Electronic governance or e-governance is the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services,
exchange of information, communication transactions, integration of
various stand-alone systems and services between government-to-citizen
(G2C), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-government (G2G),
government-to-employees (G2E) as well as back-office processes and interactions within the entire government framework.
Through e-governance, government services are made available to
citizens in a convenient, efficient, and transparent manner. The three
main target groups that can be distinguished in governance concepts are
government, citizens, and
businesses/interest groups. In e-governance, there are no distinct
Distinction from e-government
Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, there is a
difference between e-governance and e-government. E-government refers to
the use of the ICTs in public administration which, when combined with
organizational change and new skills, are intended to improve public services
and democratic processes and to strengthen support to the public.
However, e-government has no provision for governance of ICTs. The
governance of ICTs typically requires a substantial increase in
regulation and policy-making
capabilities, as well as additional expertise and opinion-shaping
processes among various social stakeholders. The perspective of
e-governance is "the use of the technologies that both help to govern
and have to be governed". The central goal of e-governance is to reach the beneficiary
and to ensure that their service needs are met. Ideally, the government
will automatically recognize the importance of achieving this goal in
order to maximize its efficiency.
Furthermore, e-government uses one-way communication protocol whereas e-governance uses two-way communication protocol. Establishing the identity of the end beneficiary
is a challenge in all citizen centric services. Statistical information
published by governments and global bodies do not always reveal the
facts. The best form of e-governance cuts down on the unwanted
interference of too many layers while delivering governmental services.
It depends on good infrastructural setup with the support of local
processes and parameters for governments to reach their citizens or end
beneficiaries. A budget for planning, development, and growth can be derived from well laid out e-governance systems.
The relevance of BI Analytics has brought forth a paradigm shift
in assimilating and visualizing huge chunks of data in near real-time
manner. The pivot of all good decision-making systems is correct,
up-to-date and compliant data. Governments not only want the
transformation of their own country and countrymen but also expect
improved relations and healthy trade across the world. Development
should be transformative and continuously evolving. Internal as well as
external IT systems should work in tandem with government policies and
procedures. Data Analytics has the ability to change the color and
complexion of the world. E-governance should induce up-to-date
information, initiate effective interaction, and engage with transparent
transactions in compliance with rule of law, thus enabling a
sustainable transformation model.
The public–private partnership (PPP)-based e-governance projects are hugely successful in India. Many countries implement e-government policy in an attempt to build a corruption-free government.
Government to citizen
goal of government-to-citizen (G2C) e-governance is to offer a variety
of ICT services to citizens in an efficient and economical manner and to
strengthen the relationship between government and citizens using
There are several methods of government-to-customer e-governance. Two-way communication allows citizens to instant message directly with public administrators, and cast remote electronic votes (electronic voting)
and instant opinion voting. Transactions such as payment of services,
such as city utilities, can be completed online or over the phone.
Mundane services such as name or address changes, applying for services
or grants, or transferring existing services are more convenient and no
longer have to be completed face to face.
By country
G2C e-governance is unbalanced across the globe as not everyone has Internet access and computing skills, but the United States, European Union, and Asia are ranked the top three in development.
The Federal Government of the United States has a broad framework of G2C technology to enhance citizen access to Government information and services. benefits.gov
is an official US government website that informs citizens of benefits
they are eligible for and provides information on how to apply for
assistance. US State Governments also engage in G2C interaction through
the Department of Transportation, Department of Public Safety, United States Department of Health and Human Services, United States Department of Education, and others.
As with e-governance on the global level, G2C services vary from state
to state. The Digital States Survey ranks states on social measures, digital democracy, e-commerce, taxation, and revenue. The 2012 report shows Michigan and Utah in the lead and Florida and Idaho with the lowest scores.
Municipal governments in the United States also use
government-to-customer technology to complete transactions and inform
the public. Much like states, cities are awarded for innovative
technology. Government Technology's "Best of the Web 2012" named
Louisville, KY, Arvada, CO, Raleigh, NC, Riverside, CA, and Austin, TX
the top five G2C city portals.
European countries were ranked second among all geographic
regions. The Single Point of Access for Citizens of Europe supports
travel within Europe and Europe is a 1999 initiative supporting an
online government. Main focuses are to provide public information, allow
customers to have access to basic public services, simplify online procedures, and promote electronic signatures. Estonia is the first and the only country in the world with e-residency which enables anyone in the world outside Estonia to access Estonian online services.
