A mass spectrometer used for high throughput protein analysis.
Protein mass spectrometry refers to the application of mass spectrometry to the study of proteins.
Mass spectrometry is an important method for the accurate mass
determination and characterization of proteins, and a variety of methods
and instrumentations have been developed for its many uses. Its
applications include the identification of proteins and their post-translational modifications,
the elucidation of protein complexes, their subunits and functional
interactions, as well as the global measurement of proteins in proteomics.
It can also be used to localize proteins to the various organelles, and
determine the interactions between different proteins as well as with
membrane lipids.
The two primary methods used for the ionization of protein in mass spectrometry are electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI). These ionization techniques are used in conjunction with mass analyzers such as tandem mass spectrometry. In general, the protein are analyzed either in a "top-down" approach in which proteins are analyzed intact, or a "bottom-up"
approach in which protein are first digested into fragments. An
intermediate "middle-down" approach in which larger peptide fragments
are analyzed may also sometimes be used.
The application of mass spectrometry to study proteins became popularized in the 1980s after the development of MALDI and ESI.
These ionization techniques have played a significant role in the
characterization of proteins. (MALDI) Matrix-assisted laser desorption
ionization was coined in the late 80's by Franz Hillenkamp and Michael Karas. Hillenkamp, Karas and their fellow researchers were able to ionize the amino acid alanine by mixing it with the amino acid tryptophan and irradiated with a pulse 266 nm laser. Though important, the breakthrough did not come until 1987. In 1987, Koichi Tanaka
used the "ultra fine metal plus liquid matrix method" and ionized
biomolecules the size of 34,472 Da protein carboxypeptidase-A.
In 1968, Malcolm Dole reported the first use of electrospray ionization with mass spectrometry. Around the same time MALDI became popularized, John Bennett Fenn was cited for the development of electrospray ionization. Koichi Tanaka received the 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry alongside John Fenn, and Kurt Wüthrich "for the development of methods for identification and structure analyses of biological macromolecules."
These ionization methods have greatly facilitated the study of proteins
by mass spectrometry. Consequently, protein mass spectrometry now plays
a leading role in protein characterization.
Methods and approaches
spectrometry of proteins requires that the proteins in solution or
solid state be turned into an ionized form in the gas phase before they
are injected and accelerated in an electric or magnetic field for
analysis. The two primary methods for ionization of proteins are electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization
(MALDI). In electrospray, the ions are created from proteins in
solution, and it allows fragile molecules to be ionized intact,
sometimes preserving non-covalent interactions. In MALDI, the proteins
are embedded within a matrix normally in a solid form, and ions are
created by pulses of laser light. Electrospray produces more
multiply-charged ions than MALDI, allowing for measurement of high mass
protein and better fragmentation for identification, while MALDI is fast
and less likely to be affected by contaminants, buffers and additives.
Whole-protein mass analysis is primarily conducted using either time-of-flight (TOF) MS, or Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
(FT-ICR). These two types of instrument are preferable here because of
their wide mass range, and in the case of FT-ICR, its high mass
accuracy. Electrospray ionization of a protein often results in
generation of multiple charged species of 800 < m/z
< 2000 and the resultant spectrum can be deconvoluted to determine
the protein's average mass to within 50 ppm or better using TOF or ion-trap instruments.
Mass analysis of proteolytic peptides is a popular method of
protein characterization, as cheaper instrument designs can be used for
characterization. Additionally, sample preparation is easier once whole
proteins have been digested into smaller peptide fragments. The most
widely used instrument for peptide mass analysis are the MALDI-TOF
instruments as they permit the acquisition of peptide mass fingerprints (PMFs) at high pace (1 PMF can be analyzed in approx. 10 sec). Multiple stage quadrupole-time-of-flight and the quadrupole ion trap also find use in this application.
Chromatography trace and MS/MS spectra of a peptide.
