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A number of different
Markov models of DNA sequence evolution have been proposed. These
substitution models differ in terms of the parameters used to describe the rates at which one
nucleotide replaces another during evolution. These models are frequently used in
molecular phylogenetic analyses. In particular, they are used during the calculation of likelihood of a tree (in
Bayesian and
maximum likelihood
approaches to tree estimation) and they are used to estimate the
evolutionary distance between sequences from the observed differences
between the sequences.
These models are phenomenological descriptions of the evolution of DNA as a string of four discrete states.
These Markov models do not explicitly depict the mechanism of mutation
nor the action of natural selection. Rather they describe the relative
rates of different changes. For example, mutational biases and
purifying selection favoring conservative changes are probably both responsible for the relatively high rate of
transitions compared to
in evolving sequences. However, the Kimura (K80) model described below
merely attempts to capture the effect of both forces in a parameter that
reflects the relative rate of transitions to transversions.
Evolutionary analyses of sequences are conducted on a wide variety of
time scales. Thus, it is convenient to express these models in terms of
the instantaneous rates of change between different states (the
Q matrices below). If we are given a starting (ancestral) state at one position, the model's
matrix and a branch length expressing the expected number of changes to
have occurred since the ancestor, then we can derive the probability of
the descendant sequence having each of the four states. The
mathematical details of this transformation from rate-matrix to
probability matrix are described in
the mathematics of substitution models section of the
substitution model
page. By expressing models in terms of the instantaneous rates of
change we can avoid estimating a large numbers of parameters for each
branch on a phylogenetic tree (or each comparison if the analysis
involves many pairwise sequence comparisons).
The models described on this page describe the evolution of a single
site within a set of sequences. They are often used for analyzing the
evolution of an entire
locus by making the simplifying assumption that different sites evolve
independently and are identically distributed. This assumption may be justifiable if the sites can be assumed to be evolving
If the primary effect of natural selection on the evolution of the
sequences is to constrain some sites, then models of among-site
rate-heterogeneity can be used. This approach allows one to estimate
only one matrix of relative rates of substitution, and another set of
parameters describing the variance in the total rate of substitution
across sites.
DNA evolution as a continuous-time Markov chain
Continuous-time Markov chains
Continuous-time Markov chains have the usual transition matrices which are, in addition, parameterized by time,

. Specifically, if

are the states, then the transition matrix
where each individual entry,
refers to the probability that state
will change to state
in time
Example: We would like to model the substitution process in DNA sequences (
i.e. Jukes–Cantor, Kimura,
etc.) in a continuous-time fashion. The corresponding transition matrices will look like:

where the top-left and bottom-right 2 × 2 blocks correspond to
transition probabilities and the top-right and bottom-left 2 × 2 blocks corresponds to
transversion probabilities.
Assumption: If at some time

, the Markov chain is in state

, then the probability that at time

, it will be in state

depends only upon



. This then allows us to write that probability as

Theorem: Continuous-time transition matrices satisfy:

Note: There is here a possible confusion between two meanings of the word
transition. (i) In the context of
Markov chains, transition is the general term that refers to the change between two states. (ii) In the context of
nucleotide changes in DNA sequences,
transition is a specific term that refers to the exchange between
either the two purines (A ↔ G) or the two pyrimidines (C ↔ T) (for
additional details, see the article about
transitions in genetics). By contrast, an exchange between one purine and one pyrimidine is called a
Deriving the dynamics of substitution
Consider a DNA sequence of fixed length
m evolving in time by base replacement. Assume that the processes followed by the
m sites are Markovian independent, identically distributed and that the process is constant over time. For a particular site, let

probabilities of states


at time

. Let

be the state-space. For two distinct

, let

be the transition rate from state

to state

. Similarly, for any

, let the rate of change to


The changes in the probability distribution

for small increments of time

are given by:

In other words, (in frequentist language), the frequency of

's at time

is equal to the frequency at time

minus the frequency of the
's plus the frequency of the
newly created 
Similarly for the probabilities

. We can write these compactly as:


or, alternately:


is the
rate matrix. Note that by definition, the sum of the entries in each rows of matrix

is equal to zero. For a
stationary process, where

does not depend upon time
t, this differential equation is solvable using
matrix exponentiation:
If all the transition probabilities,

are positive,
i.e. if all states
communicate, then the Markov chain has a unique
stationary distribution

where each

is the proportion of time spent in state

after the Markov chain has run for infinite time. Such a Markov chain is called,
ergodic. In DNA evolution, under the assumption of a common process for each site, the stationary frequencies,

correspond to equilibrium base compositions.
When the current distribution

is the stationary distribution

, then it follows that

using the differential equation above,

Time reversibility
Definition: A stationary Markov process is
time reversible if (in the steady state) the amount of change from state


is equal to the amount of change from


, (although the two states may occur with different frequencies). This means that:

Not all stationary processes are reversible, however, most commonly
used DNA evolution models assume time reversibility, which is considered
to be a reasonable assumption.
Under the time reversibility assumption, let

, then it is easy to see that:

Definition The symmetric term

is called the
exchangeability between states


. In other words,

is the fraction of the frequency of state

that is the result of transitions from state

to state

Corollary The 12 off-diagonal entries of the rate matrix,

(note the off-diagonal entries determine the diagonal entries, since the rows of

sum to zero) can be completely determined by 9 numbers; these are: 6 exchangeability terms and 3 stationary frequencies

, (since the stationary frequencies sum to 1).
Scaling of branch lengths
comparing extant sequences, one can determine the amount of sequence
divergence. This raw measurement of divergence provides information
about the number of changes that have occurred along the path separating
the sequences. The simple count of differences (the
Hamming distance) between sequences will often underestimate the number of substitution because of multiple hits (see
Trying to estimate the exact number of changes that have occurred is
difficult, and usually not necessary. Instead, branch lengths (and path
lengths) in phylogenetic analyses are usually expressed in the expected
number of changes per site. The path length is the product of the
duration of the path in time and the mean rate of substitutions. While
their product can be estimated, the rate and time are not identifiable
from sequence divergence.
The descriptions of rate matrices on this page accurately reflect the
relative magnitude of different substitutions, but these rate matrices
not scaled such that a branch length of 1 yields one expected
change. This scaling can be accomplished by multiplying every element
of the matrix by the same factor, or simply by scaling the branch
lengths. If we use the β to denote the scaling factor, and ν to denote
the branch length measured in the expected number of substitutions per
site then βν is used in the transition probability formulae below in
place of μ
t. Note that ν is a parameter to be estimated from
data, and is referred to as the branch length, while β is simply a
number that can be calculated from the rate matrix (it is not a separate
free parameter).
The value of β can be found by forcing the expected rate of flux of states to 1. The diagonal entries of the rate-matrix (the
Q matrix) represent -1 times the rate of leaving each state. For
time-reversible models, we know the equilibrium state frequencies (these are simply the π
i parameter value for state
Thus we can find the expected rate of change by calculating the sum of
flux out of each state weighted by the proportion of sites that are
expected to be in that class. Setting β to be the reciprocal of this sum
will guarantee that scaled process has an expected flux of 1:

For example, in the Jukes-Cantor, the scaling factor would be
4/(3μ) because the rate of leaving each state is
Most common models of DNA evolution
JC69 model (Jukes and Cantor 1969)
JC69, the
Jukes and
Cantor 1969 model,
[2] is the simplest
substitution model. There are several assumptions. It assumes equal base frequencies

and equal
mutation rates. The only parameter of this model is therefore

, the overall substitution rate. As previously mentioned, this variable becomes a constant when we normalize the mean-rate to 1.


of changing from initial state

to final state

as a function of the branch length (

) for JC69. Red curve: nucleotide states


are different. Blue curve: initial and final states are the same. After
a long time, probabilities tend to the nucleotide equilibrium
frequencies (0.25: dashed line).

When branch length,

, is measured in the expected number of changes per site then:

It is worth noticing that

what stands for sum of any column (or row) of matrix

multiplied by time and thus means expected number of substitutions in time

(branch duration) for each particular site (per site) when the rate of substitution equals

Given the proportion

of sites that differ between the two sequences the Jukes-Cantor
estimate of the evolutionary distance (in terms of the expected number
of changes) between two sequences is given by


in this formula is frequently referred to as the

-distance. It is a
sufficient statistic
for calculating the Jukes-Cantor distance correction, but is not
sufficient for the calculation of the evolutionary distance under the
more complex models that follow (also note that

used in subsequent formulae is not identical to the "

K80 model (Kimura 1980)
K80, the
Kimura 1980 model,
[3] distinguishes between
transitions (

, i.e. from purine to purine, or

, i.e. from pyrimidine to pyrimidine) and
(from purine to pyrimidine or vice versa). In Kimura's original
description of the model the α and β were used to denote the rates of
these types of substitutions, but it is now more common to set the rate
of transversions to 1 and use κ to denote the transition/transversion
rate ratio (as is done below). The K80 model assumes that all of the
bases are equally frequent (

