The Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) is the Earth's largest continental large igneous province, covering an area of roughly 11 million km2. It is composed mainly of basalt that formed before Pangaea broke up in the Mesozoic Era, near the end of the Triassic and the beginning of the Jurassic periods. The subsequent breakup of Pangaea created the Atlantic Ocean, but the massive igneous upwelling provided a legacy of basaltic dikes, sills, and lavas now spread over a vast area around the present central North Atlantic Ocean, including large deposits in northwest Africa, southwest Europe, as well as northeast South and southeast North America (found as continental tholeiitic basalts in subaerial flows and intrusive bodies).
The name and CAMP acronym were proposed by Andrea Marzoli (Marzoli et
al. 1999) and adopted at a symposium held at the 1999 Spring Meeting of
the American Geophysical Union.
The CAMP volcanic eruptions occurred about 201 million years ago and split into four pulses lasting for over ~600,000 years. The resulting large igneous province is, in area covered, the most extensive on earth. The volume of magma flow of ~2–3 × 106 km3 makes it one of the most voluminous as well.
This geologic event is associated with the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event.
The CAMP volcanic eruptions occurred about 201 million years ago and split into four pulses lasting for over ~600,000 years. The resulting large igneous province is, in area covered, the most extensive on earth. The volume of magma flow of ~2–3 × 106 km3 makes it one of the most voluminous as well.
This geologic event is associated with the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event.
Connected magma flows
Location of large residual elements of the Central Atlantic magmatic province
Although some connections among these basalts had long been recognized, in 1988 they were linked as constituting a single major flood basalt province (Rampino & Stothers 1988).
The basaltic sills of similar age (near 200 Ma, or earliest Jurassic)
and composition (intermediate-Ti quartz tholeiite) which occur across
the vast Amazon River basin of Brazil were linked to the province in 1999 (Marzoli et al. 1999).
Remnants of CAMP have been identified on four continents (Africa,
Europe, North America and South America) and consist of thoeliitic
basalts formed during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean basin during the breakup of the Pangean supercontinent (Blackburn et al. 2013).
Geographical extent
province has been described as extending within Pangaea from
present-day central Brazil northeastward about 5000 km across western Africa, Iberia, and northwestern France, and from the interior of western Africa westward for 2500 km through eastern and southern North America (McHone 2000).
If not the largest province by volume, the CAMP certainly encompasses
the greatest area known, roughly 11 million km², of any continental large igneous province.
Nearly all CAMP rocks are tholeiitic in composition, with widely separated areas where basalt flows are preserved, as well as large groups of diabase (dolerite) sills or sheets, small lopoliths,
and dikes throughout the province. Dikes occur in very large individual
swarms with particular compositions and orientations. CAMP activity is
apparently related to the rifting and breakup of Pangaea during the Late Triassic
through Early Jurassic periods, and the enormous province size,
varieties of basalt, and brief time span of CAMP magmatism invite
speculation about mantle processes that could produce such a magmatic event as well as rift a supercontinent (Wilson 1997), (McHone 2000).
Connection with the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and the associated mass extinction event
In 2013 the CAMP's connection to the end-Triassic extinction,
with major extinctions that enabled dinosaur domination of land, became
more firmly established. Until 2013, the uncertainties in the
geochronologic dates had been too coarse to confirm that the volcanic
eruptions were correlated with major climate changes. The work by
Blackburn et al. demonstrated a tight synchroneity between the earliest
volcanism and extinction of large populations using zircon uranium-lead
(U-Pb) dating. They further demonstrated that the magmatic eruptions as
well as the accompanying atmospheric changes were split into four pulses
lasting for over ~600,000 years (Blackburn et al. 2013).
Before that integration, two hypotheses were in debate. One
hypothesis was based especially on studies on Triassic-Jurassic basins
from Morocco where CAMP lava flows are outcropping (e.g., Marzoli et al. 2004), whereas the other was based on end-Triassic extinction data from eastern North American basins and lava flows showing an extremely large turnover in fossil pollen, spores (sporomorphs), and vertebrates (Whiteside et al. 2007), respectively.
