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In non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the propagator gives the probability amplitude for a
particle to travel from one spatial point at one time to another spatial point at a later time. It is the
Green's function (
fundamental solution) for the
Schrödinger equation. This means that, if a system has
Hamiltonian H, then the appropriate propagator is a function


Hx denotes the Hamiltonian written in terms of the
x coordinates,
δ(x) denotes the
Dirac delta-function,
Θ(t) is the
Heaviside step function and
K(x, t ;x′, t′) is the
kernel of the differential operator in question, often referred to as the propagator instead of
G in this context, and henceforth in this article. This propagator can also be written as

Û(t, t′) is the
unitary time-evolution operator for the system taking states at time
t′ to states at time
The quantum mechanical propagator may also be found by using a
path integral,
![{\displaystyle K(x,t;x',t')=\int \exp \left[{\frac {i}{\hbar }}\int _{t}^{t'}L({\dot {q}},q,t)\,dt\right]D[q(t)]}](
where the boundary conditions of the path integral include
q(t) = x, q(t′) = x′. Here
L denotes the
Lagrangian of the system. The paths that are summed over move only forwards in time, and are integrated with the differential
![{\displaystyle D[q(t)]}](
which follows the path in time.
In non-relativistic
quantum mechanics,
the propagator lets you find the wave function of a system given an
initial wave function and a time interval. The new wave function is
given by the equation

K(x,t;x′,t′) only depends on the difference
x − x′, this is a
convolution of the initial wave function and the propagator. This kernel is the kernel of
integral transform.
Basic examples: propagator of free particle and harmonic oscillator
For a time-translationally invariant system, the propagator only depends on the time difference
t − t′, so it may be rewritten as

propagator of a one-dimensional free particle, with the far-right expression obtained via
saddle-point methods, is then
Similarly, the propagator of a one-dimensional
quantum harmonic oscillator is the
Mehler kernel,
The latter may be obtained from the previous free particle result upon making use of van Kortryk's SU(2) Lie-group identity,


valid for operators


satisfying the Heisenberg relation
![[{\mathsf {x}},{\mathsf {p}}]=i\hbar](
For the
N-dimensional case, the propagator can be simply obtained by the product

Relativistic propagators
In relativistic quantum mechanics and
quantum field theory the propagators are
Lorentz invariant. They give the amplitude for a
particle to travel between two
spacetime points.
Scalar propagator
In quantum field theory, the theory of a free (non-interacting)
scalar field is a useful and simple example which serves to illustrate the concepts needed for more complicated theories. It describes
spin zero particles. There are a number of possible propagators for free scalar field theory. We now describe the most common ones.
Position space
The position space propagators are
Green's functions for the
Klein–Gordon equation. This means they are functions
G(x, y) which satisfy

(As typical in
relativistic quantum field theory calculations, we use units where the
speed of light,
c, and
Planck's reduced constant,
ħ, are set to unity.)
We shall restrict attention to 4-dimensional
Minkowski spacetime. We can perform a
Fourier transform of the equation for the propagator, obtaining

This equation can be inverted in the sense of
distributions noting that the equation
xf(x)=1 has the solution, (see
Sokhotski-Plemelj theorem)

ε implying the limit to zero. Below, we discuss the right choice of the sign arising from causality requirements.
The solution is

is the
4-vector inner product.
The different choices for how to deform the
integration contour in the above expression lead to various forms for the propagator. The choice of contour is usually phrased in terms of the

The integrand then has two poles at

so different choices of how to avoid these lead to different propagators.
Causal propagators
Retarded propagator
A contour going clockwise over both poles gives the
causal retarded propagator. This is zero if
x-y is spacelike or if
x ⁰< y ⁰ (i.e. if
y is to the future of
This choice of contour is equivalent to calculating the


is the
Heaviside step function and

is the
proper time from
x to
y and

is a
Bessel function of the first kind. The expression

y causally precedes x which, for Minkowski spacetime, means
This expression can be related to the
vacuum expectation value of the
commutator of the free scalar field operator,
![{\displaystyle G_{\text{ret}}(x,y)=i\langle 0|\left[\Phi (x),\Phi (y)\right]|0\rangle \Theta (x^{0}-y^{0})}](
![\left[\Phi (x),\Phi (y)\right]:=\Phi (x)\Phi (y)-\Phi (y)\Phi (x)](
is the
Advanced propagator
A contour going anti-clockwise under both poles gives the
causal advanced propagator. This is zero if
x-y is spacelike or if
x ⁰> y ⁰ (i.e. if
y is to the past of
This choice of contour is equivalent to calculating the limit

