, you must recognize evidence and be trained in logic, or all is lost. For some people, alas, that is the case, and they will spend their lives as fools. For the rest, there are authors such as Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne, John Maynard Smith, Darwin himself of course, and others who will at least explain what evolution is and how it works, and present a great deal of the evidence supporting it. You could peruse a few of these and then ask yourself how you really think about it. That's all I'm recommending and asking for, not some kind of faith. Indeed, just about any scientific subject, from climate warming theory to the Big Bang, that always must be your beginning.

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