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The Dirty War (Spanish: Época del Proceso or Época de los desaparecidos) is the name used by the military junta or civic-military dictatorship of Argentina (Spanish: dictadura cívico-militar de Argentina) for the period of United States-backed state terrorism in Argentina from 1976 to 1983 as a part of Operation Condor, during which military and security forces and right-wing death squads in the form of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (AAA, or Triple A) hunted down any political dissidents and anyone believed to be associated with socialism, left-wing Peronism or the Montoneros movement.

About 30,000 people disappeared, of whom many were impossible to report formally due to the nature of state terrorism. The excuse for the Coup d'Etat was the armed actions of the Montoneros and the ERP, but the actual target of the Operation Condor were students, militants, trade unionists, writers, journalists, artists and any citizens suspected to be left-wing activists, including Peronist guerrillas. The "disappeared" (victims kidnapped, tortured and murdered whose bodies were disappeared by the military government) included those thought to be politically or ideologically a threat to the junta even vaguely, or contrary to the neoliberal economic policies dictated by Operation Condor. They were killed in an attempt by the junta to silence the social and political opposition.

Many members of the junta are currently in prison for crimes against humanity and genocide.
