The surface appearance of an iceberg is often used to illustrate the human conscious and unconscious mind; the visible portions are easily noticed, and yet their shape depends on the much larger portions that are out of view.
The introspection illusion is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly think they have direct insight into the origins of their mental states, while treating others' introspections
as unreliable. In certain situations, this illusion leads people to
make confident but false explanations of their own behavior (called
"causal theories") or inaccurate predictions of their future mental states.
The illusion has been examined in psychological
experiments, and suggested as a basis for biases in how people compare
themselves to others. These experiments have been interpreted as
suggesting that, rather than offering direct access to the processes
underlying mental states, introspection is a process of construction and inference, much as people indirectly infer others' mental states from their
When people mistake unreliable introspection for genuine self-knowledge, the result can be an illusion of superiority
over other people, for example when each person thinks they are less
biased and less conformist than the rest of the group. Even when
experimental subjects are provided with reports of other subjects'
introspections, in as detailed a form as possible, they still rate those
other introspections as unreliable while treating their own as
reliable. Although the hypothesis of an introspection illusion informs
some psychological research, the existing evidence is arguably
inadequate to decide how reliable introspection is in normal
circumstances. Correction for the bias may be possible through education about the bias and its unconscious nature.
The phrase "introspection illusion" was coined by Emily Pronin. Pronin describes the illusion as having four components:
- People give a strong weighting to introspective evidence when assessing themselves.
- They do not give such a strong weight when assessing others.
- People disregard their own behavior when assessing themselves (but not others).
- Own introspections are more highly weighted than others. It is not just that people lack access to each other's introspections: they regard only their own as reliable.
Unreliability of introspection
[I]ntrospection does not provide a direct pipeline to nonconscious mental processes. Instead, it is best thought of as a process whereby people use the contents of consciousness to construct a personal narrative that may or may not correspond to their nonconscious states. Timothy D. Wilson and Elizabeth W. Dunn (2004)
A 1977 paper by psychologists Richard Nisbett and Timothy D. Wilson
challenged the directness and reliability of introspection, thereby
becoming one of the most cited papers in the science of consciousness.
Nisbett and Wilson reported on experiments in which subjects verbally
explained why they had a particular preference, or how they arrived at a
particular idea. On the basis of these studies and existing attribution research, they concluded that reports on mental processes are confabulated. They wrote that subjects had, "little or no introspective access to higher order cognitive processes". They distinguished between mental contents (such as feelings) and mental processes, arguing that while introspection gives us access to contents, processes remain hidden.
Research continues to find that humans evolved only limited abilities to introspect
Although some other experimental work followed from the Nisbett and
Wilson paper, difficulties with testing the hypothesis of introspective
access meant that research on the topic generally stagnated.
A ten-year-anniversary review of the paper raised several objections,
questioning the idea of "process" they had used and arguing that
unambiguous tests of introspective access are hard to achieve.
Updating the theory in 2002, Wilson admitted that the 1977 claims had been too far-reaching. He instead relied on the theory that the adaptive unconscious
does much of the moment-to-moment work of perception and behaviour.
When people are asked to report on their mental processes, they cannot
access this unconscious activity. However, rather than acknowledge their lack of insight, they confabulate a plausible explanation, and "seem" to be "unaware of their unawareness".
The idea that people can be mistaken about their inner functioning is one applied by eliminative materialists.
These philosophers suggest that some concepts, including "belief" or
"pain" will turn out to be quite different from what is commonly
expected as science advances.
The faulty guesses that people make to explain their thought processes have been called "causal theories". The causal theories provided after an action will often serve only to justify the person's behaviour in order to relieve cognitive dissonance.
That is, a person may not have noticed the real reasons for their
behaviour, even when trying to provide explanations. The result is an
explanation that mostly just makes themselves feel better. An example
might be a man who discriminates against homosexuals because he is
embarrassed that he himself is attracted to other men. He may not admit
this to himself, instead claiming his prejudice is because he believes
that homosexuality is unnatural.
A study conducted by philosopher Eric Schwitzgebel and
psychologist Russell T. Hurlburt was set up to measure the extent of
introspective accuracy by gathering introspective reports from a single
individual who was given the pseudonym "Melanie". Melanie was given a
beeper which sounded at random moments, and when it did she had to note
what she was currently feeling and thinking. After analyzing the reports
the authors had mixed views about the results, the correct
interpretation of Melanie's claims and her introspective accuracy. Even
after long discussion the two authors disagreed with each other in the
closing remarks, Schwitzgebel being pessimistic and Hurlburt optimistic
about the reliability of introspection.
