An observational Hertzsprung–Russell diagram with 22,000 stars plotted from the Hipparcos Catalogue and 1,000 from the Gliese Catalogue
of nearby stars. Stars tend to fall only into certain regions of the
diagram. The most prominent is the diagonal, going from the upper-left
(hot and bright) to the lower-right (cooler and less bright), called the
main sequence. In the lower-left is where white dwarfs are found, and above the main sequence are the subgiants, giants and supergiants. The Sun is found on the main sequence at luminosity 1 (absolute magnitude 4.8) and B−V color index 0.66 (temperature 5780 K, spectral type G2V).
An HR diagram showing many well known stars in the Milky Way galaxy
The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, abbreviated as H–R diagram, HR diagram or HRD, is a scatter plot of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosities versus their stellar classifications or effective temperatures. More simply, it plots a star's luminosity (brightness) against its temperature (color).
The diagram was created circa 1910 by Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell and represents a major step towards an understanding of stellar evolution.
The related color–magnitude diagram (CMD) plots the apparent magnitudes of stars against their color, usually for a cluster so that the stars are all at the same distance.
Historical background
In the nineteenth-century large-scale photographic spectroscopic surveys of stars were performed at Harvard College Observatory, producing spectral classifications for tens of thousands of stars, culminating ultimately in the Henry Draper Catalogue. In one segment of this work Antonia Maury included divisions of the stars by the width of their spectral lines. Hertzsprung noted that stars described with narrow lines tended to have smaller proper motions
than the others of the same spectral classification. He took this as
an indication of greater luminosity for the narrow-line stars, and
computed secular parallaxes for several groups of these, allowing him to estimate their absolute magnitude.
In 1910 Hans Rosenberg published a diagram plotting the apparent
magnitude of stars in the Pleiades cluster against the strengths of the calcium K line and two hydrogen Balmer lines.
These spectral lines serve as a proxy for the temperature of the star,
an early form of spectral classification. The apparent magnitude of
stars in the same cluster is equivalent to their absolute magnitude and
so this early diagram was effectively a plot of luminosity against
temperature. The same type of diagram is still used today as a means of
showing the stars in clusters without having to initially know their
distance and luminosity.
Hertzsprung had already been working with this type of diagram, but his
first publications showing it were not until 1911. This was also the
form of the diagram using apparent magnitudes of a cluster of stars all
at the same distance.
Russell's early (1913) versions of the diagram included Maury's
giant stars identified by Hertzsprung, those nearby stars with
parallaxes measured at the time, stars from the Hyades (a nearby open cluster), and several moving groups, for which the moving cluster method could be used to derive distances and thereby obtain absolute magnitudes for those stars.
Forms of diagram
There are several forms of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, and the nomenclature
is not very well defined. All forms share the same general layout:
stars of greater luminosity are toward the top of the diagram, and stars
with higher surface temperature are toward the left side of the
The original diagram displayed the spectral type of stars on the horizontal axis and the absolute visual magnitude on the vertical axis. The spectral type is not a numerical quantity, but the sequence of spectral types is a monotonic series that reflects the stellar surface temperature. Modern observational versions of the chart replace spectral type by a color index (in diagrams made in the middle of the 20th Century, most often the B-V color)
of the stars. This type of diagram is what is often called an
observational Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, or specifically a
color–magnitude diagram (CMD), and it is often used by observers.
In cases where the stars are known to be at identical distances such
as within a star cluster, a color–magnitude diagram is often used to
describe the stars of the cluster with a plot in which the vertical axis
is the apparent magnitude
of the stars. For cluster members, by assumption there is a single
additive constant difference between their apparent and absolute
magnitudes, called the distance modulus, for all of that cluster of stars. Early studies of nearby open clusters (like the Hyades and Pleiades)
by Hertzsprung and Rosenberg produced the first CMDs, a few years
before Russell's influential synthesis of the diagram collecting data
for all stars for which absolute magnitudes could be determined.
Another form of the diagram plots the effective surface temperature of the star on one axis and the luminosity of the star on the other, almost invariably in a log-log plot. Theoretical calculations of stellar structure and the evolution of stars produce plots that match those from observations. This type of diagram could be called temperature-luminosity diagram, but this term is hardly ever used; when the distinction is made, this form is called the theoretical Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
instead. A peculiar characteristic of this form of the H–R diagram is
that the temperatures are plotted from high temperature to low
temperature, which aids in comparing this form of the H–R diagram with
the observational form.
