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Male Anatomy
PrecursorEndodermic evaginations of the urethra
ArteryInternal pudendal artery, inferior vesical artery, and middle rectal artery
VeinProstatic venous plexus, pudendal plexus, vesical plexus, internal iliac vein
NerveInferior hypogastric plexus
Lymphinternal iliac lymph nodes

The prostate is an exocrine gland of the male reproductive system in most mammals. It differs considerably among species anatomically, chemically, and physiologically. The word prostate comes from Ancient Greek προστάτης, prostátēs, literally "one who stands before", "protector", "guardian".

Anatomically, the prostate can be subdivided in two ways: by zone or by lobe. It does not have a capsule; rather an integral fibromuscular band surrounds it. It is sheathed in the muscles of the pelvic floor, which contract during the ejaculatory process. The prostate also contains some smooth muscles that also help expel semen during ejaculation.

The function of the prostate is to secrete a fluid which contributes to the volume of the semen. This prostatic fluid is slightly alkaline, milky or white in appearance, and in humans usually constitutes roughly 30% of the volume of semen, the other 70% being spermatozoa and seminal vesicle fluid. The alkalinity of semen helps neutralize the acidity of the vaginal tract, prolonging the lifespan of sperm.

The prostatic fluid is expelled in the first part of ejaculate, together with most of the sperm. In comparison with the few spermatozoa expelled together with mainly seminal vesicular fluid, those in prostatic fluid have better motility, longer survival, and better protection of genetic material.

Disorders of the prostate include enlargement, inflammation, infection, and cancer.