Factors in accuracy
and Wilson conjectured about several factors that they found to
contribute to the accuracy of introspective self-reports on cognition.
- Availability: Stimuli that are highly salient (either due to recency or being very memorable) are more likely to be recalled and considered for the cause of a response.
- Plausibility: Whether a person finds a stimulus to be a sufficiently likely cause for an effect determines the influence it has on their reporting of the stimulus.
- Removal in time: The greater the distance in time since the occurrence of an event, the less available and more difficult to accurately recall it is.
- Mechanics of judgment: People do not recognize the influence that judgment factors (e.g., position effects) have on them, leading to inaccuracies in self-reporting.
- Context: Focusing on the context of an object distracts from evaluation of that object and can lead people to falsely believe that their thoughts about the object are represented by the context.
- Non-events: The absence of an occurrence is naturally less salient and available than an occurrence itself, leading nonevents to have little influence on reports.
- Nonverbal behaviour: While people receive a large amount of information about others via nonverbal cues, the verbal nature of relaying information and the difficulty of translating nonverbal behaviour into verbal form lead to its lower reporting frequency.
- Discrepancy between the magnitudes of cause and effect: Because it seems natural to assume that a certain size cause will lead to a similarly-sized effect, connections between causes and effects of different magnitudes are not often drawn.
Unawareness of error
Several hypotheses to explain people's unawareness of their inaccuracies in introspection were provided by Nisbett and Wilson:
- Confusion between content and process: People are usually unable to access the exact process by which they arrived at a conclusion, but can recall an intermediate step prior to the result. However, this step is still content in nature, not a process. The confusion of these discrete forms leads people to believe that they are able to understand their judgment processes. (Nisbett and Wilson have been criticized for failing to provide a clear definition of the differences between mental content and mental processes.)
- Knowledge of prior idiosyncratic reactions to a stimulus: An individual's belief that they react in an abnormal manner to a stimulus, which would be unpredictable from the standpoint of an outside observer, seems to support true introspective ability. However, these perceived covariations may actually be false, and truly abnormal covariations are rare.
- Differences in causal theories between subcultures: The inherent differences between discrete subcultures necessitates that they have some differing causal theories for any one stimulus. Thus, an outsider would not have the same ability to discern a true cause as would an insider, again making it seem to the introspector that they have the capacity to understand the judgment process better than can another.
- Attentional and intentional knowledge: An individual may consciously know that they were not paying attention to a certain stimulus or did not have a certain intent. Again, as insight that an outside observer does not have, this seems indicative of true introspective ability. However, the authors note that such knowledge can actually mislead the individual in the case that it is not as influential as they may think.
- Inadequate feedback: By nature, introspection is difficult to be disconfirmed in everyday life, where there are no tests of it and others tend not to question one's introspections. Moreover, when a person's causal theory of reasoning is seemingly disconfirmed, it is easy for them to produce alternative reasons for why the evidence is actually not disconfirmatory at all.
- Motivational reasons: Considering one's own ability to understand their reasoning as being equivalent to an outsider's is intimidating and a threat to the ego and sense of control. Thus, people do not like to entertain the idea, instead maintaining the belief that they can accurately introspect.
claim that confabulation of justifications evolved to relieve cognitive
dissonance is criticized by some evolutionary biologists for assuming
the evolution of a mechanism for feeling dissonanced by a lack of
justification. These evolutionary biologists argue that if causal theories
had no higher predictive accuracy than prejudices that would have been
in place even without causal theories, there would be no evolutionary
selection for experiencing any form of discomfort from lack of causal
The claim that studies in the United States that appear to show a link
between homophobia and homosexuality can be explained by an actual such
link is criticized by many scholars. Since much homophobia in the United
States is due to religious indoctrination and therefore unrelated to
personal sexual preferences, they argue that the appearance of a link is
due to volunteer-biased erotica research in which religious homophobes
fear God's judgment but not being recorded as "homosexual" by Earthly
psychologists while most non-homophobes are misled by false dichotomies to assume that the notion that men can be sexually fluid is somehow "homophobic" and "unethical".