A basaltic lava flow section from the Middle Atlas, Morocco
The thickest lava flow sequences of the African CAMP are in Morocco,
where there are basaltic lava piles more than 300 metres thick. The
most-studied area is Central High Atlas,
where the best preserved and most complete basaltic lava piles are
exposed. According to geochemical, petrographic and isotopic data four
distinct tholeiitic basaltic units were recognized and can be placed
throughout the Central High Atlas: Lower, Intermediate, Upper and
Recurrent basalts.
The Lower and Intermediate units are constituted by basaltic andesites, whereas the Upper and Recurrent units have basaltic composition. From Lower to Recurrent unit, we observe:
- a progressive decrease of eruption rate (the Lower and the Intermediate units represent over 80% of preserved lava volume);
- a trend going from intersertal to porphyritic texture;
- a progressive depletion of incompatible element contents in the basalts, possibly linked to a progressive depletion of their mantle source.
Isotopic analyses
Ages were determined by 40Ar/39Ar analysis on plagioclase (Knight et al. 2004), (Verati et al. 2007), (Marzoli et al. 2004).
These data show indistinguishable ages (199.5±0.5 Ma) from Lower to
Upper lava flows, from central to northern Morocco. Therefore, CAMP is
an intense, short magmatic event. Basalts of the Recurrent unit are
slightly younger (mean age: 197±1 Ma) and represent a late event.
Consistently, the Upper and Recurrent basalts are separated by a
sedimentary layer that locally reaches a thickness of circa 80 m.
According to magnetostratigraphic
data, the Moroccan CAMP events were divided into five groups, differing
in paleomagnetic orientations (declination and inclination) (Knight et al. 2004).
Each group is composed by a smaller number of lava flows (i.e., a lower
volume) than the preceding one.
These data suggest that they were created by five short magma pulses and
eruption events, each one possibly <400 a="" all="" are="" brief="" by="" characterized="" except="" flow="" for="" href="" lava="" long.="" normal="" polarity="" sequences="" title="Paleomagnetism" years="">paleomagnetic
reversal yielded by one lava flow and by a localized interlayered limestone in two distinct section of the High Atlas CAMP.
Palynological analyses
data from sedimentary layers samples at the base of four lava flow
sequences constrain the onset of the CAMP, since there is no evidence of
depositional hiatus or tectonic deformation at the bottom of the lava
flow piles (Marzoli et al. 2004). The palynological assemblage observed in these basal layers is typical of Late Triassic
age, similar to that of the uppermost Triassic sedimentary rocks of
eastern North America .
Samples from interlayered limestone in lava flows provided unreliable
palynological data. One limestone bed from the top to the central High
Atlas upper basalts yielded a Late Triassic palynological assemblage.
However, the observed sporomorphs in this sample are rare and poorly
of these data indicate that the basaltic lava flows of the Central
Atlantic magmatic province in Morocco were erupted at c. 200 Ma and
spanned the Tr-J
boundary. Thus, it is very possible that there is a connection between
this magmatic event and the Tr-J boundary climatic and biotic crisis
that led to the mass-extinction.
Eastern North America
Basal contact of the North Mountain section of Fundy basin, Nova Scotia, Canada
The North American portion of the CAMP lava flows crop out in various
sections in the basins of Newark, Culpeper, Hartford, Deerfield, i.e.
the Newark Supergroup in New England (USA), and in the Fundy Basin in Nova Scotia (Canada). The CAMP is here constituted by rare olivine-
and common quartz-normative basalts showing a great lateral extension
and a maximum thickness up to 1 km. The basaltic flows occur on top of
continental fluvial and lacustrine sedimentary units of Triassic age. 40Ar/39Ar data (on plagioclase) indicate for these basaltic units an absolute age of 198-200 Ma (Hames et al. 2003)
bringing this magmatic event undoubtedly close to the Triassic-Jurassic
(Tr-J) boundary. Thus it is necessary to determine whether it straddles
the boundary or not: if not, then the CAMP could not be a cause of the Late Triassic extinction event. For example, according to Whiteside et al. 2007 there are palynological, geochemical, and magnetostratigraphic evidences that the CAMP postdates the Tr-J boundary.
