California. Photographer: Noah Berger/Bloomberg (Noah Berger/
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E IGHTY-EIGHT percent of scientists polled by the Pew Research Center in January said genetically modified food is generally safe to eat.
Only 37 percent of the public shared that view. The movement to require
genetically modified food products to be labeled both reflects and
exploits this divergence between informed opinion and popular anxiety.
labeling would deter the purchase of genetically modified (GM) food
when the evidence calls for no such caution. Congress is right to be moving toward a more sensible policy that allows companies to label products as free of GM ingredients but preempts states from requiring such labels.
and voters in some states have considered requiring GM labeling, but
only a few have chosen to label, and none have yet started. That’s good:
The GM-food debate is a classic example of activists overstating risk
based on fear of what might be unknown and on a distrust of
corporations. People have been inducing genetic mutations in crops all
sorts of other ways for a long time — by, for example, bathing plants in chemicals or exposing them to radiation. There is also all sorts of genetic turbulence in traditional selective plant breeding and constant natural genetic variation.
products that result from selective gene splicing — which get
scrutinized before coming to market — are being singled out as high
threats. If they were threatening, one would expect experts to have
identified unique harms to human health in the past two decades of
GM-crop consumption. They haven’t. Unsurprisingly, institutions such as
the National Academy of Sciences and the World Health Organization have
concluded that GM food is no riskier than other food.
of compulsory GM food labeling claim that consumers nevertheless
deserve transparency about what they’re eating. But given the facts,
mandatory labeling would be extremely misleading to consumers — who, the
Pew polling shows, exaggerate the worries about “Frankenfood”
— implying a strong government safety concern where one does not exist.
Instead of demanding that food companies add an unnecessary label,
people who distrust the assurances that GM food is safe can buy food
voluntarily labeled as organic or non-GM.
isn’t just a matter of saving consumers from a little unnecessary
expense or anxiety. If GM food becomes an economic nonstarter for
growers and food companies, the world’s poorest will pay the highest
price. GM crops that flourish in challenging environments without the
aid of expensive pesticides or equipment can play an important role in
alleviating hunger and food stress in the developing world — if
researchers in developed countries are allowed to continue advancing the
A House bill
introduced last week would facilitate a voluntary labeling system and
prevent states and localities from going any further to indulge the GM
labeling crowd. It would also empower the Food and Drug Administration
to require labels on GM products that materially differ from their
non-GM cousins in ways that can affect human health. Yes, food industry
interests back the bill. That doesn’t make it wrong.