In physics, a plasmon is a quantum of plasma oscillation (see below). Just as light (an optical oscillation) consists of photons, the plasma oscillation consists of plasmons. The plasmon can be considered as a quasiparticle since it arises from the quantization of plasma oscillations, just like phonons are quantizations of mechanical vibrations. Thus, plasmons are collective (a discrete number) oscillations of the free electron gas density. For example, at optical frequencies, plasmons can couple with a photon to create another quasiparticle called a plasmon polariton.
The plasmon was initially proposed in 1952 by David Pines and David Bohm and was shown to arise from a Hamiltonian for the long-range electron-electron correlations.
Since plasmons are the quantization of classical plasma oscillations, most of their properties can be derived directly from Maxwell's equations.
Plasmons can be described in the classical picture as an oscillation of electron density with respect to the fixed positive ions in a metal. To visualize a plasma oscillation, imagine a cube of metal placed in an external electric field pointing to the right. Electrons
will move to the left side (uncovering positive ions on the right side)
until they cancel the field inside the metal. If the electric field is
removed, the electrons move to the right, repelled by each other and
attracted to the positive ions left bare on the right side. They
oscillate back and forth at the plasma frequency until the energy is lost in some kind of resistance or damping. Plasmons are a quantization of this kind of oscillation.
Plasmons play a large role in the optical properties of metals and semiconductors. Light of frequencies below the plasma frequency is reflected by a material because the electrons in the material screen the electric field
of the light. Light of frequencies above the plasma frequency is
transmitted by a material because the electrons in the material cannot
respond fast enough to screen it. In most metals, the plasma frequency
is in the ultraviolet, making them shiny (reflective) in the visible range. Some metals, such as copper and gold,
have electronic inter-band transitions in the visible range, whereby
specific light energies (colors) are absorbed, yielding their distinct
color. In semiconductors, the valence electron
plasmon frequency is usually in the deep ultraviolet, while their
electronic inter-band transitions are in the visible range, whereby
specific light energies (colors) are absorbed, yielding their distinct
which is why they are reflective. It has been shown that the plasmon
frequency may occur in the mid-infrared and near-infrared region when
semiconductors are in the form of nanoparticles with heavy doping.
The plasmon energy can often be estimated in the free electron model as
where is the conduction electron density, is the elementary charge, is the electron mass, the permittivity of free space, the reduced Planck constant and the plasmon frequency.
Surface plasmons
Surface plasmons are those plasmons that are confined to surfaces and that interact strongly with light resulting in a polariton. They occur at the interface of a material exhibiting positive real part of their relative permittivity, i.e. dielectric constant,
(e.g. vacuum, air, glass and other dielectrics) and a material whose
real part of permittivity is negative at the given frequency of light,
typically a metal or heavily doped semiconductors. In addition to
opposite sign of the real part of the permittivity, the magnitude of the
real part of the permittivity in the negative permittivity region
should typically be larger than the magnitude of the permittivity in the
positive permittivity region, otherwise the light is not bound to the
surface (i.e. the surface plasmons do not exist) as shown in the famous
book by Raether.
At visible wavelengths of light, e.g. 632.8 nm wavelength provided by a
He-Ne laser, interfaces supporting surface plasmons are often formed by
metals like silver or gold (negative real part permittivity) in contact
with dielectrics such as air or silicon dioxide. The particular choice
of materials can have a drastic effect on the degree of light
confinement and propagation distance due to losses. Surface plasmons can
also exist on interfaces other than flat surfaces, such as particles,
or rectangular strips, v-grooves, cylinders, and other structures. Many
structures have been investigated due to the capability of surface
plasmons to confine light below the diffraction limit of light.
Surface plasmons can play a role in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and in explaining anomalies in diffraction from metal gratings (Wood's anomaly), among other things. Surface plasmon resonance is used by biochemists to study the mechanisms and kinetics of ligands binding to receptors (i.e. a substrate binding to an enzyme). Multi-parametric surface plasmon resonance
can be used not only to measure molecular interactions, but also
nanolayer properties or structural changes in the adsorbed molecules,
polymer layers or graphene, for instance.
Surface plasmons may also be observed in the X-ray emission
spectra of metals. A dispersion relation for surface plasmons in the
X-ray emission spectra of metals has been derived (Harsh and Agarwal).
Gothic stained glass rose window of Notre-Dame de Paris. The colors were achieved by colloids of gold nano-particles.
More recently surface plasmons have been used to control colors of materials.
