and Technologist; Author, The Singularity Is Near:
When Humans Transcend Biology
Original link: https://www.edge.org/q2006/q06_2.html#kurzweil
dangerous idea is the near-term inevitability
of radical life extension and expansion. The idea is dangerous, however, only
when contemplated from current linear
the inevitability: the power of information
technologies is doubling each year, and
moreover comprises areas beyond computation,
most notably our knowledge of biology and
of our own intelligence. It took 15 years
to sequence HIV and from that perspective
the genome project seemed impossible in
1990. But the amount of genetic data we
were able to sequence doubled every year
while the cost came down by half each year.
finished the genome project on schedule
and were able to sequence SARS in only
31 days. We are also gaining the means
to reprogram the ancient information processes
underlying biology. RNA interference can
turn genes off by blocking the messenger
RNA that express them. New forms of gene
therapy are now able to place new genetic
information in the right place on the right
chromosome. We can create or block enzymes,
the work horses of biology. We are reverse-engineering — and
gaining the means to reprogram — the
information processes underlying disease
and aging, and this process is accelerating,
doubling every year. If we think linearly,
then the idea of turning off all disease
and aging processes appears far off into
the future just as the genome project did
in 1990. On the other hand, if we factor
in the doubling of the power of these technologies
each year, the prospect of radical life
extension is only a couple of decades away.
addition to reprogramming biology, we will
be able to go substantially beyond biology
with nanotechnology in the form of computerized
nanobots in the bloodstream. If the idea
of programmable devices the size of blood
cells performing therapeutic functions
in the bloodstream sounds like far off
science fiction, I would point out that
we are doing this already in animals. One
scientist cured type I diabetes in rats
with blood cell sized devices containing
7 nanometer pores that let insulin out
in a controlled fashion and that block
antibodies. If we factor in the exponential
advance of computation and communication
(price-performance multiplying by a factor
of a billion in 25 years while at the same
time shrinking in size by a factor of thousands),
these scenarios are highly realistic.
apparent dangers are not real while unapparent
dangers are real. The apparent dangers
are that a dramatic reduction in the death
rate will create over population and thereby
strain energy and other resources while
exacerbating environmental degradation. However we only need to capture 1 percent
of 1 percent of the sunlight to meet all
of our energy needs (3 percent of 1 percent
by 2025) and nanoengineered solar panels
and fuel cells will be able to do this,
thereby meeting all of our energy needs
in the late 2020s with clean and renewable
methods. Molecular nanoassembly devices
will be able to manufacture a wide range
of products, just about everything we need,
with inexpensive tabletop devices. The
power and price-performance of these systems
will double each year, much faster than
the doubling rate of the biological population. As a result, poverty and pollution will
decline and ultimately vanish despite growth
of the biological population.
are real downsides, however, and this is
not a utopian vision. We have a new existential
threat today in the potential of a bioterrorist
to engineer a new biological virus. We
actually do have the knowledge to combat
this problem (for example, new vaccine
technologies and RNA interference which
has been shown capable of destroying arbitrary
biological viruses), but it will be a race. We will have similar issues with the feasibility
of self-replicating nanotechnology in the
late 2020s. Containing these perils while
we harvest the promise is arguably the
most important issue we face.
people see these prospects as dangerous
because they threaten their view of what
it means to be human. There is a fundamental
philosophical divide here. In my view,
it is not our limitations that define our
humanity. Rather, we are the species that
seeks and succeeds in going beyond our
A Medley of Potpourri is just what it says; various thoughts, opinions, ruminations, and contemplations on a variety of subjects.
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