curve of spiral galaxy Messier 33 (yellow and blue points with error
bars), and a predicted one from distribution of the visible matter (gray
line). The discrepancy between the two curves can be accounted for by
adding a dark matter halo surrounding the galaxy.

A simulated galaxy without dark matter. Right: Galaxy with a flat
rotation curve that would be expected under the presence of dark matter.
The rotation curve of a disc galaxy (also called a velocity curve) is a plot of the orbital speeds of visible stars or gas in that galaxy versus their radial distance from that galaxy's centre. It is typically rendered graphically as a plot,
and the data observed from each side of a spiral galaxy are generally
asymmetric, so that data from each side are averaged to create the
curve. A significant discrepancy exists between the experimental curves
observed, and a curve derived from theory. The theory of dark matter is currently postulated to account for the variance.
The rotation curve of a disc galaxy (also called a velocity curve) is a plot of the orbital speeds of visible stars or gas in that galaxy versus their radial distance
from that galaxy's centre. The rotation curves of spiral galaxies are
asymmetric, so the observational data from each side of a galaxy are
generally averaged. Rotation curve asymmetry appears to be normal rather
than exceptional.
The rotational/orbital speeds of galaxies/stars do not follow the
rules found in other orbital systems such as stars/planets and
planets/moons that have most of their mass at the centre. Stars revolve
around their galaxy's centre at equal or increasing speed over a large
range of distances. In contrast, the orbital velocities of planets in
planetary systems and moons orbiting planets decline with distance. In
the latter cases, this reflects the mass distributions
within those systems. The mass estimations for galaxies based on the
light they emit are far too low to explain the velocity observations.
The galaxy rotation problem is the discrepancy between observed
galaxy rotation curves and the theoretical prediction, assuming a
centrally dominated mass associated with the observed luminous material.
When mass profiles of galaxies are calculated from the distribution of stars in spirals and mass-to-light ratios in the stellar disks, they do not match with the masses derived from the observed rotation curves and the law of gravity. A solution to this conundrum is to hypothesize the existence of dark matter and to assume its distribution from the galaxy's center out to its halo.
Though dark matter is by far the most accepted explanation of the
rotation problem, other proposals have been offered with varying
degrees of success. Of the possible alternatives, the most notable is Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), which involves modifying the laws of gravity.
In 1932, Jan Hendrik Oort became the first to report that measurements of the stars in the Solar neighborhood
indicated that they moved faster than expected when a mass distribution
based upon visible matter was assumed, but these measurements were
later determined to be essentially erroneous. In 1939, Horace Babcock
reported in his PhD thesis measurements of the rotation curve for
Andromeda which suggested that the mass-to-luminosity ratio increases
He attributed that to either the absorption of light within the galaxy
or to modified dynamics in the outer portions of the spiral and not to
any form of missing matter. Babcock's measurements turned out to
disagree substantially with those found later, and the first measurement
of an extended rotation curve in good agreement with modern data was
published in 1957 by Henk van de Hulst and collaborators, who studied
M31 with the newly commissioned Dwingeloo 25 meter telescope.
A companion paper by Maarten Schmidt showed that this rotation curve
could be fit by a flattened mass distribution more extensive than the
light. In 1959, Louise Volders used the same telescope to demonstrate that the spiral galaxy M33 also does not spin as expected according to Keplerian dynamics.
Reporting on NGC 3115, Jan Oort
wrote that "the distribution of mass in the system appears to bear
almost no relation to that of light... one finds the ratio of mass to
light in the outer parts of NGC 3115 to be about 250".
On page 302-303 of his journal article, he wrote that "The strongly
condensed luminous system appears imbedded in a large and more or less
homogeneous mass of great density" and although he went on to speculate
that this mass may be either extremely faint dwarf stars or interstellar
gas and dust, he had clearly detected the dark matter halo of this
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Vera Rubin, an astronomer at the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, worked with a new sensitive spectrograph that could measure the velocity curve of edge-on spiral galaxies to a greater degree of accuracy than had ever before been achieved. Together with fellow staff-member Kent Ford, Rubin announced at a 1975 meeting of the American Astronomical Society the discovery that most stars in spiral galaxies orbit at roughly the same speed,
and that this implied that galaxy masses grow approximately linearly
with radius well beyond the location of most of the stars (the galactic bulge). Rubin presented her results in an influential paper in 1980. These results suggested that either Newtonian gravity
does not apply universally or that, conservatively, upwards of 50% of
the mass of galaxies was contained in the relatively dark galactic halo.
Although initially met with skepticism, Rubin's results have been
confirmed over the subsequent decades.
If Newtonian mechanics is assumed to be correct, it would follow that most of the mass of the galaxy had to be in the galactic bulge
near the center and that the stars and gas in the disk portion should
orbit the center at decreasing velocities with radial distance from the
galactic center (the dashed line in Fig. 1).
Observations of the rotation curve of spirals, however, do not
bear this out. Rather, the curves do not decrease in the expected
inverse square root relationship but are "flat", i.e. outside of the
central bulge the speed is nearly a constant (the solid line in Fig. 1).
It is also observed that galaxies with a uniform distribution of
luminous matter have a rotation curve that rises from the center to the
edge, and most low-surface-brightness galaxies (LSB galaxies) have the same anomalous rotation curve.
The rotation curves might be explained by hypothesizing the
existence of a substantial amount of matter permeating the galaxy that
is not emitting light in the mass-to-light ratio of the central bulge. The material responsible for the extra mass was dubbed "dark matter", the existence of which was first posited in the 1930s by Jan Oort in his measurements of the Oort constants and Fritz Zwicky in his studies of the masses of galaxy clusters. The existence of non-baryonic cold dark matter (CDM) is today a major feature of the Lambda-CDM model that describes the cosmology of the universe.
