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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Three new ideas––quantum energy, the temporal field, unconscious processes and black hole holography

Three new ideas––quantum energy, the temporal field, unconscious processes and black hole holography

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One of the supreme pleasures of writing for this forum is the free hand to discuss new ideas and thoughts with an audience which is predisposed to the enjoyment of such things.  That is rare.  I will present a few new thoughts which sprang into my head over the last week or so, and hope to encourage the community to contribute their ideas about these things.  Who knows…perhaps we can figure it out and begin to make a difference in some vital areas?  Many of these ideas are speculative, and I do not apologize for this fact.  All new truths begin as a guess most creative. Revelation is a sudden houseguest who never brings credentials.  If we have a fact, or a beautiful farce, is not known until the idea is explored and tested by experiment.  So please permit me room to err, for all new facts, begin as a question.  Here are some thoughts on clean energy production, a proposed primary temporal field responsible for the resolution of quantum states, and a hypothetical connectivity between unconscious processes and black hole holography as energetic universal instantiation.

Clean energy speculations:

Please read this paper on Time Crystals, and the Penrose/Hameroff  Orch OR.

Here we have another possible clean energy source (please see the earlier post on the amplitude compounding harmonic multiplier, "The Orch OR theory of consciousness and the amplitude compounding harmonic multiplier").

The source is not quite what you might imagine though.  In the case of time crystals and also of MT structures specified in the Orch OR (and the presence of those mechanical vibratory perturbations are not so controversial as the Orch OR itself), we see low energy mechanical output stemming from greater source energy…much greater.   The time crystal is often referred to as almost a sort of perpetual motion machine.  Now we must not be too surprised at that, indeed we are all virtual perpetual motion machines as is the universe!  By this I mean that we are a sort of holography, a term thrown around most carelessly, which in this case means we, and all the manifest universe of objects, are an active demonstration of special relativity each and every moment!  Our mass is entirely virtual…mostly created from the gluonic field, partly from the Higgs fields, each and every moment as a function of virtual particles!   Here is a link to demonstrate the truth of this:

You may also reference that information from this site under the title,  "Active Relativity––virtual mass: the mathematics of divinity."  The implication is that we are actively created each and every moment from the energy density of the vacuum!  Each moment!  We are direct instantiations of special relativity.   So we can see that the source energy of the vacuum all around us is massive…a square yard box is enough to destroy the universe or solar system depending upon how closely the calculations approach the Planck length and energy.

It is clear that the beat frequency energy, the vibratory mechanical energy in MT structures, or, the tiny regular vibrations of a time crystal, are indications of much greater energies from which these effects spring.  Now, I have proposed that one might collect these tiny amounts of manifest mechanical energy by way of mechanical phase synchronized amplitude compounding.  A seemingly silly idea!  A mechanical device?  It may not be so silly.  It seems that a similar device utilizing a thin vibrating metal plate has been constructed and allows one to remove the quantum fluctuations responsible for the uncertainty relation. 

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