Tandem mass spectrometry
(MS/MS) is used to measure fragmentation spectra and identify proteins
at high speed and accuracy. Collision-induced dissociation is used in
mainstream applications to generate a set of fragments from a specific
peptide ion. The fragmentation process primarily gives rise to cleavage
products that break along peptide bonds. Because of this simplicity in
fragmentation, it is possible to use the observed fragment masses to
match with a database of predicted masses for one of many given peptide
sequences. Tandem MS of whole protein ions has been investigated
recently using electron capture dissociation and has demonstrated extensive sequence information in principle but is not in common practice.
keeping with the performance and mass range of available mass
spectrometers, two approaches are used for characterizing proteins. In
the first, intact proteins are ionized by either of the two techniques
described above, and then introduced to a mass analyzer. This approach
is referred to as "top-down"
strategy of protein analysis as it involves starting with the whole
mass and then pulling it apart. The top-down approach however is mostly
limited to low-throughput single-protein studies due to issues involved
in handling whole proteins, their heterogeneity and the complexity of
their analyses.
In the second approach, referred to as the "bottom-up" MS, proteins are enzymatically digested into smaller peptides using a protease such as trypsin. Subsequently, these peptides are introduced into the mass spectrometer and identified by peptide mass fingerprinting or tandem mass spectrometry. Hence, this approach uses identification at the peptide level to infer the existence of proteins pieced back together with de novo repeat detection.
The smaller and more uniform fragments are easier to analyze than
intact proteins and can be also determined with high accuracy, this
"bottom-up" approach is therefore the preferred method of studies in
proteomics. A further approach that is beginning to be useful is the
intermediate "middle-down" approach in which proteolytic peptides larger
than the typical tryptic peptides are analyzed.
Protein and peptide fractionation
Mass spectrometry protocol
Proteins of interest are usually part of a complex mixture of
multiple proteins and molecules, which co-exist in the biological
medium. This presents two significant problems. First, the two
ionization techniques used for large molecules only work well when the
mixture contains roughly equal amounts of constituents, while in
biological samples, different proteins tend to be present in widely
differing amounts. If such a mixture is ionized using electrospray or MALDI,
the more abundant species have a tendency to "drown" or suppress
signals from less abundant ones. Second, mass spectrum from a complex
mixture is very difficult to interpret due to the overwhelming number of
mixture components. This is exacerbated by the fact that enzymatic
digestion of a protein gives rise to a large number of peptide products.
In light of these problems, the methods of one- and
two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and high performance liquid
chromatography are widely used for separation of proteins. The first
method fractionates whole proteins via two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The first-dimension of 2D gel is isoelectric focusing
(IEF). In this dimension, the protein is separated by its isoelectric
point (pI) and the second-dimension is SDS-polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). This dimension separates the protein
according to its molecular weight.
Once this step is completed in-gel digestion occurs. In some
situations, it may be necessary to combine both of these techniques. Gel
spots identified on a 2D Gel are usually attributable to one protein.
If the identity of the protein is desired, usually the method of in-gel digestion
is applied, where the protein spot of interest is excised, and digested
proteolytically. The peptide masses resulting from the digestion can be
determined by mass spectrometry using peptide mass fingerprinting. If this information does not allow unequivocal identification of the protein, its peptides can be subject to tandem mass spectrometry for de novo sequencing.
Small changes in mass and charge can be detected with 2D-PAGE. The
disadvantages with this technique are its small dynamic range compared
to other methods, some proteins are still difficult to separate due to
their acidity, basicity, hydrophobicity, and size (too large or too
The second method, high performance liquid chromatography
is used to fractionate peptides after enzymatic digestion.
Characterization of protein mixtures using HPLC/MS is also called
shotgun proteomics and MuDPIT (Multi-Dimensional Protein Identification
Technology). A peptide mixture that results from digestion of a protein
mixture is fractionated by one or two steps of liquid chromatography.
The eluent from the chromatography stage can be either directly
introduced to the mass spectrometer through electrospray ionization, or
laid down on a series of small spots for later mass analysis using
Protein identification
There are two main ways MS is used to identify proteins. Peptide mass fingerprinting
uses the masses of proteolytic peptides as input to a search of a
database of predicted masses that would arise from digestion of a list
of known proteins. If a protein sequence in the reference list gives
rise to a significant number of predicted masses that match the
experimental values, there is some evidence that this protein was
present in the original sample. Purification steps therefore limit the
throughput of the peptide mass fingerprinting approach. Peptide mass
fingerprinting can be achieved with MS/MS.
