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Friday, August 15, 2014

Local Group

Local Group

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A member of the Local Group of galaxies, irregular galaxy Sextans A is 4.3 million light-years distant. The bright Milky Way foreground stars appear yellowish in this view. Beyond them lie the stars of Sextans A with young blue star clusters clearly visible.

Distribution of the iron content (in logarithmic scale) in four dwarf neighbouring galaxies of the Milky Way.

The Local Group is the group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way, among others. It comprises more than 54 galaxies, including numerous dwarf galaxies. Its gravitational center is located somewhere between the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies. The Local Group covers a diameter of 10 megalight-years (3.1 megaparsecs) (see 1 E+23 m for distance comparisons) and has a binary (dumbbell)[1] distribution. The group is estimated to have a total mass of 1.29±0.14 ×1012 M[1] and has a velocity dispersion of 61±8 km/s.[2] The group itself is part of the Virgo Supercluster (i.e. the Local Supercluster).[3]

The two most massive members of the group are the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. These two spiral galaxies each have a system of satellite galaxies.
The other members of the group are gravitationally secluded from these large subgroups: IC 10, IC 1613, Phoenix Dwarf, Leo A, Tucana Dwarf, Cetus Dwarf, Pegasus Dwarf Irregular, Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte, Aquarius Dwarf, and Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular.


The term, "The Local Group" was introduced by Edwin Hubble in Chapter VI of his book The Realm of the Nebulae (Hubble 1936, pp. 124–151). There, he described it as "a typical small group of nebulae which is isolated in the general field". He delineated, by decreasing luminosity, its members to be M31, Milky Way, M33, Large Magellanic Cloud, Small Magellanic Cloud, M32, NGC 205, NGC 6822, NGC 185, IC 1613 and NGC 147. He also identified IC 10 as a possible Local Group member. By 2003, the number of known Local Group members has increased from his initial twelve to thirty-six by way of the discovery of almost two dozen low-luminosity galaxies.[5]

Component galaxies


Sextans BSextans AMilky WayLeo I (dwarf galaxy)Canes DwarfLeo II (dwarf galaxy)NGC 6822Phoenix DwarfTucana DwarfWolf-Lundmark-MelotteCetus DwarfIC 1613SagDIGAquarius DwarfTriangulum GalaxyNGC 185NGC 147IC 10Andromeda GalaxyM110Leo ANGC 3109Antlia DwarfLGS 3Pegasus DwarfAndromeda IIAndromeda IIIAndromeda I
About this image
Local Group (clickable map)

Galactic bodies

Spiral galaxies
Milky WaySBbcSagittarius (centre)Largest, a recent study done by NASA and the BBC shows that the Milky Way is indeed more massive than the Andromeda Galaxy, even though Andromeda has roughly twice the number of stars.[6]
Andromeda Galaxy (M31, NGC 224)SA(s)bAndromedaSecond largest member of the group, recently (2006) discovered to also be a barred spiral. Proved to be less massive than the Milky Way in 2012.[7]
Triangulum Galaxy (M33, NGC 598)SA(s)cdTriangulumThird largest, only unbarred spiral galaxy and possible satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy.
Elliptical galaxies
M32 (NGC 221)E2Andromedasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Irregular galaxies
Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte (WLM, DDO 221)Ir+Cetus
IC 10KBm or Ir+Cassiopeia
Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC, NGC 292)SB(s)m pecTucanasatellite of Milky Way
Canis Major DwarfIrrCanis Majorsatellite of Milky Way
Pisces Dwarf (LGS3)IrrPiscessatellite of the Triangulum Galaxy?
IC 1613 (UGC 668)IAB(s)m VCetus
Phoenix DwarfIrrPhoenix
Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)Irr/SB(s)mDoradoFourth largest member of the group, satellite of Milky Way
Leo A (Leo III)IBm VLeo
Sextans B (UGC 5373)Ir+IV-VSextans
NGC 3109Ir+IV-VHydra
Sextans A (UGCA 205)Ir+VSextans
Dwarf elliptical galaxies
M110 (NGC 205)dE6pAndromedasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
NGC 147 (DDO 3)dE5 pecCassiopeiasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
SagDIG (Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy)IB(s)m VSagittariusMost remote from barycenter member thought to be in the Local Group.[8]
NGC 6822 (Barnard's Galaxy)IB(s)m IV-VSagittarius
Pegasus Dwarf (Pegasus Dwarf Irregular, DDO 216)IrrPegasus
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Boötes IdSphBoötes
Cetus DwarfdSph/E4Cetus
Canes Venatici I Dwarf and Canes Venatici II DwarfdSphCanes Venatici
Andromeda IIIdE2Andromedasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
NGC 185dE3 pecCassiopeiasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Andromeda IdE3 pecAndromedasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Sculptor Dwarf (E351-G30)dE3Sculptorsatellite of Milky Way
Andromeda VdSphAndromedasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Andromeda IIdE0Andromedasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Fornax Dwarf (E356-G04)dSph/E2Fornaxsatellite of Milky Way
Carina Dwarf (E206-G220)dE3Carinasatellite of Milky Way
Antlia DwarfdE3Antlia
Leo I (DDO 74)dE3Leosatellite of Milky Way
Sextans DwarfdE3Sextanssatellite of Milky Way
Leo II (Leo B)dE0 pecLeosatellite of Milky Way
Ursa Minor DwarfdE4Ursa Minorsatellite of Milky Way
Draco Dwarf (DDO 208)dE0 pecDracosatellite of Milky Way
SagDEG (Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy)dSph/E7Sagittariussatellite of Milky Way
Tucana DwarfdE5Tucana
Cassiopeia Dwarf (Andromeda VII)dSphCassiopeiasatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Pegasus Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Andromeda VI)dSphPegasussatellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Ursa Major I Dwarf and Ursa Major II DwarfdSphUrsa Majorsatellite of Milky Way
Identification Unclear
Virgo Stellar StreamdSph (remnant)?VirgoIn the process of merging with the Milky Way
Willman 1dwarf Spherical galaxy
or Globular cluster?
Ursa Major147,000 light-years away
Andromeda IVIrr?Andromedaprobably not a galaxy
UGCA 86 (0355+66)Irr, dE or S0Camelopardalis
UGCA 92 (EGB0427+63)Irr or S0Camelopardalis
Probable non-members
GR 8 (DDO 155)Im VVirgo
IC 5152IAB(s)m IVIndus
NGC 55SB(s)mSculptor
Aquarius Dwarf (DDO 210)Im VAquarius
NGC 404E0 or SA(s)0-Andromeda
NGC 1569Irp+ III-IVCamelopardalis
NGC 1560 (IC 2062)SdCamelopardalis
Camelopardalis AIrrCamelopardalis
Argo DwarfIrrCarina
ESO 347-8 (2318–42)IrrGrus
UKS 2323-326IrrSculptor
UGC 9128 (DDO 187)Irp+Boötes
Sextans C
objects in local group no longer recognised as galaxies
Palomar 12 (Capricornus Dwarf)Capricornusa globular cluster formerly classified as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Palomar 4 (originally designated Ursa Major Dwarf)Ursa Majora globular cluster formerly classified as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy

Other notable objects


A diagram of our location in the observable universe


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