Volunteers from around the world came to Ithaca, Queensland to address an influenza epidemic through the Women's Emergency Corps (later the Women's Volunteer Reserve) in July 1919.
Volunteers sweep the boardwalk in Brooklyn after the 2012 Hurricane Sandy.
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic
activity where an individual or group provides services for no
financial or social gain "to benefit another person, group or
organization". Volunteering is also renowned for skill development and is often intended to promote goodness or to improve human quality of life. Volunteering may have positive benefits for the volunteer as well as for the person or community served.
It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment. Many
volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.
Etymology and history
The verb was first recorded in 1755. It was derived from the noun volunteer, in C.1600, "one who offers himself for military service," from the Middle French voluntaire. In the non-military sense, the word was first recorded during the 1630s. The word volunteering has more recent usage—still predominantly military—coinciding with the phrase community service.
In a military context, a volunteer army
is a military body whose soldiers chose to enter service, as opposed to
having been conscripted. Such volunteers do not work "for free" and are
given regular pay.
19th century
During this time, America experienced the Great Awakening.
People became aware of the disadvantaged and realized the cause for
movement against slavery. Younger people started helping the needy in
their communities. In 1851, the first YMCA in the United States was started, followed seven years later by the first YWCA. During the American Civil War, women volunteered their time to sew supplies for the soldiers and the "Angel of the Battlefield" Clara Barton and a team of volunteers began providing aid to servicemen. Barton founded the American Red Cross in 1881 and began mobilizing volunteers for disaster relief operations, including relief for victims of the Johnstown Flood in 1889.
20th and 21st centuries
John F. Kennedy greets volunteers on 28 August 1961
The Salvation Army is one of the oldest and largest organizations working for disadvantaged people. Though it is a charity organization, it has organized a number of volunteering programs since its inception.
Prior to the 19th century, few formal charitable organizations existed to assist people in need.
In the first few decades of the 20th century, several volunteer organizations were founded, including the Rotary International, Kiwanis International, Association of Junior Leagues International, and Lions Clubs International.
The Great Depression
saw one of the first large-scale, nationwide efforts to coordinate
volunteering for a specific need. During World War II, thousands of
volunteer offices supervised the volunteers who helped with the many
needs of the military and the home front, including collecting supplies, entertaining soldiers on leave, and caring for the injured.
After World War II,
people shifted the focus of their altruistic passions to other areas,
including helping the poor and volunteering overseas. A major
development was the Peace Corps in the United States in 1960. When President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a War on Poverty
in 1964, volunteer opportunities started to expand and continued into
the next few decades. The process for finding volunteer work became more
formalized, with more volunteer centers forming and new ways to find
work appearing on the World Wide Web.
According to the Corporation for National and Community Service
(in 2012), about 64.5 million Americans, or 26.5 percent of the adult
population, gave 7.9 billion hours of volunteer service worth $175
billion. This calculates at about 125–150 hours per year or 3 hours per
week at a rate of $22 per hour. Volunteer hours in the UK are similar;
the data for other countries is unavailable.
In 1960, after the so called revolutionary war in Cuba ended,
Ernesto Che Guevara created the concept of volunteering work. It was
created with the intention that workers across the country volunteer a
few hours of work on their work centers.
Volunteering as utilized by service learning programs
Many schools on all education levels offer service-learning programs, which allow students to serve the community through volunteering while earning educational credit. According to Alexander Astin in the foreword to Where's the Learning in Service-Learning?
by Janet Eyler and Dwight E. Giles, Jr.,"...we promote more wide-spread
adoption of service-learning in higher education because we see it as a
powerful means of preparing students to become more caring and
responsible parents and citizens and of helping colleges and
universities to make good on their pledge to 'serve society.'"
When describing service learning, the Medical Education at Harvard
says, "Service learning unites academic study and volunteer community
service in mutually reinforcing ways. ...service learning is
characterized by a relationship of partnership: the student learns from
the service agency and from the community and, in return, gives energy,
intelligence, commitment, time and skills to address human and community
Volunteering in service learning seems to have the result of engaging
both mind and heart, thus providing a more powerful learning experience;
according to Janet Eyler and Dwight E. Giles, it succeeds by the fact
that it "...fosters student development by capturing student
interest..." While not recognized by everyone as a legitimate approach, research on the efficacy of service learning has grown.