Choice blindness
Inspired by the Nisbett and Wilson paper, Petter Johansson
and colleagues investigated subjects' insight into their own
preferences using a new technique. Subjects saw two photographs of
people and were asked which they found more attractive. They were given a
closer look at their "chosen" photograph and asked to verbally explain
their choice. However, in some trials, the experimenter had slipped them
the other photograph rather than the one they had chosen, using sleight of hand.
A majority of subjects failed to notice that the picture they were
looking at did not match the one they had chosen just seconds before.
Many subjects confabulated explanations of their preference. For
example, a man might say "I preferred this one because I prefer blondes" when he had in fact pointed to the dark-haired woman, but had been handed a blonde. These must have been confabulated because they explain a choice that was never made.
The large proportion of subjects who were taken in by the deception
contrasts with the 84% who, in post-test interviews, said that
hypothetically they would have detected a switch if it had been made in
front of them. The researchers coined the phrase "choice blindness" for this failure to detect a mismatch.
A follow-up experiment involved shoppers in a supermarket tasting
two different kinds of jam, then verbally explaining their preferred
choice while taking further spoonfuls from the "chosen" pot. However,
the pots were rigged so that, when explaining their choice, the subjects
were tasting the jam they had actually rejected. A similar experiment
was conducted with tea.
Another variation involved subjects choosing between two objects
displayed on PowerPoint slides, then explaining their choice when the
description of what they chose had been altered.
Research by Paul Eastwick and Eli Finkel (described as "one of the leading lights in the realm of relationship psychology") at Northwestern University
also undermined the idea that subjects have direct introspective
awareness of what attracts them to other people. These researchers
examined male and female subjects' reports of what they found
attractive. Men typically reported that physical attractiveness was
crucial while women identified earning potential as most important.
These subjective reports did not predict their actual choices in a speed dating context, or their dating behaviour in a one-month follow-up.
Consistent with choice blindness, Henkel and Mather found that
people are easily convinced by false reminders that they chose different
options than they actually chose and that they show greater choice-supportive bias in memory for whichever option they believe they chose.
It is not clear, however, the extent to which these findings apply to
real-life experience when we have more time to reflect or use actual
faces (as opposed to gray-scale photos). As Prof. Kaszniak points out: "although a priori
theories are an important component of people's causal explanations,
they are not the sole influence, as originally hypothesized by Nisbett
& Wilson. Actors also have privileged information access that
includes some degree of introspective access to pertinent causal stimuli
and thought processes, as well as better access (than observers) to
stimulus-response covariation data about their own behaviour".
Other criticisms point out that people who volunteer to psychology lab
studies are not representative of the general population and also are
behaving in ways that do not reflect how they would behave in real life.
Examples include people of many different non-open political
ideologies, despite their enmity to each other, having a shared belief
that it is "ethical" to give an appearance of humans justifying beliefs
and "unethical" to admit that humans are open-minded in the absence of
threats that inhibit critical thinking, making them fake justifications.
Attitude change
Studies that ask participants to introspect upon their reasoning
(for liking, choosing, or believing something, etc.) tend to see a
subsequent decrease in correspondence between attitude and behaviour in
the participants. For example, in a study by Wilson et al.,
participants rated their interest in puzzles that they had been given.
Prior to rating, one group had been instructed to contemplate and write
down their reasons for liking or disliking the puzzles, while the
control group was given no such task. The amount of time participants
spent playing with each puzzle was then recorded. The correlation
between ratings of and time spent playing each puzzle was much smaller
for the introspection group than the control group.
A subsequent study was performed to show the generalizability of
these results to more "realistic" circumstances. In this study,
participants were all involved in a steady romantic relationship. All
were asked to rate how well-adjusted their relationship was. One group
was asked to list all of the reasons behind their feelings for their
partner, while the control group did not do so. Six months later, the
experimenters followed up with participants to check if they were still
in the same relationship. Those who had been asked to introspect showed
much less attitude-behaviour consistency based upon correlations between
earlier relationship ratings and whether they were still dating their
partners. This shows that introspection was not predictive, but this
also probably means that the introspection has changed the evolution of
the relationship.
