Phonemic restoration effect is a perceptual
phenomenon where under certain conditions, sounds actually missing from
a speech signal can be restored by the brain and may appear to be
heard. The effect occurs when missing phonemes
in an auditory signal are replaced with a noise that would have the
physical properties to mask those phonemes, creating an ambiguity. In
such ambiguity, the brain tends towards filling in absent phonemes. The
effect can be so strong that some listeners may not even notice that
there are phonemes missing. This effect is commonly observed in a
conversation with heavy background noise, making it difficult to
properly hear every phoneme being spoken. Different factors can change
the strength of the effect, including how rich the context or linguistic
cues are in speech, as well as the listener's state, such as their
hearing status or age.
This effect is more important to humans than what was initially thought. Linguists have pointed out that at least the English language has many false starts and extraneous sounds. The phonemic restoration effect is the brain's way of resolving those imperfections in our speech. Without this effect interfering with our language processing, there would be a greater need for much more accurate speech signals and human speech could require much more precision. For experiments, white noise is necessary because it takes the place of these imperfections in speech. One of the most important factors in language is continuity and in turn intelligibility.
This effect is more important to humans than what was initially thought. Linguists have pointed out that at least the English language has many false starts and extraneous sounds. The phonemic restoration effect is the brain's way of resolving those imperfections in our speech. Without this effect interfering with our language processing, there would be a greater need for much more accurate speech signals and human speech could require much more precision. For experiments, white noise is necessary because it takes the place of these imperfections in speech. One of the most important factors in language is continuity and in turn intelligibility.
Phonemic Restoration Effect
phonemic restoration effect was first documented in a 1970 paper by
Richard M. Warren entitled "Perceptual Restoration of Missing Speech
Sounds". The purpose of the experiment was to give a reason to why in
background of extraneous sounds, masked individual phonemes were still
- “The state governors met with their respective legislatures convening in the capital city.”
In his initial experiments, Warren provided the sentence shown and
first replaced the first 's' phoneme in legislatures with extraneous
noise, in the form of a cough. In a small group of 20 subjects, 19 did
not notice a missing phoneme and one person misidentified the missing
phoneme. This indicated that in the absence of a phoneme, the brain
filled in the missing phoneme, through top-down processing.
This was a phenomenon that was somewhat known at the time, but no one
was able to pinpoint why it was occurring or had labeled it. He again
did the same experiment with the sentence:
- '“It was found that the wheel was on the axle.”'
He replaced the 'wh' sound in wheel and the same results were found.
All people tested wrote down wheel. Warren later did much research for
next several decades on the subject.
Since Warren, much research has been done to test the various
aspects of the effect. These aspects include how many phonemes can be
removed, what noise is played in replacement of the phoneme, and how
different contexts alter the effect.
Human auditory cortex
Neurally, the signs of interrupted or stopped speech can be suppressed in the thalamus and auditory cortex, possibly as a consequence of top-down processing by the auditory system.
Key aspects of the speech signal itself are considered to be resolved
somewhere in the interface between auditory and language-specific areas
(an example is Wernicke's area),
in order for the listener to determine what is being said. Normally,
the latter is thought to be instantiated at the end stages of the language processing
system, but for restorative processes, much remains unknown about
whether the same stages are responsible for the ability to actually
fill-in the missing phoneme.
Phonemic restoration is one of several phenomena demonstrating
that prior, existing knowledge in the brain provides it with tools to
attempt a guess at missing information, something in principle similar
to an optical illusion.
It is believed that humans and other vertebrates have evolved the
ability to complete acoustic signals that are critical but communicated
under naturally noisy conditions. For humans, while it is not fully
known at what point in the processing hierarchy the phonemic restoration
effect occurs,
evidence points to dynamic restorative processes already occurring with
basic modulations of sound set at natural articulation rates.
Recent research using direct neurophysiological recordings from human
epilepsy patients implanted with electrodes over auditory and language
cortex has shown that the lateral superior temporal gyrus (STG; a core part of Wernicke's area) represents the missing sound that listeners perceive.
This research also demonstrated that perception-related neural activity
in the STG is modulated by left inferior frontal cortex, which contains
signals that predict what sound listeners will report hearing up to
about 300 milliseconds before the sound is even presented.
Hearing impairment
with mild and moderate hearing loss were tested for the effectiveness
of phonemic restoration. Those with mild hearing loss performed at the
same level of a normal listener. Those with moderate hearing loss had
almost no perception and failed to identify the missing phonemes. This
research is also dependent on the amount of words the observer is
comfortable understanding because of the nature of top-down processing.