Janet Eyler and Dwight E. Giles conducted a national study of American
college students to ascertain the significance of service learning
According to Eyler and Giles,"These surveys, conducted before and after
a semester of community service, examine the impact of service-learning
on students."
They describe their experience with students involved in
service-learning in this way: "Students like service-learning. When we
sit down with a group of students to discuss service-learning
experiences, their enthusiasm is unmistakable. ...it is clear that [the
students]believe that what they gain from service-learning differs
qualitatively from what they often derive from more traditional
Skills-based volunteering
Skills-based volunteering
is leveraging the specialized skills and the talents of individuals to
strengthen the infrastructure of nonprofits, helping them build and
sustain their capacity to successfully achieve their missions. This is in contrast to traditional volunteering, where specific training is not required. The average hour of traditional volunteering is valued by the Independent Sector at between $18–20 an hour. Skills-based volunteering is valued at $40–500 an hour, depending on the market value of the time.
Volunteering in developing countries
Laura Bush poses with Peace Corps volunteers
An increasingly popular form of volunteering among young people, particularly gap year students and graduates, is to travel to communities in the developing world
to work on projects with local organisations. Activities include
teaching English, working in orphanages, conservation, assisting
non-governmental organizations and medical work. International
volunteering often aims to give participants valuable skills and
knowledge in addition to benefits to the host community and
Virtual volunteering
Also called e-volunteering or online volunteering,
virtual volunteering is a volunteer who completes tasks, in whole or in
part, offsite from the organization being assisted. They use the
Internet and a home, school, telecenter or work computer, or other Internet-connected device, such as a PDA or smartphone.
Virtual volunteering is also known as cyber service, telementoring, and
teletutoring, as well as various other names. Virtual volunteering is
similar to telecommuting, except that instead of online employees who are paid, these are online volunteers who are not paid.
Micro-volunteering is a task performed via an internet-connected
device. An individual typically does this task in small, un-paid
increments of time. Micro-volunteering is distinct from "virtual
volunteering" in that it typically does not require the individual
volunteer to go through an application process, screening process, or
training period.
Environmental volunteering
Environmental volunteering refers to the volunteers who contribute
towards environmental management or conservation. Volunteers conduct a
range of activities including environmental monitoring, ecological
restoration such as re-vegetation and weed removal, protecting
endangered animals, and educating others about the natural environment.
Volunteering in an emergency
Volunteers assist survivors at the Houston Astrodome following Hurricane Katrina in September 2005.
Volunteering often plays a pivotal role in the recovery effort
following natural disasters, such as tsunamis, floods, droughts,
hurricanes, and earthquakes. For example, the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Japan was a watershed moment, bringing in many first-time volunteers for earthquake response. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami attracted a large number of volunteers worldwide, deployed by non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and the United Nations.
During the 2012 hurricane Sandy emergency, Occupy Sandy volunteers, formed a laterally organized rapid-response team that provided much needed help during and after the storm, from food to shelter to reconstruction. It is an example of mutualism at work, pooling resources and assistance and leveraging social media.
Volunteering in schools
poor schools around the world rely on government support or on efforts
from volunteers and private donations, in order to run effectively. In
some countries, whenever the economy is down, the need for volunteers
and resources increases greatly.
There are many opportunities available in school systems for
volunteers. Yet, there are not many requirements in order to volunteer
in a school system. Whether one is a high school or TEFL (Teaching
English as a Foreign Language) graduate or college student, most schools
require just voluntary and selfless effort.
Much like the benefits of any type of volunteering there are
great rewards for the volunteer, student, and school. In addition to
intangible rewards, volunteers can add relevant experience to their
resumes. Volunteers who travel to assist may learn foreign culture and
Volunteering in schools can be an additional teaching guide for
the students and help to fill the gap of local teachers. Cultural and
language exchange during teaching and other school activities can be the
most essential learning experience for both students and volunteers.
