or some component of their physiology, generally at the expense of the
role of the environment, whether in embryonic development or in
learning. Genetic reductionism
is a similar concept, but it is distinct from genetic determinism in
that the former refers to the level of understanding, while the latter
refers to the supposedly causal role of genes. It has been associated with movements in science and society including eugenics, scientific racism, the debate around the heritability of IQ, the biological basis for gender roles, and the sociobiology debate.
Biological determinism, also known as genetic determinism is the belief that human behavior is controlled by an individual's
In 1892 August Weismann proposed in his germ plasm theory that heritable information is transmitted only via germ cells, which he thought contained determinants (genes). Francis Galton, supposing that undesirable traits such as club foot and criminality were inherited, advocated eugenics, aiming to prevent supposedly defective people from breeding. Samuel George Morton and Paul Broca
attempted to relate the cranial capacity (internal skull volume) to
skin colour, intending to show that white people were superior. Other
workers such as H. H. Goddard, and Robert Yerkes attempted to measure people's intelligence and to show that the resulting scores were heritable, again to demonstrate the supposed superiority of people with white skin.
Galton popularized the phrase nature and nurture, later often used to characterize the heated debate over whether genes or the environment determined human behavior. Scientists such as ecologists and behavioural geneticists now see it as obvious that both factors are essential, and that they are intertwined.
Late in the 20th century, the determinism of gender roles was debated by geneticists and others. Biologists such as John Money and Anke Ehrhardt attempted to describe femininity and homosexuality according to then-current social standards; against this, the evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin and others argued that clothing and other preferences vary in different societies. The biologist E. O. Wilson founded the discipline of sociobiology, founded on observations of animals such as social insects, controversially suggesting that its explanations of social behaviour might apply to humans.
Galton popularized the phrase nature and nurture, later often used to characterize the heated debate over whether genes or the environment determined human behavior. Scientists such as ecologists and behavioural geneticists now see it as obvious that both factors are essential, and that they are intertwined.
Late in the 20th century, the determinism of gender roles was debated by geneticists and others. Biologists such as John Money and Anke Ehrhardt attempted to describe femininity and homosexuality according to then-current social standards; against this, the evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin and others argued that clothing and other preferences vary in different societies. The biologist E. O. Wilson founded the discipline of sociobiology, founded on observations of animals such as social insects, controversially suggesting that its explanations of social behaviour might apply to humans.
determinism is the belief that a human’s behavior is controlled by a
person’s genes and inherited traits. It dates back to the 1800s. Stephen
Jay Gould has spent his career tracing the roots of this “western”
thought because it is more involved than anyone could have assumed.
Gould suggests that the main theories of biological determinism are
based on bad biology and bad use of the scientific method. When a
scientist says they used the scientific method to gather their data, the
readers automatically assume that the information given must be
Gould presents three key ideas that have influenced biological
determinism. The first is that measurement and quantification have
changed science over the past century and without context, these
measurements are useless. If something is assigned a number, then it
must be real, true, and scientific. If these numbers and measurements
are given without context, then the data can be given many different
meanings. The second is that reinfication, the idea that certain
qualities (intelligence, race) are valid because we put a name on it.
One could separate a group into different components and give a name to
these divided groups and have it be true, but actually, there is nothing
scientific about intelligence being used as a unitary quality. The
third problem is that the main thought behind biological determinism is
that traits are inherited. Scientists have traced certain traits through
families lines and found that some are inherited. Gould suggests that
these studies merely restate the original assumption. Gould points out
that various theories of biological determinism have no evidence or
science to back them up, and even though these ideas are very flawed,
people still widely accept them.
However, Gould is thought to be flawed in his own way because
readers believe he is simply disregarding certain aspects of science.
Gould questions that since the scientific aspects of the works
themselves are so flawed that why is it so widespread accepted. Gould
suggests that there could be some social, political, and economic forces
which could explain why these biological determinism theories are so
widely accepted, but he fails to go further deep into the topic. Gould
shows that these biological determinism theories have many consequences
for human life and scientists in the future can see these and use his
book to continue trying to show the people that biological determinism,
is in fact, false.
In this review of Gould’s essay by Garland E. Allen, Allen writes
that Gould has helped future scientists examine social, economic, and
political values of this time regarding biological determinism.
Biological determinism is still prominent in scientific works, past and
present, that have been regarded by the public as true and believable.
Gould wants his readers to understand that biological determinism has
roots all throughout science, even though it has been proven false.
Germ plasm
In 1892, the Austrian biologist August Weismann proposed that multicellular organisms consist of two separate types of cell: somatic cells, which carry out the body's ordinary functions, and germ cells, which transmit heritable information. He called the material that carried the information, now identified as DNA, the germ plasm, and individual components of it, now called genes, determinants.