Although the two types of diagrams are similar, astronomers make a
sharp distinction between the two. The reason for this distinction is
that the exact transformation from one to the other is not trivial. To
go between effective temperature and color requires a color–temperature relation, and constructing that is difficult; it is known to be a function of stellar composition and can be affected by other factors like stellar rotation. When converting luminosity or absolute bolometric magnitude to apparent or absolute visual magnitude, one requires a bolometric correction,
which may or may not come from the same source as the color–temperature
relation. One also needs to know the distance to the observed objects (i.e., the distance modulus) and the effects of interstellar obscuration,
both in the color (reddening) and in the apparent magnitude (where the
effect is called "extinction"). Color distortion (including reddening)
and extinction (obscuration) are also apparent in stars having
significant circumstellar dust.
The ideal of direct comparison of theoretical predictions of stellar
evolution to observations thus has additional uncertainties incurred in
the conversions between theoretical quantities and observations.
An HR diagram with the instability strip and its components highlighted
Most of the stars occupy the region in the diagram along the line called the main sequence. During the stage of their lives in which stars are found on the main sequence line, they are fusing hydrogen in their cores. The next concentration of stars is on the horizontal branch (helium fusion in the core and hydrogen burning in a shell surrounding the core). Another prominent feature is the Hertzsprung gap located in the region between A5 and G0 spectral type and between +1 and −3 absolute magnitudes (i.e. between the top of the main sequence and the giants in the horizontal branch). RR Lyrae variable stars can be found in the left of this gap on a section of the diagram called the instability strip. Cepheid variables also fall on the instability strip, at higher luminosities.
The H-R diagram can be used by scientists to roughly measure how far away a star cluster or galaxy
is from Earth. This can be done by comparing the apparent magnitudes of
the stars in the cluster to the absolute magnitudes of stars with known
distances (or of model stars). The observed group is then shifted in
the vertical direction, until the two main sequences overlap. The
difference in magnitude that was bridged in order to match the two
groups is called the distance modulus and is a direct measure for the distance (ignoring extinction). This technique is known as main sequence fitting and is a type of spectroscopic parallax. Not only the turn-off in the main sequence can be used, but also the tip of the red giant branch stars.
Diagram's role in the development of stellar physics
HR diagrams for two open clusters, M67 and NGC 188, showing the main-sequence turn-off at different ages
Contemplation of the diagram led astronomers to speculate that it might demonstrate stellar evolution,
the main suggestion being that stars collapsed from red giants to dwarf
stars, then moving down along the line of the main sequence in the
course of their lifetimes. Stars were thought therefore to radiate
energy by converting gravitational energy into radiation through the Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism.
This mechanism resulted in an age for the Sun of only tens of millions
of years, creating a conflict over the age of the Solar System between
astronomers, and biologists and geologists who had evidence that the
Earth was far older than that. This conflict was only resolved in the
1930s when nuclear fusion was identified as the source of stellar
Following Russell's presentation of the diagram to a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1912, Arthur Eddington was inspired to use it as a basis for developing ideas on stellar physics. In 1926, in his book The Internal Constitution of the Stars he explained the physics of how stars fit on the diagram. The paper anticipated the later discovery of nuclear fusion
and correctly proposed that the star's source of power was the
combination of hydrogen into helium, liberating enormous energy. This
was a particularly remarkable intuitive leap, since at that time the
source of a star's energy was still unknown, thermonuclear energy had not been proven to exist, and even that stars are largely composed of hydrogen, had not yet been discovered. Eddington managed to sidestep this problem by concentrating on the thermodynamics of radiative transport of energy in stellar interiors.
Eddington predicted that dwarf stars remain in an essentially static
position on the main sequence for most of their lives. In the 1930s and
1940s, with an understanding of hydrogen fusion, came an evidence-backed
theory of evolution to red giants following which were speculated cases
of explosion and implosion of the remnants to white dwarfs. The term supernova nucleosynthesis
is used to describe the creation of elements during the evolution and
explosion of a pre-supernova star, a concept put forth by Fred Hoyle in 1954. The pure mathematical quantum mechanics
and classical mechanical models of stellar processes enable the
Hertzsprung–Russell diagram to be annotated with known conventional
paths known as stellar sequences — there continue to be added rarer and
more anomalous examples as more stars are analysed and mathematical
models considered.