The authors theorize that these effects are due to participants
changing their attitudes, when confronted with a need for justification,
without changing their corresponding behaviours. The authors
hypothesize that this attitude shift is the result of a combination of
things: a desire to avoid feeling foolish for simply not knowing why one
feels a certain way; a tendency to make justifications based upon
cognitive reasons, despite the large influence of emotion; ignorance of
mental biases (e.g., halo effects); and self-persuasion that the reasons
one has come up with must be representative with their attitude. In
effect, people attempt to supply a "good story" to explain their
reasoning, which often leads to convincing themselves that they actually
hold a different belief.
In studies wherein participants chose an item to keep, their subsequent
reports of satisfaction with the item decreased, suggesting that their
attitude changes were temporary, returning to the original attitude over
Introspection by focusing on feelings
In contrast with introspection by focusing on reasoning, that which instructs one to focus on their feelings has actually been shown to increase attitude-behaviour correlations. This finding suggests that introspecting on one's feelings is not a maladaptive process.
theory that there are mental processes that act as justifications do
not make behavior more adaptive is criticized by some biologists who
argue that the cost in nutrients for brain function selects against any
brain mechanism that does not make behaviour more adapted to the
environment. They argue that the cost in essential nutrients
causes even more difficulty than the cost in calories, especially in
social groups of many individuals needing the same scarce nutrients,
which imposes substantial difficulty on feeding the group and lowers
their potential size. These biologists argue that the evolution of
argumentation was driven by the effectiveness of arguments on changing
risk perception attitudes and life and death decisions to a more
adaptive state, as "luxury functions" that did not enhance life and
death survival would lose the evolutionary "tug of war" against the
selection for nutritional thrift. While there have been claims of
non-adaptive brain functions being selected by sexual selection,
these biologists criticize any applicability to introspection
illusion's causal theories because sexually selected traits are most
disabling as a fitness signal during or after puberty but human brains
require the highest amount of nutrients before puberty (enhancing the
nerve connections in ways that make adult brains capable of faster and
more nutrient-efficient firing).
A priori causal theories
In their classic paper, Nisbett and Wilson proposed that introspective confabulations result from a priori theories, of which they put forth four possible origins:
- Explicit cultural rules (e.g., stopping at red traffic lights)
- Implicit cultural theories, with certain schemata for likely stimulus-response relationships (e.g., an athlete only endorses a brand because he is paid to do so)
- Individual observational experiences that lead one to form a theory of covariation
- Similar connotation between stimulus and response
The authors note that the use of these theories does not necessarily
lead to inaccurate assumptions, but that this frequently occurs because
the theories are improperly applied.
Explaining biases
argues that over-reliance on intentions is a factor in a number of
different biases. For example, by focusing on their current good
intentions, people can overestimate their likelihood of behaving
In perceptions of bias
The bias blind spot
is an established phenomenon that people rate themselves as less
susceptible to bias than their peer group. Emily Pronin and Matthew
Kugler argue that this phenomenon is due to the introspection illusion. In their experiments, subjects had to make judgments about themselves and about other subjects. They displayed standard biases, for example rating themselves above the others on desirable qualities (demonstrating illusory superiority).
The experimenters explained cognitive bias, and asked the subjects how
it might have affected their judgment. The subjects rated themselves as
less susceptible to bias than others in the experiment (confirming the bias blind spot). When they had to explain their judgments, they used different strategies for assessing their own and others' bias.
Pronin and Kugler's interpretation is that when people decide
whether someone else is biased, they use overt behaviour. On the other
hand, when assessing whether or not they themselves are biased, people
look inward, searching their own thoughts and feelings for biased
motives. Since biases operate unconsciously, these introspections are
not informative, but people wrongly treat them as reliable indication
that they themselves, unlike other people, are immune to bias.
Pronin and Kugler tried to give their subjects access to others'
introspections. To do this, they made audio recordings of subjects who
had been told to say whatever came into their heads as they decided
whether their answer to a previous question might have been affected by
bias. Although subjects persuaded themselves they were unlikely to be
biased, their introspective reports did not sway the assessments of
When asked what it would mean to be biased, subjects were more
likely to define bias in terms of introspected thoughts and motives when
it applied to themselves, but in terms of overt behaviour when it
applied to other people. When subjects were explicitly told to avoid
relying on introspection, their assessments of their own bias became
more realistic.
Additionally, Nisbett and Wilson found that asking participants
whether biases (such as the position effect in the stocking study) had an effect on their decisions resulted in a negative response, in contradiction with the data.