This is possible since controlling the particle's shape and size
determines the types of surface plasmons that can couple to it and
propagate across it. This in turn controls the interaction of light with
the surface. These effects are illustrated by the historic stained glass
which adorn medieval cathedrals. In this case, the color is given by
metal nanoparticles of a fixed size which interact with the optical
field to give the glass its vibrant color. In modern science, these
effects have been engineered for both visible light and microwave radiation.
Much research goes on first in the microwave range because at this
wavelength material surfaces can be produced mechanically as the
patterns tend to be of the order a few centimeters. To produce optical
range surface plasmon effects involves producing surfaces which have
features less than 400 nm. This is much more difficult and has only recently become possible to do in any reliable or available way.
Recently, graphene has also been shown to accommodate surface
plasmons, observed via near field infrared optical microscopy techniques and infrared spectroscopy.
Potential applications of graphene plasmonics mainly addressed the
terahertz to mid-infrared frequencies, such as optical modulators,
photodetectors, biosensors.
Possible applications
The position and intensity of plasmon absorption and emission peaks are affected by molecular adsorption, which can be used in molecular sensors. For example, a fully operational device detecting casein in milk has been prototyped, based on detecting a change in absorption of a gold layer. Localized surface plasmons of metal nanoparticles can be used for sensing different types of molecules, proteins, etc.
Plasmons are being considered as a means of transmitting information on computer chips, since plasmons can support much higher frequencies (into the 100 THz range, whereas conventional wires become very lossy in the tens of GHz). However, for plasmon-based electronics to be practical, a plasmon-based amplifier analogous to the transistor, called a plasmonstor, needs to be created.
Plasmons have also been proposed as a means of high-resolution lithography
and microscopy due to their extremely small wavelengths; both of these
applications have seen successful demonstrations in the lab environment.
Finally, surface plasmons have the unique capacity to confine
light to very small dimensions, which could enable many new
Surface plasmons are very sensitive to the properties of the
materials on which they propagate. This has led to their use to measure
the thickness of monolayers on colloid films, such as screening and quantifying protein binding events. Companies such as Biacore
have commercialized instruments that operate on these principles.
Optical surface plasmons are being investigated with a view to improve
makeup by L'Oréal and others.
In 2009, a Korean research team found a way to greatly improve organic light-emitting diode efficiency with the use of plasmons.
A group of European researchers led by IMEC has begun work to improve solar cell
efficiencies and costs through incorporation of metallic nanostructures
(using plasmonic effects) that can enhance absorption of light into
different types of solar cells: crystalline silicon (c-Si),
high-performance III-V, organic, and dye-sensitized. However, for plasmonic photovoltaic devices to function optimally, ultra-thin transparent conducting oxides are necessary.
Full color holograms using plasmonics have been demonstrated.
Plasma oscillation
Plasma oscillations, also known as Langmuir waves (after Irving Langmuir), are rapid oscillations of the electron density in conducting media such as plasmas or metals in the ultraviolet region. The oscillations can be described as an instability in the dielectric function of a free electron gas. The frequency only depends weakly on the wavelength of the oscillation. The quasiparticle resulting from the quantization of these oscillations is the plasmon.
Langmuir waves were discovered by American physicists Irving Langmuir and Lewi Tonks in the 1920s. They are parallel in form to Jeans instability waves, which are caused by gravitational instabilities in a static medium.
'Cold' electrons
If the thermal motion of the electrons is ignored, it is possible to show that the charge density oscillates at the plasma frequencywhere is the number density of electrons, e is the electric charge, m* is the effective mass of the electron, and is the permittivity of free space. Note that the above formula is derived under the approximation that the ion mass is infinite. This is generally a good approximation, as the electrons are so much lighter than ions. (This expression must be modified in the case of electron-positron plasmas, often encountered in astrophysics). Since the frequency is independent of the wavelength, these oscillations have an infinite phase velocity and zero group velocity.
Note that, when , the plasma frequency, , depends only on physical constants and electron density . The numeric expression for angular plasma frequency is
'Warm' electrons
When the effects of the electron thermal speed are taken into account, the electron pressure acts as a restoring force as well as the electric field and the oscillations propagate with frequency and wavenumber related by the longitudinal Langmuir wave:- ,
In a bounded plasma, fringing electric fields can result in propagation of plasma oscillations, even when the electrons are cold.
In a metal or semiconductor, the effect of the ions' periodic potential must be taken into account. This is usually done by using the electrons' effective mass in place of m.