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Monday, January 20, 2014

Reasonable Gun Control That Follows 2n'd Amendment Possible

I wrote this piece during an exhaustingly long argument with gun owners, attempting to show I am not against gun ownership, but it is possible to have it while protecting 2n'd Amendment rights.  As they declared the issue "black and white" and admitted to refuse to listen to anything from the other side (and man, did they ever prove it), I thought I'd post it and see what people who do listen and reason think about it.

Any gun control measures should be on the states, not the federal government (except where needed, like border defense and the flow of guns between states.  Perhaps gun owners in a state should be made to be part of a well-regulated militia, provided of course they pass all background checks.  Imports of guns should be strictly regulated.  No more than one gun per citizen (unless you are a collector, a shooting range, or can prove a need otherwise), and the owners should be licensed (with periodic renewals), their weapon registered and regularly inspected by the state, and they should pay insurance just like car owners(given that only one out of thousands of guns is involved in personal injury, the premium shouldn't be very high).  Furthermore, if someone's gun is used in a crime, accidental wounding, or suicide attempt) the owner too should be prosecuted, fined, and have their license suspended for a period of time.  You own a gun, you are responsible for what happens with it.

Another roles the feds could play is to provides incentives and disincentives for states to provide for such regulation.

Does this sound reasonable or not?  It's certainly is consistent with the 2n'd Amendment, all of it, matches the Founding Fathers' ideas, allows for self-defense by firearm, and if that "last resort" should come, make private gun owners a much more effective fighting force.  And firearms deaths would have to drop more, I believe.


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