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Backpropagation is a method used in artificial neural networks to calculate a gradient that is needed in the calculation of the weights to be used in the network. Backpropagation is shorthand for "the backward propagation of errors," since an error is computed at the output and distributed backwards throughout the network’s layers. It is commonly used to train deep neural networks, a term referring to neural networks with more than one hidden layer.

Backpropagation is a special case of a more general technique called automatic differentiation. In the context of learning, backpropagation is commonly used by the gradient descent optimization algorithm to adjust the weight of neurons by calculating the gradient of the loss function.

Backpropagation requires the derivative of the loss function with respect to the network output to be known, which typically (but not necessarily) means that the desired target value is known. For this reason, it is considered to be a supervised learning method, although it is used in some unsupervised networks such as autoencoders. Backpropagation is also a generalization of the delta rule to multi-layered feedforward networks, made possible by using the chain rule to iteratively compute gradients for each layer. It is closely related to the Gauss–Newton algorithm and is part of continuing research in neural backpropagation. Backpropagation can be used with any gradient-based optimizer, such as L-BFGS or truncated Newton.