Corporate volunteering
Benefacto, a volunteering brokerage, describe corporate volunteering
as "Companies giving their employees an allowance of paid time off
annually, which they use to volunteer at a charity of their choice."
A majority of the companies at the Fortune 500
allow their employees to volunteer during work hours. These formalized
Employee Volunteering Programs (EVPs), also called Employer Supported
Volunteering (ESV), are regarded as a part of the companies'
sustainability efforts and their social responsibility activities. About 40% of Fortune 500 companies provide monetary donations, also known as volunteer grants, to nonprofits as a way to recognize employees who dedicate significant amounts of time to volunteering in the community.
According to the information from VolunteerMatch,
a service that provides Employee Volunteering Program solutions, the
key drivers for companies that produce and manage EVPs are building brand awareness and affinity, strengthening trust and loyalty among consumers, enhancing corporate image and reputation, improving employee retention, increasing employee productivity and loyalty, and providing an effective vehicle to reach strategic goals.
In April 2015, David Cameron pledged to give all UK workers
employed by companies with more 250 staff mandatory three days’ paid
volunteering leave, which if implemented will generate an extra 360
million volunteering hours a year.
Community volunteer work
Volunteers fit new windows at the Sumac Centre in Nottingham, England, UK.
Community volunteering, in the US called "community service",
refers globally to those who work to improve their local community.
This activity commonly occurs through not for profit organizations,
local governments and churches; but also encompasses ad-hoc or informal
groups such as recreational sports teams.
Benefits of community volunteer work
are many proven personal benefits of community volunteerism. Working
together with a group of people who have different ethnicity,
backgrounds, and views reduces stereotypes. Community volunteerism has
also been proven to improve student's academic success.
According to Where's the Learning in Service Learning? by
Janet Eyler and Dwight E. Giles, immersing oneself into service learning
and serving others has many positive effects both academic and
personal. Not only does surrounding oneself with new people and learning
how to work together as a group help one improve teamwork and
relational skills, it reduces stereotypes, increases appreciation of
other cultures, and works to allow young people to find others that they
relate to.
Eyler and Giles noted that at the beginning and end of a college
semester that included three hours of community service a week, students
reported a much higher regard for cultural differences. At the end of
the semester those who had participated in service-learning were noted
as saying that the most important things that they had learned were not
to judge others, and to appreciate every type of person because everyone
shares some similar key characteristics.
Community volunteer work has proven to be a powerful predictor in
students' academic lives and college experience as a whole. Studies
have shown that students who participate in community service as a part
of their college course of study have a much higher correlation of
completing their degree (Astin, 1992; Pascarella and Terenzini, 1991).
In addition, college students who participate in community volunteer
projects as a part of their college experience report finding a much
greater relevance in their academic studies after completing community
volunteer projects.
According to University Health Services, studies have found that
volunteering can positively impact a student’s overall mental and
emotional health.
Social volunteering or welfare volunteering
some European countries government organisations and non-government
organisations provide auxiliary positions for a certain period in
institutions like hospitals, schools, memorial sites and welfare
institutions. The difference to other types of volunteering is that
there are strict legal regulations, what organisation is allowed to
engage volunteers and about the period a volunteer is allowed to work in
a voluntary position. Due to that fact, the volunteer is getting a
limited amount as a pocket money from the government. An organization
having one of the biggest manpower in Europe is the German Federal volunteers service (Bundesfreiwilligendienst), that was founded in 2011, by having more than 35.000 federal volunteers in 2012. A much older institution is the Voluntary social year (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr) in Austria and Germany.
Volunteering at Major Sporting Events
Sochi Olympics 25,000 volunteers worked at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.