Asia is ranked third in comparison, and there are diverse G2C programs between countries. Singapore's eCitizen Portal is an organized single access point to government information and services. South Korea's Home Tax Service (HTS) provides citizens with 24/7 online services such as tax declaration. Taiwan
has top ranking G2C technology including an online motor vehicle
services system, which provides 21 applications and payment services to
Government-to-Citizen is the communication link between a
government and private individuals or residents. Such G2C communication
most often refers to that which takes place through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), but can also include direct mail and media campaigns. G2C can take place at the federal, state, and local levels.
G2C stands in contrast to G2B, or Government-to-Business networks.
One such Federal G2C network is USA.gov, the United States' official web portal, though there are many other examples from governments around the world.
A full switch to government-to-citizen e-governance will cost a large amount of money in development and implementation.
In addition, government agencies do not always engage citizens in the
development of their e-gov services or accept feedback. Customers
identified the following barriers to government-to-customer
e-governance: not everyone has Internet access, especially in rural or
low-income areas, G2C technology can be problematic for citizens who
lack computing skills. Some G2C sites have technology requirements (such
as browser requirements and plug-ins) that won't allow access to
certain services, language barriers, the necessity for an e-mail address
to access certain services, and a lack of privacy.
Government to employees
E-governance to Employee partnership (G2E) Is one of four main
primary interactions in the delivery model of E-governance. It is the
relationship between online tools, sources, and articles that help
employees to maintain the communication with the government and their
own companies. E-governance relationship with Employees allows new
learning technology in one simple place as the computer. Documents can
now be stored and shared with other colleagues online.
E-governance makes it possible for employees to become paperless and
makes it easy for employees to send important documents back and forth
to colleagues all over the world instead of having to print out these
records or fax G2E
services also include software for maintaining personal information and
records of employees. Some of the benefits of G2E expansion include:
- E-payroll – maintaining the online sources to view paychecks, pay stubs, pay bills, and keep records for tax information.
- E-benefits – be able to look up what benefits an employee is receiving and what benefits they have a right to.
- E-training – allows for new and current employees to regularly maintain the training they have through the development of new technology and to allow new employees to train and learn over new materials in one convenient location. E-learning is another way to keep employees informed on the important materials they need to know through the use of visuals, animation, videos, etc. It is usually a computer-based learning tool, although not always. It is also a way for employees to learn at their own pace (distance learning), although it can be instructor-led.
- Maintaining records of personal information – Allows the system to keep all records in one easy location to update with every single bit of information that is relevant to a personal file. Examples being social security numbers, tax information, current address, and other information
Government-to-employees (abbreviated G2E) is the online interactions through instantaneous communication tools between government units and their employees. G2E is one out of the four primary delivery models of e-Government.
G2E is an effective way to provide e-learning to the employees, bring them together and to promote knowledge sharing among them.
It also gives employees the possibility of accessing information in
regard to compensation and benefits policies, training and learning
opportunities and civil rights laws. G2E services also include software for maintaining personal information and records of employees.
G2E is adopted in many countries including the United States, Hong Kong, and New Zealand.
Government to government
the start of 1990s e-commerce and e-product, there has rampant
integration of e-forms of government process. Governments have now tried
to use the efficiencies of their techniques to cut down on waste.
E-government is a fairly broad subject matter, but all relate to how the
services and representation are now delivered and how they are now
being implemented.
Many governments around the world have gradually turned to
Information technologies (IT) in an effort to keep up with today's
demands. Historically, many governments in this sphere have only been
reactive, but recently there has been a more proactive approach in
developing comparable services such things as e-commerce and e-business.
Before, the structure emulated private-like business techniques.
Recently that has all changed as e-government begins to make its own
plan. Not only does e-government introduce a new form of record keeping,
but it also continues to become more interactive to better the process
of delivering services and promoting constituency participation.
The framework of such an organization is now expected to increase
more than ever by becoming efficient and reducing the time it takes to
complete an objective. Some examples include paying utilities, tickets,
and applying for permits. So far, the biggest concern is accessibility
to Internet technologies for the average citizen. In an effort to help,
administrations are now trying to aid those who do not have the skills
to fully participate in this new medium of governance, especially now as
e-government progressing to more e-governance terms.