This expression can also be expressed in terms of the
vacuum expectation value of the
commutator of the free scalar field.
In this case,
![{\displaystyle G_{\text{adv}}(x,y)=-i\langle 0|\left[\Phi (x),\Phi (y)\right]|0\rangle \Theta (y^{0}-x^{0})~.}](
Feynman propagator
A contour going under the left pole and over the right pole gives the
Feynman propagator.
This choice of contour is equivalent to calculating the limit


x and
y are two points in
Minkowski spacetime, and the dot in the exponent is a
four-vector inner product.
H1(2) is a
Hankel function and
K1 is a
modified Bessel function.
This expression can be derived directly from the field theory as the
vacuum expectation value of the
time-ordered product of the free scalar field, that is, the product always taken such that the time ordering of the spacetime points is the same,
![{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}G_{F}(x-y)&=-i\langle 0|T(\Phi (x)\Phi (y))|0\rangle \\[4pt]&=-i\left\langle 0|\left[\Theta (x^{0}-y^{0})\Phi (x)\Phi (y)+\Theta (y^{0}-x^{0})\Phi (y)\Phi (x)\right]|0\right\rangle .\end{aligned}}}](
This expression is
Lorentz invariant, as long as the field operators commute with one another when the points
x and
y are separated by a
spacelike interval.
The usual derivation is to insert a complete set of
single-particle momentum states between the fields with Lorentz
covariant normalization, and to then show that the
Θ functions providing the causal time ordering may be obtained by a
contour integral
along the energy axis, if the integrand is as above (hence the
infinitesimal imaginary part), to move the pole off the real line.
The propagator may also be derived using the
path integral formulation of quantum theory.
Momentum space propagator
Fourier transform of the position space propagators can be thought of as propagators in
momentum space. These take a much simpler form than the position space propagators.
They are often written with an explicit
ε term although this is understood to be a reminder about which integration contour is appropriate (see above). This
ε term is included to incorporate boundary conditions and
causality (see below).
For a
4-momentum p the causal and Feynman propagators in momentum space are:

For purposes of Feynman diagram calculations, it is usually convenient to write these with an additional overall factor of
−i (conventions vary).
Faster than light?
The Feynman propagator has some properties that seem baffling at first. In particular, unlike the commutator, the propagator is
nonzero outside of the
light cone,
though it falls off rapidly for spacelike intervals. Interpreted as an
amplitude for particle motion, this translates to the virtual particle
travelling faster than light. It is not immediately obvious how this can
be reconciled with causality: can we use faster-than-light virtual
particles to send faster-than-light messages?
The answer is no: while in
classical mechanics
the intervals along which particles and causal effects can travel are
the same, this is no longer true in quantum field theory, where it is
commutators that determine which operators can affect one another.
So what
does the spacelike part of the propagator represent? In QFT the
vacuum is an active participant, and
particle numbers and field values are related by an
uncertainty principle; field values are uncertain even for particle number
zero. There is a nonzero
probability amplitude to find a significant fluctuation in the vacuum value of the field
if one measures it locally (or, to be more precise, if one measures an
operator obtained by averaging the field over a small region). Furthermore, the dynamics of the fields tend to favor spatially
correlated fluctuations to some extent. The nonzero time-ordered product
for spacelike-separated fields then just measures the amplitude for a
nonlocal correlation in these vacuum fluctuations, analogous to an
EPR correlation. Indeed, the propagator is often called a
two-point correlation function for the
free field.
Since, by the postulates of quantum field theory, all
operators commute with each other at spacelike separation, messages can
no more be sent through these correlations than they can through any
other EPR correlations; the correlations are in random variables.
Regarding virtual particles, the propagator at spacelike
separation can be thought of as a means of calculating the amplitude for
creating a virtual particle-
antiparticle pair that eventually disappears into the vacuum, or for detecting a virtual pair emerging from the vacuum. In
language, such creation and annihilation processes are equivalent to a
virtual particle wandering backward and forward through time, which can
take it outside of the light cone. However, no signaling back in time
is allowed.
Explanation using limits
This can be made clearer by writing the propagator in the following form for a massless photon,

This is the usual definition but normalised by a factor of

. Then the rule is that one only takes the limit

at the end of a calculation.
One sees that
Hence this means a single photon will always stay on the light cone.
It is also shown that the total probability for a photon at any time
must be normalised by the reciprocal of the following factor:

We see that the parts outside the light cone usually are zero in the limit and only are important in Feynman diagrams.
Propagators in Feynman diagrams
The most common use of the propagator is in calculating
probability amplitudes for particle interactions using
Feynman diagrams.
These calculations are usually carried out in momentum space. In
general, the amplitude gets a factor of the propagator for every
internal line,
that is, every line that does not represent an incoming or outgoing
particle in the initial or final state. It will also get a factor
proportional to, and similar in form to, an interaction term in the
Lagrangian for every internal vertex where lines meet. These prescriptions are known as
Feynman rules.
Internal lines correspond to virtual particles. Since the
propagator does not vanish for combinations of energy and momentum
disallowed by the classical equations of motion, we say that the virtual
particles are allowed to be
off shell. In fact, since the propagator is obtained by inverting the wave equation, in general, it will have singularities on the shell.
The energy carried by the particle in the propagator can even be
negative. This can be interpreted simply as the case in which, instead of a particle going one way, its
antiparticle is going the
way, and therefore carrying an opposing flow of positive energy. The
propagator encompasses both possibilities. It does mean that one has to
be careful about minus signs for the case of
fermions, whose propagators are not
even functions in the energy and momentum (see below).
Virtual particles conserve energy and momentum. However, since
they can be off the shell, wherever the diagram contains a closed
the energies and momenta of the virtual particles participating in the
loop will be partly unconstrained, since a change in a quantity for one
particle in the loop can be balanced by an equal and opposite change in
another. Therefore, every loop in a Feynman diagram requires an integral
over a continuum of possible energies and momenta. In general, these
integrals of products of propagators can diverge, a situation that must
be handled by the process of
Other theories
Spin 1⁄2
If the particle possesses
then its propagator is in general somewhat more complicated, as it will
involve the particle's spin or polarization indices. The differential
equation satisfied by the propagator for a spin
1⁄2 particle is given by