MS is also the preferred method for the identification of post-translational modifications in proteins as it is more advantageous than other approaches such as the antibody-based methods.
De novo (peptide) sequencing
De novo peptide sequencing for mass spectrometry is typically
performed without prior knowledge of the amino acid sequence. It is the
process of assigning amino acids from peptide fragment masses of a protein. De novo sequencing has proven successful for confirming and expanding upon results from database searches.
As de novo sequencing is based on mass and some amino acids have identical masses (e.g. leucine and isoleucine),
accurate manual sequencing can be difficult. Therefore, it may be
necessary to utilize a sequence homology search application to work in
tandem between a database search and de novo sequencing to address this inherent limitation.
Database searching has the advantage of quickly identifying
sequences, provided they have already been documented in a database.
Other inherent limitations of database searching include sequence
modifications/mutations (some database searches do not adequately
account for alterations to the 'documented' sequence, thus can miss
valuable information), the unknown (if a sequence is not documented, it
will not be found), false positives, and incomplete and corrupted data.
An annotated peptide spectral library
can also be used as a reference for protein/peptide identification. It
offers the unique strength of reduced search space and increased
specificity. The limitations include spectra not included in the library
will not be identified, spectra collected from different types of mass
spectrometers can have quite distinct features, and reference spectra in
the library may contain noise peaks, which may lead to false positive
identifications. A number of different algorithmic approaches have been described to identify peptides and proteins from tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), peptide de novo sequencing and sequence tag-based searching.
Protein quantitation
Quantitative Mass Spectrometry.
Several recent methods allow for the quantitation of proteins by mass spectrometry (quantitative proteomics). Typically, stable (e.g. non-radioactive) heavier isotopes of carbon (13C) or nitrogen (15N) are incorporated into one sample while the other one is labeled with corresponding light isotopes (e.g. 12C and 14N).
The two samples are mixed before the analysis. Peptides derived from
the different samples can be distinguished due to their mass difference.
The ratio of their peak intensities corresponds to the relative
abundance ratio of the peptides (and proteins). The most popular methods
for isotope labeling are SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture), trypsin-catalyzed 18O labeling, ICAT (isotope coded affinity tagging), iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation).
“Semi-quantitative” mass spectrometry can be performed without labeling of samples.
Typically, this is done with MALDI analysis (in linear mode). The peak
intensity, or the peak area, from individual molecules (typically
proteins) is here correlated to the amount of protein in the sample.
However, the individual signal depends on the primary structure of the
protein, on the complexity of the sample, and on the settings of the
instrument. Other types of "label-free" quantitative mass spectrometry,
uses the spectral counts (or peptide counts) of digested proteins as a
means for determining relative protein amounts.
Protein structure determination
Characteristics indicative of the 3-dimensional structure of proteins can be probed with mass spectrometry in various ways.
By using chemical crosslinking to couple parts of the protein that are
close in space, but far apart in sequence, information about the
overall structure can be inferred. By following the exchange of amide protons with deuterium from the solvent, it is possible to probe the solvent accessibility of various parts of the protein. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange
mass spectrometry has been used to study proteins and their
conformations for over 20 years. This type of protein structural
analysis can be suitable for proteins that are challenging for other
structural methods.
Another interesting avenue in protein structural studies is
laser-induced covalent labeling. In this technique, solvent-exposed
sites of the protein are modified by hydroxyl radicals. Its combination
with rapid mixing has been used in protein folding studies.
In what is now commonly referred to as proteogenomics, peptides identified with mass spectrometry
are used for improving gene annotations (for example, gene start sites)
and protein annotations. Parallel analysis of the genome and the
proteome facilitates discovery of post-translational modifications and
proteolytic events, especially when comparing multiple species.