Cochlear implants
Cochlear Implant
For people with cochlear implants, acoustic simulations of the implant indicated the importance of spectral resolution.
When the brain is using top-down processing, it uses as much
information as it can to make a decision on if the filler signal in the
gap belongs to the speech, and with lower resolution, there is less
information to make a correct guess. A study
with actual cochlear implant users indicated that some implant users
can benefit from phonemic restoration, but again they seem to need more
speech information (longer duty cycle in this case) to achieve this.
The age effects
were studied in children and older adults, to observe if children can
benefit from phonemic restoration and if so, at what capacity, and if
older adults maintain the restoration capacity in the face of
age-related neurophysiological changes.
Children are able to produce results comparable to adults by
about the age of 5, however still not doing as well as adults. At such
an early age most information is processed through bottom-up processing
due to the lack of information to recall from. However, this does mean
they are able to use previous knowledge of words to fill in the missing
phonemes with much less of their brain developed than adults.
Older adults (older than 65 years) with no or minimal hearing
loss show benefit from phonemic restoration. In some conditions
restoration effect can be stronger in older adults than in younger
adults, even when the overall speech perception scores are lower in
older adults. This observation is likely due to strong linguistic and
vocabulary skills that are maintained in advanced age.
In children, there was no effect of gender on phonemic restoration.
In adults, instead of completely replacing the phonemes,
researchers masked them with tones that are informative(helped the
listeners pick the correct phoneme), uninformative(neither helped or
hurt the listener select the correct phoneme), or misinformative (hurt
the listener in picking the correct phoneme). The results showed that
women were much more affected by informative and misinformative cues
than men. This evidence suggests that women are influenced by top-down
semantic information more than men.
The effect reverses in a reverberation room,
which echoes real life more so than the typical quiet rooms used for
experimentation. This allows for echoes of the spoken phonemes to act as
the replacement noise for the missing phonemes. The additional produced
white noise that replaces the phoneme adds its own echo and causes
listeners to not perform as well.
Another study
by Warren was done to determine the effect of the duration of the
replacement phoneme on comprehension. Because the brain processes
information optimally at a certain rate, when the gap became
approximately the length of the word is when the effect started top
breakdown and become ineffective. At this point the effect is no longer
effective because the observer is now cognisant of the gap.
Much like the McGurk Effect,
when listeners were also able to see the words being spoken, they were
much more likely to correctly identify the missing phonemes. Like every
sense, the brain will use every piece of information it deems important
to make a judgement about what it is perceiving. Using the visual cues
of mouth movements, the brain will you both in top-down processing to
make a decision about what phoneme is supposed to be heard. Vision is
the primary sense for humans and for the most part assists in speech perception the most.
languages are distinctly structured, the brain has some sense of what
word is to come next in a proper sentence. When listeners were listening
to sentences with proper structure with missing phonemes, they
performed much better than with a nonsensical sentence without a proper
structure. This comes from the predictive nature of the pre-frontal cortex
in determining what word should be coming next in order for the
sentence to make sense. Top-down processing relies on the surrounding
information in a sentence to fill in the missing information. If the
sentence does not make sense to the observer then there will be little
at the top of the process for the observer to go off of. If a puzzle
piece of a familiar picture was missing, it would be very simple for the
brain to know what that puzzle piece would look like. If the picture of
something that makes no sense to the human brain and has never been
seen before, the brain will have much more difficulty understanding what
is missing.
when the intensity of the noise replacing the phonemes is the same or
louder as the surrounding words, does the effect properly work. This
effect is made apparent when listeners hear a sentence with gaps
replaced by white noise repeat over and over with the white noise volume
increasing with each iteration. The sentence becomes more and more
clear to the listener as the white noise is louder.
Dichotic listening
When a word with the segment 's' is removed and replaced by silence and a comparable noise segment were presented dichotically.
Simply put, one ear was hearing the full sentence without phoneme
excision and the other ear was hearing a sentence with a 's' sound
removed. This version of the phonemic restoration effect was
particularly strong because the brain was doing much less guess work
with the sentence, because the information was given to the observer.
Observers reported hearing exactly the same sentence in both ears,
regardless of one of their ears missing a phoneme.
restoration effect is studied mostly in English and Dutch, where the
restoration effect seemed similar between the two languages. While no
research directly compared the restoration effect further for other
languages, it is assumed that this effect is universal for all