They supported the organisers in more than 20 functional areas: meeting
guests, assisting navigation, organising the opening and closing
ceremonies, organising food outlets, etc. Volunteer applications were
open to any nationals of Russia and other countries. The Sochi 2014
Organising Committee received about 200,000 applications, 8 applicants
per place. Volunteers received training over the course of more than a
year at 26 volunteer centres in 17 cities across Russia. The majority of
participants were between 17 and 22 years old. At the same time, 3000
applications were submitted from people over 55 years old. Some of them
worked as volunteers during the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. It was the first experience with such a large-scale volunteer program in the contemporary Russia.
2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia
the first time in its history, Russia will host the FIFA World Cup from
14 June till 15 July 2018. Moreover, it will be the first time the
World Cup games will be played both in Europe and Asia. The games will
be hosted by 12 stadiums in 11 Russian cities.
The volunteer program of the 2018 FIFA World Cup has engaged
thousands of people from Russia and other countries around the world.
The program included several stages: recruitment, selection and
training of volunteers, organisation of their work during the
championship. The recruitment of volunteers for the FIFA Confederations
Cup and the FIFA World Cup via FIFA.com started on 1 June 2016 and
closed on 30 December 2016. Some of the volunteers worked at the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup:
1733 people assisted the organisers in Saint Petersburg, 1590 worked in
Moscow, 1261 in Sochi, 1260 in Kazan, a total of 5844 participants.
The FIFA World Cup will be supported by 17,040 volunteers of the Russia 2018 Local Organising Committee.
Candidates living in Russia were selected by 15 volunteer centres
in the host cities based in some of Russia's leading higher educational
institutions: Synergy University, Moscow State Institute of
International Relations, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
Russian State Social University, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction
University, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Samara
State University, Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport
and Tourism, Don State Technical University, Ogarev Mordovia State
University, Volgograd State University, State University of Nizhny
Novgorod, Samara State Aerospace University, Immanuel Kant Baltic
Federal University, and Ural Federal University.
Candidates from other countries were selected remotely.
Candidates had to be at least 18 years old, have a good knowledge
of English, have a higher or vocational secondary education, and
possess teamwork skills.
Volunteers were trained remotely, in volunteer centres and at World Cup venues.
Volunteers will be providing assistance in a variety of areas:
- Distributing accreditations;
- Selling and checking tickets;
- Assisting radio communications professionals;
- Organising leisure and entertainment activities for guests of the event;
- Organising food outlets;
- Providing interpretation services;
- Working with sponsors;
- Providing medical services and organising doping control procedures;
- Supporting mass media operations;
- Organising arrivals and departures of players and guests;
- Working with VIP guests;
- Assisting players and referees;
- Assisting players and guests with accommodation;
- Providing navigation assistance to guests;
- Assisting TV and radio broadcasting;
- Organising transportation;
- Managing volunteers;
- Organising operations of the stadium;
- Monitoring compliance with FIFA social and environmental requirements;
- Organising the opening and closing ceremonies of the championship.
Their work started ahead of the events: on 10 May 2017 for the 2017
FIFA Confederations Cup, and on 10 May 2018 for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
Legacy of 2018 FIFA World Cup Volunteer Program: Russian National Competition of Important Social Projects
20 October 2017, the Russian National Competition of Important Social
Projects "Legacy of 2018 FIFA World Cup Volunteer Program" was launched.
The competition has engaged about 1500 people: applicants to the 2018
FIFA World Cup volunteer program and future city volunteers.
The idea of the competition was that anyone could submit a
project that would draw the attention of Russian cities residents to the
FIFA World Cup in Russia and leave a legacy after the championship was
The project was expected to produce tangible (work of art, place
of attraction for guests and residents in the city, open playground,
graffiti, developed areas in city parks, films, etc.) or intangible
(events, conferences, festivals, exhibitions) legacy.
26 projects qualified to the final and were supported by the
Russia 2018 Local Organising Committee and the host cities of the 2018
FIFA World Cup. The jury included the General Director of the Russia
2018 Local Organising Committee Alexey Sorokin, Ambassador of the 2018
FIFA World Cup in Russia Alexey Smertin and Advisor to the Head of the
Federal Tourism Agency Svetlana Sergeeva.
Some of the projects were combined or further developed by the Local Organising Committee.