I4 is the unit matrix in four dimensions, and employing the
Feynman slash notation. This is the Dirac equation for a delta function source in spacetime. Using the momentum representation,
![{\displaystyle S_{F}(x',x)=\int {\frac {d^{4}p}{(2\pi )^{4}}}\exp {\left[-ip\cdot (x'-x)\right]}{\tilde {S}}_{F}(p),}](
the equation becomes
![{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&(i\not \nabla '-m)\int {\frac {d^{4}p}{(2\pi )^{4}}}{\tilde {S}}_{F}(p)\exp {\left[-ip\cdot (x'-x)\right]}\\[6pt]={}&\int {\frac {d^{4}p}{(2\pi )^{4}}}(\not p-m){\tilde {S}}_{F}(p)\exp {\left[-ip\cdot (x'-x)\right]}\\[6pt]={}&\int {\frac {d^{4}p}{(2\pi )^{4}}}I_{4}\exp {\left[-ip\cdot (x'-x)\right]}\\[6pt]={}&I_{4}\delta ^{4}(x'-x),\end{aligned}}}](
where on the right-hand side an integral representation of the four-dimensional delta function is used. Thus

By multiplying from the left with

(dropping unit matrices from the notation) and using properties of the
gamma matrices,
![{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\not p\not p&={\frac {1}{2}}(\not p\not p+\not p\not p)\\[6pt]&={\frac {1}{2}}(\gamma _{\mu }p^{\mu }\gamma _{\nu }p^{\nu }+\gamma _{\nu }p^{\nu }\gamma _{\mu }p^{\mu })\\[6pt]&={\frac {1}{2}}(\gamma _{\mu }\gamma _{\nu }+\gamma _{\nu }\gamma _{\mu })p^{\mu }p^{\nu }\\[6pt]&=g_{\mu \nu }p^{\mu }p^{\nu }=p_{\nu }p^{\nu }=p^{2},\end{aligned}}}](
the momentum-space propagator used in Feynman diagrams for a
Dirac field representing the
electron in
quantum electrodynamics is found to have form

iε downstairs is a prescription for how to handle the poles in the complex
p0-plane. It automatically yields the
Feynman contour of integration by shifting the poles appropriately. It is sometimes written

for short. It should be remembered that this expression is just shorthand notation for
(γμpμ − m)−1. "One over matrix" is otherwise nonsensical. In position space one has

This is related to the Feynman propagator by


Spin 1
The propagator for a
gauge boson in a
gauge theory depends on the choice of convention to fix the gauge. For the gauge used by Feynman and
Stueckelberg, the propagator for a
photon is

The propagator for a massive vector field can be derived from the
Stueckelberg Lagrangian. The general form with gauge parameter
λ reads

With this general form one obtains the propagator in unitary gauge for
λ = 0, the propagator in Feynman or 't Hooft gauge for
λ = 1 and in Landau or Lorenz gauge for
λ = ∞. There are also other notations where the gauge parameter is the inverse of
λ. The name of the propagator, however, refers to its final form and not necessarily to the value of the gauge parameter.
Unitary gauge:

Feynman ('t Hooft) gauge:

Landau (Lorenz) gauge:

Graviton propagator
The graviton propagator for
Minkowski space in
general relativity is


is the transverse and traceless
spin-2 projection operator and

is a spin-0 scalar
The graviton propagator for
(Anti) de Sitter space is


is the
Hubble constant. Note that upon taking the limit

, the AdS propagator reduces to the Minkowski propagator.
Related singular functions
The scalar propagators are Green's functions for the Klein–Gordon
equation. There are related singular functions which are important in
quantum field theory. We follow the notation in Bjorken and Drell.
[8] See also Bogolyubov and Shirkov (Appendix A). These functions are most simply defined in terms of the
vacuum expectation value of products of field operators.
Solutions to the Klein–Gordon equation
Pauli–Jordan function
The commutator of two scalar field operators defines the Pauli–Jordan function

![{\displaystyle \langle 0|\left[\Phi (x),\Phi (y)\right]|0\rangle =i\,\Delta (x-y)}](

This satisfies

and is zero if

Positive and negative frequency parts (cut propagators)
We can define the positive and negative frequency parts of

, sometimes called cut propagators, in a relativistically invariant way.
This allows us to define the positive frequency part:

and the negative frequency part:

These satisfy


Auxiliary function
The anti-commutator of two scalar field operators defines

function by


This satisfies
Green's functions for the Klein–Gordon equation
The retarded, advanced and Feynman propagators defined above are all Green's functions for the Klein–Gordon equation.
They are related to the singular functions by