In perceptions of conformity
Another series of studies by Pronin and colleagues examined perceptions of conformity.
Subjects reported being more immune to social conformity than their
peers. In effect, they saw themselves as being "alone in a crowd of
sheep". The introspection illusion appeared to contribute to this
effect. When deciding whether others respond to social influence,
subjects mainly looked at their behaviour, for example explaining other
student's political opinions in terms of following the group. When
assessing their own conformity, subjects treat their own introspections
as reliable. In their own minds, they found no motive to conform, and so
decided that they had not been influenced.
In perceptions of control and free will
Psychologist Daniel Wegner has argued that an introspection illusion contributes to belief in paranormal phenomena such as psychokinesis.
He observes that in everyday experience, intention (such as wanting to
turn on a light) is followed by action (such as flicking a light switch)
in a reliable way, but the processes connecting the two are not
consciously accessible. Hence though subjects may feel that they
directly introspect their own free will,
the experience of control is actually inferred from relations between
the thought and the action. This theory, called "apparent mental
causation", acknowledges the influence of David Hume's view of the mind.
This process for detecting when one is responsible for an action is not
totally reliable, and when it goes wrong there can be an illusion of control.
This could happen when an external event follows, and is congruent
with, a thought in someone's mind, without an actual causal link.
As evidence, Wegner cites a series of experiments on magical thinking in which subjects were induced to think they had influenced external events. In one experiment, subjects watched a basketball player taking a series of free throws. When they were instructed to visualise him making his shots, they felt that they had contributed to his success.
If the introspection illusion contributes to the subjective feeling of
free will, then it follows that people will more readily attribute free
will to themselves rather than others. This prediction has been
confirmed by three of Pronin and Kugler's experiments. When college
students were asked about personal decisions in their own and their
roommate's lives, they regarded their own choices as less predictable.
Staff at a restaurant described their co-workers' lives as more
determined (having fewer future possibilities) than their own lives.
When weighing up the influence of different factors on behaviour,
students gave desires and intentions the strongest weight for their own
behaviour, but rated personality traits as most predictive of other
However, criticism of Wegner's claims regarding the significance of
introspection illusion for the notion of free will has been published.
Research shows that human volunteers can estimate their response
times accurately, in fact knowing their "mental processes" well, but
only with substantial demands made on their attention and cognitive
resources (i.e. they are distracted while estimating). Such estimation
is likely more than post hoc interpretation and may incorporate privileged information. Mindfulness training can also increase introspective accuracy in some instances. Nisbett and Wilson's findings were criticized by psychologists Ericsson and Simon, among others.
Correcting for the bias
study that investigated the effect of educating people about
unconscious biases on their subsequent self-ratings of susceptibility to
bias showed that those who were educated did not exhibit the bias blind
spot, in contrast with the control group. This finding provides hope
that being informed about unconscious biases such as the introspection
illusion may help people to avoid making biased judgments, or at least
make them aware that they are biased. Findings from other studies on
correction of the bias yielded mixed results. In a later review of the
introspection illusion, Pronin suggests that the distinction is that
studies that merely provide a warning of unconscious biases will not see
a correction effect, whereas those that inform about the bias and
emphasize its unconscious nature do yield corrections. Thus, knowledge
that bias can operate during conscious awareness seems the defining
factor in leading people to correct for it.
Timothy Wilson has tried to find a way out from "introspection illusion", recounted in his book Strangers to Ourselves.
He suggests that the observation of our own behaviours more than our
thoughts can be one of the keys for clearer introspective knowledge.
Some 21st century critical rationalists
argue that claims of correcting for introspection illusions or other
cognitive biases pose a threat of immunizing themselves to criticism by
alleging that criticism of psychological theories that claim cognitive
bias are "justifications" for cognitive bias, making it non-falsifiable by labelling of critics and also potentially totalitarian.
These modern critical rationalists argue that defending a theory by
claiming that it overcomes bias and alleging that critics are biased,
can defend any pseudoscience from criticism; and that the claim that
"criticism of A is a defense of B" is inherently incapable of being
evidence-based, and that any actual "most humans" bias (if it existed)
would be shared by most psychologists thus make psychological claims of
biases a way of accusing unbiased criticism of being biased and
marketing the biases as overcoming of bias.