the Newark basin a magnetic reversal (E23r) is observed just below the
oldest basalts and more or less in the same position as a palynologic
turnover, interpreted as the Tr-J boundary. In Morocco, two reversal
have been detected in two lava flow sequences. Two distinct correlations
between the Moroccan and the Newark magnetostratigraphy have been
proposed. Marzoli et al. 2004
suggest that the Tr-J boundary is located above the lower reverse
polarity level which is positioned more or less at the base of the
Intermediate basalt unit of Morocco. These two levels can be correlated
with chron E23r of the Newark Basin, therefore the North American CAMP
Basalts postdate the Tr–J boundary whereas part of the Moroccan CAMP was
erupted within the Triassic. Contrarily, Whiteside et al. 2007
propose that these two levels could be earliest Jurassic intervals of
reverse polarity not sampled in the Newark Basin Sequence (many more
lava flows are present in the Moroccan Succession than in the Newark
Basin), but observed in Early Jurassic sedimentary sequences of the
Paris Basin of France. Reverse polarity intervals in America could be
present within North Mountain
(Fundy basin, Nova Scotia) which are poorly sampled even if previous
magnetostratigraphy analysis in this sequence showed only normal
polarity, or in the Scots Bay Member of the Fundy basin which have never
been sampled. There is only one outcrop in the CAMP of America where
reverse polarity is observable: a CAMP–related (about 200 Ma) dike in
North Carolina. Whiteside et al. 2007
suggest that reverse polarity intervals in this dike could be of post
Triassic age and correlated with the same events in Morocco.
Palynological analyses
Tr-J boundary is not officially defined, but most workers recognise it
in continental strata by the last appearance of index taxa such as Ovalipollis ovalis, Vallasporites ignatii and Patinasporites densus or, in marine sections, by the first appearance of the ammonite Psiloceras planorbis.
In the Newark basin the palynological turnover event (hence the Tr-J
boundary mass extinction) occurs below the oldest CAMP lava flows. The
same can be said for the Fundy, Hartford and Deerfield Basins. In the
investigated Moroccan CAMP sections (Central High Atlas Basin),
sedimentary layers sampled immediately below the oldest basaltic lava
flows, apparently contain Triassic taxa (e.g., P. densus), and were thus defined as Triassic in age as at least the lowest lava flows (Marzoli et al. 2004). Still, a different interpretation is suggested by Whiteside et al. 2007:
the sampled sedimentary strata are quite deformed and this can mean
that some sedimentary units could be lacking (eroded or structurally
omitted). With respect to the Triassic pollens found in some sedimentary
units above the Upper Unit basalts, they could have been reworked, so
they don’t represent a completely reliable constraint.
Geochemical analyses
CAMP lava flows of North America can be geochemically separated in three units: the older ones are classified as high titanium quartz normative (HTQ) basalts (TiO2 = 1.0-1.3 wt%); these are followed by lava flows classified as low titanium quartz normative (LTQ) basalts (TiO2 = ca. 0.8-1.3 wt%); and then by the youngest lava flow unit classified as high titanium iron quartz normative (HTIQ) basalts (TiO2 = 1.4-1.6 wt%). According to Whiteside et al. 2007,
geochemical analyses based upon titanium, magnesium and silicon
contents show a certain correlation between the lower North American
lava flows and the Lower Unit of the Moroccan CAMP, thus reinforcing the
conclusion that the Moroccan basalts postdate the Tr-J boundary.
Therefore, according to these data, CAMP basalts shouldn’t be included among the direct causes of the Tr-J mass extinction.