Halo density profiles
order to accommodate a flat rotation curve, a density profile for a
galaxy and its environs must be different than one that is centrally
concentrated. Newton's version of Kepler's Third Law implies that the spherically symmetric, radial density profile ρ(r) is:
where v(r) is the radial orbital velocity profile and G is the gravitational constant. This profile closely matches the expectations of a singular isothermal sphere profile where if v(r) is approximately constant then the density ρ ∝ r−2
to some inner "core radius" where the density is then assumed constant.
Observations do not comport with such a simple profile, as reported by
Navarro, Frenk, and White in a seminal 1996 paper.
The authors then remarked, that a "gently changing logarithmic
slope" for a density profile function could also accommodate
approximately flat rotation curves over large scales. They found the
famous Navarro–Frenk–White profile which is consistent both with N-body simulations and observations given by
where the central density, ρ0, and the scale radius, Rs,
are parameters that vary from halo to halo. Because the slope of the
density profile diverges at the center, other alternative profiles have
been proposed, for example, the Einasto profile which has exhibited better agreement with certain dark matter halo simulations.
Observations of orbit velocities in spiral galaxies suggest a mass structure according to:
with Φ the galaxy gravitational potential.
Since observations of galaxy rotation do not match the
distribution expected from application of Kepler's laws, they do not
match the distribution of luminous matter.
This implies that spiral galaxies contain large amounts of dark matter
or, in alternative, the existence of exotic physics in action on
galactic scales. The additional invisible component becomes
progressively more conspicuous in each galaxy at outer radii and among
galaxies in the less luminous ones.
Cosmology tells us that about 26% of the mass of the Universe is composed of dark matter, a hypothetical type of matter which does not emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation.
Dark matter dominates the gravitational potential of galaxies and
cluster of galaxies. Galaxies are baryonic condensations of stars and
gas (namely H and He) that lie at the centers of much larger dark haloes
of dark matter, affected by a gravitational instability caused by
primordial density fluctuations.
The main goal has become to understand the nature and the history
of these ubiquitous dark haloes by investigating the properties of the
galaxies they contain (i.e. their luminosity, kinematics, sizes, and
morphology). The measurement of the kinematics (their positions,
velocities and accelerations) of the observable stars and gas has become
a tool to investigate the nature of dark matter, as to its content and
distribution relative to that of the various baryonic components of
those galaxies.
Further investigations
Comparison of rotating disc galaxies in the distant Universe and the present day.
The rotational dynamics of galaxies are well characterized by their position on the Tully–Fisher relation,
which shows that for spiral galaxies the rotational velocity is
uniquely related to its total luminosity. A consistent way to predict
the rotational velocity of a spiral galaxy is to measure its bolometric luminosity
and then read its rotation rate from its location on the Tully–Fisher
diagram. Conversely, knowing the rotational velocity of a spiral galaxy
gives its luminosity. Thus the magnitude of the galaxy rotation is
related to the galaxy's visible mass.
While precise fitting of the bulge, disk, and halo density
profiles is a rather complicated process, it is straightforward to model
the observables of rotating galaxies through this relationship. So, while state-of-the-art cosmological and galaxy formation simulations of dark matter with normal baryonic
matter included can be matched to galaxy observations, there is not yet
any straightforward explanation as to why the observed scaling
relationship exists. Additionally, detailed investigations of the rotation curves of low-surface-brightness galaxies (LSB galaxies) in the 1990s and of their position on the Tully–Fisher relation showed that LSB galaxies had to have dark matter halos
that are more extended and less dense than those of HSB galaxies and
thus surface brightness is related to the halo properties. Such
dark-matter-dominated dwarf galaxies may hold the key to solving the dwarf galaxy problem of structure formation.
Very importantly, the analysis of the inner parts of low and high
surface brightness galaxies showed that the shape of the rotation
curves in the centre of dark-matter dominated systems indicates a
profile different from the NFW spatial mass distribution profile. This so-called cuspy halo problem
is a persistent problem for the standard cold dark matter theory.
Simulations involving the feedback of stellar energy into the
interstellar medium in order to alter the predicted dark matter
distribution in the innermost regions of galaxies are frequently invoked
in this context.
Alternatives to dark matter
have been a number of attempts to solve the problem of galaxy rotation
by modifying gravity without invoking dark matter. One of the most
discussed is Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), originally proposed by Mordehai Milgrom
in 1983, which modifies the Newtonian force law at low accelerations to
enhance the effective gravitational attraction. MOND has had a
considerable amount of success in predicting the rotation curves of
low-surface-brightness galaxies, matching the baryonic Tully–Fisher relation, and the velocity dispersions of the small satellite galaxies of the Local Group.
Using data from the Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation
Curves (SPARC) database, a group has found the radial acceleration
traced by rotation curves could be predicted just from the observed
baryon distribution (that is, including stars and gas but not dark
The same relation provided a good fit for 2693 samples in 153 rotating
galaxies, with diverse shapes, masses, sizes, and gas fractions.
Brightness in the near IR, where the more stable light from red giants
dominates, was used to estimate the density contribution due to stars
more consistently. The results are consistent with MOND, and place
limits on alternative explanations involving dark matter alone. However,
cosmological simulations within a Lambda-CDM framework that include
baryonic feedback effects reproduce the same relation, without the need
to invoke new dynamics (such as MOND).
Thus, a contribution due to dark matter itself can be fully predictable
from that of the baryons, once the feedback effects due to the
dissipative collapse of baryons is taken into account.
MOND is not a relativistic theory, although relativistic theories which reduce to MOND have been proposed, such as tensor–vector–scalar gravity, scalar–tensor–vector gravity (STVG), and the f(R) theory of Capozziello and De Laurentis.