Among the projects were: Football Championship for Moms, Ramp
Production out of Recycled Plastic, Your Championship Sticker Packs,
Volunteer days, weeks and years
Designated days, weeks and years observed by a country or as designated by the United Nations to encourage volunteering / community service
- Global Youth Service Day
- International Volunteer Day
- International Year of Volunteers
- Join Hands Day
- Mandela Day
- MLK Day of service
- Mitzvah Day
- Random Acts of Kindness Day
- Sewa Day
- Make A Difference Day
- World Kindness Day
Political view
Modern societies share a common value of people helping each other;
not only do volunteer acts assist others, but they also benefit the
volunteering individual on a personal level.
Despite having similar objectives, tension can arise between volunteers
and state-provided services. In order to curtail this tension, most
countries develop policies and enact legislation to clarify the roles
and relationships among governmental stakeholders and their voluntary
counterparts; this regulation identifies and allocates the necessary
legal, social, administrative, and financial support of each party. This
is particularly necessary when some voluntary activities are seen as a
challenge to the authority of the state(e.g., on 29 January 2001,
President Bush cautioned that volunteer groups should supplement—not
replace—government agencies’ work).
Volunteering that benefits the state but challenges paid
counterparts angers labor unions that represent those who are paid for
their volunteer work; this is particularly seen in combination
departments, such as volunteer fire departments.
Difficulties in cross-national aid
Difficulties in the cross-national aid model of volunteering can
arise when it is applied across national borders. The presence of
volunteers who are sent from one state to another can be viewed as a
breach of sovereignty
and showing a lack of respect towards the national government of the
proposed recipients. Thus, motivations are important when states
negotiate offers to send aid and when these proposals are accepted,
particularly if donors may postpone assistance or stop it altogether.
Three types of conditionality have evolved:
- Financial accountability: Transparency in funding management to ensure that what is done by the volunteers is properly targeted
- Policy reform: Governmental request that developing countries adopt certain social, economic, or environmental policies; often, the most controversial relate to the privatization of services traditionally offered by the state
- Development objectives: Asking developing countries to adjust specific time-bound economic objectives
Some international volunteer organizations define their primary
mission as being altruistic: to fight poverty and improve the living
standards of people in the developing world, (e.g. Voluntary Services Overseas
has almost 2,000 skilled professionals working as volunteers to pass on
their expertise to local people so that the volunteers' skills remain
long after they return home). When these organizations work in
partnership with governments, the results can be impressive. However,
when other organizations or individual First World governments support
the work of volunteer groups, there can be questions as to whether the
organizations' or governments' real motives are poverty alleviation.
Instead, a focus on creating wealth for some of the poor or developing
policies intended to benefit the donor states is sometimes reported.
Many low-income countries’ economies suffer from industrialization
without prosperity and investment without growth. One reason for this is
that development assistance guides many Third World governments to
pursue development policies that have been wasteful, ill-conceived, or
unproductive; some of these policies have been so destructive that the
economies could not have been sustained without outside support.
Indeed, some offers of aid have distorted the general spirit of
volunteering, treating local voluntary action as contributions in kind,
i.e., existing conditions requiring the modification of local people’s
behavior in order for them to earn the right to donors’ charity. This
can be seen as patronizing and offensive to the recipients because the
aid expressly serves the policy aims of the donors rather than the needs
of the recipients.
Moral resources, political capital and civil society
Some files for helping people in a volunteers station in Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Based on a case study in China, Xu and Ngai (2011) revealed that the
developing grassroots volunteerism can be an enclave among various
organizations and may be able to work toward the development of civil
society in the developing countries. The researchers developed a "Moral
Resources and Political Capital" approach to examine the contributions
of volunteerism in promoting the civil society. Moral resource means the
available morals could be chosen by NGOs. Political capital means the
capital that will improve or enhance the NGOs’ status, possession or
access in the existing political system.
Moreover, Xu and Ngai (2011) distinguished two types of Moral Resources: Moral Resource-I and Moral Resource-II (ibid).