Rate matrix
The Kimura two-parameter distance is given by:

p is the proportion of sites that show transitional differences and
q is the proportion of sites that show transversional differences.
F81 model (Felsenstein 1981)
F81, the
Felsenstein's 1981 model,
[4] is an extension of the JC69 model in which base frequencies are allowed to vary from 0.25 (

Rate matrix:

When branch length, ν, is measured in the expected number of changes per site then:

HKY85 model (Hasegawa, Kishino and Yano 1985)
HKY85, the Hasegawa, Kishino and Yano 1985 model,
can be thought of as combining the extensions made in the Kimura80 and
Felsenstein81 models. Namely, it distinguishes between the rate of
transitions and
transversions (using the κ parameter), and it allows unequal base frequencies (

). [ Felsenstein described a similar (but not equivalent) model in 1984 using a different parameterization;
[6] that latter model is referred to as the F84 model.
[7] ]
Rate matrix
If we express the branch length,
ν in terms of the expected number of changes per site then:
![\beta ={\frac {1}{2(\pi _{A}+\pi _{G})(\pi _{C}+\pi _{T})+2\kappa [(\pi _{A}\pi _{G})+(\pi _{C}\pi _{T})]}}](
![P_{{AA}}(\nu ,\kappa ,\pi )=\left[\pi _{A}\left(\pi _{A}+\pi _{G}+(\pi _{C}+\pi _{T})e^{{-\beta \nu }}\right)+\pi _{G}e^{{-(1+(\pi _{A}+\pi _{G})(\kappa -1.0))\beta \nu }}\right]/(\pi _{A}+\pi _{G})](

![P_{{AG}}(\nu ,\kappa ,\pi )=\left[\pi _{G}\left(\pi _{A}+\pi _{G}+(\pi _{C}+\pi _{T})e^{{-\beta \nu }}\right)-\pi _{G}e^{{-(1+(\pi _{A}+\pi _{G})(\kappa -1.0))\beta \nu }}\right]/\left(\pi _{A}+\pi _{G}\right)](

and formula for the other combinations of states can be obtained by substituting in the appropriate base frequencies.
T92 model (Tamura 1992)
T92, the Tamura 1992 model,
is a mathematical method developed to estimate the number of nucleotide
substitutions per site between two DNA sequences, by extending
Kimura’s (1980) two-parameter method to the case where a
G+C content
bias exists. This method will be useful when there are strong
transition-transversion and G+C-content biases, as in the case of
Drosophila mitochondrial DNA.
T92 involves a single, compound base frequency parameter

(also noted

As T92 echoes the
Chargaff's second parity rule
— pairing nucleotides do have the same frequency on a single DNA
strand, G and C on the one hand, and A and T on the other hand — it
follows that the four base frequences can be expressed as a function of


Rate matrix
The evolutionary distance between two DNA sequences according to this model is given by



is the G+C content (

TN93 model (Tamura and Nei 1993)
TN93, the Tamura and
Nei 1993 model,
[9] distinguishes between the two different types of
transition - i.e. (

) is allowed to have a different rate to (

Transversions are all assumed to occur at the same rate, but that rate is allowed to be different from both of the rates for transitions.
TN93 also allows unequal base frequencies (

Rate matrix
GTR model (Tavaré 1986)
GTR, the Generalised time-reversible model of
Tavaré 1986,
[10] is the most general neutral, independent, finite-sites,
time-reversible model possible. It was first described in a general form by
Simon Tavaré in 1986.
GTR parameters consist of an equilibrium base frequency vector,

, giving the frequency at which each base occurs at each site, and the rate matrix

are the transition rate parameters.
Therefore, GTR (for four characters, as is often the case in
phylogenetics) requires 6 substitution rate parameters, as well as 4
equilibrium base frequency parameters. However, this is usually
eliminated down to 9 parameters plus

, the overall number of substitutions per unit time. When measuring time in substitutions (

=1) only 8 free parameters remain.
In general, to compute the number of parameters, one must count the
number of entries above the diagonal in the matrix, i.e. for n trait
values per site

, and then add
n for the equilibrium base frequencies, and subtract 1 because

is fixed. One gets

For example, for an amino acid sequence (there are 20 "standard" amino acids that make up
one would find there are 209 parameters. However, when studying coding
regions of the genome, it is more common to work with a
codon substitution model (a codon is three bases and codes for one amino acid in a protein). There are

codons, but the rates for transitions between codons which differ by
more than one base is assumed to be zero. Hence, there are
