Has anyone noticed the biggest (I think) problem with the Biblical Ark that makes the whole story utterly impossible? It's staring you in the face.
The ark was built on land. Therefor, as the picture shows, it has no keel -- it's flat-bottomed. Look at serious ocean going ships and they are all built largely in water because they have a keel:
The keel converts sideways force into a forward force. This is absolutely essential for ocean going vessels, both to propel them and to keep them from floundering in rough seas. On rivers, inland bays, along coasts -- the only types of sea going known when the ark was allegedly built -- flat bottoms were sufficient. It was only the invention of keels, both in Europe and China, that truly allowed for ships that could traverse thousands of miles of open ocean reasonably safely.
So a unkeeled-vessel simply could not stay afloat on the worldwide ocean the Flood would have caused; the entire planet would essentially be one gigantic ocean. Of course Noah nor his followers could have known that, but that doesn't matter because Yahweh gave the instructions -- wait a minute; why doesn't Yahweh know? And how can we be here to discuss it when the ark certaintly sank with all hands (including the animals), unless by miracle the ark survives anyway, something Yahweh could have pulled off -- but then, why have the ark built in the first place?
Praise be until His wisdom and power.