An overhaul of the structure is now required as every
pre-existing sub-entity must now merge under one concept of
e-government. As a result, Public Policy has also seen changes due to
the emerging of constituent participation and the Internet. Many
governments such as Canada's have begun to invest in developing new
mediums of communication of issues and information through virtual
communication and participation. In practice, this has led to several
responses and adaptations by interest groups, activist, and lobbying
groups. This new medium has changed the way the polis interacts with
purpose to include e-governance to government is to means more
efficient in various aspects. Whether it means to reduce cost by
reducing paper clutter, staffing cost, or communicating with private
citizens or public government. E-government brings many advantages to
play such as facilitating information delivery, application
process/renewal between both business and private citizen, and
participation with the constituency. There are both internal and
external advantages to the emergence of IT in government, though not all
municipalities are alike in size and participation.
In theory, there are currently 4 major levels of E-government in municipal governments:
- The establishment of a secure and cooperative interaction among governmental agencies
- Web-based service delivery
- The application of e-commerce for more efficient government transactions activities
- Digital democracy
These, along with 5 degrees of technical integration and interaction of users include:
- Simple information dissemination (one-way communication)
- Two-way communication (request and response)
- Service and financial transactions
- Integration (horizontal and vertical integration)
- Political participation
The adoption of e-government in municipalities evokes greater
innovation in e-governance by being specialized and localized. The level
success and feedback depends greatly on the city size and government
type. A council-manager government municipality typically works the best with this method, as opposed to mayor-council government
positions, which tend to be more political. Therefore, they have
greater barriers towards its application. Council-Manager governments
are also more inclined to be effective here by bringing innovation and
reinvention of governance to e-governance.
The International City/County Management Association and Public
Technology Inc. have done surveys over the effectiveness of this method.
The results are indicating that most governments are still in either
the primary stages (1 or stage 2), which revolves around public service
requests. Though application of integration is now accelerating, there
has been little to no instigating research to see its progression as
e-governance to the government. We can only theorize it's still within
the primitive stages of e-governance.
(abbreviated G2G) is the online non-commercial interaction between
Government organizations, departments, and authorities and other
Government organizations, departments, and authorities. Its use is
common in the UK, along with G2C, the online non-commercial interaction of local and central Government and private individuals, and G2B the online non-commercial interaction of local and central Government and the commercial business sector.
G2G systems generally come in one of two types: Internal-facing -
joining up a single Governments departments, agencies, organizations,
and authorities - examples include the integration aspect of the Government Gateway, and the UK NHS Connecting for Health Data SPINE. External facing - joining up multiple Governments IS systems - an example would include the integration aspect of the Schengen Information System (SIS), developed to meet the requirements of the Schengen Agreement.
strategic objective of e-governance, or in this case G2G is to support
and simplify governance for government, citizens, and businesses. The
use of ICT can connect all parties and support processes and activities.
Other objectives are to make government administration more
transparent, speedy and accountable while addressing the society's needs
and expectations through efficient public services and effective
interaction between the people, businesses, and government.
Government-to-government model
Delivery model
Within every of those interaction domains, four sorts of activities take place:
Pushing data over the internet, e.g.: regulative services,
general holidays, public hearing schedules, issue briefs, notifications,
two-way communications between one governmental department and another,
users will interact in dialogue with agencies and post issues, comments,
or requests to the agency.
Conducting transactions, e.g.: Lodging tax returns, applying for
services and grants.
Governance, e.g.: To alter the national transition from passive info
access to individual participation by:
- Informing the individual
- Representing an individual
- Consulting an individual
- Involving the individual
Internal G2G (UK)
the field of networking, the Government Secure Intranet (GSi) puts in
place a secure link between central government departments. It is an
IP-based virtual private network
based on broadband technology introduced in April 1998 and further
upgraded in February 2004. Among other things, it offers a variety of
advanced services including file transfer and search facilities,
directory services, email exchange facilities (both between network
members and over the Internet) as well as voice and video services. An
additional network is currently also under development: the Public
Sector Network (PSN) will be the network to interconnect public
authorities (including departments and agencies in England; devolved
administrations and local governments) and facilitate in particular
sharing of information and services among each other.
Government to business
Government-to-Business (G2B) is the online
non-commercial interaction between local and central government and the
commercial business sector with the purpose of providing businesses
information and advice on e-business best practices.
