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Sunday, January 20, 2013

NASA Funding

Have discovered the recent comments on PENNY4NASA:

Penny4NASA was founded to uphold the importance of Space Exploration and Science. We believe wholeheartedly that our federal funding of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, at a wimpy 0.48% of the total, does not reflect the hugely important economical, technological and inspirational resource that this agency has been throughout its 50+ year history. With approximately $10 coming back into the economy for every $1 spent, thousands of new science and engineering students becoming inspired continuously, and the multitude of technologies that NASA research has both directly and indirectly made possible, we believe that NASA needs to be funded at a level of at least 1% of the US federal budget. This isn’t a partisan argument, and this isn’t a fiscal budget argument. What this is, is the American people saying that as a society, we want our tax dollars to reflect the importance of science and space exploration. And 0.48% doesn’t cut it. We are calling for NASA budget to be increased to at least 1% of the US annual budget.

I wrote the following the PA congressmen:

Today at 12:44pm
Support Doubling Funding for NASA and the Future Priorities of U.S. Involvement in Space
Dear Representative:
I support Doubling Funding for NASA and the Future Priorities of U.S. Involvement in Space because with even one percent of the federal budget allocated toward NASA, we could essentially half the time of developing space technology and the serious scientific and economic benefits that would result from it; e.g., mining ores & minerals from asteroids would greatly reduce pollution here on Earth. We would all, as well, and not just Americans, finally perceive a future worth working toward, a future which would help us overcome the problems of nations and cultures competing with each other. Thank you.

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