- Moral Resource I: Inspired by Immanuel Kant’s (1998 [1787]) argument of "What ought I to do," Moral Resource-I will encourage the NGOs’ confidence and then have the courage to act and conquer difficulties by way of answering and confirming the question of "What ought I to do."
- Moral Resource II: given that Adorno (2000) recognizes that moral or immoral tropes are socially determined, Moral Resource-II refers to the morals that are well accepted by the given society.
Thanks to the intellectual heritage of Blau and Duncan (1967), two types of political capital were identified:
- Political Capital-I refers to the political capital mainly ascribed to the status that the NGO inherited throughout history (e.g., the CYL).
- Political Capital-II refers to the Political Capital that the NGOs earned through their hard efforts.
Obviously, "Moral resource-I itself contains the self-determination
that gives participants confidence in the ethical beliefs they have
almost any organizations may have Moral Resource-I, while not all of
them have the societal recognized Moral Resource-II. However, the
voluntary service organizations predominantly occupy Moral Resource-II
because a sense of moral superiority makes it possible that for parties
with different values, goals and cultures to work together in promoting
the promotion of volunteering. Thus the voluntary service organizations
are likely to win the trust and support of the masses as well as the
government more easily than will the organizations whose morals are not
accepted by mainstream society. In other words, Moral Resource II helps
the grassroots organizations with little Political Capital I to win
Political Capital-II, which is a crucial factor for their survival and
growth in developing countries such as China. Therefore, the voluntary
service realm could be an enclave of the development of civil society in
the developing nations.
Health benefits
Volunteering has the ability to improve the quality of life and health including longevity of those who donate their time and research has found that older adults will benefit the most from
volunteering. Physical and mental ailments plaguing older adults can be
healed through the simple act of helping others; however, one must be
performing the good deed from a selfless nature. There are barriers that
can prevent older adults from participating in volunteer work, such as
socio-economic status, opinions held by others, and even current health
issues. However, these barriers can be overcome so that if one would
like to be involved in volunteer work they can do so. Volunteering
improves not only the communities in which one serves, but also the life
of the individual who is providing help to the community.
Mental health benefits
Volunteering is known not only to be related to happiness but also to increase happiness. Also, giving help was a more important benefit of better reported mental health than receiving help.
Studies have also shown that volunteering can cause a decrease in
loneliness for those volunteering as well as those for whom people
In the United States, statistics on volunteering have historically been limited, according to volunteerism expert Susan J. Ellis. In 2013, the U.S. Current Population Survey (US) included a volunteering supplement which produced statistics on volunteering.
In the 1960s, Ivan Illich
offered an analysis of the role of American volunteers in Mexico in his
speech entitled "To Hell With Good Intentions". His concerns, along
with those of critics such as Paulo Freire and Edward Said, revolve around the notion of altruism as an extension of Christian missionary ideology. In addition, he mentions the sense of responsibility/obligation as a factor, which drives the concept of noblesse oblige—first developed by the French aristocracy as a moral duty
derived from their wealth. Simply stated, these apprehensions propose
the extension of power and authority over indigenous cultures around the
world. Recent critiques of volunteering come from Westmier and Kahn
(1996) and bell hooks (née Gloria Watkins) (2004). Also, Georgeou (2012) has critiqued the impact of neoliberalism on international aid volunteering.
The field of the medical tourism
(referring to volunteers who travel overseas to deliver medical care)
has recently attracted negative criticism when compared to the
alternative notion of sustainable capacities, i.e., work done in the
context of long-term, locally-run, and foreign-supported
infrastructures. A preponderance of this criticism appears largely in
scientific and peer-reviewed literature. Recently, media outlets with more general readerships have published such criticisms as well.
Another problems noted with volunteering is that it can be used
to replace low paid entry positions. This can act to decrease social
mobility, with only those capable of affording to work without payment
able to gain the experience.
Trade unions in the United Kingdom have warned that long term
volunteering is a form of expoitation, used by charities to avoid
minimum wage legislation.
Some sectors now expect candidates for paid roles to have undergone
significant periods of volunteer experience whether relevant to the role
or not, setting up 'Volunteer Credentialism'.