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Thursday, May 14, 2015
Noah Diffenbaugh -- expert in what?
Noah Diffenbaugh, a well regarded investigator of climate change at Stanford Universe, recently released the following graph on Google:
Well, I can't show it to you because, for some reason, because it is no longer there. Perhaps my exposure of its dishonesty forced him to delete it.
The graph appeared to show that the warming "hiatus" was an illusion.
Appeared, for at the right end "data" from 2015 - 2020) was included; data that showed a sharply rising trend (even more strange is that it did not show 2014 as the "highest recorded temperature in history" as NASA and NOAH both proclaimed, and Diffenbaugh has endorced.)
When the projected "data" were removed,the hiatus returned in full glory, with no clear end in sight. Now that might contradict the current global warming paradigm, but it is a fact, and facts supersede paradigms or consensus or theory, or -- or anything else. Of course, temperatures may steeply rise again throughout 2020, but the only *ahem* evidence for it are computers models which completely missed the hiatus, predicting much higher temperatures than we do in fact have. Why do we continue to have faith in them? Your guess is as good as mine.
I can't risk adding here that a recent SciAm article predicted increased rainfall from climate warming (starting from 1958 throughout the present, the strongest period of CO2 emissions), while predictions of drought (apparently also endorsed by Diffenbaugh) are standard global warming fare. More rainfall, as a matter of fact, follows from global warming by basic scientific principles: higher temperatures cause higher humidity, more cloudiness, and hence, more precipitation.
I could go one, but would like to direct the reader to the article http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/09/05/the-diffenbaugh-delusion-refuted-with-a-single-graph-of-temperature/
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