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The phase-space formulation of quantum mechanics places the position and momentum variables on equal footing, in phase space. In contrast, the Schrödinger picture uses the position or momentum representations (see also position and momentum space). The two key features of the phase-space formulation are that the quantum state is described by a quasiprobability distribution (instead of a wave function, state vector, or density matrix) and operator multiplication is replaced by a star product

The theory was fully developed by Hilbrand Groenewold in 1946 in his PhD thesis, and independently by Joe Moyal, each building on earlier ideas by Hermann Weyl[3] and Eugene Wigner.

The chief advantage of the phase-space formulation is that it makes quantum mechanics appear as similar to Hamiltonian mechanics as possible by avoiding the operator formalism, thereby "'freeing' the quantization of the 'burden' of the Hilbert space". This formulation is statistical in nature and offers logical connections between quantum mechanics and classical statistical mechanics, enabling a natural comparison between the two. Quantum mechanics in phase space is often favored in certain quantum optics applications, or in the study of decoherence and a range of specialized technical problems, though otherwise the formalism is less commonly employed in practical situations.

The conceptual ideas underlying the development of quantum mechanics in phase space have branched into mathematical offshoots such as algebraic deformation theory (see Kontsevich quantization formula) and noncommutative geometry.

Phase-space distribution