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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Characterization of Methanotrophic Bacterial Populations in Soils Showing Atmospheric Methane Uptake

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The global methane cycle includes both terrestrial and atmospheric processes and may contribute to feedback regulation of the climate. Most oxic soils are a net sink for methane, and these soils consume approximately 20 to 60 Tg of methane per year. The soil sink for atmospheric methane is microbially mediated and sensitive to disturbance. A decrease in the capacity of this sink may have contributed to the ∼1% · year−1 increase in the atmospheric methane level in this century. The organisms responsible for methane uptake by soils (the atmospheric methane sink) are not known, and factors that influence the activity of these organisms are poorly understood. In this study the soil methane-oxidizing population was characterized by both labelling soil microbiota with 14CH4 and analyzing a total soil monooxygenase gene library. Comparative analyses of [14C]phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid profiles performed with representative methane-oxidizing bacteria revealed that the soil sink for atmospheric methane consists of an unknown group of methanotrophic bacteria that exhibit some similarity to type II methanotrophs. An analysis of monooxygenase gene libraries from the same soil samples indicated that an unknown group of bacteria belonging to the α subclass of the class Proteobacteria was present; these organisms were only distantly related to extant methane-oxidizing strains. Studies on factors that affect the activity, population dynamics, and contribution to global methane flux of “atmospheric methane oxidizers” should be greatly facilitated by use of biomarkers identified in this study.

Methane is a radiatively active atmospheric trace gas whose concentration is increasing at a rate of ca. 1% · year−1 (∼40 Tg · year−1). Human activity is thought to be a causative factor in the rising methane concentration and, as such, may contribute to global warming (4, 8, 27). The global methane cycle consists of both atmospheric (mainly chemical) and terrestrial (mainly biological) processes (27). The observed increase in the methane concentration has been attributed to a combination of an increase in the number of sources of methane and a decrease in the number of sinks for methane (4).

The major sinks for methane are biological oxidation at or near the sites of production (∼700 Tg · year−1), uptake of methane from the atmosphere by aerobic soils (20 to 60 Tg · year−1), and photochemical oxidation in the atmosphere (∼450 Tg · year−1) (27). Soil uptake of atmospheric methane is significant since the magnitude of the soil sink is equivalent to the observed annual increase in the methane concentration and it is more susceptible to disturbance by human activities (16, 21, 24, 34). A change in the soil sink can have a significant effect on the atmospheric mixing ratios of methane.

Biological methane oxidation consists of both aerobic and anaerobic processes. The global methane sink is dominated by aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB). The biochemical basis of methane oxidation in all known MOB is similar (1, 9, 13, 20). All MOB possess a membrane-bound monooxygenase whose substrate range includes both methane and ammonia (note that some MOB contain an additional, biochemically distinct enzyme designated the soluble methane monooxygenase [sMMO]) (1). The membrane-bound monooxygenases are thought to be evolutionarily related (15). The MOB exhibit limited physiological, structural, and phyletic diversity compared to other functionally defined groups of bacteria (13, 25). Of particular significance are differences in the fate of carbon, the kinetic properties of the monooxygenase, and the evolutionary separation of the four major phyletic groups.

On the basis of cell physiology, the MOB can be divided into the methane-assimilating bacteria (MAB) (methanotrophs) and bacteria which cooxidize methane (autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria [AAOB]). The former organisms use methane as a sole source of carbon and energy and are characterized by the presence of a complete pathway for methane oxidation, the ability to assimilate cell carbon as formaldehyde, and apparent Km values for methane in the micromolar range (1, 13). The AAOB use ammonia oxidation as an energy source for autotrophic growth; they are characterized by a complete pathway for oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and assimilation of cell carbon by the Benson-Calvin cycle. In most cases their apparent Km values for methane are in the millimolar range and methane is cooxidized with no apparent benefit to the cells (1).

Both phenotypic and phylogenetic data can be used to subdivide the methanotrophs and AAOB into two additional groups that are defined on the basis of intracellular membrane type, major membrane fatty acids, and genetic comparison data (5, 13, 33). Thus, there is very strong support for the existence of four monophyletic groups of MOB, two MAB groups and two AAOB groups. The phyletic distinctiveness of these four groups from each other, combined with the relatively shallow phylogenetic depths of the groups, has allowed the use of various biomarkers as signatures in ecological studies. These biomarkers have included oligonucleotide probes and phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids (PLFA) (6, 12, 14, 23, 28, 29, 37, 38).

Soil methane uptake has been demonstrated to be biological. Methane uptake activity shares many features with the known MOB activity but also exhibits traits which do not occur during methane oxidation by extant organisms. The differences include a >100-fold-greater affinity for methane but an apparently poor capacity for growth on this substrate (2, 9, 20, 21, 31, 35). Perhaps the most significant difference is a much lower threshold concentration for sustained methane uptake. Several explanations have been proposed to account for this, including (i) mixotrophic growth of methanotrophs, (ii) cooxidation of methane by ammonia oxidizers, (iii) induction of a high-affinity enzyme system in response to starvation, and (iv) activity of novel methanotrophic bacteria (2, 7, 9, 20, 31, 40). More recently, workers have shown that methanotrophs in pure cultures can exhibit sustained uptake of atmospheric methane at normal atmospheric concentrations if the cultures are supplemented with methanol (3, 18). These workers proposed that the presence of methanol in soil may provide a physiological basis for methane uptake by conventional methanotrophs in soil.

However, no organism that has been isolated from soil has been conclusively demonstrated to account for soil methane uptake. Consequently, the biochemical, physiological, and phyletic relationships of soil high-affinity methane oxidizers to extant MOB are unknown. Demonstration and assessment of the biochemical and physiological relationships are important to the use of extant MOB as experimental models for soil methane uptake. The current mechanistic models for inhibition of high-affinity methane oxidation by soil additives are based on the assumption that there is biochemical similarity (7, 16, 21, 24, 34, 35). Understanding the phyletic relationships is important for using biomarkers to study the ecology of methane oxidizers.


This work was supported by grant ERBIO4CT960419 from the European Union, by grant GST/02/622 from NERC, and by the Danish Research Council.


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