Weismann argued that there is a one-way transfer of information from
the germ cells to somatic cells, so that nothing acquired by the body
during an organism's life can affect the germ plasm and the next
generation. This effectively denied that Lamarckism (inheritance of acquired characteristics) was a possible mechanism of evolution. The modern equivalent of the theory, expressed at molecular rather than cellular level, is the central dogma of molecular biology.
The early eugenicist Francis Galton invented the term eugenics and popularized the phrase nature and nurture.
Early ideas of biological determinism centered on the inheritance of undesirable traits, whether physical such as club foot or cleft palate, or psychological such as alcoholism, bipolar disorder and criminality. The belief that such traits were inherited led to the desire to solve the problem with the eugenics movement, led by a follower of Darwin, Francis Galton
(1822–1911), by forcibly reducing breeding by supposedly defective
people. By the 1920s, many U.S. states brought in laws permitting the
compulsory sterilization of people considered genetically unfit, including inmates of prisons and psychiatric hospitals. This was followed by similar laws in Germany, and throughout the Western world, in the 1930s.
Scientific racism
Under the influence of determinist beliefs, the American craniologist Samuel George Morton (1799–1851), and later the French anthropologist Paul Broca
(1824–1880), attempted to measure the cranial capacities (internal
skull volumes) of people of different skin colors, intending to show
that whites were superior to the rest, with larger brains. All the
supposed proofs from such studies were invalidated by methodological
flaws. The results were used to justify slavery, and to oppose women's suffrage.
Heritability of IQ
Alfred Binet
(1857–1911) designed tests specifically to measure performance, not
innate ability. From the late 19th century, the American school, led by
researchers such as H. H. Goddard (1866–1957), Lewis Terman (1877–1956), and Robert Yerkes
(1876–1956), transformed these tests into tools for measuring inherited
mental ability. They attempted to measure people's intelligence with IQ tests, to demonstrate that the resulting scores were heritable,
and so to conclude that people with white skin were superior to the
rest. It proved impossible to design culture-independent tests and to
carry out testing in a fair way given that people came from different
backgrounds, or were newly arrived immigrants, or were illiterate. The
results were used to oppose immigration of people from southern and
eastern Europe to America.
Human gender roles
Lynda Birke argues in her 1992 book In Pursuit of Difference that biology explains sexual differences by the mechanisms of chromosomes, genetics, and inheritance. However, hormonal differences are not absolute, and people can be born with intersex characteristics, for example as a genetic mosaic. Homosexuality can be attributed to both biological and social causes. Dean Hamer has studied the so-called "gay gene". The neuroscientist Simon LeVay in 1991 studied the difference in hypothalamic structures between homosexual and heterosexual men, finding that the INAH-3 suggested a partial cause for homosexuality.
Richard Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon Kamin's book Not in Our Genes discussed a study of girls who were relatively "masculinized". The biologists John Money and Anke Ehrhardt
looked for ways to describe femininity that fitted their own social
standards, such as clothing preference or using makeup. The experiment,
in Lewontin's words, "ignores the existence of societies in which women
wear pants, or in which men wear skirts, or in which men enjoy and
appropriate jewelry to themselves." Gender differences in work are
becoming less pronounced, suggesting that these are imposed by society. In contrast, the standard model of sex and gender
indicates a clear-cut dichotomy between males and females, with no
overlap, a cultural model followed by professionals such as doctors when
they deal with gender assignment.
E. O. Wilson reignited debate on biological determinism with his 1975 book Sociobiology: The New Synthesis.
Sociobiology emerged with E. O. Wilson's 1975 book Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. The existence of a putative altruism gene is debated. The evolutionary biologist W. D. Hamilton proposed "genes underlying altruism" in 1964. The biologist Graham J. Thompson and colleagues identified the genes OXTR, CD38, COMT, DRD4, DRD5, IGF2, GABRB2 as candidates "affecting altruism". The geneticist Steve Jones
argues that altruistic behavior like "loving our neighbor" is built
into the human genome, with the proviso that neighbor means member of
"our tribe", someone who shares many genes with the altruist, and that
the behavior can thus be explained by kin selection.
Evolutionary biologists such as Jones have argued that genes that did
not lead to selfish behavior would die out compared to genes that did,
because the selfish genes would favor themselves. However, the
mathematician George Constable and colleagues have argued that altruism
can be an evolutionarily stable strategy, making organisms better able to survive random catastrophes.
Nature versus nurture debate
The belief in biological determinism has been matched by a blank slate denial of any possible influence of genes on human behavior, leading to a long and heated debate about "nature and nurture".
By the 21st century, many scientists had come to feel that the
dichotomy made no sense. They noted that genes were expressed within an
environment, in particular that of prenatal development, and that genes were continuously controlled by the environment through mechanisms such as epigenetics.