G2B: Refers to the conduction through the Internet between government
agencies and trading companies. B2G: Professional transactions between
the company and the district, city, or federal regulatory agencies. B2G
usually include recommendations to complete the measurement and
evaluation of books and contracts.
objective of G2B is to reduce difficulties for business, provide
immediate information and enable digital communication by e-business
(XML). In addition, the government should re-use the data in the report
proper, and take advantage of commercial electronic transaction
Government services are concentrated on the following groups: human
services; community services; judicial services; transport services;
land resources; business services; financial
services and other. Each of the components listed above for each cluster of related services to the enterprise.
Benefits for business
reduces costs and lowers the barrier of allowing companies to interact
with the government. The interaction between the government and
businesses reduces the time required for businesses to conduct a
transaction. For instance, there is no need to commute to a government
agency's office, and transactions may be conducted online instantly with
the click of a mouse. This significantly reduces transaction time for
the government and businesses alike.
E-Government provides a greater amount of information that the
business needed, also it makes that information more clear. A key factor
in business success is the ability to plan and forecast through
data-driven future. The government collected a lot of economic,
demographic and other trends in the data. This makes the data more
accessible to companies which may increase the chance of economic
In addition, E-Government can help businesses navigate through
government regulations by providing an intuitive site organization with a
wealth of useful applications. The electronic filings of applications
for environmental permits give an example of it. Companies often do not
know how, when, and what they must apply. Therefore, failure to comply
with environmental regulations up to 70%, a staggering figure most likely due to confusion about the requirements, rather than the product of willful disregard of the law.
government should concern that not all people are able to access the
internet to gain online government services. The network reliability, as
well as information on government bodies, can influence public opinion
and prejudice hidden agenda. There are many considerations and
implementation, designing e-government, including the potential impact
of government and citizens of disintermediation, the impact on economic,
social and political factors, vulnerable to cyber attacks, and
disturbances to the status quo in these areas.
G2B rises the connection between government and businesses. Once
the e-government began to develop, become more sophisticated, people
will be forced to interact with e-government in the larger area. This
may result in a lack of privacy for businesses as their government gets
their more and more information. In the worst case, there is so much
information in the electron transfer between the government and
business, a system which is totalitarian like could be developed. As the government can access more information, the loss of privacy could be a cost.
The government site does not consider about "potential to reach
many users including those who live in remote areas, are homebound, have
low literacy levels, exist on poverty line incomes."
- e-Tender Box (ETB) system – ETB system was developed by Government Logistics Department (GLD) to replace Electronic Tendering System. Users can use ETB system to download the resources and gain the service from the GLD.
- e-Procurement Program – e-Procurement Program provides a simple, convenient online ways for suppliers of the participating bureau/departments (B/Ds) and suppliers of Government Logistics Department and agree to provide the low-valued goods and service.
- Finance and support for your business – UK Government provide the online financial help for business, including grants, loans, business guide; what's more, it also offers the funding for the sunrise businesses (just start) or small-scale firms.
main goal of government to business is to increase productivity by
giving business more access to information in a more organize manner
while lowering the cost of doing business as well as the ability to cut
"red tape", save time, reduce operational cost and to create a more
transparent business environment when dealing with government.
- Lowering cost of doing business – electronic transaction save time compared to conducting business in person.
- Cutting red tape – rules and regulation placed upon business normally take time and are most likely to cause a delay- in (G2B) will allow a much faster process with fewer delays and decreasing the number of rules and regulations
- Transparency – More information will be available, making G2B easier to communicate.
Government to business key points:
- Reduce the burden on business by adopting a process that enables collecting data once for multiple uses and streamlining redundant data.
- Key lines of business: regulations, economic development, trade, permits/licenses, grants/loans, and asset management.
Difference between G2B and B2G
- Government to business (G2B) – Refers to the conducting of transactions between government bodies and business via the internet.
- Business to the government (B2G) – Professional affairs conducted between companies and regional, municipal, or federal governing bodies. B2G typically encompasses the determination and evaluation of proposal and completion of the contract.
The overall benefit of e-governance when dealing with business is that it enables the business to perform more efficiently.
Challenges – international position
is facing numerous challenges world over. These challenges are arising
from administrative, legal, institutional and technological factors. The
challenge includes security drawbacks such as spoofing, tampering,
repudiation, disclosure, elevation of privilege, denial of service and
other cyber crimes. Other sets of problems include implementation parts
such as funding, management of change, privacy, authentication, delivery
of services, standardization, technology issues and use of local